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mercoledì 16 dicembre 2009

Word of the day 'dof', question to Mrs Krap: is 'dof' synonimous of 'toss'? Are there differences?

Word of the Day
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
doff\DOF\ , transitive verb; 1.To take off, as an article of clothing.2.To tip or remove (one's hat).3.To put aside; to rid oneself of. Read the full entrySee synonymsComment on today's wordSuggest tomorrow's word Quotes: After I finished sweeping, I grabbed my check, went to the locker room, and doffed the monkey suit, slipped into my jeans, sneakers and T-shirt and broke camp. -- Reginald McKnight, White Boys: Stories Any moment now and Max Linder would ride out from around the corner on a pair of white horses, fire blanks at a passing beauty, and doff his top hat to hide his face from the policeman. -- Nina Berberova, The Book of Happiness Benny doffed his cap grandly. -- Thomas Maier, Dr. Spock: An American Life And he became as a pillar of fire to superannuated peoples who had but to doff the lethargy of custom to find themselves young. -- J. F. A. Pyre, "Byron in Our Day", The Atlantic, April 1907 Origin: Doff Middle English doffen, from don off, "to do off," from don, "to do" + off, "off."

1 commento:

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Dear Author,
Yes there are differences betweeen DOFF & TOSS..in my MOST humble opinion..
You would DOFF your hat at the queen IN reverence /respect/ (only if you were a man of course..women don't have to do that..etc.....BUT you would not TOSS it...

I sometimes say...i'll just DOFF my hat ..off ie (remove it from my head)...AND then i TOSS it over the room to land on a chair...etc...do you get me professor?
eg):The male peasants always DOFFED their caps when the landowner 'Male' passed them ...when it was a (Noble -'lady') they would do the same...BUT..they would never TOSS them...

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