Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

sabato 28 febbraio 2009


OGNUNO DI VOI ORA PUO' USARE QUESTO SISTEMA ALTERNATIVO DI EMAIL Your users can access Email at: http://mail.controinfo.com

Qualche spiegazione ulteriore

Omonimia = stesso nome, sinonimia = stesso significato, omofonia = stesso suono,esercitatevi a trovare casi che delucidano queste categorie, se si soprappongono, ad es. un caso di omonimia e' anche un caso di omofonia, siete nel giusto. Ecco un altro termine linguistico Polisemia Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Vai a: Navigazione, cerca Polisemia (dal greco polysemos, "dai molti significati", da polys, "molteplice", e sema, "segno") in semantica indica la proprietà che una parola ha di esprimere più significati. Il significato del termine, nell'accezione comune, si è esteso anche ad altri segni: non più solo alla parola, ma anche all'immagine, al suono, ecc. La polisemia si distingue dall'omonimia in quanto, nel caso dell'omonimia, i diversi significati di un lessema si trovano a essere rappresentati da un'unica forma ortografica solo per caso, per una serie di controversie etimologiche, mentre nel caso della polisemia i diversi significati della parola polisemica sono correlati etimologicamente e semanticamente, e tale correlazione è avvertita chiaramente dal parlante. NE VIKIPEDIA NE ALTRI SITI OFFRONO UN ESEMPIO DI POLISEMIA, VE LO DO IO : 'CINGERE' SIGNIFICA TANTE COSE TUTTE COLLEGATE. A 'CINGERE' BISOGNA FAR RISALIRE ANCHE IL TERMINE' INCINTA', ECCO I VARI SIGNIFICATI DI 'INCINGERE' SECONDO IL DIZIONARIO DE MAURO : cingere cìngere v.tr. CO 1a (con cintura, sciarpa e sim.) Sinonimi FO stringere AU avvolgere CO avviluppare, fasciare ♦ (con corona) Sinonimi CO adornare, incoronare 1b (di sciarpa, bracciale e sim.) Sinonimi FO stringere AU avvolgere CO fasciare 1c (di mura, montagne ecc.) Sinonimi FO chiudere, circondare, limitare AU racchiudere CO accerchiare, attorniare, cintare, circoscrivere, contornare, coronare, delimitare, recingere BU cerchiare LE cinghiare, inghirlandare 2 (con le braccia) Sinonimi FO abbracciare, stringere CO avvincere; CO avvinghiare. Polirematiche cingere d’assedio loc.v. CO Sinonimi AD assediare.

Casi di quasi-omonimia o meglio omofonia fra Italiano e Inglese: trivial in inglese e Triviale in Italiano significano cose diverse

Inglese triv⋅i⋅al  > adjective 1. of very little importance or value; insignificant: Don't bother me with trivial matters. Italiano triviale triviàle agg. CO FO sporco, volgare AU sguaiato AD osceno CO becero, cafone, da caserma, da strada, da trivio, grossolano, indecente, licenzioso, lubrico, salace, sboccato, scollacciato, sconcio, scurrile, sozzo BU plateale Contrari FO elegante AU distinto, fine AD raffinato CO educato; CO castigato, morigerato BU costumato 1b

Parola del giorno uguale in italiano e in inglese :MEGALOMANIA in inglese si pronuncia con accento sulla O in italiano sulla I finale

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the personality trait. For other uses, see Megalomania (disambiguation). This article contains too much jargon and may need simplification or further explanation. Please discuss this issue on the talk page, and/or remove or explain jargon terms used in the article. Editing help is available. (October 2008) Megalomania (from the Greek word μεγαλομανία) is a historical term for behavior characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, genius, or omnipotence — often generally termed as delusions of grandeur or grandiose delusions. It is a Greek word ,"megalo" meaning "very large", "great", or "exaggerated" and "mania" meaning obsession thus combining to denote an obsession with, either in the form of irrational perceived need for, or preoccupation with one's own estimation of having and/or obtaining, grandiosity and extravagance (especially in the form of great fame and popularity, material wealth, social influence or political power, or more than one or even all of the aforesaid) and accompanying complete desirous and bombastic abandon; a common symptom if not the key diagnostic feature of megalomania. It may be a symptom of manic or paranoid disorders.[citation needed] However it is not considered a distinct mental disorder of itself according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Delusions of grandeur may be seen as distinct from megalomania: An overweening and excessive preoccupation with one's own importance, though it may be considered pathological, is not necessarily delusional. A delusion of grandeur, if it is a true delusion, must meet the psychiatric criteria for delusion. Whereas it is possible, in the case of megalomania, for an actually important man/woman to be preoccupied with his/her own actual importance, a person suffering from delusions of grandeur would stubbornly entertain patently false, generally fantastic and often highly complex ideas of his/her own importance, often with a supernatural or science-fictional bent. A person suffering from delusions of grandeur may actually be an important figure, as in the case of the mathematician John Nash, who once rejected a prestigious academic chair on the grounds that he was due to be enthroned as the Emperor of Antarctica.[1] Delusions of grandeur would seem to be one of the two main - and possibly connected - delusions of paranoid schizophrenia. And, it is interesting to note, delusions of grandeur, though constituting psychotic ideation, are possibly largely recreational in nature and represent irrational and compelling but not unpleasant or disturbing fantasies. In a PBS interview, John Nash said the following about his own delusions of grandeur: I think mental illness or madness can be an escape also. People don't develop a mental illness because they are in the happiest of situations usually. One doctor observed that it was rare when people were rich to become schizophrenic. If they were poor or didn't have too much money, then it was more likely. And this is natural, if things are very good, you can find satisfaction with the world as it is, as it seems to be. If things are not so good, you may be one to imagine something better. For me, I was able to imagine myself as in a role of greater importance than I would seem to be ordinarily. At the time, I had some recognition. I was making some progress professionally, but I wasn't really at the top. I didn't have top level recognition, and so when I started thinking irrationally, I imagined myself as really on a Number 1 level. I was the most important person of the world, and people like the Pope would be just like enemies, who would try to put me down in some way or another, or the president. —John Nash[2] What is salient in delusions of grandeur is not just that the grandiose self conception is usually fantastic but also that the ordinary and laborious channels of achievement are completely circumvented and a shortcut route is taken to a "success" which is exaggerated to the point of caricature, as in the case of John Nash maintaining that he was to be Emperor of Antarctica. Sigmund Freud once said that "It might be maintained that... paranoid ideation is a caricature of a philosophical system."[3] In delusions of grandeur the sense of caricature is present without the sense of grand rationale that is provided in delusions of persecution. What may go overlooked, because of the psychotic context of the delusory belief, is that delusions of grandeur are not only venal but evince a desire for success without effort, a common element of criminal thought patterns.[4] Looked at in this light, delusions of grandeur may be indicative of either a comorbid personality disorder or of the integration of personality disorder and thought disorder in paranoid schizophrenia. That is to say that delusions of grandeur, as described above by John Nash, may not constitute a discrete thought disorder (i.e. paranoid schizophrenic ideation) that is visited on an otherwise well personality. There is a sense of personal complicity in delusions of grandeur and it is possible that paranoid schizophrenia involves significant and possibly prior personality disorder. John Nash was described by many who knew him as insufferably narcissistic before he became schizophrenic.[5] Delusions of persecution may be intrinsically related to - and the flip-side of - delusions of grandeur in that the very idea that one is being persecuted by a complex of conspirators involves a sense of greatly elevated self-importance. Delusions of persecution, though generally disturbing and unpleasant - i.e. affectively different - can be seen to similarly arise from a grandiose self-conception.

venerdì 27 febbraio 2009


FBI arrests Stanford executive in fraud probe Laura Pendergest-Holt is accused of obstructing a SEC investigation Stanford exec arrested in fraud probeFeb. 27: Laura Pendergest-Holt, the chief investment officer of the troubled Stanford Financial Group, is in custody this morning, facing charges in an ongoing $8 billion fraud case. NBC’s Janet Shamlian reports. Customers of Stanford financial have had their accounts frozen until it has been verified that there no legal claims against them. MSNBC's Tamron Hall reports. Whistleblowers: Stanford ignored warningsFeb. 20: Two former employees of Stanford Financial tell CNBC they tried to raise warning flags over investment 'peculiarities' while at employed at the firm, only to be fired and sued. FBI finds missing tycoonFeb. 19: R. Allen Stanford, the missing owner of a company under SEC investigation, has been located in Virginia, and been served legal papers by the FBI. NBC's Pete Williams reports. HOUSTON - FBI agents have arrested the chief investment officer of troubled Stanford Financial Group, accusing Laura Pendergest-Holt of obstructing a Securities and Exchange Commission fraud investigation. Pendergest-Holt appeared in federal court Friday as new details emerged showing the head of the firm borrowed $1.6 billion from the troubled company's assets. Pendergest-Holt, who looked pale and solemn in a black pantsuit, faces charges she obstructed the Securities and Exchange Commission investigation of the Stanford scandal by lying about her knowledge of the firm's activities and by omitting key details.


Qui qualcuno travestito/a fa credere a erbaman che e' vitam 500 e seguite il dialogo ahahaahahahahahahahaah VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:42 AM]: CIAO Elbaman53 [4:42 AM]: che cazzo Elbaman53 [4:42 AM]: dove sei stata? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:42 AM]: COME STAIElbaman53 [4:42 AM]: bene te?VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:43 AM]: PROBLEMI CON STEFANO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:43 AM]: DOPO SPIEGO Elbaman53 [4:43 AM]: dimmiElbaman53 [4:43 AM]: dove e'?VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:43 AM]: NON POSSO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:43 AM]: LUI E' ANDATO IN CUCINA Elbaman53 [4:43 AM]: ok VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:43 AM]: COSA SUCCEDE CON TE Elbaman53 [4:43 AM]: puoi cniente perche'? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:43 AM]: DOMANDO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:44 AM]: NON ENTRI PIU IN CHAT Elbaman53 [4:44 AM]: qui tutto beneElbaman53 [4:44 AM]: no non vengo piu' troppa merda VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:44 AM]: TI CREDO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:44 AM]: NON PARLO PIU CON MARUT Elbaman53 [4:44 AM]: puoi parlare? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:44 AM]: CHE DISGRAZIATOVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:44 AM]: UN PO Elbaman53 [4:44 AM]: che fai stasera? Elbaman53 [4:45 AM]: vuoi uscire? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:45 AM]: PERCHE VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:45 AM]: CON TE Elbaman53 [4:45 AM]: si VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:45 AM]: DOVE ANDIAMO Elbaman53 [4:45 AM]: stefano ti dara' problemi? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:45 AM]: NON SO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:45 AM]: VOGLIO BUTTARLO FUORI Elbaman53 [4:45 AM]: davvero? Elbaman53 [4:46 AM]: come mai? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:46 AM]: HO PARLATO CON LA MOGLIE Elbaman53 [4:46 AM]: ok Elbaman53 [4:46 AM]: a parlare cosi' mi hai fatto venire il cazzo duro VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:46 AM]: LUI E' STATO SPOSATO GIA' DUE VOLTE IN ITALIA VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:46 AM]: QUESTO NON MI PIACE Elbaman53 [4:47 AM]: sentirti dire questo e ' meglio che parlare sporco VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:47 AM]: LOL VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:47 AM]: MI SEI SEMPRE STATO SIMPATICO Elbaman53 [4:47 AM]: dimmi ne hai voglia? Elbaman53 [4:47 AM]: io si VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:48 AM]: DEVI CHIEDERE Elbaman53 [4:48 AM]: andiamo a scopare?Elbaman53 [4:48 AM]: tasera?VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:48 AM]: MMMM Elbaman53 [4:48 AM]: stasera VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:48 AM]: DOVE Elbaman53 [4:48 AM]: che impotanza ha dove Elbaman53 [4:48 AM]: basta scopare VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:48 AM]: IN MACCHINA MIA Elbaman53 [4:49 AM]: in macchina? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:49 AM]: CHE C'E DI MALE Elbaman53 [4:49 AM]: davvero vuoi scopare in macchina? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:49 AM]: SI Elbaman53 [4:49 AM]: come mai? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:49 AM]: NON SO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:50 AM]: HO BEVUTO IL VINO Elbaman53 [4:50 AM]: hahahahah Elbaman53 [4:50 AM]: mi fai ridere VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:50 AM]: LOL VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:50 AM]: MI FARESTI IMPAZZIRE Elbaman53 [4:50 AM]: sarebbe bello tu veramente mi volessi scopare Elbaman53 [4:51 AM]: peccato che non l'abbiamo mai fatto VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:51 AM]: LOL Elbaman53 [4:51 AM]: chissa' come sarebbe bello Elbaman53 [4:51 AM]: scommetto che scopi bene Elbaman53 [4:51 AM]: Stefano deve essere un uomo fortunato VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:52 AM]: PECHE MI DESIDERI Elbaman53 [4:52 AM]: ti ho sempre desiderato, peccato non e' mai successoVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:52 AM]: TI PIACE IL MIO CORPO Elbaman53 [4:52 AM]: te l'ho detto gia VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:53 AM]: COSA TI PIACE DI PIU DI ME' Elbaman53 [4:53 AM]: e' un peccato che io e te non potremmo mai fare l'amore Elbaman53 [4:53 AM]: sei troppo attaccata a lui VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:54 AM]: MI TROVI BELLA Elbaman53 [4:54 AM]: ti ho gia' detto cosa penso VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:54 AM]: UNA DONNA VUOLE SENTIRLO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:54 AM]: COSA PENSA UN UOMO DI LEI Elbaman53 [4:54 AM]: si mi piaci VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:54 AM]: NON MI CHIAMI BELLA COME MAI Elbaman53 [4:54 AM]: sei molto attraente e sexy VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:55 AM]: HAI BEVUTO ANCHE TU STASERA Elbaman53 [4:55 AM]: perche'? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:55 AM]: NON L'HAI DETTO MAI Elbaman53 [4:56 AM]: tu sai che io rispetto le amicizieElbaman53 [4:56 AM]: e stefano e' un amico VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:56 AM]: NON SIGNIFICA NULLA Elbaman53 [4:56 AM]: quando lo butti fuori allora parleremo Elbaman53 [4:56 AM]: non vorrei che lui pensasse che tra noi ci sia qualche cosa VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:56 AM]: C'E QUALCHE DONNA NELLA TUA VITA ADESSO Elbaman53 [4:57 AM]: no sai che io non sono legato a nessuno ancora VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:57 AM]: HAI DETTO IN CHAT Elbaman53 [4:57 AM]: che cosa? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:57 AM]: CHE CERCAVI QUALCUNA VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:57 AM]: CHI SAREBBE QUESTA QUALCUNA Elbaman53 [4:57 AM]: io shcerzo tu lo sai Elbaman53 [4:57 AM]: eri tu non ti vedevo piu' da tanto tempo VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:58 AM]: SCHERZI TROPPO A VOLTE Elbaman53 [4:58 AM]: volevo sapere che fine hai fatto VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:58 AM]: NON SO QUANDO POSSO PRENDERTI SUL SERIO Elbaman53 [4:58 AM]: senti hai un # dove posso chiamarti? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:58 AM]: STASERA NOElbaman53 [4:58 AM]: voglio farti una domanda bancaria VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:58 AM]: DOMANI TI CHIAMO IO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:58 AM]: HAI CAMBIATO CELLElbaman53 [4:58 AM]: noVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:59 AM]: DOMANI TI CHIAMO Elbaman53 [4:59 AM]: hai il mio #VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [4:59 AM]: NO PIU Elbaman53 [4:59 AM]: chi te l'ha dato?Elbaman53 [5:00 AM]: come fai a chimarmi allora se non hai il #? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:00 AM]: LO PERSO Elbaman53 [5:00 AM]: dimmi una cosa Elbaman53 [5:01 AM]: come si chiama quella compagnia che Microsoft vuole comprare?VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:01 AM]: SONO STEFANO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:01 AM]: CHE AMICO CHE SEI Elbaman53 [5:01 AM]: hahahahahahahahahaVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:01 AM]: DISGRAZIATOElbaman53 [5:01 AM]: meno male che non ho detto cose male VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:02 AM]: VUOI QUESTA PUTTANA Elbaman53 [5:02 AM]: lo sapevo che eri tu VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:02 AM]: DIMMI LA VERITA VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:02 AM]: TI PIACE A LEIVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:02 AM]: NON LO SAPEVIVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:02 AM]: TO BECCATO Elbaman53 [5:02 AM]: non vedi cosa ho detto?Elbaman53 [5:02 AM]: leggi leggi VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:03 AM]: VOLEVI INCONTRARLAVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:03 AM]: PER SCOPARLA Elbaman53 [5:03 AM]: leggi cosa ho scritto sopra VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:03 AM]: UN AMICO NON SCRIVE QUESTE COSE Elbaman53 [5:04 AM]: Elbaman53 [5:28 PM]: non vorrei che lui pensasse che tra noi ci sia qualche cosa VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:04 AM]: VOGLIO SAPERE LA VERITA ADESSO Elbaman53 [5:05 AM]: dimmiVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:05 AM]: QUANDE VOLTE L'HAI PENSATA A LEI Elbaman53 [5:05 AM]: in che senso? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:05 AM]: NUDA CON TEElbaman53 [5:05 AM]: da amica? oppure? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:05 AM]: SPOGLIATAE lbaman53 [5:05 AM]: nuda cvon me?Elbaman53 [5:05 AM]: hahahahah VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:05 AM]: SI Elbaman53 [5:05 AM]: maiElbaman53 [5:06 AM]: ha sempre professato il suo amore e attaccamento a te Elbaman53 [5:06 AM]: come cazzo fai a dire cosi' di lei Elbaman53 [5:06 AM]: dvresti vergognarti VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:06 AM]: NELLA TUA FANTASIA L'HAI PENSATA PERO QUALCHE VOLTA Elbaman53 [5:06 AM]: nonmi hai mai detto male di te Elbaman53 [5:06 AM]: io?Elbaman53 [5:06 AM]: non ho bisogno di fantasie Elbaman53 [5:07 AM]: ho troppe donne che non ho bisogno di fantasticare VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:07 AM]: MI HAI DELUSO CMQ Elbaman53 [5:07 AM]: Vita e' sempre stata solo un 'amica VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:07 AM]: COME AMICOElbaman53 [5:07 AM]: niente di piu' VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:07 AM]: MA VOLEVI SCOPARLA STASERA Elbaman53 [5:07 AM]: cosa tu pensi sta' a te Elbaman53 [5:08 AM]: se volevo scoparla perche non ho detto si quando mi ha offerto di farlo in macchina?Elbaman53 [5:09 AM]: io conoscevo Vita ptima che tu entrassi nella picure Elbaman53 [5:09 AM]: se volevo aver qualche cosa cha fare con lei avrei provato prima VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:10 AM]: NON SONO SICURO PIU DI TE VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:10 AM]: UNA VOLTA MI FIDAVO Elbaman53 [5:10 AM]: pensa quel che vuoiElbaman53 [5:10 AM]: io sto' dicendoti la verita' Elbaman53 [5:11 AM]: non c'e' mai stato niente tra me e Vita Elbaman53 [5:11 AM]: se non ci vuoi credere sono cazzi tuoi VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:11 AM]: PERCHE OFFENDI ADESSO Elbaman53 [5:11 AM]: offendo? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:11 AM]: OFFENDIElbaman53 [5:11 AM]: sei tu che offendi me , insinuando cose che non sono vere VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:12 AM]: PERCHE SCRIVI SONO CAZZI MIEI Elbaman53 [5:12 AM]: perche tu vuoi che io dice cose che non sono mai successeVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:12 AM]: IO CREDO CHE SEI UN MAIALE Elbaman53 [5:13 AM]: pensa quello che vuoiElbaman53 [5:13 AM]: quello che sono io non ha importanzaElbaman53 [5:13 AM]: l'importante e' che tu non dica o che tu pensi cose non vereVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:13 AM]: NON RISPETTI L'AMICIZIAVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:14 AM]: TI CREDI CHE SEI NORD E SEI MEGLIO DI ME Elbaman53 [5:14 AM]: io si VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:14 AM]: MA NON E VERO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:14 AM]: SEI LA MERDA SOTTO LE MIE SCARPEElbaman53 [5:15 AM]: come ti ho detto Elbaman53 [5:15 AM]: pensa quello che vuoi Elbaman53 [5:15 AM]: io ho rispettato sempre lei e anche la tua amicizia anche se non ti ho mai conosciuto Elbaman53 [5:16 AM]: sei tu che pensi male di lei Elbaman53 [5:16 AM]: e se pensi cosi' male di lei cosa cazzo fai a casa sua?VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:16 AM]: LEI MI AMA VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:16 AM]: TI DISPIACE SAPERLO Elbaman53 [5:17 AM]: e se ti amo allora perche pensi cosi' male di lei? Elbaman53 [5:16 AM]: sei tu che pensi male di leiElbaman53 [5:16 AM]: e se pensi cosi' male di lei cosa cazzo fai a casa sua? VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:16 AM]: LEI MI AMA VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:16 AM]: TI DISPIACE SAPERLO Elbaman53 [5:17 AM]: e se ti amo allora perche pensi cosi' male di lei?VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:17 AM]: SEI TUElbaman53 [5:17 AM]: io?VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:17 AM]: LA COLPA E TUA Elbaman53 [5:17 AM]: io che?Elbaman53 [5:17 AM]: la colpa e' mia??VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:17 AM]: CHE SCRIVI COME UN PORCO ALLA MIA DONNA Elbaman53 [5:17 AM]: hahahahahahahaElbaman53 [5:18 AM]: ma allora sei veramente un cretino VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:18 AM]: POSSO SPACCARTI IL CULO Elbaman53 [5:18 AM]: dimmi una cosa come mai scrivono cosi' tanta merda di lei in chat?VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:18 AM]: TE LA MERITI Elbaman53 [5:18 AM]: tu a me puoi solo succhiarlo VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:19 AM]: PER COLPA TUA Elbaman53 [5:19 AM]: colp[a mia?Elbaman53 [5:19 AM]: hahahahahahVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:19 AM]: TU SPARLI SEMPRE DI LEI IN CHAT Elbaman53 [5:19 AM]: io non ho mai detto una parola male di Vita Elbaman53 [5:19 AM]: anziElbaman53 [5:19 AM]: forse quello che parla male sei tu VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:19 AM]: ANCHE LEI LO SA Elbaman53 [5:19 AM]: e altre teste di cazzo in chat VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:19 AM]: CHE SEI STATO TU Elbaman53 [5:20 AM]: davvero?VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:20 AM]: ME LA DETTO MARUT VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:20 AM]: L'AMICO TUO IN CHAT Elbaman53 [5:20 AM]: ohhhhhhhhh davvero? Elbaman53 [5:20 AM]: io con marut non ho mai parlato di Vita VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:20 AM]: LEI LO RISPETTAVA AL PORCO UNA VOLTA VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:20 AM]: POSSO GIURARLOVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:21 AM]: CHE SEI STATO TU VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:21 AM]: UNA VOLTA CREDEVO BOSCO Elbaman53 [5:21 AM]: senti VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:21 AM]: MA SEI STATO TU VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:21 AM]: A FARLO VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:21 AM]: BOSCO E' INNOCENTE Elbaman53 [5:21 AM]: forse avevi indovinato la prima volta VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:21 AM]: DI COSA Elbaman53 [5:21 AM]: tu credi a quel che vuoiVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:21 AM]: IO CREDO LA MIA DONNA Elbaman53 [5:22 AM]: io mai ho parlato male di vita ne con Marut ne con nessun altro Elbaman53 [5:22 AM]: se tu ci credi o meno sono affari tuoi VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:22 AM]: LUI SAPEVA TUTTOVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:22 AM]: DI LEI Elbaman53 [5:22 AM]: a me non interessa nienteVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:22 AM]: DOVE LAVORAVAVVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:22 AM]: PER COLPA TUA VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:22 AM]: ANNO CHIAMATO IL LAVORO Elbaman53 [5:22 AM]: se lo sapeva non l'ha saputo da me quello e' poco ma sicuro VVVVVVVVVWWWWWWW [5:22 AM]: SOLO TU LO SAPEVI

come succede che un idiota malato come Marut si sente a suo agio a fare quello che fa

La colpa del fatto che questo vecchio idiota di oltre 60 anni, fantapettegolo donnicciolo senza pudore, impigliato in una realta' inesistente, fatta di proiezioni della sua esperienza di vita trasportate in chat dopo tutto vive di chat, sta nel fatto che alcuni gli danno corda e lo elevano al rango di giustiziere a sta cameriera senza marchette leggete Luana che gli scrive affettuosamente, impaurita di quello che questo imbecille puo' fare, ignara del fatto che basterebbe una denuncia per minacce per mettergli sotto sequestro il computer e mandarlo all'ospedale psichiatrico a curarsi la malattia mentale Leggete! Gianni buorngiorno,credo che oramai hai ben capito che io le cose le debbo dire o non sono io,Primizia e` rimasta incinta presto presto di eta` intendo ma son cose che capitano siamo genitori anche noi e x quanto cerchiamo di fare il meglio a crescerli le cose possono sempre accadere.A me la cosa che scoccia molto e` che qui` le zoccole son sante.Gianni,Mariabella e credimi e` verita` si e` fatta un paio di uomini del chat,Vitam nemmeno ne parliamo,Ciucina x me come donna non ha nemmeno rispetto x stessa,sarra piu` l`insulta piu` si riparlano e poi oltretutto e` una donna sposata,Px avvocato?dai Gianni nemmeno sa` scrivere,ed anche lei ha avuto storie con uomini del chat,Verona mi ha molto deluso si capisce benissimo che tra lei e fabrizio c`e qualcosa,Luisa lo so` io quando mi chiamava e piangeva x Sal....e menz non dirmi che e` un uomo,non ha solo detto che Ciucina era stupida ma l`ha chiamata zoccola tantissime volte,ed un altra cosa no non e` obesa primi e` un po` over peso ma cio` e` xche` ha problemi con le tiroidi.Ah non dimentichiamo poi della monique cioe` la Dea venere......Pensa bene a cosa ti ho detto e non arrabbiarti.... DOVE SONO INFORMAZIONI?CHE DIFENDO PRIMIZIA?X ANNI HO SUBBITO ESSERE CHIAMATA PUTTANA,TROIA ED ALTRO MENTRE LE COSI` CHIAMATE SIGNORE SPOSATE FOTTONO COME CONIGLI,SINCERAMENTE CE NE SONO MOLTI POCHI CHE IO QUI` CHIAMO AMICI L`ALTRI POSSONO ANDARE A FARSI FOTTERE...IL FATTO E` CHE TANTI DI VOI CI GODONO QUANDO SONO INSULTATA...

giovedì 26 febbraio 2009

finalmente andremo a riposarci lo

Maya Calendar - End of the World - December 21, 2012

Nazionale di Calcio del chat Italiano

premi letterari

Salvatore Srizzo alla cerimonia di premiazione
YEAR 2009 Accademia dei Lincei EXCELLENCE For his great ability to invent languages that do not exist yet SALVATORE SRIZZO Recipient WRITER 26 FEBBRAIO 2009




ROMA, 25 febbraio - Max Mosley ha rinviato alla prossima settimana il suo arrivo a Roma, per impegni improrogabili. Ma il presidente della Federazione Internazionale dell’Automobile alla fine verrà: deve vedere con i suoi occhi le strade dell’Eur che dovrebbero ospitare, nel 2011 o nel 2012, il GP di Formula 1, deve incontrare il promoter Maurizio Flammini e l’amministrazione comunale. LA CERTEZZA - Nell’attesa, il sindaco Gianni Alemanno si sbilancia. Un rappresentante della trasmissione Tv “Striscia la notizia” gli chiede se il Gran Premio si farà e lui risponde: «Credo proprio di sì». È il segno che sta tornando la fiducia dopo il rallentamento delle operazioni degli ultimi giorni dovuto alla raccolte di firme contro la gara, alle voci politiche contrarie e a cose del genere. Ora la giunta comunale attende la relazione conclusiva sul piano

L'uomo Giovanni Oldano: quanto e' brutto sto cesso, guardate il suo cranio e quello di un cranio ritrovato migliaia di anni a Neandhertal

questo imbecille malato di mente nel 2006 mandava auguri di Natale a Karina e faceva l'ultimo tentativo di abbordaggio minacciando di andarsene dall'America. Ovviamente nessuno se ne fottette nulla che se ne andava anzi erano tutti contenti, Karina, il gatto e i figli che trovavano Oldano disgustoso ahahahahahaahahahahahhahaha - avendoci provato con il 90% di quelle del chat e essendo stato deriso da tutte. da Rosetta la pizzaiola, ovvero Simpatica qualcosa credo che si chiamasse,a Rosdetta la maestra, ha deciso di insultare tutte le donne del chat:ecco perche' e ' ridotto cosi questo idiota a oltre 60 anni di eta' emarginato in casa anche dalla figlia e dalla cosiddetta moglie che non lo vuole nel suo letto perche' suda e puzza aahahahaahah

leggetelo il porco innammorato di Karina ahahahaahahha

From: Marut le Pal To: XKarina6209 Sent: 12/9/2006 1:45:58 A.M. Central Standard Time Subj: (sin asunto) buon natale queste e per te Anna, perche sei speciale, perche` ora che andro' via dall'america mi macherai tanto, perche in questi anni che ti ho conosciuto, ho visto la donna meravigliosa che c'e' il te perche sei stupenda, sei semplice..perche mi hai sempre saputo sopportare.. un carissimo ricordo non ti scordero' mai piu' Gianni

mercoledì 25 febbraio 2009


Sito Ufficiale di Ornella Vanoni Ornella Vanoni nasce a Milano il 22 settembre 1934. Giovanissima viene mandata nelle migliori scuole europee, Inghilterra, Francia, Svizzera dove, oltre ad imparare le lingue, prende il diploma di estetista, sua grande passione.Rientrata a Milano, su suggerimento di un'amica della Mamma che loda la sua voce, si iscrive alla scuola del Piccolo Teatro di Milano, allora diretta da Giorgio Strehler. Il Maestro, che diventerà presto suo compagno, decide di farla anche cantare e per lei "inventa" le canzoni della mala, in buona parte scritte da lui con Fiorenzo Carpi, Gino Negri e Dario Fo. Con queste Ornella arriva al Festival dei Due Mondi di Spoleto nel 1959. In teatro, Ornella aveva comunque già debuttato nel '57 ne "I Giacobini" di Federico Zardi. La musica leggera viveva allora momenti di boom e di fermenti creativi. Nasceva la canzone d'autore. L'incontro con Gino Paoli avviene nel 1960. Ne scaturisce un amore importante ed una collaborazione autore-interprete di brani memorabili tra cui un capolavoro: "Senza fine", primo posto in classifica e immediato successo popolare. Ornella alterna teatro e musica. 1960 Sposa il grande imprenditore teatrale Lucio Ardenzi, dal quale nel 1962 nascerà il figlio Cristiano.1961 vince il premio S. Genesio come miglior attrice per "L'idiota" di Achard. 1963 ancora premio a S. Genesio per "La fidanzata del bersagliere" di Anton. 1963 "Rugantino" di Garinei, Giovannini e Trovaioli debutta a Milano il 12 ottobre e prosegue in tutta Italia e ottiene un enorme successo perfino a Broadway nel 1964. Da questo momento ci sono solo musica, dischi, tv e festival. Vince il Festival di Napoli (1964 "Tu si na cosa grande" di Modugno). E' seconda a Saremo (1968 "Casa Bianca" di Don Backy). Molti successi discografici epocali (La musica è finita, Una ragione di più, Domani è un altro giorno, Tristezza, Mi sono innamorata di te, L'appuntamento, Dettagli…). Nel 1974 si trasferisce a Roma e fonda la sua casa discografica "Vanilla". E' l'epoca dei concept- album, gli LP a tema. Occorre la figura di un produttore e così inizia un lungo sodalizio con Sergio Bardotti che darà vita a progetti importanti e grandi successi che dureranno nel tempo. Il primo, del 1976, è "La voglia, la pazzia, l'incoscienza e l'allegria", il fantastico incontro con il Brasile di Vinicius de Moraes e Toquinho. 1977 "Io dentro, io fuori", disco doppio e tournée con i New Trolls, incontro con la musica di tendenza dell'epoca. Dello stesso anno una hit parade altissima con "Più" in coppia con Gepi. 1978-83 torna a vivere nella sua Milano. E' sempre più la signora della canzone, raffinata, sofisticata, come il made in Italy. Gianni Versace si occupa del suo look. "Ricetta di donna", "Duemilatrecentouno parole" e "Uomini" sono tre dischi della maturità, del passaggio di Ornella da sex symbol intelligente a signora moderna con la penna in mano. Bardotti la porta a scrivere i testi che interpreta. (Musica, musica, e Vai Valentina sono i due maggiori successi di questo periodo) Continua in questi lavori la ricerca degli incontri musicali: Loredana Berté, Caterina Caselli, Gerry Mulligan, Lucio Dalla. C'è persino una fugace ricomparsa di Gino Paoli……. 1984-85 Eccoli di nuovo, Gino e Ornella. Una tournée di tutto esaurito e un disco live, "Insieme", che brucia le classifiche. Una nuova canzone simbolo: " Ti lascio una canzone". Anno di ritorni, l'85, anche in Teatro, con Albertazzi: "Commedia d'amore" di Bernard Slade. 1986 un progetto discografico ambizioso: in un momento di massima crisi della canzone italiana, Ornella e Bardotti issano il tricolore a Manhattan. Ornella interpreta grandi successi italiani di tutti i tempi e di tutti gli stili, da C.A. Rossi a Cocciante, insieme ai maggiori jazzisti del mondo. Nasce "Ornella e…" con George Benson, Herbie Hankock, Steve Gadd, Gil Evans, Michael Brecker, Ron Carter.... Finisce praticamente con questo lavoro la collaborazione con Bardotti, che si dedica a tempo pieno alla tv. Del 1987 sono un disco e una tournée di altissimo stile e livello, il progetto "O" è firmato da Ivano Fossati e Gregg Walsh. Il cerchio musica-teatro si salda, nella tournée con l'impianto scenico innovativo e inimitabile dell'amico Arnaldo Pomodoro.L'altro importante produttore artistico di Ornella è Mario Lavezzi, che lungo gli anni ‘90 e all'inizio del nuovo millennio è riuscito a connotare con successo un nuovo stile di Ornella."Stella nascente" (1992) , disco d'oro, il bellissimo "Sheerazade", le fantastiche cover di "un panino, una birra e poi" (2001, disco di platino) e di "La tua bocca da baciare" (2001) ne sono i lavori principali.Degli anni ‘90 è anche Argilla (1998), frutto della collaborazione con artisti sperimentali, come il produttore-arrangiatore Beppe Quirici (Ivano Fossati) e il jazzista Paolo Fresu. Il 22 settembre 2004 è un giovedì di un compleanno importante: due giorni dopo esce il nuovo disco con l'amico Gino: tutti brani nuovi, che guardano avanti: "ti ricordi? no non mi ricordo".Per la nostalgia, ancora una volta, c'è tempo. Il primo febbraio 2005 inizia l'omonima tournée teatrale che durerà due anni con più di cento rappresentazioni e fa registrare il tutto esaurito in tutti i teatri d'Italia. Nel corso della tournée vengono realizzati un doppio CD e un doppio DVD Live.Debutto al Festival Magna Grecia Teatro 2007 di "Femmina e Fuoco - Voci dal mito". Ornella interpreta i grandi miti greci nello spettacolo diretto da Giancarlo Cauteruccio. Testo originale del poeta Roberto Mussapi. Musiche di Raffaele Brancati e Gennaro De Rosa; dipinti/proiezioni di Teresa Maresca.Il 30 novembre 2007 inizia la tournée (che proseguirà fino a maggio 2008) "Una bellissima ragazza" (cd di inediti uscito il 28 di settembre), concerto-spettacolo – le scenografie di Giancarlo Cauteruccio e la direzione musicale di Mario Lavezzi - che la porta nei maggiori teatri d'Italia ed in Spagna dove partecipa al "Festival Ellas Crean" al National Auditorium di Madrid e a "Le voci d'Italia" rassegna organizzata nello splendido Palau de la musica catalana di Barcellona.Nell'estate 2008 in tour con "Ornella Live 2008" in luoghi storici e magici d'Italia. Ed importanti partecipazioni: "Omaggio a Rosa Balistieri" con Carmen Consoli a Catania, "Musica per i borghi" dove duetta con Giorgia a Marsciano, l' "Omaggio a Fabrizio De André" in seno al "Time in Jazz" di Paolo Fresu a L'Agnata, "Caulonia Festival" con Eugenio Bennato a Caulonia Superiore. Il 2008 è anche l'anno di importanti riconoscimenti: "Premio Milanodonna - le donne che hanno fatto grande Milano", "Premio Marisa Bellisario Speciale alla Carriera " dedicato a "Le donne che progettano il futuro: innovazione, creatività, meritocrazia". "Premio Lunezia" con la seguente motivazione: «Conferimento al valore musical-letterario dell'album « Una bellissima ragazza». L'anno si chiude con l'uscita, il 17 di ottobre, di un nuovo cd "PIU' DI ME" - in pochi mesi doppio disco di platino - dove molti dei migliori artisti italiani duettano con lei, con l'omaggio "Milano per Ornella" tradotto in uno spettacolare concerto a piazza del Duomo dove assistono 30.000 persone e con uno spettacolo "Ornella ancora più di me" in prima serata Rai 1 che, caratterizzato, oltre che dai duetti con gran parte degli artisti che hanno partecipato al cd, da monologhi e parlato "a braccio", senza copione e come se non ci fossero le telecamere, trasmette al pubblico spontaneità e divertimento tanto da sbancare auditel e share. Poco prima di partire per il nuovo "Tour Più di Me 2009", Ornella partecipa al 59mo Festival di Sanremo come madrina della giovane Simona Molinari con il brano "Egocentrica".


LWGGETE STO PEZZO DI MERDA DI GIOVANNI OLDANO; QUEST'UOMO HA OLTRE 60 ANNI, PADRE DI FIGLI DI CUI UNO INTORNO AI 30 E UNA FIGLIA - CHE LUI DICE SUA - NEI PRIMI VENTI, E STO PORCO PARLA DI GENTE MALATA..HA I BRIVIDI PENSANDO A UNA DONNA CHE NON HA MAI VISTO E VIVE IN ALTRO STATO... PERCHE' QUESTA DONNA A DETTA DI 'MICIO SUO = NEWS' E' INTERESSATA AL SESSO, E QUEST'UOMO DI CACCA SE NE PREOCCUPA COME SE FOSSE MAMMA SUA O LA SORELLA, E SEMBREREBE SAPER CON CHI QUELLA HA FATTO SESSO. SAPETE DIRMI SE QUESTO MALEDETTO PORCO E' NORMALE? LOL Subj:come ti pare Date:12/28/2006 9:51:36 P.M. Central Standard Time From:Marut le Pal To:Vitam500 Marut le Pal [3:45 AM]: ciao Micio tuo [3:46 AM]: si ieri mi ha fatto email la Reginella Marut le Pal [3:46 AM]:cosa voleva sta troia Micio tuo [3:46 AM]: gianni si lamenta sempre quella,,del marito dice che e stufa che vuole un uomo che la faccia godere a letto Marut le Pal [3:46 AM]: lol Micio tuo [3:46 AM]: non capisco sta troia,pensa solo al sesso e' ammalata Marut le Pal [3:47 AM]: hahahahaha Micio tuo [3:47 AM]: lol quella e` una sfruttatrice, sono anni che in chat fa i lavori,basta che qualcuno gli mandi un regaliano e lei pronta ha fare qualsiasi cosa,capisci Marut le Pal [3:47 AM]: cazzo,veramente una maiala, e la leggi in chat smebra una santa Micio tuo [3:47 AM]: senti questa, quella non perdera mai il vizio ha anche portato parecchi in casa, chiedi Maresud o Marano1 , quello poveretto adesso e ammalato Marut le Pal [3:52 AM]: hahahahahah mi vengono i brividi a pensare che questa fa certe cose............ Micio Tuo[3:53 AM]: Gianni vado torno dopo, almeno tu gli dici le cose come sono in faccia Marut le Pal [3:53 AM]: la faccio nera, ok ci sentiamo grazie

Comunicato Stampa


martedì 24 febbraio 2009

YouTube - Charles Aznavour, e io tra di voi per te bruno , permetti questo ballo? lol

Un siciliano di valore: il contrasto con la feccia del chat e' drammatico

www.Napoli.com E’ morto Candido Cannavò Dell’uomo siciliano, e per giunta catanese, aveva tutte le virtù: il sorriso sempre pronto sul volto bruno, la parlata musicale, la cavalleria, la lealtà, la fermezza vellutata. Candido Cannavò è stato per tutti noi, anche dall’alto del suo ruolo di direttore, un collega amabile, disponibile, di cuore, alla guida de “La Gazzetta dello Sport” per vent’anni raccogliendo l’eredità di Gino Palumbo. Ci ha lasciati a 79 anni. Un ictus l’ha colpito nella sua vera casa, alla “Gazzetta”, mentre era a mensa con altri colleghi e aveva appena scritto l’ultimo dei suoi deliziosi articoli. La competenza, l’onestà intellettuale, l’amore appassionato e vero per lo sport nutrivano il suo stile garbato, misurato anche nelle polemiche più aspre, umano nelle vicende infauste del mondo che amava e che non tradì mai anteponendo la verità a tutto, però senza essere mai un censore arcigno e un moralista d’occasione. Un campione tra i campioni per la dedizione, la passione, la vita intera dedicata al giornalismo da quando, giovanissimo, “La Sicilia” gli chiese di scrivere qualcosa. Era il 1948 e Candido aveva diciott’anni. Si era innamorato dell’atletica e l’aveva studiata appassionatamente, mai superficiale, sempre documentandosi con cura. Scrisse i primi “pezzi” sugli atleti azzurri alle Olimpiadi di Londra. Forse quello sul discobolo Consolini fu il suo “debutto”. La collaborazione si intensificò. Candido ricordava con commozione il suo primo stipendio: 18mila lire nella busta blu del quotidiano siciliano. Alla “Gazzetta” cominciò da corrispondente da Catania. A Milano non sfuggirono il suo impegno, la puntualità, il garbo, l’attaccamento alla professione, la cultura che arricchiva il suo lavoro, cultura sportiva e d’intelletto. Presto fu chiamato a lavorare nella redazione centrale. Erano i primi anni Sessanta. Al primo “invito” milanese Candido resistette. Aveva due figli piccoli. Era diventato caporedattore de “La Sicilia”. Ma aveva anche una moglie milanese, Franca, istruttrice di danza spagnola, che lo incoraggiò. Fece il “gran salto” nel 1981, il giorno di capodanno, chiamato da Palumbo alla vicedirezione de “La Gazzetta dello Sport”. Il suo animo meridionale sposò magnificamente l’efficienza milanese. Non fu mai un emigrante perché seppe calibrare le sue forti radici con la più asciutta realtà lombarda. Fu un milanese meridionale in tutto e per tutto, generoso, appassionato, lavoratore instancabile, mai cupo, sempre sorridente. A quei tempi, poi, Milano era città generosa e anche romantica. Catania era sempre nel suo cuore. Vi aveva vissuto un’infanzia difficile durante la guerra, orfano del padre, la mamma sarta a dovere tirar su sei figli. Era orgogliosa di quella madre che, negli anni Venti, andava a Parigi ad affinare il suo mestiere. Catania era città di gusto e di eleganza. I sei figli si laurearono tutti. Candido si iscrisse a Medicina. Frequentò i corsi per quattro anni, poi la passione per il giornalismo l’attrasse completamente. Divenne dottore in giornalismo, se così possiamo dire, una laurea piena sul campo del mestiere più bello del mondo. Palumbo ne fece presto il suo “delfino” apprezzandone le qualità umane e professionali, la dedizione assoluta al giornale, la grande signorilità siciliana. Candido divenne direttore della “Gazzetta” nel 1983, a marzo. Raddoppiò i successi di Palumbo arricchendone la linea editoriale. Venti anni alla “rosea” con sempre nuove conquiste mentre le tecnologie favorivano lo sviluppo del giornale e le numerose iniziative. Smessa la direzione, Candido restò legato alla “Gazzetta”, e la “Gazzetta” a lui. Non poteva essere diversamente. Erano una cosa sola. Nei vent’anni da direttore, Candido condusse battaglie memorabili per uno sport leale, corretto, pulito. Amabile con tutti i dirigenti dei più alti gradi, non gli perdonò mai gli errori, le manfrine, i compromessi. Senza scagliarsi, senza forzature, ma puntuale e garbatamente inesorabile. Amò lo sport e i suoi campioni con l’anima di un bambino. Amò tutti noi che lo conoscemmo e ne condividemmo l’avventura dall’epoca delle linotypes ai computer. Sul computer, prima di essere colpito dall’ictus, aveva lasciato l’ultimo suo articolo. Quella sua rubrica quotidiana, “Fatemi capire”, era sempre una carezza per il mondo che amava.

lunedì 23 febbraio 2009

Mostra d'Arte a Filadelfia

Alcuni pezzi di merda del chat tipo NY Anemico, Giovanni Old-culo e Remo de Morta-cci sua e i loro complici travestiti sono convinti di vedermi in diversi nomi in chat. Non hanno capito che solo una grande distanza mi permette di occuparmi di loro in quanto esempio di fermentazione spontanea della melma, del fango e della merda.Sono cosi stupidi che non capiscono che basterebbe chiedere a Ex Host Esecranda, la famigerata Minchiarino che vanta conoscenze autorevoli dentro AOL, di indagare e vedere se e' vero o no quel che dico> Non avendo piu aol ( ho solo AIM che non permette di entrare in chat) non posso entrare neanche come guest di qualcuno... Ovviamente questi tre cornuti, noti per essere stati cornificati a oltranza dalle loro cosiddette mogli e riunitisi con puttane a scrocco quando le hanno trovate di stomaco buono, insutnao piccoletta che a sua volta non va piu al chat anche se ha ancora aol. Pezzi di merda, volete capire una volta per sempre che una signora come lei, non puo' avere nulla a che fare con le donnacce che vi sono familiari? Voi siete abituati a donne di strada e quella e' una persona perbene. Aspettiamo con ansia che il Signore faccia piazza pulita di questa accozzaglia e torneremo a scherzare con esseri piu umani.

Un po di chat altrimenti dimentichiamo di cosa si tratta

BELLISSIME NYAMICO5: LUI LO DICEVA CHE KARINA E UNA VACCA ZOCCOLA PUTTANA MELTINA4UP: not the same Pxglassey: CIUCINA POSTA NYAMICO5: MICA IO Ciripiripin: TINA, belle eh? GIANPIEROO 50: NY AMICOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CALMATIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Gallotrn: NY E LI CHE TI SBAGLI CREDIMI SARRACINO NON SI E SPOSATO CON KARINA SE POI VOI VOLETE FARE FILMINI IMMAGGINARI FATE PURE JEJDIBBA: A DONNOLO NON LO SI PUO SISTEMARE PERCHE` GLI PICIONO SOLO GLI UOMINI Marbione90: IO SONO CONTENDO QUANDO SENDO BELLE NOTIZIE LOL OnlineHost: PRCMARINA9 has entered the room. charleenmuoihfp: ilg ive a free show at :) myhotcam.xoxgo.com Ciucina: Marinaaaaaaa NYAMICO5: IL PROSSIMO A FARE LA FIGURA DIMMERDFA SARA??? SEXY TINA 801: CIRI CHI LQH417: YEA I KNOW PITTO. WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET ROME GOING AGAIN. GIANPIEROO 50: BRAVO MARBIONE NYAMICO5: LO VODRETE PRESTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Marbione90: GIAN LOL LQH417: BUT U KNOW HOW IT IS, PEOPLE GET BISI AND FORGET PRCMARINA9: CIUCIUUUUUUUUUU CIAOOOOO NYAMICO5: LQHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MUAAAAAAAAAA BELLAAAAAAAAA Ciripiripin: TINA le poesie di Karina PRCMARINA9: ALOOOOO TUTTI Gallotrn: CIAO MARINA CAPA TOSTA GIANPIEROO 50: CIAO PRCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC LQH417: PRC... ALO SEXY TINA 801: JEJ ALLORA CI TROVI UN UOMO MELTINA4UP: are they married lqh Ciripiripin: REPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Ciucina: io volevo fare un bebe' con Marut ma lui non mi ha voluta PRCMARINA9: CIAO CAPATOSTA MICHE' Marbione90: SE AUGURI BENE RICEVI BENE NELLA VITA PRCMARINA9: GIAN CIAOOOOOOOOOO SEXY TINA 801: PRCMARINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CIAO PRCMARINA9: ALO LQ Ciucina: ora potri essere sistemata con Marut in Florida LQH417: NO PITTO. THEY NEVER GOING TO DO THAT GIANPIEROO 50: HAHAHHAH CIUCINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PRCMARINA9: DEMO CIAOOOOOOOO Ciripiripin: Mado' CIUCI' Ciucina: lol Pxglassey: LOL MELTINA4UP: will be nice Gallotrn: HAAHHAAHHHAAHCIUCINA MICA MARUT TI PTEVA DIRE CHE NON HA CAZZO SCUSA Angelina5547: CIAOOOOOOOOOO MARINAAAAA BELLA CALABRISELLA charleenmuoihfp: ul edfenetly like this myhotcam.xoxgo.com PRCMARINA9: TINA CIAOOOOOOOOO Marbione90: UEEE E` ME CHINE E ARRIVATA A PAISANA MIA Ciucina: un piccolo torinese livornese MELTINA4UP: lol Gallotrn: O:-) GIANPIEROO 50: HAHAHHAHAHHAHA GALLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Marbione90: CIAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU PRCMARINA9: PAISANELLA CIAOOOOOOOOOOO Gallotrn: LOLOLGIAN PRCMARINA9: ALO A TIA CICCIU LQH417: I GUESS THEY R HAPPY THAT WAY, PITTO Pxglassey: CLAUDIA POSTA Marbione90: :-)CIUCI, SE DEVEI ESSERE SPOSATA CON PISS BOY DEVI ABITUARETI A MANEGGIARER BENE L`ORINALE Ciucina: k Ciucina: Jejibbooooo Pxglassey: K SEXY TINA 801: :-DPX MA LA LETTERA DI OBAAM TI E' ARRIVATA PER POSTA O VIA PC MELTINA4UP: good for them LQH417: YEA charleenmuoihfp: hurry guys il turn it off soon myhotcam.xoxgo.com Pxglassey: IN TUTTI E DUE LQH417: SO HOW ABOUT U AND MELTI... U DOIN OK? Gallotrn: MARUT FORSE E MEGLIO CHE LO DICI TU A TUTTI CHE DOPO L'ULTIMA OPERAZIONE TI E STATA IMPIANTATA UNA PROTESI UN CAZZO FINTO GIUSTO PER PISCIARE GIANPIEROO 50: OSARRACIN E' STATO ACCOLTO DA TUTTA LA FAMIGLIA DI KARINA GIANPIEROO 50: IL PADRE DI KARINA E' CONTENTO PRETTYBABY026413: 29/f/monmouth county here single italain girl here Pxglassey: GIAMPIERO MA POSSO DIRTI UNA COSA TlVOGLIOBENE1: meglio che esco se no questo lo sputtano davvero Angelina5547: come siete tutti male educati nessunoooooooooo saluta, GIANPIEROO 50: E ANCHE LA FIGLIA DI KARINA CHE E' IN COLLEGE E' CONTENTA NYAMICO5: IO MAI SPOSEREI UNA DONNA CHE HO SPUTTANATO I CHIAMANDOLA ZOCCOLA PUTTANA BALENA TROIA Ciucina: ciao Angelinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Pxglassey: KARINA MI RACCONTO A ME COSE BRUTTISSIME DI LUI TlVOGLIOBENE1: angelina ciaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Ciripiripin: Ma perche parlate di persone non presenti? Pxglassey: SARRACINO NYAMICO5: GIAN CAPISCI L'ITALIANO? Pxglassey: E LUI DI LE GIANPIEROO 50: CHE LA MADRE E OSARRACIN SONO INSIEME OnlineHost: TlVOGLIOBENE1 has left the room. Angelina5547: ahahahahahah ciucinaaaaaaaaaa Pxglassey: MA COME OGGI POSSONO STARE INSIEME OnlineHost: PRETTYBABY026413 has left the room. GIANPIEROO 50: ORA CREPI D'INVIDIA charleenmuoihfp: who wants to hav efun with a noty girl ?:) imat myhotcam.xoxgo.com NYAMICO5: SEXYYYYY BINGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OnlineHost: DOLCE TERESA has left the room. GIANPIEROO 50: PX KARINA L'HA PERDONATO OnlineHost: DNS One has entered the room. Pxglassey: WOW Pxglassey: OK GIANPIEROO 50: PER OSARRACIN HA PERDUTO 80 LB Ciucina: lol Ciripiripin: gossip...grrrrrrrr NYAMICO5: SARRACINO E CONL'ACQUA ALLA GOLA O SI SPOSA E SE NE DEVE TORNMARE INITALIA GIANPIEROO 50: OSARRACIN GIANPIEROO 50: OSARRACIN GIANPIEROO 50: GLI HA DATO L'ANELLO 2 SETTIMANE FA NYAMICO5: QUESTO E' IL MOTIVO PERCHE' SARRA SI SPOSA CON KARINA charleenmuoihfp: yayyy , nobody wanst to see m elive ? its at myhotcam.xoxgo.com Ciucina: e tu come sapresti tutte ste cose Gianpiero? GIANPIEROO 50: PERCIO' NON VIENE PIU' IN CHAT GIANPIEROO 50: NON HA TEMPO SUPREMA CORTE: NY,LA VITA,E' CAMBIATA,HA CERTE DONNE,QUANDO VENGONO CHIAMATE,BALENE,PUTTANE,CESSO,CI FAI CRESCERE LA BARBA,DI FELICITA,TANTO CH SPOSANO,DA LATRINE,VER DIVENTRARE,CESSI Pxglassey: PERO' NYAMICO5: CHE SCHIFO SPUTTANARE UNA DONNA E POI SPOSARSELA??? Pxglassey: E VERO QUELLO CHE SI DICE Ciucina: lol Pxglassey: TRA MOGLIE E MARITO NON METTERE DITO NYAMICO5: MADRE MIA SANTISSIMA CHE FIGURA DI MERDA CHE STA FACENDOOOOOOOOOOOOO SARRACINO GIANPIEROO 50: CIUCINA Ciripiripin: KARINA, e una brava scrittice, e anche poetessa OnlineHost: DNS One has left the room. GIANPIEROO 50: LO SAPEVO DA TEMPO CHE SI AVREBBERO ACCOPPIATI Angelina5547: ciripin ciaooooooooooooo charleenmuoihfp: guys stopp m me ... my cam is on myhotcam.xoxgo.com Marbione90: SCUSATE IO DEVO DIRE LA MIA ,QUELLO CHE DICE GIAN E` TUTTO VERO Ciripiripin: ANGELENIA, ciao GIANPIEROO 50: ME LO HANNO AFFERMATO IN UN EMAIL Ciucina: ok Gianpiero ripeto buon per loro Ciripiripin: -I GIANPIEROO 50: SI CIRIPIN GIANPIEROO 50: INFATTI OnlineHost: i wre has entered the room. NYAMICO5: CIRIPIN QUI NONE' IL DISCORSO SE KARINA E' O NON L'HO Ciucina: lui ha sempre negato pero' GIANPIEROO 50: KARINA HA ANCHE IL GIORNALE ON LINE i wre: 27f bored GIANPIEROO 50: CIUCINA Angelina5547: marbioneeeeeeeeeeee nemmeno te saluti? Ciucina: anche ultimamente disse che lei era torata col marito GIANPIEROO 50: MICA LO DICE IN CHAT Ciucina: tornata Pxglassey: SI Pxglassey: INFATTI charleenmuoihfp: who got cam ?i got cam its on myhotcam.xoxgo.com Ciripiripin: Io sono rimasta molto sorpresa nel leggere i poema, e articoli Pxglassey: MI RICORDO GIANPIEROO 50: QUESTI SONO MALEDETTI E INVIDIOSI Ciucina: cosi dice lui NYAMICO5: IL PUNTO E CHE SARRACINO L'A SPUTTANATA IN CHAT CHIAMANDOLA ZOCCOLA TROIA PUTTANA- BALENA E FIGA CON RAGNATELA SUPREMA CORTE: BRAVA,TRA MARITO,E' MOGLIE NON METTERCI IL DITO,AL MARITO LO SI MANDA,HA CAMBIARE L'OLIO NEL TRATTORE,E' ALLA MOGLIE LE SI CAMBIA L'OLIO,DELLA BRIOSCINA,PER POII QUANDO IL MARITO TORNA TROVARE LA CREMA GIANPIEROO 50: BRAVA CIRIPIN SUPREMA CORTE: PX Marbione90: GIAN CIRO GLI AVEVA PROMESSO CHE SE SI METTOVONO INSIEME NON VENIVA PIU IN CHAT GIANPIEROO 50: IL CORNUTO DI MENZ DICE CHE KARINA Pxglassey: GIAMPIERO INVIDIOSI DI CHI i wre: spank me baby! Pxglassey: MA SEI SERIO NYAMICO5: CIRI ' TU SPOSERESTI UN UOMO DOPO CHE T'AVREBBE SPUTTANATA? GIANPIEROO 50: NON HA FINITO NEANCHE HAIGH SCHOOL Ciucina: wow a me lui diceva tutta un altra cosa Ciripiripin: NYA,, Io parlo di Karina e di come e' OnlineHost: Italianboy21967 has entered the room. Pxglassey: ECCO Ciucina: me ne ha dette cosi tante di karina lui ame charleenmuoihfp: yyyayyy , nobody wanst to see me live ? its at myhotcam.xoxgo.com Pxglassey: IO SONO PAZZO PER CIUCINA NYAMICO5: CUGG SARRA NON SAPEVA NEANCHE LUI COSA SCRIVEVA Pxglassey: MI DICEVA GIANPIEROO 50: INVIDIOSI CHE ORASSACIN HA TROVATO L'ANIMA GEMELLA Pxglassey: OGNI SERA MI MANDAVA IMS i wre: Do you like blondes? Pxglassey: SARRACINO Pxglassey: MA PLEASE Ciucina: vedete questa e' una prova che le cose che dice lui in chat sono cazzate GIANPIEROO 50: ANZI SE MI INVITA AL MATRIMONIO CI VADO Marbione90: FANTINO SEI GELOSO / LOL NYAMICO5: IO GELOSOOOO Marbione90: CERTO NYAMICO5: ADESSO C'ERA TIVOGLIO BENE OnlineHost: i wre has left the room. OnlineHost: goccedimemoria1 has left the room. Ciucina: ne ha dette molte di karina , poi se le e' riprese indietro vuold dire che non erano vere GIANPIEROO 50: LA GELOSIA NYAMICO5: SENZA OFFENDERE A NESSUNO DI KARINA NE VUOLE 10 MINIMO GIANPIEROO 50: E' UNA BRUTTA COSA charleenmuoihfp: hey this iiis awesome ! myhotcam.xoxgo.com GIANPIEROO 50: CIUCINA Ciripiripin: GIAN esageri Marbione90: IO SO LE STESSE COSE DI GIAN NYAMICO5: TIVOGLIO E UNA BELLA DONNA INTUTTI I SENSI GIANPIEROO 50: SII CONTENTA PER CIRO OnlineHost: Italianboy21967 has left the room. GIANPIEROO 50: POVERINO ERA SOLO NYAMICO5: MARBIONE MICA MI METTO CONLE BALENE IO NYAMICO5: IO M OnlineHost: Gallotrn has entered the room. Ciucina: Gianpiero ma scrivo Turco non mi hai letto? GIANPIEROO 50: ORA HA UNA COMPAGNA CHE LO AMA Ciucina: l'ho detto 10 volte BUON PER LORO NYAMICO5: UBRIACXO CON IL BUON VINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Marbione90: NON DICESTO QUESTO RILEGGI Gallotrn: sera atutti OnlineHost: Mihovec has entered the room. GIANPIEROO 50: GOOD CIUCINA NYAMICO5: MICA CON L'ACETO COME FA SARRACINO Marbione90: MICHE CIAOOO GIANPIEROO 50: IO SONO CONTENTO PER LUI charleenmuoihfp: no need to have cccam to see mign at myhotcam.xoxgo.com Ciripiripin: Ma Sarracino non si fa' vedere piu' NYAMICO5: UEEEEEEEEE GALLOOOOOOOOOOOO Ciucina: Gallinooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GIANPIEROO 50: KARINA LAVORA Marbione90: PURE IO GIAN GIANPIEROO 50: CUCINA NYAMICO5: CIRI' NON HAI CAPITO ALLORA Ciucina: Gallinooooo fammi vedere il tongooooo Angelina5547: gallooooooooooooooo ciaoooooooo GIANPIEROO 50: POSSONO FARSI UNA VITA Ciripiripin: NYA cosa? Gallotrn: ciucinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaciao bella signora livornese Marbione90: ANGELINA CIAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NYAMICO5: SARRA NONPUO' ENTRARE HA PROBLEMI GROSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GIANPIEROO 50: CIRIPIN Gallotrn: sera angelinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NYAMICO5: SOLO KARINA PUO' SALVARE SARRACINO GIANPIEROO 50: NON VIENE PERCHE' E' BUSY Ciripiripin: uh... e' arrivato er galleto Gallotrn: lololciucina io non uso tomgo SUPREMA CORTE: CIUCINA,PX,LA CIRI,LA 360,SARANNO LE PRIME AD'ESSERE INVITATE,QUANDO TUTTO TERMINA,ARRIVERA',ANCHE GIAMPIERO,PER PULIRE,OGNI COSA,DEL CERVO,E' DELAL CERVA,MENTRE LA GENTE SE LA RIDE CHIAMNDOLO CESSO,FUORI USO Gallotrn: ciao ciri OnlineHost: Mihovec has left the room. Angelina5547: wowwwwwwwww marbione dopo 3 ore mi vede, NYAMICO5: CIRI'NON L'HAI ANCORA CAPITO? Ciucina: axx vai COMMANDO Gallo? charleenmuoihfp: any guy for c2c ?i ts at myhotcam.xoxgo.com GIANPIEROO 50: CIRO HA UNA VITA ORA Gallotrn: io sono sempre gnufo ciucina NYAMICO5: TANTO E VERO CHE KARINA SE LO STA SPOSANDO Marbione90: ANGELINA NON ERO AL PC iucina: gnufo eh Ciripiripin: uffa NYA cosa? Ciucina: bono tutto gnufo Gallotrn: gnudo Marbione90: NON TI AVEVO VISTO ,LOL Gallotrn: lolol NYAMICO5: CIRI LEGGIMI COSA HO SCRITTO Ciripiripin: gnufo, lol GIANPIEROO 50: CIRIPIN CIRO NON HA PROBLEMI Angelina5547: ok scusami NYAMICO5: L'ABBIAMO DETTO MILLE VOLTE Marbione90: :-) Ciucina: facci vede' er fagotto Gallooooooo NYAMICO5: PROBLEMI GROSSI Marbione90: NO POBLEMA BELLA Gallotrn: lololllciucina NYAMICO5: A ME NON M'INTERESSA OnlineHost: ITALIANiN VEGAS7 has entered the room. charleenmuoihfp: its free if you are over 18 myhotcam.xoxgo.com Ciripiripin: MARBIO' sei quieto oggi GIANPIEROO 50: NY AMICO IL PROBLEMA LO HAI TU CHE SEI GELOSO Marbione90: SI CE SIGNU TE SALURU SEMPRE A TIE ,LL NYAMICO5: MA LUI CHE SPUTTANAVA A TUTTI QUANTO I PROBLEMI LI HA LUI SARRA Gallotrn: IL FAGOTTO E PERSONALE CIUCINA GIANPIEROO 50: IL PROBLEMA E SOLO TUO Marbione90: CIRIIIII SIII Marbione90: ;-) Ciucina: beh non essere egoista gallo OnlineHost: Kaatoh has left the room. Ciucina: share w/ us Pxglassey: PERO' SE STANNO INSIEME VORREI TANTO CHE CI MANDASSERO' A TUTTI UNA BELLA FOTO LORO. DI SARRACINO E KARINA Angelina5547: aahahahah marbione Ciripiripin: MARBIO' e come mai? OnlineHost: Renee0221 has entered the room. NYAMICO5: KARINA LA SALVEZZA DI SARRACINO Gallotrn: LLOLOL NYAMICO5: OR SI SPOSA O SE NE VA SARRA Pxglassey: GALLUCCIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GIANPIEROO 50: PX IL FATTO E' CHE OSARRACIN Ciripiripin: ma smettetela Ciucina: Gallino vieni qui che ti diamo na bella salvata io e la Px OnlineHost: Vitaliythefirst has entered the room. Gallotrn: PXUCCIAAAAAAAAAAAAACIAO ZIA GIANPIEROO 50: E' UN BUON UOMO charleenmuoihfp: its free if you are over 1118 myhotcam.xoxgo.com Gallotrn: LOLOLCIUCINA NYAMICO5: SEXY E CHEB ME NE FACCIO IO DELLA FOTO DI SARRACINO E KARINA? GIANPIEROO 50: E' ANCHE FEDELE ALLA SUA DONNA SUPREMA CORTE: PX,SARA' UN'EVENTO,DI PRIMA PAGINA,VEDRAI TUTTO,SU GIORNALI,E' TV,TRANQUILLA Marbione90: HO PASSATO NA BELLA GIORNATA SONO U PO STANCO ALLORA LEGGO E ME LA RIDO ,LOL Ciucina: ti strigliamo come un cavallo Gallino OnlineHost: Renee0221 has left the room. GIANPIEROO 50: CIAO MARBIONE Gallotrn: MMMMMMMMMCIUCINA GIA MI SI E ADDRIZATO TUTTO Ciripiripin: ecco, riposati e godi MARBIO' Gallotrn: LA CRESTA Ciripiripin: POVERO GALLO Ciucina: lol Gallotrn: LOL Pxglassey: LOL NYAMICO5: NEANCHE PER IL PULIRE IL CESSO LA VORREI LA FOTO DI SARRA E KARINA OnlineHost: Sarinuzzo2000 has left the room. Marbione90: GIAN TO SALUTATO 3 ORE FA ,LOL OnlineHost: MELTINA4UP has entered the room. GIANPIEROO 50: LA GELOSIA TI MANGIA VIVO NY AMICO RELAX Ciucina: ecco il figoooo di Sariiiii charleenmuoihfp: lol this is awesome myhotcam.xoxgo.com GIANPIEROO 50: LOL MARBIONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ciripiripin: Capirai.. due come Ciucina e PX Marbione90: :-) Pxglassey: BELLO DELLA ZIA CHE TI STANNO DICENDO, VIENI QUI TI DO UN BACINO GIANPIEROO 50: NY SARRACIN SE NE FOTTE DI TE Gallotrn: MMMMMMMMMMMMMSTAREI IN PARADISO CIRI Ciucina: deve prendersi il VOV il povero Galletto, Ciri Pxglassey: LOL Gallotrn: LOL Ciripiripin: lol CIUCI Ciucina: vieni sulle ginocchia bel nipotino NYAMICO5: IO ME NE STRAFOTTO DI TE GIAN DI SARRA E DI TUTTI QUELLI CHE OFFENDONOOOOOOO Ciucina: ti diamo un bel candy Pxglassey: HAHAHAH Ciucina: hahahaha NYAMICO5: COMPRESO IL TUO X AMICO MARUT Ciripiripin: se no lo prteranno in lettiga GIANPIEROO 50: NY AMICO PER PULIRE IL CESSO HAI A SORAYA OnlineHost: Scinnutedda has entered the room. charleenmuoihfp: this is some thing u never saw before ! myhotcam.xoxgo.com charleenmuoihfp: this is some thing u never saw before ! myhotcam.xoxgo.com Gallotrn: PECHE NON VIENI TU SULLE MIE GINOCCHIA ZIA CIUCINA GIANPIEROO 50: NYA LA GELOSIA TI FA CREPARE NYAMICO5: A TE TI BRUCIA CHE IO HO DONNE DOVE VADO E VADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ciucina: zia ciucina e' un po' come dire......ampia di culetto Gallino NYAMICO5: ALTRO CHE BALENE COME QUELLA DI SARRACINO Ciucina: ti sfaccio le ginocchia Ciucina: hahaha Marbione90: FANTINO NON CREDEVO CHE ERI GELOSO ,LOL NYAMICO5: GELOSO? Gallotrn: FA NIENTE ZIA CIUCINA HO LE GAMBE FORTI Marbione90: CERTO Gallotrn: LOLOL Ciucina: eheheh GIANPIEROO 50: TU DONNE DI DONNA NON HAI NESSUNO NEANCHE A SORAYA TE LA DEVE PRESTARE MENZ E POI SORAYA NON E' DONNA E' PUTTANA NYAMICO5: DI CHE COSA DI SARRACINO ? charleenmuoihfp: he ythis is awesome ! myhotcam.xoxgo.com YAMICO5: MI SPAREREI SE SAREI GELOSO DI SARRACINO Marbione90: SE UNA PERSONA SI SISTEMA DOVRESTI ESSERE CONTENTO Gallotrn: COSI POTRAI CAVALCARE UN CAVALLO NAPOLETANO Gallotrn: LOLOL Ciucina: lol GIANPIEROO 50: BRAVO MARBIONE NYAMICO5: MARBIONE ME NE FOTTOO DI SARRA E DI KARINA Ciripiripin: Chissa' come gli fischiano le orecchie Sarracino Ciucina: il principino che fa? OnlineHost: xruba13 has entered the room. GIANPIEROO 50: PER MENZ CHE HA UNA PUTTANA IN CASA Marbione90: GIAN LOL Gallotrn: E GIA A CASA CIUCINA NYAMICO5: IO NONFACCIO FIGURE DI MERDA COME SARRA GIANPIEROO 50: E' OK Ciucina: bellinoooo Gallotrn: DOPO CHE SI E FOTTUTO I VESTITI NUOVI OGGI NYAMICO5: PRIMA LA CHIAMA PUTTANA ZOCCOLA TROIA E POI SE LA SPOISA COGLIONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ciucina: chissa' come gli manchi eh charleenmuoihfp: who wants to have funw ith a noty girl ?:) imat myhotcam.xoxgo.com GIANPIEROO 50: OSARRACIN SI E' SISTEMATO CON UNA BELLA DONNA SONO GELOSI VACCI A CAPIRE NYAMICO5: UOMO SENZA CARATTERE Ciucina: hahaha Gallino Gallotrn: SI CIUCINA OnlineHost: ILARlA has left the room. Ciucina: tutto fighrtto si veste eh Pxglassey: GIAMPIERO RELAX OnlineHost: MELTINA4UP has left the room. Gallotrn: SIIIIIIIIII Ciucina: fighetto Ciucina: hahahahah GIANPIEROO 50: NY AMICO A TE CHI TI SPOSA???????????????????????? Marbione90: NY PARLIAMO U PO SERIAMENDE ,SARRACINO NON E SOLO HA FARE FIGURE DI MERDA IN CHAT LOL Pxglassey: MANDAGLI A LORO I NOSTRI AUGURI Gallotrn: QUANDO ANDIAMO ALL MALL MI FA INCAZARE Pxglassey: E FIGLI MASCHI GIANPIEROO 50: FANTINO A TE CHI TI SPOSAAAAAAAAAAAAA? Pxglassey: HAHAHA Gallotrn: A CHI PX? NYAMICO5: BRB VADO A FARMI UNBEL CYBER INCAM CON LA MIA AMANTE TIVOGLIOBENE NYAMICO5: BRB Pxglassey: A SARRACINO E KARINA Pxglassey: COSI DICONO Marbione90: SE VUOI GIUDICARE LA CHAT DI LA VERITA charleenmuoihfp: grrr my cam aint working here ,but its working at myhotcam.xoxgo.com Pxglassey: SI SPOSANO GIANPIEROO 50: VAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII A TTENTO CHE TI AFFOGHI DI RABBIA FANTINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GIANPIEROO 50: VAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII OnlineHost: Marutequi has entered the room. NYAMICO5: ME NE FOTTE DEGLI IMBECILLI MARBIONE Ciripiripin: PX you kidding? Marbione90: GIAN AHAHAHAHA GIANPIEROO 50: BERE Gallotrn: MA NON LI ASCOLTARE PX KARINA E SARACINO NON STANNO INSIEME NYAMICO5: SARA UNA COPPIA DI CESSI GIANPIEROO 50: LA RABBIA nlineHost: ElaineTenn has entered the room. NYAMICO5: IL CYBER M'ASPETTA NYAMICO5: BRB Gallotrn: QUESTI DICONO PALE PIU GROSSE DI QUELLE CHE HANNO TRA LE COSCE Pxglassey:

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Enviromental problems

Melting Ice in Antarctica Posted September 25, 2007 Large images First Year of Melting (620 kB PNG ) Number of Days of Melting (2005) (600 kB PNG) In places, Antarctica’s rugged, coastal mountain ranges just barely break the surface of a sea of snow and ice thousands of feet thick. On its high, inland plateau sits a sheet of ice more than a mile thick. Massive ice shelves hang off the continent’s into the freezing sea. Even in the summer, most of the continent stays below zero. But even the coldest continent on Earth is melting, say NASA scientists. These maps illustrate different aspects of seasonal melting on the continent. After analyzing 20 years of satellite data, scientists have concluded that persistent melting—melting that lasts for at least three daytime periods or one consecutive day and night—has been occurring increasingly farther inland and at higher altitudes over the past two decades. The top map shows how the area affected by persistent melting has expanded since 1987. The colors represent the first year in which satellites observed persistent melting. Light green shows areas where melting was observed from the beginning, while blue shows areas where melting occurred for the first time more recently. The bottom map shows the number of days on which melting occurred in 2005, a year of particularly dramatic melting. Snow melted as far inland as 500 miles and at altitudes of 1.2 miles above sea level. Not surprisingly, melting lasted longest (dark purple) on the Antarctic Peninsula, which stretches northward away from the continent. The Ross Ice Sheet and the land to its interior also experienced between 10-20 melting days in 2005. Although Antarctica is often shrouded in clouds and experiences months of complete darkness each year, satellites have been able to observe melting on the surface routinely using microwave-frequency observations. Photo-like images of the surface can only be captured in daylight and on clear days, but snow and ice emit microwave frequency energy that passes right through clouds, day and night. Even the smallest amount of liquid water in the snow changes the unique microwave signal given off by the snow Ministers get close look at Antarctic ice threat TROLL RESEARCH STATION, Antarctica — A parka-clad band of environment ministers landed in this remote corner of the icy continent on Monday, in the final days of an intense season of climate research, to learn more about how a melting Antarctica may endanger the planet. Representatives from more than a dozen nations, including the U.S., China, Britain and Russia, were to rendezvous at a Norwegian research station with American and Norwegian scientists coming in on the last leg of a 1,400-mile (2,300-kilometer), two-month trek over the ice from the South Pole. The visitors will gain "hands-on experience of the colossal magnitude of the Antarctic continent and its role in global climate change," said the mission's organizer, Norway's Environment Ministry. They'll also learn about the great uncertainties plaguing research into this southernmost continent and its link to global warming: How much is Antarctica warming? How much ice is melting into the sea? How high might it raise ocean levels worldwide? The answers are so elusive that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a Nobel Prize-winning U.N. scientific network, excluded the potential threat from the polar ice sheets from calculations in its authoritative 2007 assessment of global warming. The IPCC forecast that oceans may rise up to 23 inches (0.59 meters) this century, from heat expansion and melting land ice, if the world does little to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases blamed for atmospheric warming. But the U.N. panel did not take Antarctica and Greenland into account, since the interactions of atmosphere and ocean with their enormous stores of ice — Antarctica has 90 percent of the world's ice — are poorly understood. And yet the West Antarctic ice sheet, some of whose outlet glaciers are pouring ice at a faster rate into the sea, "could be the most dangerous tipping point this century," says a leading U.S. climatologist, NASA's James Hansen. "There is the potential for several-meter rise of sea level," Hansen told The Associated Press last week. The scenario is "frightening," says the IPCC's chief scientist, Rajendra Pachauri, who met with the ministers in Cape Town before their nine-hour flight here from South Africa. Finding the answers has been key to the 2007-2009 International Polar Year (IPY), a mobilization of 10,000 scientists and 40,000 others from more than 60 countries engaged in intense Arctic and Antarctic research over the past two southern summer seasons — on the ice, at sea, via icebreaker, submarine and surveillance satellite. The 12-member Norwegian-American Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica — the trekkers "coming home" to Troll — was one important part of that work, having drilled deep cores into the annual layers of ice sheet in this little-explored region, to determine how much snow has fallen historically and its composition. Such work will be combined with another IPY project, an all-out effort to map by satellite radar the "velocity fields" of all Antarctic ice sheets over the past two summers, to assess how fast ice is being pushed into the surrounding sea. Then scientists may understand better the "mass balance" — how much the snow, originating with ocean evaporation, is offsetting the ice pouring seaward. "We're not sure what the East Antarctic ice sheet is doing," David Carlson, IPY director, explained last week from the program's offices in Cambridge, England. "It looks like it is flowing a little faster. So is that matched by accumulation? What they come back with will be crucial to understanding the process." The visiting environment ministers were those of Algeria, Britain, Congo, the Czech Republic, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Other countries were represented by climate policymakers and negotiators, including Xie Zhenhua of China and Dan Reifsnyder, a deputy assistant U.S. secretary of state. During their long day here under the 17-hour sunlight of a dying southern summer, when temperatures still drop to near zero Fahrenheit (-20 degrees Celsius), the northern visitors took in the awesome sights of Queen Maud Land, a forbidding, mountainous icescape 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometers) southwest of South Africa, and toured the Norwegians' high-tech Troll Research Station, upgraded to year-round operations in 2005. The politics of climate inevitably mixed with the science. Stranded in Cape Town an extra two days when high Antarctic winds scrubbed a planned weekend flight, the ministers were gently lobbied at lunch and dinner by Scandinavian counterparts favoring urgent action on a new global agreement to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, the deal to reduce greenhouse gases that expires in 2012. President Barack Obama's new U.S. administration has promised action after years of U.S. resistance to the Kyoto process. But the complexity of issues and limited time before a Copenhagen conference in December, target date for a deal, makes the outcome as uncertain as the future of Antarctica's glaciers and offshore ice shelves. Much more research lies ahead, say the scientists, including investigations of the possible warming and shifting currents of the Southern Ocean ringing Antarctica. "We need to put more resources in," said IPY's Carlson. Outspoken scientists say political action may be even more urgently needed. "We are out of out cotton-pickin' minds if we let that process get started," Hansen said of an Antarctic meltdown. "Because there will be no stopping it." Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

venerdì 20 febbraio 2009

Lo sapevo che truman non ci metteva in mezzo a una strada: quanta gente si occupa di numerologia!

www.Napoli.com RidingTheBeast.com Events Symbols Numerology World News Resources Options Search Properties of the number 333 Symbolism The first divine man. In one of messages of the Virgin Mary given to Don Stefano Gobbi, of the Marian Movement of Priests, we can read: "333 indicated once, that is to say, for the first time, expresses the mystery of the unity of God. 333 indicated twice, that is to say, for the second time, indicates the two natures, that of the divine and the human, united in the divine Person of Jesus Christ, 333 indicated thrice, that is to say, for the third time, indicates the mystery of the Three Divine Persons, that is to say, it expresses the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Thus the number, 333, expressed one, two and three times, expresses the principal mysteries of the Catholic faith which are: (1) The Unity and the Trinity of God, (2) the incarnation, the passion and death, and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ." General The length of the nave of the cathedral of Saint Etienne of Bourges in France, is 333 feet. The total length of measurement on the ground being 399 feet and its internal width of 133 feet. The mass of the Sun is around 333 thousand times that the Earth. Gematria In symbolism, the addition of a unit to a devoted number (example 8, number of the infinity, 7+1, 7 representing of what is cyclic) means the superabundant plenitude, or the exceptional properties of the added number. On the other hand, the subtraction of a unit from a totality is often a cause of misfortune or a sinister portent: 6 = 7-1, where 6 recall the number of the beast in the Revelation, 666. There are reasons to believe that the subtraction means what is truncated, what lacks a quantity, of a note, one essential duration to have its normal plenitude, to reach its goal, to succeed. Thus the name of Caesar in Greek, being 332 (kaisar = 20+1+10+200+1+100 = 332) is lower by a unit than the number representing the divinity. Some had been popular beliefs of the period of the Roman Empire, the "Caesar" have never been divine as it was claimed. They were even associates later to the number 666 of the Revelation of John. Occurrence The sum of all different numbers used in a Protestant Bible version gives as value 333 without counting the number one. The sum of the occurrences of all numbers in the Bible multiple of 80 gives 333 by counting "ten thousand times ten thousand" (Dn 7,10) as being an additional number equal to 100000000. And the sum of occurrences of all numbers of the Bible higher than 7000 gives also 333. The sea word is employed 333 time in the Old Testament. In the Koran, the sum of the occurrences of all numbers, equal or higher than 2 and written the cardinal form, gives 275. And we add there also the numbers written in their ordinal form and the other types of notation such that third, second, double, triple and tenfold, then the final result is 333. Return Last modification: December 19, 1998 sdesr@globetrotter.qc.ca 269 Comments for Number 333 Symbolism and Properties Strange Lifeby R - 2/20/09 12:11 PM I also wanted to mention how different I feel as well. In 1976 when I was 10 their was a H.S. Bus crash that killed 28 choir members in my town at that time. For years since that horrific crash I've been pulled towards all those that either died or lived. I did nothing about this feeling to connect with them. As the years past a thought would run by real fast about them and it would move on. I recall things about that day that I wish I couldn't. It was an emotional time for our little community losing all those kids. Well last year when it came to my mind I decided to do a google. Didn't find too much but for some reason every month I was compelled to run a new google on it. Low and behold and I hadn't even paid attention right around the anniversary of the crash which was May 21, 1976 one of the survivors had created a brand new site with all the students photos and archived newspaper clips. You could just feel this presence on that website. As soon as I had looked at all of it I had no choice but to email the survivor who had created the site. His response blew me away. It's been a rough life for him dealing with this tragedy but as the time has passed he has wondered if his friends who were all lost that day have been forgotten. His goal in creating the site was to acknowledge them and honestly to see if just one person would respond telling him they are all never forgotten. I had been chosen years in advance to store all those memories to share with him to let him know that he along with his friends will never be forgotten and what they all endured. It was as if his friends who passed that day knew there would be a time when he would need emotional help and for some reason along the way and years later this once 10 year old who knew none of them personally would be used to find his site and tell him.. Don't worry, I remember all of you. It's a creepy story for some but I'm just glad I kept paying attention and could be used to help out. Same with this 333 stuff. I'm open to whatever I'm suppose to do with it but I'm getting impatient in finding out what it's all about LOL. No Replies Post a Reply RE: RE: RE: number 333by Louise - 2/20/09 3:34 AM Hi Mark and Amanda, Just thought I would let you know that I'm also a kindred spirit. I shared many of the same thoughts, feelings and experiences as both of you. From a young age I always felt that I was somehow, different from other people, like a square peg in a round hole so to speak. Like you Amanda, I was always drawn to those who were either excluded from their peers or were somehow suffering from an emtional or physical affliction and Mark, I have a very special affinity with animals as well. Both my cats were rescued from animal shelters and I'm a sucker for any stray that wanders into my yard (dog or cat). It's like they know that my home is a sanctuary where they will feel safe and no harm will come to them. I have been like this all my life, my granddmother once joked that I was a collector of lost souls that if there is something wrong with somebody that they will find me. Consequently, I thought it was a curse but now I realise it's a gift. I also have an inate ability to tune into others vibes, I guess you can call it that. From meeting a person for the first time, I can usually determine what kind of character they possess and nine times out of ten, my first impressions have proved correct. Most people feel comfortable and secure in confiding in me, even complete strangers without any provocation on my part. Most of my friends have informed me that I display great compassion and empathy when dealing with people. I remember one particular incident when visiting San Francisco, my daughter and I were sitting in a park waiting for our photo's to be developed in a nearby store, when a homeless person approached us in a very menacing manner. Instead of panicking and fleeing the scene, I asked him to sit down with us and offered him a coffee, much to my daughters horror. Anyway we talked for a long period of time and he told me his hearbreaking story of how he ended up on the streets. Finally he went on his way but before he left he came up and kissed my hand and told me that I was a gift from god, that it meant so much to him that someone had finally treated him as a person. My daughter commented later that I have always had the ability to treat everybody with respect and sensitivity regardless them being a prince or a pauper. I saw 333 again twice today. I can't help but feel that it's some kind of precursor to some traumatic event where someone is suffering and I will be called upon to offer consolation. We have just experienced the worst bushfires in my beautiful countries history (Australia), where over two hundred people have lost their lives and many thousands are now homeless. The grief has been overwhelming. Many of these kind of disasters seem to be happening on a global scale and are becoming an everyday occurrence and no country seems immune. I have noticed that 333 becomes more prevalent and frequent before a disastrous global event, usually I will have a feeling of impending doom before such an event and when it happens it comes as no great surprise but the degree of human suffering experienced, I find totally unbearable to witness. I have called out loud to my God when I have experienced the 333 phenomena asking Him what is it he wants me to do and requesting answers. It is a sign....maybe we are to use our unique gifts to eleviate some of the great suffering and injustices that are currently being experience on this planet. I don't know... No Replies Post a Reply RE: RE: number 333by Mark - 2/19/09 11:53 AM Amanda you and I could be soul mates with this whole feeling things very differently. I feel others emotions by simply passing them on the hwy, in the store, in the mall, at work etc... Not like a psychic as I have no intention of feeling these emotions I just simply receive them. To say I can read someones true personality is an understatement. I don't like that because at times it's very disappointing to realize there are few honest people in this world. I find it over whelming at times when I'm in a large crowd because so much is going on and direct eye contact with strangers in passing is like receiving their private information and the look I will get is often times a look of embarrassment as they are aware some how I can see through them. I wear Sunglasses a lot in public to avoid this awkward moment.My ability to analyze detail is some thing that others I am with pay no attention to. I'm not even aware I'm drinking in my surrounding in such detail. My mother says as a baby instead of being in my "normal baby world" of drooling and giggling and digging at something, which I would also do, I also would sit there watching and listening. They use to laugh and say I was eaves dropping on their conversations but it couldn't be because I was way too young to allegedly understand what they were saying. I have this uncanny ability to sense danger or a pending bad situation. Almost a forewarning. I use to blow it off. It's been so dead on I now prepare in advance. I have recall of so many detailed events in my past down to what people were wearing 30 years ago when I was just a young child. It trips people out. I have said more than once where in the heck is all this information stored as I have never made it a goal to remember such detail.There is something so deep inside of me that has always felt like I needed to shout out loud that people just aren't getting it as to why we are all here, but even I can't tell you why. All I know is that the majority don't get it. I absolutely hate my detailed recall from years gone by because for all the good I can recall the very bad is imprinted in my mind as if it were yesterday along with those bad emotions and most would want to forget those details. I have a rainman like ability to hear a phone or cell number one time and it just stores in my head. I've been tested by my friends and family on that point and they are shocked. I actually know my Great Grandmothers last phone number before she died. By the way she died in 1970. I get calls from those who know this about me asking me for names and numbers as they can't remember. I get calls asking for details over a conversation because they aren't sure. I have this inner spiritual very close relationship with my angels, guides, protectors what ever one wants to call thats beyond our world. It's so real to me I can feel them around some times. And one thing I just can't figure out but it's my thing with animals. It's not that I am an animal lover it's that animals come to me and just sit next to me very calmly and turn their face and start blinking at me communicating to me as if they've been told by some other animal I will completely understand them. I've had more then one friend say .... WOW usually he's real sketchy around strangers. I honestly feel like I get animals but again can't tell you why or how come. Strays come to me in distress. All of my cats were abandoned and ended up finding my door step and each time I was told they were wild and would never adjust to humans. Each time they have lived for years climbing on my lap purring but if another human even reached for them they'd run for their life. I never sought them out they have always sought me out. I'm still completely lost on this 333 but I know instinctively it's a message. It began suddenly and has remained ever since. It went from 777 to now just 333 or for some reason any 3 combination of numbers adding to 13 that has happened within the last two months. I've gotten to the point where the second I see 333 I talk out loud to God, Jesus, and my angels if I'm alone it's a very casual conversation that includes the request for them to send me some more clues so I can figure this puzzle out and continue to give me strength to be the best I can be. No Replies Post a Reply my tatooby antonette - 2/13/09 12:32 PM i don't know where to start i have had this tattoo 333 on my right hand for the pass 5 years now above it there's an angel with my face i got this tattoo to cover another one the word devil queen which i got 3 years prior i did not know what 333 meant or why i did it i use to say half good half evil in all of us. as im changing now becomming close to god i am relieved that i have not done another deed to push my self further from him 3 Replies: Post a Reply RE: my tatooby Anonymous - 2/15/09 10:54 AM Hi antoinette. The numbers 333 are symbolic of the occult. It is their secret number for the number of the beast which is 666. It is the female version sorta like when someone says my other half. It is from the secret society which is the occult. When we do things unknowingly weather intentional or not. It will pick up things in the spirit realm words are very important because in the earth realm they are seeds sown that bring forth a harvest. just the way the agriculture system is set up. It is a spritual law antoinette just like the law of gravity and lift. Words are called grammer and grammatical is the study of different functions of words. If you look in the dictionary you will find that gram from the word grammar means seed. You said that you didnt know why you got 333 tatooed on you, well the words and lifestyle that you used and led such as devil queen are very very serious in the spirit realm. It is like this plain and simple. In this life we have a choise. Heaven or hell, life or death. We have a choise however when we put words in the atmoshere the words and choises that we make will have a harvest. The person who doesnt truly understand this concept will call this process karma. As a daughter of the most High God thru Jesus Christ. I know all too well the meaning of seed time and harvest time. You made a confessed declaration of devil queen and that act has drawn the demonic spirits to you. There is a whole spirit world that the human everyday eye cannot see, but that doent mean that it doesnt exist. It does sweetheart. God has a enemy and it is the devil himself and he has laid claim on you. I pray that you continue to stay and grow even closer to God thru Jesus because He is greater than that old serpant with the secret plan to kill you. As human beings we are made up of 3 parts. The body which is the tent we live in on the earth, the soul which is our emotion and reactions to experiences in this life and then there is the spirit which is that still small voice way down on the inside that reasons with the soul. People will call it your conscious. Well the spirit is what God is comlpetely and totally in love with. The soul consist of emotions like anger, lust, hate, perversion ,jealously,false joy, vanity and all those earhtly fleshly things that push us further and further from God when we dont repent. The soul is bound for hell and the spirit is what God longs to protect and nourish so that it can live forever with Him in the kingdom of heaven when this life is over but we have a choise because sweetheart WHEN this life is over, the way we lived it WILL determine where we will spend eternity. God warns us of the things of this world and only because He wants to protect us because He is a big ole lovable God who loves us with a love that words are to feeble to even descrbe, but He is also a just God who will and can not lie, it is impossible for Him to lie, therefore He wont go back on His word which says that a man MUST be born again or he will not see the kingdom of God. We can not serve 2 masters we must choose ONE. The devil is an ancient foe and the bible calls him a worthy opponet. I am only saying this because you need to know how sudtle he is when it comes to deceiving mankind in to worshiping him.Find you a good bible study class and pray about everything. Forreal, God is alive and He wants you to live antoinette. He desires you to LIVE. This life is so so very short compared to eternity. A thousand years is but a day to God. Dont waste yours on the devils lies. You really dont want to spend an eternity in hell . It was not made for humans, but after the fall of man in the garden of eden hell is an eternal home to the lost. Imagine being completely seperatd from God, imagine Antoinette, hopelessness and mucho torment fear darkness and pain beyond words for all of eternity. At least now while we are here on earth there is still hope ya know. So many people dont know that when they are stuck in a bad place and then decide to take there own lives. That chills me to the bone when I think about when they finally realize when they cross over to the other side that they had been deceived by Gods enemey who hates ours guts with a burning passion because we are made in Gods image and he hates God because God gave em the boot . I will be praying for you and I hope that I have shed light on any darkness in your life. I hate satan and all that he stands for . I know some really good people who had jacked up lifesyles and they died before they could make it right. I would like to paint a picture in my mind of them in heaven and all being well, but something on the inside knows the truth. They believed in God and talked about what they grew up beleiving but their lifestyles served the devil. God says no other god before Him. RE: my tatooby Amanda - 2/19/09 5:48 AM Your salvation has nothing to do with whether or not you put some ink on your body. Jesus was an amazing man who told us and showed us the right way to live with and treat one another. I admire him greatly but I don't think simply praying to him or to God is going to accomplish anything. Neither is doing good out of selfish fear of what is going to happen to you in the next life. Be kind for it's own sake, because it makes life better here for us all. Listen to the words of Jesus, his amazing capacity for forgiveness, the unity he inspired among us and aspire that for yourself. Don't worry about some dumb tattoo!!! RE: my tatooby Anonymous - 2/19/09 8:17 AM I totally agree with Amanda.....we are not going to be judged by what we do to ourselves but for what we do and how we treat others. GOD is not fear and he loves us all unconditionally no matter what colour, race or creed. Jesus showed us the way GOD wants us to live and he certainly wasn't afraid of evil or Satan. To acknoweldge Satan is to give him power of you. Jesus told Satan, "Get behind me..." RE: number 333by Amanda - 2/10/09 2:35 AM It is so good to know that other people are having the same experiences with the number 333! I've been trying to figure out what exactly it means for years and it seems like everywhere i look there's a different take on it's meaning. What i have most frequently seen is that it means something pertaining to the ultimate truth. The numbers 3, 33 and 333 have been extremely prevalent in my life, i almost feel like 3 is the most important and the others serve to emphasize it. I've always felt like i see the world differently than others. I've always had the ability to empathize and be "in-tune" with others feelings and thoughts. Can anyone else relate to that? Like, as an example, starting in elementary school i can remember playing with my friends and if there was anyone, i mean annnyyyone on the dang playground who was by themselves or who didn't have a friend i could sense it. Its like a whole body experience of sadness and loneliness for them and a strong sense of responsibility to make them feel like they matter. I never understood why no one else noticed or cared about it. I'm 21 and i don't understand why that mentality is still so prevalent. As far as religion goes, i don't like being labeled and confined to one set of beliefs, i love exploring all kinds of religions and spiritual beliefs because i don't see how anyone can really find the truth otherwise. I feel like many people are too wrapped up in the metaphors used to convey the messages and they completely miss the point. Does anyone else know what i'm talking about? I've never met anyone who really gets where i'm coming from and i'm starting to think i need to toughen up and get "real". lol i've asked for "signs" to help guide me but i have an unmatched ability to rationalize anything that could be considered a sign lolAs far as my direct experiences with the number 3,33 and 333 I can relate to pretty much everyone who's posted before me. My birthday, date(life path number),my full name when the letters are assigned numbers, my driver's license number, my ssn, seeing the time on the clock, my clocks changing to display 3:33 when it's not, waking up at 3:33am, and just seeing the number all over the place in general. Like others, i feel like when i see it, its trying to make me aware of something. Sometimes i get uncomfortable, like it might be a warning but i think that could just be because i don't know exactly what the message is so my mind goes to the darkest place or whatever the saying is lol Thank you guys for sharing your experiences! 3 Replies: Post a Reply number 333by J (England) 10-02-2009 - 2/10/09 5:09 AM i am new to this site and have just recently started seeing the numbers 333, but unlike most comments i have read through i get a nervous and scared feeling when i wake up at this time it frightens me sometimes but on other occassions it calms me. I have spoken to my husband who is an atheiest and he just brushes it aside, i am not religious but i do believe in god, last night i awoke at 3.33am and felt as thought there was someone in the room with me it scared me so much i was unable to get back to sleep for a good hour but most of the other times i have experienced this it has made me feel warm and special, i am so pleased i came across this site as i do not want to mention this to anyone else who is not experiencing this as i do not want people to label me. i do hope that there is some sign ifigance to the reason why i am seeing this number and i hope the reason is good as i am a very nervous person and the unknown does to some extent scare me. y date of birth iss the 9th of the 2nd 1975 i have added these numbers together and they add to 33 921975 coincidence or a higher meaning my first address after splitting from my first husband was number 33 and i have just pulled a ten pound note out of my purse the serial number on this is 18891882 add this together and it comes to 45 that is 15 times 3 so i do believe there is a certain calling but i am yet to figure out what it is, i hope that i was here for some reason and if there is a time when i need to be called upon for whatever reason that i will be one of the ones to be chosen and maybe have my questions wether good or bad answered until then i will just keep on waiting. RE: RE: 333 I've been chosen to!by Anonymous - 2/10/09 6:05 AM yeah it is good knowing there are other people out there from all parts of the world and most people say they are not religious but belive in god so that is also reassuring as i don't go to church but am a beleiver in god, I will figure this out one day i am sure, there is so many different theories on the subject that once you start reading it's hard to belive what is what but i think this site is amazing, and rather than fear what i am experiencing i am going to work with it as it has not harmed me so far. RE: RE: 333 I've been chosen to!by Anonymous - 2/17/09 9:20 AM I went through a period When I saw a lot of number patterns. It all started with 333. All i can say from my own experiance is it is very spiritual and very positive. There is big and positive change coming... 333by Doug - 2/15/09 1:52 AM I have been on a mission since the passing of our son on the 5/3/2008 with cancer. Since this time I have seen the number 3 and 33 everywhere all the time. Our sons last hospital room was 3, his wheelchair was 33, I can go on and on about it. But on the evening of Jakes passing I went out side and screamed at the sky (foul language) at God WHY. During my outrage I was concentrating on a particular star, I asked my wife to see it and said I had found a star for Jake (Jakestar). She looked up and got upset and she told me that was the star she and picked out for Jake a week previously. My friend that night researched that star and told us it was Sirius. I have read that some say its Sirius 33. I see it everywhere 3,33 and 333 No Replies Post a Reply RE: Qabbalists? Anyone?by Anonymous - 2/14/09 2:39 AM Sounds like the way of the world of late....doesn't it? 1 Reply: Post a Reply Qabbalists? Anyone?by HisDshadow - 2/14/09 11:27 AM Of interest to most here maybe the Jewish mystical method, the Qabbala. Having study this art of Hebrew numerology for some years now, I offer for your consideration the follow related to 333:thick darkness, Abyss, world of shell (hollow/demonic), lies, andexcrements. Precious little to do with any positive aspects of the Divine, yes? Bibliomancy maybe best derived from the original Hebrew text of the book- here you may find less separation of the Divine from Itselves than the translators might wish you to beLIEve. What does it mean?by Viola - 7/30/08 8:03 AM I am so glad to be reading all of these posts. I have been seeing 333, 111, 444, & 555 for about three yrs. now. 90% of the time it is 333. I've seen it on license plates, on receipts, house numbers and mainly clocks especially when I wake up to it. I am not an overly religious person, but lately I'm beginning to question that. I am amazed at all of you out there seeing the same numbers. Please keep up these posts, we surely have been chosen for something. 5 Replies: Post a Reply RE: What does it mean?by Devin Rauch - 8/02/08 12:45 PM I have been feeling like this number is following me around for as long as I could remember. I need the deeper meaning. why is it showing up soooo much and now that I'm not alone in this whats the BIGGER picture? are we all connected as a group for noticeing this? does anyone hvae any real answers? RE: What does it mean?by Krista - 8/03/08 11:53 AM Hi, I have been waking up at 333 am almost every night for about 4 years now and it's always to an evil presence. I am so scared now, I just want to make it stop. I recently got a new phone number and there is 333 in a row. It is definetely something evil, my nightmares wake me up at 333, my son started vomiting at 333 am, things fall out of cabinets and off walls. When I asked it what it wanted from me I felt like I couldn't breathe. Someone please help. RE: What does it mean?by Anonymous - 8/09/08 2:26 AM Hi Krista, don't be afraid, have faith in your God because like me, I have been seeing this message too for a long time. Initially it frightened me and I thought it was something evil. I decided not to acknowledge any evil presence because to do so was to give it power and control over my life. Remember Jesus when he was alone in the desert for 40 days and he commanded Satan to 'get behind him'. I think we are very lucky to be receiving a divine message to 'make a choice'. I chose MY GOD and the goodness and greatness he represents to me. He loves us unconditionally and accepts us for what we are 'imperfect' but wants us to do the very best we can in this earthly world. If and when there is a judgement day I'm sure the one question HE will ask us all is 'how have you treated your brother and fellow man?'. Be kind, be compassionate and respect all living things and be grateful for every day that HE has given to us to make things right in this crazy, mixed up world. Have faith in your GOD and HE will put you on the right path. Remember HE LOVES you sooo much but he is asking all of us now to DO MORE to make a difference. RE: What does it mean?by Anonymous - 8/13/08 6:57 AM I am wondering the same thing. It seems I keep seeing 333 on clocks in my house, whether I wake up and see it, or in the afternoon I glance at a clock and its 333. The power went out and came back on, and my husbands clock was flashing 333 as I just walked by a few seconds ago.I do think it is a sign, I have been keeping a dream journal to see if there are any other signs, because that is when you are most open to hear things. RE: What does it mean?by Anonymous - 2/12/09 8:27 AM For me it started with 333. The Lord led me to Jeremiah 33:3 "Call on me and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know."Added ow it is 444 on license plates, signs and mostlyseeing 444 change to 445 on the clock. I recently asked a friend, who has the prophetic gifting andinterprets number sequences, and she told me, 444 means to take the 4 Gospels via the 4 winds tothe 4 corners of the Earth. When it changes to 445, it means the Lord's Grace - He will give you Grace to accomplish what He has called you to do. It all makes sense now. 5 years ago, I had this book idea that kept coming to me. I began writing the book, keeping it very quiet. One day, I called the prayer line to pray for a friend, and after we finished praying, the young prayer warrior told me that the Lord had a word for me - I wasn't expecting it as I had called to pray for my friend.He said, "The Lord says, you will write a book and it is going to bless many, many people." I broke down crying because this man did not know me and I never said a word about the book. He then told me, "The Lord is only confirming what He has put in your heart to do." At that time, I had only a few pages done and stopped working on it. A year and a half ago, I was let go from my job. Inthat time I sat down to complete the book. It will be published by the end of April. Praise the Lord!! Seeing the 444 change to 445 makes sense to me now. I have had people I did not know, say I was called to preach. Once I had called in to pay my phone bill and the lady helping me suddenly asked me if I was a preacher, I didn't know who this woman was. I said no, but my daughter and I weregoing to be ordained soon. She told me that the Lord had a word for me - she said she was a minister of faith and the Lord said that I would preach the Gospel. That was when I really began tounderstand that our steps are indeed ordered. I have also seen 555, 5 means God's Grace and 111, which the Lord led me to Hebrews 11:1, "Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, theevidence of things not seen." It's time to wake up. He is preparing us. Be Encouraged and BeBlessed. In Christ Always. RE: 333 I've been chosen to!by Louise (Brisbane Australia) - 2/10/09 12:07 PM Hi Mark,I have had many, many similiar experiences and can totally relate with a lot of what you are saying. So many people have joked that my personal guardian angel is definately overworked and would probably need a holiday. My motto is 'there by the grace of God go I' quite literally. My mum once told me that I was definately meant to be here but for what purpose I do not know. I have always had this feeling of an unfulfilled destiny. Unlike you I don't get an anxious feeling when I see the sequence of 333 but I have this primal instinct (like it's something that exists and programmed in very own DNA) that it's definately a message, not one of impending doom but that there will be big changes and a great shift in the way the world is progressing. I also get the feeling that when I see this number that it is not so much a warning but that I have to be prepared...but prepared for what? I think we all were definately meant to find this sight and start communicating and commence putting the pieces of this puzzle together. I'm not a practising christian but do believe in MY god and his existence. I was born 28/7/58 (nothing significant in that date either) but I was born at 3.33pm. No Replies Post a Reply ENERGY SHIFT IN CONSCIOUNESS IS ACURRING ON OUR PLANETby Nikki P. - 2/09/09 7:51 AM Every one that is on this post you are not the only ones in this world that are experiencing this number phenomena. There are millions around the world that are also seeing these number just as you are looking for the same reasons as why this is happening. I want to try to shed some light on this aspect. Most that I have talked to about this aspects are having issues with sleeping as if there time clocks seem to be out of wack. There have been others I have talked to that have recently found out that there are physic or REIKI HEALING abilitys attached to there progressions with numbers I should know I am one of these people. We have in side us what is called a 3rd ear that can hear the spirtual world ( please google and do your own reasearch and read for your selfs) The other aspect of this sequuence of numbers follows a pattern called synchronicity. Start opening your thaughts to the universe and open your self up to infinite possibilitys and you will be guided by the numbers. Example personal experence.. I had not seen a close friend of mine since her becoming bad sick with cancer and loosing her hair..Emails and emails and phone calls to family and friends nothing. I feared the worst and I was watching a tv show missing one of the detectives was talking about a missing photo that was not a part of the spread he looked at his desk clock 3:33pm . This SCREAMED PAY ATTENTION TO THE NEXT CLUE. Got up the next morning had breakfast and went acrossed the street for a walk in the park and there were 2 cars one had a Tronto Raptors #33 decal in the window and the other car had a number 3 in the plates of the car. OK I am on the right track. Went for my walk walked to the corner store for hot coffee to warm up sat out on the gray hound bus bench out in the sun to warm up and get this Melinda and her mom pull in to the store to check there lottery tickets. This happens to me on a daily bassis. The biggest thing that I have come acrossed is that people that have this number live there lives as Jesus heart..Meaning you give so much of your self love to other and dont expect any thing in return.Hope this helpsNikki DBelleville OntarioCanada No Replies Post a Reply Trying to understand 3 3 3 by Wyatt Arlington, Texas - 2/02/09 1:05 AM I ,as many others have testified here, have been "haunted" by the numbers 333 for years and have never understood its significance. My daughter was married on March the 3rd 2003 and she gave out a card anouncing her mariage date stating" remember the date 333". I won the Texas "pick three lottery" for $500.00 using the three numbers 333. Like many others here I awake many nights to see the numbers 333 or can be driving and look at the radio to see the time 3:33. I've talked to a few close friends and family members about my experience without any help or suggestions so I googled 333 and found this site and was amazed. I actually had "goose bumps" when I started reading about those having the same experience. I was thinking that God was telling me that I would die this year in March the 3rd. 333 adds up to 9? I don't understand. I too am a Christian but seldom go to church as I haven't found one I care for. Most of them have tv cameras and music bands non of which I believe is suitable in the house of God. I don't know of anything else to say except that I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one. 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: Trying to understand 3 3 3 by Nikki - 2/09/09 7:25 AM ANGEL NUMBER SEQUENCESA selection from Dr. Doreen Virtue's book Healing with the Angels.Chapter 12, page 160:Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequencesof numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in yourear so that you'll look up in time to notice the clock's time or a phonenumber on a billboard. The angels hope you'll be aware that you'reseeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you mayfrequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems that every time youlook at a clock the time reads 1:11 OR 11:11.The second way in which the angels show you meaningful number sequencesis by physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you thathas a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those who areaware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning of variouslicense plates. In this way, the angels will actually give you detailedmessages (remember the Steve Martin character in the movie L. A. Story,where billboards kept giving him meaningful information)?333 - The ascended masters are near you, desiring you to know that youhave their help, love and compassion. Call upon the ascended mastersoften, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some ofthe more famous ascended masters include Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin,and Yogananda. 333 Calling?by Mike C. - 2/09/09 3:03 AM I have seen this number more and more throughout my life. Seems the number appears more as time goes by. I see the versus related in the bible, I see the relation with other religions which all say the same thing. (summary: "Wake up") What are we to wake up to. I by far am no good christian, or even a man of religious faith and yet this number calls me from the core. I has even led me to decisions that have bettered my well being. It is driving me mad that a number has such a significant hold on me.I have questions because of this number 333 and I wish I could get them answered. No Replies Post a Reply 333by Stacey - 10/23/08 2:33 AM I am seeing 333's as many of you for the past year and a half. I initally started seeing 222's. I see it typically on my digital clocks at home, but have noticed the number strings on various forms of text. My mind in now programmed to see the numbers and I feel certain that God is letting me know HE is here with me. When I pray intently over certain struggles in my life I usually see the numbers more. I have awoken from dreams to look up to the clock and see the numbers. Over the last few years, I have been led by God to a new career where I can serve others (about to embark on it, as I finish my Master's degree in a few months). God has instilled in me a passion for a profession where I can directly reach out and help people in a unique way and he has truely seen me through the program for the past few years. When I see 333, I know he is telling me I am on the right pathway and to keep faith/keep working towards the goal and he will see me through it. The 333's are very welcome when I see them and I will pray through the minute when I see it in the future. I have been looking around the room when I see 333 for some sort of visual sign, but all is as it should be. I think 3:33 is my connectedness to the father. I don't know why it is 333 or 222, but what is important to me is that God has been giving me messages and he surprises me when I least expect it! 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by Anonymous - 10/26/08 2:24 AM My Fiance used to wake up at 3:00 am every day since I met him 6 years ago. He says that is when his father passed away on christmas day. Then he started to see 3:33 and 9:11. We both believe in God, but we do not go to church. For the past year or so on my computer at work, on the clock in our department, in my Fiances car, I try to ignore it but it always finds a way to show itself to me: 3:33 is everywhere every day! I feel that it is a sign to remind us that he is always near, watching, waiting until the time comes to show himself again. I started to go to church, a calling if you will. I just thought that we were the only two that were experiencing this. RE: 333by Dj - 2/08/09 5:52 AM i started with 888 then 222 now its 333 911 717 i love the lord Jesus and desire to follow him in all my ways. numbers are opened to an infinite number of interpretationsby The AntiBull - 2/02/09 5:07 AM I woke up last night and my alarm clock indicated '333' a.m. It was not the first time, snd I finally decided to research the number and what people think it means. so I stumbled in this site.I believe all of you need a psychitrist or do I need one? Once a guy was driving on an highway and the radio broadcasted this message:" Attention a cucu is driving opposite directions on ...bla bla bla" and he to himself" ...Oh my God only one? There are tens of them driving opposite direction!" 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: numbers are opened to an infinite number of interpretationsby DJ - 2/08/09 4:14 AM I came back from a spiritual retreat this past summer only to wake up at 333am two consecutive nights in a row i came to this site to see if anyone else had this experience! God is trying to get your attention my friend make sure you are listening! 333by Anonymous - 1/14/09 11:15 AM 333 is a sign of new beginnings as well as a sign that you are on the path to the Divine. Listen. 4 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by Anonymous - 1/29/09 6:21 AM I have 333 tattooed on my neck and im glad you're gettin signs as well as the rest of us RE: 333by Veronica - 1/29/09 11:40 AM I also had a dream 2 nights ago that seemed so real that I actually felt it ...I had 3 rows of 333 tattooed smack dab in the center of my chest which is the reason I dilligently searched for a meaning...all I can really say is WOW!!! HE never ceases to amaze me. God is magnificent. RE: 333by Anonymous - 1/31/09 12:54 PM i was walking home tonight and i saw 3 balloons, 3 cars getting sold for 3xxx, and gas prices x.x3 and x.33 next to eachotherwhen i was walking i was praying asking for a sign to what i was asking RE: 333by Anonymous - 2/01/09 2:18 AM WOW this is amazing i thought it was just me. been waking at 3:33am for about 6 years now, and seeing alot of 3:33 pm. i finally googled it and i can't belive my eyes. i kept thinking someone is trying to tell me something if i could only figure out what. thanks for all the info...there must be a higher calling for us all. 333by JBW333 - 1/30/09 12:57 PM I had the number in my life since as far back asi can remember.But started paying attention when all my high school books were i.e. 3,33,333! i always new i would have three kids,grew up in a blended families resulting in 3 parents(dad,step-dad)and sub sequently three of every major holiday celebrated.Now as I reflect a little,33 years old just 3 days ago,I have the same familial pattern,I have 2 children by blood and one by marriage so the repeats!!! lol Long live the brotherhood of 3&33&333. JBW Oh not to mention also always being known to always catch the clock @ 3:33 from childhood throughout til present No Replies Post a Reply RE: 333- Part of my life for nearly 6 years by Vee - 1/26/09 6:24 AM Please accept my apologies for some missing words in the sentences in my above thread.. even though the post reply time states it was made at 6:13 am it is in actual fact 12:23 am here and I am tired.. 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333- Part of my life for nearly 6 years by H - 1/30/09 5:22 AM I have been seeing 333 and 111 and 222 and 444 and 555 for many years as well. At first it was 11:11. All of the time...then Sept 11 happened, flight 11 etc. and I then started trying to understand what it meant....it was a few years ago when I heard a "psychic" on tv talking about angel numbers...what a revelation! I also believe that I am close to God, and not a church goer....I do believe that there is a big difference and that they are not necessarily one and the same. I believe that angels speak to us this way and they help us in God's name...they help us and serve Him. since this started, and since I began understanding the meaning, I have never felt alone, and it helps me so much in dealing with life's many challenges..... 333 made me cryby Peter G - 1/26/09 11:22 AM Ok... where do I begin?? I'm am in tears right now writing this and you may think that I'm crazy but this is all true. I have been seeing 333 for the past 9 years now and when I started seeing it I thought nothing about it. I didn't think it symbolized anything until yesterday which was january 25, 2009. I wake up in the middle of the night and I see 3:33 at times. I see it in the afternoon also. I used to play it for the lottery but I never won. I just figured it was a coincidence seeing it all the time. Until two days ago when i saw it 4 times in 1 day fist was 3:33am, next was 3:33pm then I turned on an old phone of mine and the time was set at 3:33am and finally I was watching a video clip on you tube and It last 3 minutes and 33 seconds!!!!! Ok so then i googled it because i was really getting freaked out and I found out the symbolism and i was shocked and happy in a way. And it gets even better, something just happened about 20 minutes ago from writing this post... I was on my computer and I was looking up 2007 BMW on ebay and 333 listings showed up in my area.. I was blown away i got up and kissed jesus's face hanging in my room and sat back down. Within 5 minutes I started to cry.... cry a lot and I didn't know why? I was actually thinking about my grandfather that died in a tragic accident. I stopped crying and I went back to this website and I found that from the book of Jeremias Chapter 33 verse 3 or 333. "Cry to me and I will hear thee: and I will show thee great things, and sure things which thou knowest not. Pray to Him and HE, God will show you great things. what i did was I logged on to this site where I'm posting this comment and I scrolled all the way down and I read that as I was crying and It all made sense. God is with me right now. 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333 made me cryby Anonymous - 1/28/09 3:06 AM I do believe that God is with you. You are definitely blessed...as am I.This is unbelievable! I also started seeing 333 almost everyday since my mother passed. Over the last year and a half I have experienced some of the most difficult times in my life. I have never cried, worried, had my heart-broken, gone into so much debt and been so low in my life than just recently. I believe that no matter what happens to me that God is there and that he has always been there. I feel that, because I see this number Now, more than ever I completely understand that everything He takes me through is his will. I am stronger now and become more and more stronger evey time I see this number. I am truly, truly blessed. RE: 333 made me cryby Anonymous - 1/29/09 2:37 AM 333 i wonder if we are few or many who see 333 i have been waking up parking reading you name it i always wonder is God telling me something is it my lucky number 333 i have three kids all of them with 3s as birth dates your story is similar to mine until last night i tell my daughter i cant take it no more as my bill at store 3.33 i look up at the moon and tell my daughter find out why all of this started to get more coincidental after my son was sent to prison. i have relief after reading all of this from everyone will we all come together still so many questions god does not abandon us it is 3.33 pm god bless you all . 333- Part of my life for nearly 6 years by Vee - 1/26/09 6:13 AM I'm not even sure how this all came to be. All I know is the numbers 333 have been a part of my life since 2003. I've talked to a few friends about it, some of them tend to have the opinion that I have now 'conditioned' myself to have this type of response. The example that was used was that if I had just gone out a car, then I would be noticing the same model car everywhere else. I know that this isnt the same to almost feeling like I have no choice over when I do see 333 and being totally subconscious of the numbers, until they do surface. Other friends that I have told, I have warned them about. That the moment that I tell them and we start spending more time with each other, they too will start noticing the occurence of the numebrs. I have not yet been proved wrong when I have told them this, even though a few laughed it off in the beginning. They dont laugh after it begins happening to them even when I'm not around. Primarily, 333, has been with me for a number of years as I stated in the first part of my thread but the number 777 has started also displaying some dominance in my life since 2006. I am a Christian, and by that I mean that I have a relationship with God, not a religion. (Yes, there is a difference). I'm not particularly a church goer- but I do know that this 333 business has got something to do with the Big Man in the sky. Jesus was 33 when he died at 3 in the afternoon and rose 3 days later. 3 wise men bought gifts at his birth. THe trinity is comprised of 3- The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Revelations is all about 1/3 or 3 of everything in accordance with angel activity in end days. I dont claim to know what this is all about.. thats why I'm here just like the rest of you, but does it perhaps strike anyone's curiousity that we were all meant to find this site and each others threads and perhaps stay in contact with each other some how? 3 reasons there- its good enough for me ;) 1 Reply: Post a Reply by A A S - 1/26/09 12:45 PM This number is for some reason on my mind. It's tattooed on my body but I can't tell you why because I don't know why. 3 has been my favorite number. i see 333by pete - 1/26/09 11:06 AM i see No Replies Post a Reply 333by Enlightened Cop - 12/28/08 9:24 AM I am a Homicide detective who has been getting the message 333 as a spiritual awakening for several years now. My first homicide case was at an address with the numerical 333. Then the message came up loud and clear leading me to clues that solved the murder by causing me to see 333 at various times and places. The first time that I stood in the suspect's bedroom speaking to him before the case was solved, I looked on his desk. There was a digital clock that showed 3:33 p.m. With each message I also get a feeling of knowing that I cannot describe in words. Now the message of 333 comes to me in so many of my big cases letting me know when I am close to something big. I never doubt it and find it a reassuring source of love, comfort and guidance. For those of us who are fortunate to be open to receiving this amazing gift, count yourself lucky and know that when you see it, you are on your path. Don't fear the message for it will always come from a place of love and guidance. Although the world of Law Enforcement may not be ready to hear what I succesfully receive and heed in all of my cases, I know where it comes from and it has never failed me or my victims whom I serve along with God . Step aware from fear and step out of your egos and accept this gift with the same loving intent that it is given. 4 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by Anonymous - 12/29/08 4:34 AM Dear Enlightened Cop,I see repeat numbers every day, several times a day. I need to get a reference guide. The knowingness is unlike anything ever explained or taught to us as Christians. I have good friends that are Hindu, and it seems to be embibed in their culture. Interesting!Just being tuned in brings an incredible exhilarance. RE: 333by MV3 - 12/29/08 7:57 AM I agree with the Enlightened Cop (Thanks for sharing, by the way)... I feel a sense of peace & guidance every time I see the number 333! Count your blessings and truly accept it as a gift! RE: 333by Anonymous - 12/30/08 7:23 AM my birthday is march 3rd, and my mother was 33 when she had me..at 3:33 am.. i really thought i was the only person that ever looked into the number and i see it everywhere! this deffinetly made me feel accepted and very at ease about how i see things, i always thought it meant i had my grandfather watching over me , he died in 03:[ but i really do feel as if hes always with me where ever i go and especially when i see the patterns:] RE: 333by Anonymous - 1/26/09 5:18 AM I awoke at 3:33 this a.m. Yesterday was my 49th birthday and the new moon was at approx. 11:33pm last night where I live. I have been noticing numbers for the past 2 and a half years --on clocks, my watch, car clock,etc. In the past week the number 9 was showing up a lot. I don't know what it all means and looked into numerology a bit about a year ago to see what symbolic meaning numbers have had. I belong to no religous denomination, and do not consider myself to be superstitious.When I first began paying attention to the repetition of certain numbers was when I experienced a great loss on October 19,2006, and was so depressed that I'd lost my appetite, but knew I had to eat. The number on the receipt where I'd purchased a sandwich gave me a great feeling of reassurance. I know that must sound silly, but for me it was a definite message of a benevolent intent --from where I have no idea and have never believed in "angels"; though I have personally experienced telepathy and have had a few dreams that were premonitions. I have been having an extremely challenging and difficult time since then, with more losses(most painful are not the material losses, but of other things I've valued). I can't recall getting 333 before, yet the feeling that came with it early this morning, and the timing of that with all that has been on my mind lately made me want to try to find out more about this number. I do no typically read threads or blogs or spend much time on a computer, but read many of the posts and decided to respond to this one which made the most sense to me so far. It is indeed the number of the trinity....by messiah - 1/25/09 2:41 AM Id like to start off by introducing my self...I AM Gods child and I have lived 333... in 2002 my mother passed away after a long battle with cancer... she struggled through it and had no success with continuing on with her life in the physical realm.... my mother was born July 29 1969 and lived to the age of 33 it was my first day of high school and every one knows that school starts in september my mother died september 3 at the age of 33 .... 333 I find it inspirational that there are many walking the earth who have encountered 333 and maybe you were meant to hear my story ... my mother has been dead for 6 years it will be 7 years this year .... in 2011 it will be 9 years 911 people there is more to the world then the eyes can see so please turn your love and your faith to God let him lead your path and just know that Jesus walks the earth now so do not wait for him to come for he is already here.... May the Love of God enter your hearts and minds and may my words embrace your ears so that you shall hear again for the time is upon us when we need to unite as one ...God bless and remember I AM No Replies Post a Reply MORE than Humanity 333by Tank N' Shit - 1/24/09 4:32 AM I believe that in life there is so much more to 333 than anyone else wants to see. It's not just religion it's another form of focusing and seeing reality much like conscious controllable insanity. See things that aren't meant for everybody. It's not just god,religion, or humanity it's eternity 333 for me. 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: MORE than Humanity 333by Jesus, Holy Father, God - 1/24/09 4:35 AM This is the all mighty YOU CAN'T SEE ME! my 333 storyby Oskar - 12/23/08 11:45 AM I first saw the number 333 during an earthquake in my native country, it started at exactly that time. After a few years I realized that it was the most prominent thing I remembered about that day and ever since I've been seeing the number all over. I'm not religious but it's an interesting mystery. The Mayan calendar ends exactly on my 24th birthday: 12/21/12 add them up and you have 333. 3 Replies: Post a Reply RE: my 333 storyby Anonymous - 12/26/08 1:37 AM thats my birthday too, ill be 23 RE: my 333 storyby estar333 - 1/03/09 2:00 AM I have been seeing this sequence since the Jubilee in 2000. During the Jubilee I had an awesome awakening/experience with the HOLY SPIRIT and have seen "333" everywhere since. Your post intriques me because the last place I saw it was on a video clip of a tanker in the recent Israeli/Gaza attacks. Lately, I had been feeling it is a warning of a 3rd WW, coupled with the 2012 prophetic theories & then I see this tanker with 333 on it??? I have always known it was a spiritual sign & always felt it signified Jesus completing/perfecting the Holy Trinity (3) at the age of 33. It has always served as confirmation for me that I am on my spiritual path. Maybe now, it serves as a message to pray at 3:33 everday, maybe 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Mary's, 3 or more persons... RE: my 333 storyby hope - 1/23/09 4:42 AM I think you are correct! I think we are being told the end of days are coming. We need to be ready to serve the Lord. I believe this is Gods way of reassuring us we are on the right path. I am seeing triple numbers every where now. When I am not listening to God I see them less. I truly believe we are getting close to the end of days. The signs are here. Why else would this pagea be getting so big? It has grow so much since I first posted!!!!! I think the angels are working over time to tell us we are on the correct path. I'm staying firm in my belief in Jesus Christ!!! three THREE tHrEeby Mephistopheles - 1/23/09 2:54 AM 333 its coming No Replies Post a Reply 333!!!!by NL - 1/21/09 7:08 AM OMG OMG YOU MEAN THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE WHOM THIS ALSO HAPPENS TO -- I CAN'T EVEN STOP READING THE POSTS BECASUE IKNOW THEM BY HEART I'M 90% ALIKE W ALL. I A M G OUING TO PRAY NOW No Replies Post a Reply I also see 333 and wake at 3:33 everynight.by Cw - 1/06/09 1:50 AM I have for years woke up at 3:33 or when I'm thinking on something spritual look up and see that it is 3:33 or driving behind a car and it has 3:33 on it. I was told it was also a number for Mercy. 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: I also see 333 and wake at 3:33 everynight.by Anonymous - 1/21/09 5:29 AM i have woken up at exactly 3:33am at least 4-6 times a month for the last 4-5 yrs. i also look at the clock at that time in the afternoon. i was so spooked by it, i thought it was something evil (333 X 2). i am a christian and so glad to have finally typed in 333 on the internet to find these comments. i also checked every chapter 3 verse 33 in the bible. Thought i was the only one. wow! Voice Mail Alert at 3:33 amby Anonymous - 1/20/09 9:10 AM I've been receiving voice mail alerts at 3:33am without a record of a missed call for over a month now on and off. This week it started again after a few weeks of nothing. It's happened the last 3 nights in a row and I've woken up the last two to see the clock 3:33am and hear my phone say voice mail received. I've checked my voice mail and there is no recording from those times. Originally, I assumed it to be a malfunction with my phone, but I just got a new one and it's still happening. Ironically, I was just talking about how when I plan, God laughs. I really hope this is his way of letting me know that I'm making moves in the right direction. Glad to know I'm not the only one. No Replies Post a Reply The miracle of 333 ..?by Anonymous - 1/18/09 8:13 AM About 9 months ago, I began to wake up at 3.33am and see 3.33pm at work all the time. My khaki trousers have a cell phone pocket just above the knee on the side. Driving in my car, the weight of my leg would press down on the number pad. When I would look at my phone to make a call, the screen would be full of 3's, no other numbers. In November, my wife accidentally took too much insulin, she then had her first Diabetic seizure, she inhaled saliva into her lungs. Six weeks later, this turned into Pneumonia, she was admitted to hospital for 8 days. The doctors found some abnormalities in her recovery, they investigated deeper. They discovered the main artery in her heart was 90% blocked. She was months away from a fatal heart attack. A simple non-invasive surgical procedure was done to open up the artery and she's doing fine. I don't see 333 as much now. It's like the angels did their job and moved on. No Replies Post a Reply 333!by Anonymous - 1/12/09 12:20 PM the 1st time i saw 333 was when i was playing tigerwoods pgat our 2008 and i would hit drives that would be 333 yards and i would always remember it happening. ive been seeing 333 everywhere since i always thought it was a sign. thwe weirdest one was when i was driving won the street and looked up at this sign and it had 333 in huge numbers as soon as i took my eyes off of the sign i looked directly down at my radio clock which is off of the regular time by a few hours and it said 333 i was shocked 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333!by Anonymous - 1/16/09 7:15 AM I am thrilled to have found these postings and to know now that I am not alone. I see the number 333 on clocks, reciepts, product labels,buildings and liscence plates and frequently wake up at 3:33 am. I also see the numbers 111,1111,222,444 and 555 and occasionally I wake up those times as well. I have never been very religious but I get a peaceful feeling with these occurances and have been told that angels are speaking to me. I believe I understand the meaning of 333, but I could use some help understanding what the other numbers mean. RE: 333!by Texas - 1/17/09 2:14 AM I have been seeing the sequence for about 8 years. On receipts, license plates, clocks, billboards, emails, newspapers, letters and I also frequently wake up at 3:33 am. I have thought, “Why is this sequence significant”? In the late 90's, I would see 911 the same way I have been seeing 333. After the events of 9/11, I started seeing 333. Last week, I saw the verse Jeremiah 33:3. After I read this verse I felt a sense of peace and that God is with me. The verse states: Jeremiah 33.3 - Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. NIV versionHopefully, we can all find peace with the sequence. Texas Revelationby Danny - 1/16/09 10:15 AM Check out all the references to 333 in Revelations. EVERYTHING happens in three and one third... No Replies Post a Reply I have proof 333 is from Godby Eden's Mom - 10/24/08 9:30 AM After wondering why I was seeing 333 so much, I was driving around the DMV looking for a parking space. As I was driving past a white SUV the license plate said Gods 333. I couldn't believe my eyes! I took a picture of it with my digital camera and I still have it. Now when I see another license plate that says 333, buy something that amounts to $3.33 or has 333 consecutively in the final bill of sale, I know its God talking to me. I've also woken up at 3:33am and decided to turn on my radio to see what song was playing, and it was a song that is very significant in my life. I also purchased a book..."Studying the Bible 101"...it has 333 pages. My friend sent me a text message on my phone saying that she loved me at 3:33pm. It's all connected...and I know it's all about the word Love. I love you is 3 words. 3 Replies: Post a Reply RE: I have proof 333 is from Godby Divinity - 10/30/08 3:42 AM wow !!! this message gave me the goose bumps. Congrats on your awakening !!! RE: I have proof 333 is from Godby Talmidinthree - 11/22/08 4:55 AM I too see three and groups of three all the time. it started years ago..i kept waking up at exactly 3:33 am every morning. Being a christian I took it as God was asking me to pray and intercede for what ever came to mind at that point. Three's have and are very much a part of my life. I now also go by talmidinthree on the net. talmidin means a "disciple" of The Christ in hebrew. Maybe we who are experiencing this phenomena should start a "Website" for us to gather and seek God's direction for us??? I have also had many visions and dreams concerning the end times.I have also have been shown by God what many call Ufo's are His biblical chariots. Some Good while others are bad. One thing is for sure..I am a truthseeker and desire to learn God's spiritual truths' and how to apply them to my life. So what do you "called out ones think"???Respectfully "Talmidinthree" .... RE: I have proof 333 is from Godby Eden's Mom - 1/16/09 4:08 AM I just saw another license plate when I left work on my lunch hour and it said "Believe 3" which of course means believe in the Holy Trinity, and it was shortened because in California you can only have 7 characters on your vanity plate. Also I was thinking about something in my life that is weighing heavy on my heart right when I saw it. It was God's way of saying at the moment "everything is going to be okay...I'm with you." It came to me in a dreamby veronica - 1/01/09 1:59 AM i was courious about the numbers 333 as well i had a dream i was going up the stairs to check on my neice in bed and i had asked her what was wrong and she didnt speak to me she just pointed to the ceiling and there it was as clear as water those numbers i know it meant something so i was looking around for answers 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: It came to me in a dreamby I'll take the option, and raise it a (required) comment... 8) - 1/14/09 7:49 AM Same (ish)... I had a dream, more like a quick flash, of someone running up a flight of stairs. Very colorful, super saturated.-I've been seeing this number, and others for sometime now.On another note, I also had a dream/quick flash of an open hand in the sky. Very blue sky with a bit of pure white clouds... The hand closed and the dream/quick flash disappeared. 333by Monkey - 1/07/09 7:33 AM I have been seeing 333 everywhere for 9 months and began to get concerned with the increasing frequency. I was shocked when my husband googled and found all these responses. I am Catholic like many others in this thread. I hope the spiritual connotations in the thread are correct! No Replies Post a Reply 333by Miss - 1/06/09 1:59 AM I have seen 333 for so long that I don't recall a time not being aware of seeing it. I see 333 at least 3 times, on a daily basis. At times I wonder if it is just a circadian rhythm, my body clock simply being aware of the time...but I decided to visit a psychic for the entertainment...and towards the end of my reading, she said to me, "I see threes all around you. Girl, you are divinely protected!" So that is how I like to think of the meaning of my threes. Who knows if she was right; I hope she is. I was raised Catholic, but I chose to practice Meditation and Zen. Divinity is everywhere...perhaps we are being shown that we have the ability to see it a bit clearer than everyone else. Blessed be to all. No Replies Post a Reply LUCKY 333by Louise - 1/05/09 11:15 AM I've been watching this site for some time now and have even posted some comments previously but today the number 333 proved lucky. I left work at precisely 3:33pm and when I arrived home I looked in my mail box expecting the usual bills and junk mail and to my utter surprise, I had received a cheque for $124.00 from my insurance company, which was totally unexpected. I still don't know why I received it but it certainly won't go astray that's for sure. It's true....3 truly is the magic number. No Replies Post a Reply 333by Amanda apablasa - 12/31/08 1:03 AM this amazing number i was born at 3:33 A.M my last apt was #333 called on my friend here last numbers where 333 on her new phone..i was going through a horribly break up and contiuously asking god to let me know that leaving this place and driving back home 8 hours was going to be the right thing ? so half way down to vegas i stop got gas my recipect said 333 i decide to go to school i looked at severl wasnt sure then noticed to address 1333 i know it god showing us where we should be going hes procecting us and anwering our prayers he arose on the 3rd day. he was 33 years old .and he was the trnity father son and holy sprit we are truly bless to see this beautiful message your angels are always with you..from the north south east and west. No Replies Post a Reply 333, 444, 555by Jess - 12/30/08 4:22 AM So lately I have been seeing the number 333, but also the numbers 444 and 555. Mostly it is the number 333 but like I said i definetly see 444 and 555 as well. I believe in God, not religion necessarily, does it mean I am on a spiritual path? i am so glad so many others are going through this, we all need to stick together. I also believe as we move closer to 2012 synchronocities will continue to occur more often No Replies Post a Reply Impeachment resolution 333 against Dick Cheney filed on April of 2007by 333 - 12/27/08 7:18 AM Thought you all may like to know that in April 2007, Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) filed an impeachment resolution (H.Res. 333) against Vice President Dick Cheney seeking his trial in the Senate on three charges.Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on 333... I finally know that I am not crazy because ever since 03/03/03, my life has been a roller coaster (i love them by the way), and I have seen the # 333 THOUSANDS of times since then!Happy 2009 to all! 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: Impeachment resolution 333 against Dick Cheney filed on April of 2007by Mark Norberte - 12/27/08 9:30 AM i'm a 17y/o student, and i wonder why i always see the numbers 333(address of a house, time, receipt, on t.v, etc.)what does it means???it started last october. bro, can you tell me what are those for? RE: Impeachment resolution 333 against Dick Cheney filed on April of 2007by 333 - 12/28/08 12:45 PM Hi Mark... I wish I could answer your question.... the number 333 is as much of a mystery to you as it is to me... and it seems to everyone else that has posted their thoughts & experiences. My gut instinct is that it's a good number, sign or even an omen. Please read the posts and you'll get a better sense of it because they helped me come to terms with it. I find it amazing how many people see it and how it has affected their lives. i do not understandby mystery man - 12/28/08 8:24 AM i have seen the number 333 since i was about 7 yrs old my grandfather came to me in a dream and kept repeating the number the next day when i woke up that number had came out in the lottery since then i have seen the number everywhere from exmas to prices, and etc. is this a good or bad thing? No Replies Post a Reply 333by Urijah - 12/24/08 5:19 AM I am thankful for the message of 333. I have awaken at this time, I've noticed the clock precisely at this time and it happened sometimes 5 days in a row! I believe it is a call to ministry. I am not a saint and I do not profess to be, I am a just a regular woman, married to my soulmate and mother of an 11 year old. I have had my share of hard knocks but I've always remained optimistic. 333 represents a mission that we All are here to fulfill, continually spreading love regardless of how we are treated and praising our Creator's name, and being an example of what we want to see in the world. I am AWAKE and I am blessed to SEE. Praise be to GOD! No Replies Post a Reply 333 or 33by Jim in Georgetown, CA - 12/21/08 10:58 AM For many years I have been close to the number three. Several addresses,phone numbers, license plates, all threes or divisable by three. Thelast year or so I have subconsciously noted 3:33 or 6:33 or 9:33 onthe clock. I am on the treadmill every day. If I think about thetime on the treadmill it doesn't work. But if I glance at the panelwithout conscious thought, threes appear 90% of the time. It knocksme out. I feel that God is trying to tell me something. I have beenclose to Him all my life and I know that we are in the time ofturmoial. May Jesus be close to us now...... No Replies Post a Reply 333by Anthony - 11/03/08 6:46 AM The other night I was at the casino playing a slot machine, the whole time I was playing I just kept talking to God asking him to bring me luck. I know it sounds selfish but really it helped. I began to notice that for the 45 minutes I was on that machine 3.33 kept coming up. Then later that night after a long night at the casino I was tired so I laid down and looked at the clock...It was 3:33am. and at that moment I knew that the Lord had called me for what purpose I dont know yet. but I feel safe because he is with me. 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by oracle - 11/03/08 7:00 AM I live in my house. The number is 333. I walked in looked and bought it immediately. RE: 333by Ray - 12/12/08 4:26 AM I too live at a 333 street address, have lived here for 19 years, 20th anniversary of moving in will be September 3, 2009...9/3/09?? Any meaning?? Don't know.I do know that I have been seeing the 333 number very frequently for years but attributed my noticing it to the fact that it was my street address.This morning I awoke at 3:33 once again and the first thought was to google it to see if there was anything to it. It is half of 666???I was totally surprised to find this forum and that many are experiencing the same thing.Although I have always felt that I have a calling to something important, I am still searching for what that is. I am christian, catholic (although not practicing) do beleive in God, truth, justice etc... But if there is a message here, I cannot piece it together... God is calling us backby rahdanja - 12/02/08 6:03 AM God is calling us back to him. Trust in him and he will show you. The world is losing it's connection with spirituality. The lord is calling on us to awaken. From there we awaken others. One message I can pass on is that it going to be OK. No matter what, it's going to be OK. This you must know and trust. It's going to be OK. 3 Replies: Post a Reply RE: God is calling us backby Anne - 12/03/08 6:27 AM Hi, Look at my comment about my Mom passing away at 3:33pm. RE: God is calling us backby rahdanja - 12/05/08 5:10 AM Anne. What a wonderful story. There is no doubt you were sent a message. It's so good to know your loved ones are watching over you. The holy spirit is here around us. Be all you can be, walk with the lord and you will see. You will feel. And you will be set free. No longer should we be blinded. Be the lords soldier and go forth in confidence. We will all be tested. RE: God is calling us backby Derrick - 12/07/08 6:41 AM Thank you rahdanja. For all of us that have been seeing 333 i thinkwe should move back into our spirtual form pray give thanks thatyou realise this sign from our god. Im no longer scared when i seethis number i will pray when i see it for a better world full ofpeace! You are the chosen ones and your not alone, love one anotheras god loves us.Amen Follow 333by rahdanja - 12/02/08 5:20 AM God is calling you right now. It's time to come back to him. The world is losing it's connection with spirituality and the lord is calling on his subjects. Follow your heart and pray. As roxanne posted above "go to the church that draws you in". If not spend some time with God and you will be shown. Have faith. 333. Its going to be OK...is one message I can definitely pass on.It's going to be OK 5 Replies: Post a Reply RE: Follow 333by Derrick - 12/03/08 4:44 AM Just like everyone here i have seen 333 for years, todaythe number came out in an invoice and also on my computeran desk phone. I have been under alot of stress in my liferecently does this mean that i have to pray more is my faithand everyone else's being tested? RE: Follow 333by A - 12/03/08 6:05 AM My Mom passed away exactly at 3:33pm on Nov 8th,2008 suddenly after a month in the hospital. Soon after my 3 sisters and I left the hospital and stayed at my oldest sister's house over night. The next day I went home and waited for my sisters to meet me at my place. When they got there I was crying and crying and very upset thinking I will not be able to speak with her or see her again. THEN my home phone rings and my sister answered it, she said hello twice, noone there and was ready to hang up. I said give me the phone I said Hello? noone there. A few minutes later I walked in the other room to see my caller ID and it said OUT OF AREA at 3:33pm. I felt at peace because my Mom or an angel must of called to say It will be alright. I really think it means it will be really ok when we see it. I think it's a cool number to see. I see it alot and also 1111. RE: Follow 333by rahdanja - 12/05/08 5:25 AM Derrek. Our faith is tested everyday. The lord is your friend and ally. Have faith and let him in. Spend a day with him. Thank him for every meal you have and every glass of water you drink. Thank him for the clothes you wear and the air you breath. Take in the sun shine and cleanse your spirit. Embrace him...and you will find his arms are already open.It's always so hard when there is stress in our lives. We seem to separate our spirituality and our physical existence when we should be experiencing both as one. Remember, we are spiritual beings. Remember and you will awakened. Remember what you are. The spiritual battle has raged on and on for many ages. If you remember who you are you will know this. Once you step into this battle you must stay strong. And no matter what, walk forward for you will have the strength to do so.Amen RE: Follow 333by Anonymous - 12/06/08 11:11 AM This has been happening to me for about 4-5 years now.I thought I was the only one. RE: Follow 333by JOE - 12/06/08 11:14 AM I meant that I have been waking up at 3:33 A.M. for 4-5 years At least 5 times or more a month.I do mean exactly at 333 Only realised now...by Anonymous - 12/04/08 4:59 AM Was on way home and tried to help someone by telling them they had a headlight out, but they thought i was following them for some unknown reason...anyway, told him and all was ok. Went back to my car and drove up the road to my house, for some reason felt compelled to look at how many miles id done since i reset my trip meter...333. It made me think of all the research i did before into god etc. And now home, thought i'd search google for a meaning, stumbling across this site. I'm surprised other people are experiencing it too. I just had a quick look round my room and looked at my phone bill, hidden by a box, except the contact details at the very bottom, and found... PO BOX 333 And phone number 08707 330 333. Its quite strange, but almost reassuring, though i'm not sure why. No Replies Post a Reply Yes to 333by Lisa - 12/03/08 3:13 AM As well as many on here, I also have been seeing the number 333 for years now...I used to wake up, look at the clock and see the number 333 for about 4 days in a row...One day I was at my brother's house and told him about seeing the number 333 all the time...he works at a storage unit place...as soon as I had finished telling him about those numbers, someone walks into the store to rent a storage room...he came back and said...you won't believe it...I said "What?" The storage room number was 333...I was watching a show the other day and on the Hospital door the number 333 was on it...there is a Restaurant that we go to and the building across from it has the #333 on it..I have bought things a couple of different times and the total was $3.33 each time...and now my daughter is seeing it just about every single day. No Replies Post a Reply Seeing 333by Anonymous - 4/13/08 2:50 AM Wanted to share this as I came across this site while searching for others having the same experience.My daughter and I are seeing the number 333 everywhere we turn. It has picked up again in the last few days, after a couple weeks slow down. I was working on a cover design, scaled an image down by random number, the new size scaled down to 3.33! I glanced at the clock again one day after not looking at the time for hours and it was 3:33! We have driven a stretch of road dozens of times and for some reason I felt impressed to look to the right at a certain time and we saw the road sign saying rd#333! e were in the kitchen preparing dinner and a game show was on, the hostyelled out the number $333,000! I have been awakened 3 nights in a row to look at the clock and it says, 3:33 am! And the best yet happened not long ago - We were watching an episode of " I LoveLucy", the one with Fred McMurray where they were hunting for uranium. After finding what theybelieved was a chunk of uranium, they all came to the agreement that they would split the prizemoney 3 ways - Fred calculated it and he said what they would get came to... was it $333 I heardor $3,333? I wasn't sure. Well I knew it had 3 three's in it. The very next day I was sharing wit ha friend about the I love Lucy episode - just to make sure I quoted the correct number Fred calculated, I stopped typing and went to put the disc back into theDVD player - I had taken it out and put something else in. You won't believe this! I took out the new disc we had put in and put the I Love Lucy disc with the Uranium episode on it, back in andturned the tv on - the disc started playing, by passing the menu and 2 other episodes also on the disc on the disc and jumped right into playing the Uranium episode! EXACTLY WHERE FRED CALCULATES THE AMOUNT THEY WOULD EACH GET!! Our DVD player does not have a memory and it ALWAYS pulls up the menu first for you to select what episode you want to see. - and remember, this disc was taken out and had to be put back in to try and find the part with the 3's.I wasn't sure where to find it and was going to start searching - I did not have to - It played the uranium scene and Fred calculated they would split the money 3 ways and says, "that means 2 of us will get $333..."!! I was in COMPLETE AWE!! I looked up the meaning of the numbers - 3 means Trinity/The Godhead, 33 means maturity for ministry and 300 means faithful remnant.Someone also gave us the scripture Jeremiah33:3,"Call to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." God is AMAZING and our steps are DIVINELY ORDERED!Our Pastor's wife also sent us this in an e-mail, "Hey! It seems as if things are happening for you.I am not sure what is going on with the 333 numbers. A friend of mine came into my Shoppe andtold me about awakening at 3:33..." It is happening to many people. Another Teacher told me TheLord is speaking and He is quickening our spirits to see the numbers.We pray this Blesses and encourages you! 4 Replies: Post a Reply RE: Seeing 333by Anonymous - 4/15/08 5:36 AM So what I'm getting at, the number 333 has to deal with God and religion. I don't have a religion and I wasn't raised with a religion either, is there something that I'm missing? I mean, what do u do with seeing this number? ignore it and go on not thinking about it? or maybe think about things a little more? Or.. just.. i dunno does anyone have a little advice to help clear things up? RE: Seeing 333by Anonymous - 4/16/08 1:41 AM It's not about religion - that is man's way of trying to reach God, I 've been there - it is aboutrelationship which is God reaching down to man. Obviously God if you are seeing this, He isshowing you that you are on His mind - He is reaching down to us. He has a plan and purpose for all of us IF we chose to trust Him. Remember Jeremiah 33:3, "Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know." He is inviting us to call on Him and trust that He will answer and show us what He wants us to see. "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, He is longsuffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that we all come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ." (2nd Peter 3:9). I hope this encourages you. RE: Seeing 333by Anonymous - 9/15/08 8:33 AM I've always seen it as well. Anytime I start seeing it alot something extreme happens either good or bad. Anytime anyone has died in my life it comes up many times before hand for my warning. RE: Seeing 333by Anonymous - 12/02/08 5:10 AM The number333 is saying for starts, to WAKE UP and its time A tale I'd like to share about my experience with the number 3by Sarah-Jane - 9/29/08 3:10 AM Strange things started happening, seeing a double, a triple & even quad numbers on the digit clocks, not just a few times, but nearly on the hour every hour for 9 months. At first it was just a coincidence & I put it down as that, but as the months wore on & rolled into such a constant occurance in my life that I started to wonder if there was a bigger purpose for the bizaareness. If the baby was going to be born healthy, if it wasn't heading toward something sinister. Paranoia a constant friend. I started making wishes on the quads, that the baby be ok, that nothing horrible would happen.I woke up & started my day like any other, it was the 3rd of March, 2003. By 5am my water had broken & we headed to the hospital. Brought to the labor ward at Hawkesbury hospital, the contractions were in full swing by 11, fear settled into my bones, realising what date it was, the 03.03.03 & I was having the baby! Pacing, bathing, anything that would relax me, push, breath, push. By 2:30 they told me if I didn't have the baby soon they'd have to do a ceasarian. This made my body shake with fear, sweat breaking out in a thousand different places all over. Ok this is the last push or there going to open you up. I put all of my fears aside & with the last drop of determination, push with all of my failing strength. Jade Paris flew, literally, across the room, it was such a shock to the midwife that she jumped back a few feet & caught Jade by the shoulders! She was placed on my chest & there was a radiance, a look of wisdom about her, tears of relief flowed down my cheeks, she was the most gorgeous baby I'd ever seen, eye's as big as saucers, I counted her fingers & toes which, were all where they ought to be & then it was time to rest. Not until later did I realise what room number I'd given birth in. Number 3.I started to realise the coicidences were thick & constant, I'd not a few months before moved into our new larger home to accomadate the new baby. Once again number 3. She was my 3rd child. I was soon to turn 33! Well I had my healthy little girl so I was thankful & tried to put the coincidences out of my mind where they could simmer & bubble in my subconscious under the surface.Then a few months later one of the strangest things to date occured. Out the front of our house on the electricity wire, there were two dead birds, not that strange you say? Well below them was another, dead, on the ground. 3 birds, magpies, all dead outside our house. I rescued the 3rd bird who was being prodded with a stick by primary school children & buried it under my newly growing oak tree, then as the months wore on the other two birds fell one by one & they two joined there feathered friend under our tree. More than strange enough for me. I'm happy to say that my daughter is very bright & no bad has come of the many coincidences that surrounded her gestation & birth.So thats my eerie tale of my daughters birth. I hope you've enjoyed the read, thankyou for taking the time.Sarah-Jane. 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: A tale I'd like to share about my experience with the number 3by Anonymous - 10/30/08 4:00 AM I am a young man that used to be so in-love with God....then so many problems hit my life I felt I would go crazy at times. I decided today to dedicate myself and surrender to Him and the way that He leads my heart today. Then later I saw 3:33 on the clock. From what I understand about the scripture is it talked about Him showing you many things in I think Jerimiah. And I also noticed alot of people are waking up at 3:33. I think thats exactly what it means: being able to see what God is planning and being 'awake' and on the right path. love RE: A tale I'd like to share about my experience with the number 3by SAMI - 12/02/08 4:32 AM I believe your right on when you said AWAKE, IM christan and I want to know awake to what???Something is going on with the 333, I feel I have a HUGE call on my life and I cant seem to find my way,everything I try I hit a wall,but I would think we all have something in common to be seeing 333 all the time.God bless you and stay ready in case. Mystery 333by Jes - 11/09/08 10:02 AM I likewise continue to have 333 appear in different places (refund check $333., clock 3:33, watching the Obama election 333 electorial votes), I can go on and on about this. This has happened for many years, but can't seem to understand the message. I was a born again Christian, however renounced my faith, not in GOD but religion. I know I have a calling but I'm still searching for my destiny. I keep hearing something may be occuring in 2012, true/not true....not sure. Blessing to all of you!! 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: Mystery 333by sami - 12/02/08 4:09 AM I have a deal with 333, I thought I could talk to friends about it, they think Im strange.I to got sick about 5 years ago when I started seeing 333 EVERYWHERE, Ive asked God about this and I keep getting "its time, wake up, wake up!!! I feel a VERY real urgentency, and its a critical time,not just for me but for everyone!!!I have been going through more than I could tell you, but I do know something is about to happen and ITS BIGGGG!!! GOD bless all of you and make sure your ready for anything!! 333by Sherri - 11/27/08 6:34 AM Must figure what , or someone is trying to tell me something, warn me, get me prepared, I wake up once at night to see 3:33 on my clock, started about 1 and 1/2 years ago,have been feeling total anticipation for what? Somethings real NEAR! It`s surreal!!!! 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by Louise - 11/28/08 3:09 AM Hey Sherri.That's exactly how I'm interpreting it. I have this overwhelming sense to be prepared but prepared for what, I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine. I don't feel it as a negative thing but quite the opposite....a very positive and hopeful feeling of anticipation. There is going to be a great 'shifting' and big change. Do you think it's the 'second coming'...? Are we being called to 'Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord'....I know it's something deeply spiritual and I'm not a religious person but I do believe in 'God'. Do you think we have been chosen for something special. I'm one of the most ordinary people on earth so why is this happening to me or us? I agree....something remarkable is going to happen very soon....that is going to change mankind forever. RE: 333by Sherri - 12/01/08 8:52 AM I believe, that yes, we have something going on here. And that it is Spiritual. We were chosen for something BIG! I believe we will find out soon, as I am feeling such a deep Anticipation, it is so near. I still search for the meaning of 333, it will be given to us,soon. I believe in God also, let me know any other Ideas you may have, Take Care. GO TO YOU TUBE AND TYPE IN THE MEANING OF 33 AND 1/3by YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW - 11/29/08 3:21 AM THROUGHOUT ANCIENT HISTORY THE MIDDLE EASTERN WORLD HAS REVIRED 33 AS A MEANINGFULL NUMBER BUT IT REALLY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD THERE MAY BE SOME REFERENCES IN THE BIBLE THAT POINT TO WHAT IS GOING ON BUT JUST LOOK IT UP ON YOU TUBE TYP IN 33 1/3 AND WATCH ALL THE VIDEOS YOU WILL SEE THAT IT IS RELATED TO ASTROLOGY AND VISITORS FROM WHERE EVER THEY MAY HAVE COME FROM. 33 IS ALSO USED ALOT IN ANCIENT MYSTICISM AND SECRET SOCIETIES. THE HIGHEST RANK IN SCOTTISH RITE FREEMASONRY IS 33. 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: GO TO YOU TUBE AND TYPE IN THE MEANING OF 33 AND 1/3by H. Ruth - 11/30/08 6:57 AM Hi, this is an interesting site... I used a search engine to look up "the number 333" because last night I woke up suddenly because something hit the metal frame underneath my bed...I thought maybe it was my husband, so I drifted back to sleep, however, a few minutes later I felt someone rubbing my left leg...my husband was fast asleep on my right side, and I looked at the clock and it was 3:33am. I felt very safe and almost like an angel was telling me everything was going to be alright. Very interesting that many people are seeing this number as well. 333by grace - 3/01/08 2:30 AM I have for the past year been seeing the number 333 quite often. Most things in my life are evolving or involve the numbers as well. I have researched and no clear answer as to why. Examples of this would be, in a bus stop above a very close person to me hung a sign with just the numbers 333 on it. I watched a tv show the other night and the numbers 333 all through it. Playing a family game and rolling dice always three of the 3 di. The number seems to be everywhere in my life right now. If there is a meaning or something I am suppose to understand, I would like to know. I keep brushing off as cooincidence, but it seems to get worse or appear more when I do that. Any help would be appreciated.Thnk u..Grace 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by hope - 11/25/08 5:03 AM Got the same thing going on See triple #s all the time now. I'm also confused on what is going on. RE: 111, 333, 555by Peter - 11/25/08 12:52 PM I woke up one night and looked at the clock and it was 1:11, I returned to bed to wake up again at 3:33, which struck me as odd remembering the 1:11 earlier the same night. I returned to bed. The next time I woke up and looked at the clock it was 5:55. After that night I started to notice 333 a lot. Anybody have a suggestion on what this might mean, if anything? Peter. 333by christopher - 11/24/08 10:11 AM I to am experiencing the 333 and have been now for about 6 months. No Replies Post a Reply YAHOO News Election Poll Points "333" In Favor For Se. Barack Obama?!?by Dr. Syberlux, RMN News http://www.rumormillnews.com - 11/01/08 5:29 AM For the last few days, Yahoo News have given the 2008 Presidental candidate, Sen. Barack Obama "333" Electorial Points. I am finding it quite interesting that this number has held steady almost to the eve of The 2008 Presidental Election. At another site, they have him at "311" Electorial points, but the real symbolic of "311" is as profound as "333". This seemed no different when -"777" was displayed by the New York Stock Exchange... Bringing the reality and timing of "The Global Market Meltdown" 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: YAHOO News Election Poll Points "333" In Favor For Se. Barack Obama?!?by Haseo - 11/02/08 1:58 AM Ever since my girlfriend was pregnant and I found out the numbers 333 appeared in my life repeatedly. Funny thing though things in my life happen around 333. For instance like the person said above I was checking my yahoo mail and when I logged off I saw Obama standing was at 333. SO I can say without a doubt he will win.. In the summer I got off the train at 333pm it was on the the day I was mugged but surprisingly survived. One time the teacher let me out at 333pm. Sometimes I end up going to bed at 333am. I try half the time to avoid it, but I can feel as if my body is telling me not to. These numbers appear when I least expect it. I can think of it in a number of ways. good or bad. I know it has some significance. Why do I notice it now at the age of 23? I don't know. What surprised me was that my son was born at 555pm. What is interesting to is that my birthday is in the month of march. I don't know what this all means but I do know it means something...I would like to know if its a calling or are we all going insane. I really don't want to be one of those people on the train talking about "the second coming..." I think these numbers hold a key to our lives...maybe something will happen..a death..a birth.. 333 is something. RE: YAHOO News Election Poll Points "333" In Favor For Se. Barack Obama?!?by Anonymous - 11/22/08 8:40 AM my grandparents lived at 2 locations with the address 333.they have been deceased for awhile. my son and i see the numbers 333 all the time we believe some one is watching over us.hopefully for the good.my wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor and they were able to take care of it non invasivally.i believe now this is a good number and is protecting us I'm still not sure of what to think.by John Peniel - 11/08/08 2:49 AM I have been seeing this number 333 on a "Daily" basis for as long as I remember. I mean literally as long as I can remember and I am 37 years old. I even remember having the locker number '333' when I was in grade school. I wake up each morning at 3:33 am so much that I finally just stopped going to bed until after 3:33 years ago. It haunted me for years and drove me nuts. I eventually just got used to it and began to think that my mind was so in tune to seeing this number that I simply made myself see it subconsciously after a while. But I still don't know how even my own subconscious can make you see the number 333 when it comes in the most unexpected places like prices and so forth. I believe now that there is a really strong purpose for people seeing this and I aim to find out what that is someday (hopefully before it's purpose exposes itself). 4 Replies: Post a Reply RE: I'm still not sure of what to think.by Hope - 11/09/08 6:59 AM I have just started seeing this number also. Also seeing the 444 and 555. I really kind of wondering what is going on. Amount of cash or balanceof 333. Wake up at 333. Glance at the clock in vehicle and I see 444. Are we being called? Are we getting close? Watching the Rapture Ready sites and End of Days sites. Am I the only one who is starting to wonder and Hope? Today I finally relaxed and remembered God is in control. Just wish I could here him better! RE: I'm still not sure of what to think.by Nazerine - 11/10/08 2:56 AM And I thought I was being silly. This has gone on for over a year now and the mroe I ignore it the more it occures and it's really been on my mind of late. So I googled it and found you all here. Yes, 333, 444, 555, "repeating numbers" even 11:11 or 1:11 on the clock. Any one have any other thoughts, find anything out? Email me nazerine74atyahoodotcom RE: I'm still not sure of what to think.by Jeff - 11/21/08 1:03 AM This one is for John. I'm about to turn 33 and kinda scared to. But it did all start in middle school with the locker number 333 and went from there. So much so i get compulsions to do something, like pick up a book from the floor and lo and behold what page is it on. RE: I'm still not sure of what to think.by Anonymous - 11/21/08 5:02 AM I'm so glad to find everyone's comments. For about a year (if not more), I've been waking up at 3:33am and seeing the numbers 333 randomly through various sources. I was starting to worry that it meant something bad. Reading your comments has eased my mind. 333 = 9by ni?o - 11/19/08 6:44 AM I am so surprised that there are so many people experiencing the same thing as I do.First. I've been seeing the numbers 333 about 3 years ago and I wasn't bothered by that in the first few months not until I was fed up and can't manage the feeling of peeking to my cellphone clock half-expecting the number would appear again.. Actually I've been so used to it that my day wouldn't be complete if I would not see it and appreciate its value the fact that I know to myself that it was something from God..I fell in love with the numbers but the problem is I couldn't tell anyone about the weird thing that is happening to me. I once told it to some of my friends but they did not care at all and find it weird. So I kept it to myself and continue seeing the numbers 333..Well I also remember when I was in highschool we had this room number 333 and its the room that I always see my first love way back then.. The wierdest part is the jersey number of my first love was 9 (333=9). So i made a conclusion out of my the numbers that we (my first love) are designed for each other..Recently I finished college and earned a degree in Tourism Management but i haven't find a way to meet my first and tell him I love him personally though I've already told him that I'm so crazy about him after all the years I've lost in touch with him..Perfect clear view was I saw him again on my 3yd year college exactly march 3 and I was so convinced that maybe the connection was there the 333 and his favorite jersey # 9..Till now I still don't have any idea about the real thing that was happening to me till I told myself that I maybe crazy loving the person that could not be mine cuz we're the same gender..Maybe God's telling me to stop fantasizing and be realistic to what I really am and what I can ever be and most importantly whom I can be with..Thanks for reading my long story.. So weird this WORLD can get! No Replies Post a Reply 333'God Is speaking! 11/14/08by Jeanne - 11/14/08 1:36 AM I started seeing the number 333 a few months ago.The first time I saw it I couldn't sleep and got out of bed,walked thru the kitchen and saw the time on the digtinal clock on the stove.I stopped looked at the number and said God your speaking to me aren't you?I knew the number 333 meant something significant.The same day a friend said she had sent money for an E-BAY package in the amount of $333.My husband told me the next day he clocked out at work for a late lunch-it was 3:33.I mentioned a few weeks later to the Lord I had not seen the number 333 lately.I saw it that day again on the stove clock when I got in that day. Later I was cleaning out the car and noticed a store ticket in the amount of #3.33 I have since seen the number again on clocks and other places.I know God is speaking to His Children.I felt to read Ezekiel 33:3 the other day after a man shared God said to read Ezekiel 44.4.I read when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people.Ezekiel 3:33. This was during alot of the election where I feel we were to pray. I know He is still speaking and I want to see every time He speaks.I pray God's blessing on you and that you may know God's Love and Grace. God Bless You All. No Replies Post a Reply 333 Good Or Bad?by Sarah - 5/06/08 1:50 AM I got chills for quite while reading this forum. The number haunts me too. It'so awesome to see that other people are going through the same Spiritual Confusion that I am. I see it everywhere. I MEAN EVERHWERE. I really thought I was alone in this. Proverbs 3:33 says "The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just." I thought until now, that I was cursed, But maybe this is a way for God(The godhead) to tell me that everything is okay, but still, I read that the number 333 is a representation of the Demon of Dispersion "The dweller in the Abyss" The Reason People Fall to Hell. "He" is suppossedly the spiritual weakness in all of us. The darkest side of humanity. To face him is to look only at the worst aspects of ourselves. He is what makes us afraid of the unknown and the darkness. He feeds off our insecurities. That sounds pretty scary. I have a TON of insecurities, and i would hate to face them. I'm very afraid of spiritual things, and the dark especially. But at the same time I deeply love The God-Head, the Father, Mother, Son, and Holy Spirit. I really don't know what to think about all of this. Like I said, It's just nice to see that other people see it everywhere too. 4 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333 Good Or Bad?by ray dutton - 5/11/08 11:23 AM 3 12 74 i am a 333 like fiddler. oh my. i know more than any of you concerning this matter.its odd to see these reactions to a number RE: 333 Good Or Bad?by frankie - 7/27/08 2:30 AM to start off ive been seeing 333,911,111 almost everytime i look at a clock.ever since i almost passed away in 2001. first of all i was curious if seeing these numbers 333 meant something,im religious,very catholic,but a sinner.now,what i think is weird is that we all see these numbers,before we go and try and google it(WE ALL ALREADY KNOW ITS RELIGOUS TO SOME DEGREE OR MEANS SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN)(THATS SCARY,BUT KNOWING IM NOT ALONE THIS PUTS ME AT EZZ)..think about it,did you really have to even google this ,now i know i didn't,i was already right.....i belive our angels are telling us something,and i think the angels are showing these numbers to the people with open minds that are listening ..I DONT KNOW FOR SURE IF THIS A GOOD THING OR A BAD THING(ONLY TIME WILL TELL)"KEEP FAITH". 333by Candyce - 8/16/08 8:34 AM About 5 years ago when I was 28 I was diagnosed with a vascular disease that could potentially kill me. I went through chemo therapy, blood trasfusions, dialysis and a kidney transplant. I never saw the numbers 333 until I got sick. I wake up at leat 4 nights a week at 3:33, I see them at work, on license plates, receipts, on tv shows and movies. I always wondered if these numbers meant something bad because I never saw them until I got sick, but 5 years later I am still alive and raising my daughter. I feel so much better knowing that other people out there see these numbers and they represent good, not evil. Thank you and God bless! RE: 333 Good Or Bad?by Anonymous - 11/13/08 8:17 AM can you tell us some things you know about it. Its rare to find people with a lot of knowledge. it would be nice to hear from you ray dutton 333 - John 3:31-33by Ellie - 10/29/08 6:11 AM I started reading this forum and I can't believe that so many people have had similar things happen to them. I've been seeing 333 for the past 2 years and questioned it a lot. I'm a believer of God's word, so I decided to read the Bible and found John 3:31:33. These verses really did a number on me. When I continually saw 333 on the clock, pictures, letters and a number of other things I became worried and thought it was some kind of Evil sign. After reading this forum and the word of God, I came to understand that this number means the Trinity. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. These three work as one to bring us joy, peace, love, patients which at times I have little of that and a sound mind. Now everytime I see the numbers anywhere I begin to pray and thank God for what he's allowed me to do and for the many blessings he has given me. I feel so much better now and I've been a blessing to so many other people without even trying. This is so Cool! Thank you all for the great response and I look forward to reading more of your experiences. Please keep posting! 3 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333 - John 3:31-33by Kristie - 11/06/08 7:29 AM I have been seeing it everywhere for over a year. I have been thinking it was evil. It scared me to the point of trying not to look at the clock. I am an alcoholic. My favorite drink cost $6.66 and my favorite song is called I have a drinking problem, it last 3.33 min. RE: 333 - John 3:31-33by Anonymous - 11/06/08 10:07 AM @kristie 666 is the evil number so as you say, drinking is the problem. Does 333 draw you to or from alcohol? That will tell you whether its a good or bad influence on your life. Seek help and prayer if you are truly an alcoholic. RE: 333 - John 3:31-33by Anonymous - 11/07/08 4:20 AM Hey Kristie, 333 is definately a message to you from your creator. Maybe you are to get your life in order to be capable of the mission and purpose you were put on earth to fuful. I feel it's definately a call to service. I wish you strength, courage and wisdom on your journey. 333by knossos - 10/24/08 3:45 AM Does anyone feel that the number is a call to duty. Are we the 144,000? 8 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by David - 10/25/08 6:44 AM It's true, I cannot begin to express the feeling of a call at work. I had a long dream last night of the strangest things, one of those dreams where everything is mashed together, places I have been, places I haven't been, specific landmarks, but the one thing was a loss of direction (I went across a bridge and as soon as I got half-way across I couldn't remember which way I came from) and I believe that re-enforces the fact that I don't know where I am going & what I am to do. The time is near we cannot be in denial much longer, for there are a few of us that know something is about to happen, I'm going to church, what are you going to do? RE: 333by Anonymous - 10/25/08 12:26 PM I have been seeing 333 as well....matter of fact just last night I woke at 3:33am AGAIN....I feel it's definately a 'call' for some divine mission. Many hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world are seeing other number sequences too like 11:11 and 222. Check out the internet. It's a phenonomen but most people believe it's a message. We 333's are not exclusive. RE: 333by Brahma - 10/26/08 1:28 AM Check out the OM sound which is used to manifest all existence. RE: 333by Anonymous - 11/02/08 11:11 AM @David - Jesus is often allegorized as a bridge to heaven. Interesting that in your dream you forgot from whence you came. RE: 333by Louise - 11/04/08 3:09 AM I know this is a message of some kind. I just can't help but feel we have to be prepared for 'something' but I don't know what it could be and I also have a feeling that it's not too far away. Could it be the second coming? Are we being called to 'prepare ye the way of the Lord?' and why us? What is so special about me or any of us for that matter? RE: 333by election08 - 11/04/08 9:42 AM Obama currently has 333 electoral votes RE: 333by Lisa - 11/05/08 5:23 AM I have been seeing 333 for weeks now and know that it means something. I see it everyday and everywhere.What the heck? RE: 333by Anonymous - 11/06/08 7:09 AM I Have been seeing it for over a year. 333by Jessica - 10/27/08 1:07 AM I too have been seeing 333 everywhere I look. I mean EVERYWHERE I look.So I took out my Angel Guidance Oracle cards and started to shuffle them around 3:30. Once it turned 3:33 I stopped shuffling and looked at the card on the top deck. It read this:"Notice the signs. Yes, the signs you are recieving are heaven-sent. Angels leave feathers, coins and other signs in your path to show you that you are not alone, and you are loved"Hope that makes everyone feel a little better =)-Jessica 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333by Anonymous - 10/27/08 7:39 AM I bowled 3 games totalling 333. I found that interesting. reby Anonymous - 4/25/08 12:55 PM I'm atheist and for a while now I've notice I seem to glance at the clock when it's 3:33 more than any other number. Not sure what to make of it. Some of you on here say it's haunting you. To be honest, I think it's kind of cool. 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: re by Anonymous - 10/25/08 2:23 AM I don't know about you guys...all I know that the 333 occurrences are intensifying and happening more frequently for me. Not for one minute do I think it's a doomsday message but more a message of hope. What am I doing about it.....? I just feel compelled to become a better person. I'm repairing my personal relationships with friends and family and have moved into the community to work with the disadvantaged. I'm trying to be more tolerant, commpassionate and respectful of everyone I meet. If you can't change the world....change yourself. I agree though...something amazing is going to happen and happen soon and we must be ready. All will be revealed in good time..... RE: reby Anonymous - 10/25/08 9:20 AM I am an athiest 333 head also. Not sure it really has anything to do with what all these people are saying. I too think it's pretty cool. 333by David - 10/24/08 7:50 AM It has happened all my life, my birthday is 3-3-71, today I read Jeremiah 3:33, He is speaking to me, my flesh denies me from hearing him, if I try to deny my flesh I am attacked demonically on a level that is unbearable. There are more than just me, I can feel something happening...but what? No Replies Post a Reply 333 and 1111by Jody - 4/24/08 5:37 AM This might help each of you understand somewhat what is happening to you. I know this might sound crazy but sit down and ask God for understanding. But in order to hear him you half to be silent just as you would when another person speaks. But, interestingly enough you have to silence your mind becuase in your mind is a bunch of noise (your thoughts) and the only way to silence your thoughts is to say a mantra like "Be still and know God"....every time a random thought enters your head. Its just like fasting for the body where you clean out your body by not eating to flush out the toxins, well you have to clean out your mind to. So, ask your question then say your mantra. Do this for at least 30 minutes. Now, the answer may not come immediately. However, STAY AWARE of your surroundings. You may hear words in a song which will have meaning, or words from anothers mouth. You may suddenly look at a tree and have insight into things you never had before. Read Jeremiah 33.3. HOpe this helps. 3 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333 and 1111by Anonymous - 5/12/08 2:54 AM I read that this number represents the holy trinity and is nothing to be feared. I just found this out; has been happenning to me for 25 years since my dad died and has started again since my momm died. I believe it's a message that God is ever near, since i am a Christian and pray alot. RE: 333 and 1111by Anonymous - 10/14/08 6:32 AM I believe 1111 could refer Deuteronomy 11:11, among other things. RE: 333 and 1111by Anonymous - 10/19/08 8:49 AM Whoa, that is so crazy! Ive been seeing a lot of 11:11 and 3:33 as well as 9:11 a whole lot. 3:33 has been coming up a lot these past 3 days in a row that I had to take a photo of the clock when I would see it on my computer with the date beside it trying to figure out the meaning and if it was a bad sign of something. After reading all these posts about 3:33, I feel a lot better knowing that its God that is trying to communicate with me. I guess that explains a lot of my dreams that are signs of Gods coming. Wow. Thanks! Now I wont be afraid of the number 333 anymore. 333by AG - 10/15/08 9:05 AM I moved to Florida from NY for a new start back 2/14/3. On my drive down to FL 333 would appear eveywhere, change from my gas money, the mileage on my jeep, and of course the time. Then I realized that 3/3/3 was coming up. I informed all my co-workers about my expereince with 333. On the day of 3/3/3 , wonderful things happened to everyone around me. My whole life I have been blessed with so many things. I have perfect helath, prosperity, wonderful husband, and loving family and friends that surround me everday. I still see 333 all the time. Last night I was having a hard time sleeping, for some reason I looked at the clock on my phone, which I never do, and it was 333, after that I saw that i was put at ease, and went back to sleep. I couldnt help to feel that god is with me all the time and once again I am a truly blessed person. To anyone else that has this happen to them, please, dont be worried, because you too are blessed!! No Replies Post a Reply 333by Praise and Glory - 10/15/08 5:58 AM I awakened this morning at 3:33 and knew it was a message. I prayed until I fell back to sleep. This is a message of love and all morning I have felt more energized. I often get messages and number sequences like 1:11 which I conclude is from my angels. God is trying to get our attention. Try to love more and forgive more. It is really hard for me personally but prayer really works. "All things work for good to those who love the Lord." No Replies Post a Reply Supernatural Occurance of Triple Numbers.by Ken - 9/23/08 11:12 AM Several months ago an older lady at my church dreamed that my wife ws pregnant again(with triplets). She said the dream was very vivid and she described each childs hair color. Appx. 1 month later she tests positive. Several weeks later I start waking up at 3:33am. Then I start noticing different triple numbers several times daily on my clocks at home. I am not a clock watcher(dont even wear a watch and cant read the clock on my cell with putting my glasses on. I share this with my wife and children and several of them start noticing the same thing. Last week it happened 3 nights in a row as I went to bed, looked up at the clock and each night it was 2:22 3:33 4:44 Sunday I am sharing this with my son whom does not live with me and his girlfriend while eating lunch. As I am telling them the story he looks bewildered and tells me that HE had looked at his clock when I picked him up and it was exactly 2:22pm. He then gets a stranger look and shows me his clock on his cell. It was exaxctly 3:33pm. His girlfriend says that her watch is always 1 minute later than my sons and when she looks dow she looks bewildered too. Her watch is at 3:33pm I share some of this with some friends on a mens retreat recently, while driving to north Alabama, my friend looks over and notices that we are at mile marker 111 exactly as I am sharing this strange occurance. We are watching dancing with the stars last night and towards the end I share some of this with my in-laws, my son notices that we have 1:11 left to call a vote in at exactly the same time I am telling them my story.I am a christian and have been truly seeking God's prescence and his will for my life in recent months. We have 9 children, presently with child(at least one) and I was born 9/13/61 I truly believe something big is about to happen! God has a call on my life and it is about to be revealed to me. I have been waiting my entire life for this!!! It's all about you JESUS!!!! 3 Replies: Post a Reply RE: Supernatural Occurance of Triple Numbers.by Anonymous - 9/24/08 5:04 AM WOW Ken. FOr last past week I have been waking up at 3:33 am and find it hard to get back top sleep. The diffence with me is that when I look at the clock, in which I really dont pay attention to much is that I always seem to look at it at 9:13 am and 9:13 pm. THe significance is that it is my birthday 9-13-70. I noticed that your birthday is 9-13 as well. I know God is trying to tell me something. I just have to find out what! RE: Supernatural Occurance of Triple Numbers.by Sheryll - 10/07/08 1:15 AM My ex-husband passed away 5 years ago. We have two children together. We had previously divorced and both had remarried. He had another child with his new wife. I lost a child with my second husband, during labor. Both third children were girls. (coincidence?) But my story is that, for a complete week, I was awoke by my phone alarm, at exactly 333am. No matter how I changed the alarm time, it still went off at 333am. I have read alot of things, and I am still not convinced that I have found an answer to the meaning. the number haunts me. Although, we had split up, I still loved him dearly. I had left him due to our tempers, and was concerned for my children. I didnt want them to think a man and woman really fighting was ok. I know that the night that we aquired his dog, that I couldnt have it in the house, was not house broken. I made him a really nice, warm place to be outside and he was bred to be an outside dog anyway. But it was cold and very windy. I couldnt get the dog to go in the dog house. I was so worried that he would freeze to death and the kids would never forgive me, that I just cried and asked my ex for a little help. The wind stopped, I didnt feel cold, and the dog went in the dog house and laid down and just whined. It was a very spiritual moment. A little frightening, but I managed. I thanked him for helping me and let him know that I loved him and would miss him greatly. I can feel him close to me when I see the number 333 whether on a license plate, a billboard, address or the clock. I just wish I knew what I was supposed to do, or supposed to know. I may never know. And I will probably never stop searching. thanks for listening RE: Supernatural Occurance of Triple Numbers.by Psalm333 - 10/14/08 6:28 AM WHOA! I have the same experiences! Starting in 2005, I started seeing 333 and 555 everywhere!!! Recently I've also been seeing 111, 222, 444, 414, 515, 818, 888, 1111. Too much to even handle!!! I once had a dream that the Lord instructed me to write down. When I finished writing and placed down my pen, it was 3:33 AM. When I fell back asleep, I had a short dream where someone told me that I was to understand this number as God's "signature" of sorts. Check out Psalm 33:3 and Jeremiah 33:3. It also represents the trinity. CRAZY! I can't believe THIS MANY PEOPLE have been having the same experiences!!! I thought I was the only one! 3:33 todayby QTown - 10/09/08 11:19 AM Hey, i am writing a screenplay for school, 3 boys are stuck at lowtide on a stream and need to wait until the tide rises. I was writing a part today and I chose the time 333 for the tide to start to rise in the story. I knew 333 means something, so i looked it up and found this site and others. After reading some of the comments, i remembered that I actually woke up at 3:33 today. I remember because I only had 7 minutes to get to school (late). Cosmic. 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 3:33 todayby QTown - 10/09/08 11:46 AM (i didn't know exactly what it meant until after i wrote it.) RE: 3:33 todayby Anonymous - 10/11/08 7:34 AM I looked at the clock just there, and it read 3:33. 333by Anonymous - 10/10/08 6:06 AM I was Actually born at 333A.M 12/30/76. THIS NUMBER MEANS ALOT TO ME. No Replies Post a Reply STRANGE TIMES!!!by Louise - 10/10/08 3:50 AM For many months now I've been following with interest the postings on this site as I too have been subjected to these strange occurrences. I have on many occasions awoken at 3.33am. Initially, I felt 'spooked', then with the frequency of this 'happening', I now find it frustrating to say the least. To perplex me even further, I have now started seeing 11:11 in association with 333. I truly don't know what to make of this.....all I know is that I'm receiving a message of some kind and I'm finding it exasperating trying to decipher it's meaning. The only thing I can conclude it that maybe something significant is going to occur on the 11th day of the 11th month at 3:33am/pm....I guess all will be revealed in time (as it appears to me this is what THIS is all about). No Replies Post a Reply 333 or 3 or 33by bak - 10/06/08 10:05 AM I believe these number have been with me for a long time. I live at 335 , I am on the 33Mail Route , I live on the 3rd floor . Everywhere I go in the world those numbers follow me .Not unlike everyone else.It may mean completion ! I was dreading 33 year of age bec, I thought I was going to fie . Well, nothing happen thank goodness.Is this only biblical or something else . I not unlike the others am freaked . No Replies Post a Reply 333by Person. - 10/01/08 4:07 AM For the past couple of months I keep seeing the numbers 333. All the time, every day. I read this and my friend researched for me but for some odd reason I don't feel completed or at ease. I feel something is going to happen, bad or good...I don't know. I don't know if I want to know, even part of me does.I've read Grace's comment and I feel the same. I keep seeing it and it's bothering me deeply. Anyways, here are some things my friend found out for me.333 - This sign indicates that your Spirit Guides agree with your thoughts and feelings and could be interpreted as a Cosmic 'Yes!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have. There are several meaning from what I gather. The first is 333 pointing to the trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The other I have discovered has pointed to Biblical Scripture. From the book of Jeremias Chapter 33 verse 3 or 333. "Cry to me and I will hear thee: and I will show thee great things, and sure things which thou knowest not. Pray to Him and HE, God will show you great things.In Numerology and the Occult 333 ads up to 9 which means completion. If you keep seeing number combinations which keep adding up to 9 then I think the spirits are trying to tell you that something has been completed in your life or or accomplished. If it doesn't pertain to you then they might be giving you a warning of some sort such as maybe our civilizations last days really are upon us and human life as we know it know has been completed. 333 is a representation of CHORONZON-- a FEMALE DEMON in false illuminati mythology. 333 represents God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus......they are always with you. Notice the time these numbers appear.......randomly or times of trouble. 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by Alan Lee - 10/02/08 4:14 AM Hi,It all makes sense to me now after reading your findings on the number 333. Thanks a lot.1. THE WARNING SIGN - After I start to see and notice the no. 333 when I was 33 years 3 months 3 days old, I had a strong premonition that something very bad was going to happen on me. Like what you said, it is a warning sign and a cosmic yes to my feeling. It actually happened.2. THE COMPLETION OF MY OLD SELF - On the same year 9th SEP (09/09), I walked into a church and wanted to believe in god. It was a completion and passed away of my old self when I was reborn into Christ when I believe and accept Jesus as my savior on that day. One day before 09/9, I prayed to god and flipped the bible randomly asking for guidance and Romans? chapter 6 appeared before me. Reading that line of verse was a shock to me at that time. That made complete sense. 3. THE TRINITY GUIDANCE - From the book of Jeremia?s Chapter 33 verse 3 or 333. "Cry to me and I will hear thee: and I will show thee great things, and sure things which thou knowest not". I prayed to god and my 33 years old woe was passed and I survived.4. COMPLETION OF MY WOES - Recently and now, I have a thought or a very vivid sense that tells me to 'let go' and not to pursue my career or financial goals until I reach the age of 36 years old, if otherwise I will fail and if like someone is guiding me and ask me to wait. The woes on my 13, 23 and 33 years old had passed and maybe these are my sins and karmas. 3 + 6 = 9 = full completion.There have been always these arising thoughts in my mind telling me what is going to happen next and I did not believe in it as I thoughts it was the works of my sub-conscious mind. Now, I believe that this is a gift from god or maybe it was the works of an angel.My questions have been answered and I will stop pursing the meaning of no.333. This will be my last message on this subject. Importantly is to carry on my life and live happily. I am looking forward for my new chapter of life in god?s hand. I prayed to god that may all the lost soul be guided and return to his side and shall live with him for eternity.Cheers. RE: 333by Anonymous - 10/05/08 3:53 AM every nite i have the same dream and wake up at 333 it really freaks me out i dunno what it means but somthing big is gonna happen. soon Believeby Braford Scott Dotson - 10/05/08 3:17 AM Let us come in agreement with this beutiful number and open our minds to our creator. No Replies Post a Reply Mystery of number 333 by Alan Lee - 10/01/08 2:55 AM I posted a message on 3/05/08 at 2.47 a.m. in this forum, almost 3.00 am. Now, it is 3.00 a.m. in the morning again when I typed these words and I did not plan to stay up until this time to write this message. It happens that I couldn?t sleep tonight and just found back this forum again accidentally. In fact, I don?t remember I posted a message earlier on in this forum and it seems like an invisible force has leaded me back to here again.I am not a superstitious person and instead I am a person who prone towards believing in modern science. In quantum level, this world is formed by building blocks of sub-atomic particles which are basically energy waves and vibrations that existed and vanished in a millionth of a second. Looking into the big picture, we are living on a tiny planet earth in a galaxy with billion of stars and in a vast universe with billion of galaxies and I always wonder how it begins and what is beyond the infinity. The answer from Albert Einstein would be the face of god. With the vast universe, there is no meaning without the existence of consciousness or our human mind to see, hear, taste, feel and learn all the things. Some scientists argue that this universe began with a big bang 15 billions year ago and everything going to end in billions of years to come. This is a very scary thought thinking that all these things including our universe and life happened only once and going vanished for eternity. The end seems to us is like even emptiness does not exist at all and no words can describe this.The number 3 or 333 appearing to me and all of you was only the beginning of explanations. It?s telling that we are not alone in the universe we understand with our physics science and there is a higher plane of existence beyond our universe influencing events in our life, and we call it god. It is the god that told in the bible. I had a close encounter with death or NDE at 11 years ago when I was overdosed with drugs and sent to small hospital in a remote island. At that time, I saw a light and felt that Jesus was there and after that I collapsed. When I was in the hospital, I experienced the process of dying. First, I saw that my surroundings turned purple color and then the voices and sounds from people were turning into echoes and sounded that they were far away when these people are just standing beside my bed. After that, my feet turned cold and numbness spread from my toes to my head until I did not feel anything at all. But all the time, I remained conscious and aware of what was happening to me. I heard the nurse saying that I may die and there was no doctor in the hospital at 1 am in the morning. I was very afraid that I am going to die and I can feel that I am dying and I do not feel a thing in my body. In a moment, I felt exceedingly calm and joy of releasing and it is beyond words. In a sudden, I find that I existed in a consciousness state inside my body and the position was in the middle of the chest and see only darkness my consciousness was still trapped inside the body. I thought or I have died at that time. I experienced this for a few minutes and after I start to feel my body as my friends kept messaging my legs and I woke up later. First thing after I woke up, I passed out urine uncontrollably as seemed that my bladder has lost it function like a dead person. Slowly, I recover from it after days of resting. There was nobody knows what is happening to me or did I die for a few minutes as there was no doctor there. Only my friends were beside the bed looking after me and they did not really understand what was exactly going on with me.I am glad that god has shown me many signs of his existence through worldly ways and there are many other encounters that I experienced with god and they are too many for me to put it in this message. Recently, I was miserable and still lost in direction with my life until one fine day that I told myself I will believe in god and I did believe in god. All my fears and worries were gone as I have faith that god is with me now. God is guiding me and I will walk towards the destiny set by god and I believe that god will fulfill his promise as told in bible. With all the messages flooded into this forum, I am very sure that all of you are loved and chosen by god. Maybe, there will be events happening in near future that god is acting fast.Believing or not, the choice is yours. Lastly, let us be grateful and thankful to the god who showed us the way through the number 333. No Replies Post a Reply 333by Maria at aurorasong@yahoo.com - 9/21/08 1:58 AM have seen this number alot lately. Hello. What message is being given to me. I am having a hard time rite now. My apt number is 133 my new apt number is 33 driving down the road i see a cab with the phone number 3333 on a movie i seen the number 33 on the door and today a scratch off ticket with the number 033. I ask god to help me through this time. A breakup with my bf in a strange place with no family. What is he tellling me? 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by Shelbert - 9/29/08 9:40 AM Grace, I also see 333 everywhere I go. I mean everywhere, i am not religious or superstitious (not that the two are comparable) but i am beginning to believe something about it i have just started to do research about it. wondering if it is a common to see 555 or 888. Just to give you an example of how eerie it is . I recently had my cards read as a fun thing to do. My friends mom asked me. while the mom was doing it she had me pick cards. 3 nines I picked in a row. she then had me do it again and I picked 3 threes in a row. another example, i recently moved and found my place by driving by, when I signed the lease the address is 3331. I have been seeing this for about 4 years now. just seems to be getting closer and closer. The card reading mom said that I was fortunate and she had never seen anthing like that. 3 and 9 meant something to her seemed to be good. although I have no such good fortune or luck. just thought this whole page was interesting and wanted to comment. RE: 333by Sky - 9/30/08 11:33 AM I see 333 everywhere. Usually I see it when I am experiencing some kind of doubt and need reassurance that I have made the right choices. Even when I don't think I need reassurance, I see the number and am reminded that I constantly doubt myself. When I came to my new town to attend school, my school i.d. was "skf33", my counselor enrolled me in Music 333, and one of my classes was in room #333. I figured I must be on the right path. lonely soulby carmen - 9/24/08 10:39 AM Thank goodness I?m not alone. For the past 14 years, until recently I have been wakening up at 3:33 a.m, every single day now it's every hour. Can you imagine how exhausted I am? I do believe in God the almighty of heaven and earth. I?m a catholic have always been. Recently I?m at my ends wits; I feel that god has forgotten me. They say that the lord only throws at you what he knows you will be able to handle. Dear lord you have set me waves of heartaches, grief, deaths one after another, Mom, Dad, three brothers, the job that I loved so much asked me to resign due to my ex husband committing a crime that came out in the papers for several months, I lost everything I worked so hard for all my life, the children?s college funds, my home our financial security, on lives were threaten (my children, mine). The children and myself had to relocate for a couple of years, the sad truth is that we had nothing to due with my ex?s- crime we had no clue, everyone turn their backs on us or just plain pity us. The innocent party (us, meaning the children and myself) had to pay the consequence; he received 25 years in prison only, and was just recently released. Just about everything women could possibly handle right. Well I still wake up at 3:33 a.m. after reading this site I?ve come to realize that I?m not alone waking up at this time. I?ve been told that 3:33 a.m. is the witching hour, eerie but your site states that it is the hour of prayer. Lord I ask you to remove this omen with in me and my family and let us live in peace. Is it really an hour of prayer? Because, I?ve prayed morning noon and night, I strongly believe God has forgotten me and does not hear me. I have fallen down to my knees where I?m losing my faith and believe. Any advice would be appreciated, Thank you. 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: lonely soulby Anonymous - 9/27/08 3:43 AM You could watch the Exorcism of Emily Rose again and maybe you'll figure something out. RE: lonely soulby notorious - 9/29/08 7:26 AM Hi Carmen,It seems there are a lot of us here. While I haven't been waking up at 3.33 I see this number a lot. What I would say is that god is testing you. God knows why you are on this journey, and no doubt it is not an easy one, but you are part of a powerful number, and I don't believe it is a bad one. You or your kids may have an important role to play. I think the pendulum will swing the other way for your you. Maybe not immediately, or even for a long time, but have faith, take heart and your love will become glorious. Praise goodness, absorb knowledge, feel compassion and become wise. God will permeate your life. 3:33AMby KRYSSY - 9/15/08 7:30 AM A year and a half ago I was saved. A few months later I was spending a lot of time reading the Bible, fellowshipping and then it started. I'd wake up almost everynight at 3:33am. I felt a presence there and sometimes I was afraid. Not scared but just afraid because I didn't know. This went on for weeks and I didn't speak much of it then my daughter, 14 who is also saved and has a strong heart for God came crying and said it's been happening to her and she didnt know what to make of it. And many night it happened to us both at the same time. One night I felt something strange, thought it was a dream but felt like I was awake, had someone hugging me, I felt like an electrical shimmering like in my entire body. I finallt spoke to a preacher and he told me to rejoice andpraise God. I ran a search today because I was curious. It stopped when I sinned and felt aweful about it. I wonder if it's because I pulled alittle away from God. I'm relieved to know I'm not along and this site sure made me feel better. God Bless....Kris:) No Replies Post a Reply 333by Anonymous - 6/27/08 12:25 PM For the past several years the number 333 has been showing up in my life at significant times -- and always when something good has JUST happened, or IS happening or is ABOUT to happen. Finally, I had a dream that explained the significance of this number -- at least to me -- and that is that it represents God.Often times when I pray and ask for guidance from God I will receive it in the form of the number 333 showing up soon after. 3 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by D - 7/13/08 7:38 AM crazy but google it it means that the great masters like quan yin, jesus, mary, moses,yoganada are agreeing with your thought positive or negative RE: 333by Susanne - 9/07/08 2:29 AM Wow, I too have been seeing the numbers 3, 33, 333. For about 5 years now it is a sign for something it has to be i see it on TV shows, licence plates right at the moment i am in deep thought, at work when i look at the time it is always 3:33pm at home when i look at the clock it is 3:33 not sure if i have woken up at that time as of yet but i sure will keep an eye on it. This number 3 has been a lucky number for me my bealte car the last two numbers are 33, when i had no where to live my girlfriend took me in the address was 33 douglas blvd, when i got hired back to my job i had before the offer was for $33,000 year to start. My new treadmill the sticker on it is a 3 i left it on there because i take this all as good. I like the feeling this number gives me so much that when i went to get a new plate for my car i asked for one with 3's in it sure enough the second plate in her pile was -033 which is on my beatle today. So keep the faith this world well soon be done away with Satan time is close at hand the weather sure show us signs of that, i am not catholic, actually studied with the Jehovah Witnesses. hmm i think i too will start to keep a journal for everytime i see it and what is going on in my life and mind at the time. now that i see so many of us see this let figure out the mystery . RE: 333by Hopelessly in Limbo - 9/14/08 4:00 AM I have also found this site by googling "333 meaning". It has been happening to me for the last couple of years now. The first time it happened, I was sound asleep and suddenly awoke to a sound similar to that of a man's voice screaming "nooooooo" as it faded off into the northeast corner of my bedroom. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 3:33am. It sort of scared me, the first thing that entered my mind was that Amityville Horror movie with the clock, etc. But I brushed it off until I began noticing I would frequently wake and look at the clock and sure enough...3:33am. Same thing as others here, after waking during the night I would try to not look at the clock after about 5 minutes and then look and it would be 3:33am.Just the other day I was playing a song and had to stop it for something and went to play it again and it was at 3:33. Thre are so much occurences with this I won't continue to go on about that.Last month my girlfriend broke up with me and I was devastated. All I have ever wanted was to have my own family. I am 34 and still single with no children. I was so depressed, angry, all of these feelings overwhelming me. Now I do not go to church but I do believe in God. And I have read the Holy Bible. I challenged God to kill me, I prayed for God to kill me. I told God I have no faith in Him. I cursed God and asked why I have been punished all these years to live a lonely existence and not have a family of my own. Three days later my father suddenly passed away. He had health problems, but it was very weird. Once again more heartache for me to deal with.I continued to pray to God to end my life. I began to think while in my last relationship that after all this time God was rewarding me and letting me finally have a wife and have children. Then it was all just taken away. I often have felt like the character Sam on Quantum Leap, when he spoke with God and was told he would never return home because he was chosen to do God's will by helping other people. I have helped others quite a bit the past few years and began wondering if that's why I am even here. But when all I ask for is something that has been a given to most people in this world, why doesn't God just do this one thing for me? I have often prayed to God and only asked him to forgive any sins I have commited, and then thanked Him for the things I have. I have never thought it right to ask for things. The only thing I have ever asked for is to have my own family. I am like a half soul incomplete wandering around with no hope or direction. I asked God the other night to give me a sign or kill me. Maybe the sign was for me to find these other posts and pay more attention to 333.I don't know. I don't have any answers. 333, random thoughtsby drew - 9/12/08 7:49 AM The number that defines evil is 666, the number zero (actually not a number) to me represents GOD, the point of origin, it is pure and infinite and represents creation. 333 is divinely in the middle between 0 and 666, possibly representing mankind, or the thin line one must walk, much like the balance of good and evil that must be present in the universe. The Bible says that Good and Evil must have equal time to reign. Jesus died at 33, ministerd 3 years, starting at the age of 30, and is within the Trinity. 3+3+3 is 9. 9, when added to itself, always comes back to itself. For instance, 9, 18, 27, 36...81, 90 - when adding the first digit to the next, it always equals 9. It is the only number to do so. When you reach 99, you are entering into the next order of digits, so you have 108, 117, these all add to 9 also. Keep adding, and you hit 333, 360 (complete circle), and 369(3 exponentially represented) - this is where it gets broken, the next digits, 378, adds to 18, which then adds to 9 again, so you have entered into double adding the digits, the next "layer" if you will after copmpleting the circle and having 3 represented in all 3 possible forms in the number system. If you imagine 333 in a 3D physical form, with all the 3's facing inward towards each other, it creates a 3D dimensional Infinity symbol. If you imagine the 3's flat, there would once again be an infinity symbol with 2 of the 3's facing each other, the 3rd 3 would appear as a line down the middle, making a cross inside the infinity symbol. Hindus worship 333 million Gods? That too is strange. I have many stories with this number in my life, bizarre and unexplainable things which I will post next. No Replies Post a Reply i just now flipped page # 333by Emma-Lee - 9/05/08 8:53 AM Me and one of my best friends were just messing around with a book cuz were bored and its almost midnight. and we grabbed the page # 333 liturley like 10 times in a row. and we werent even trying. me and my friendsss alwayyyyysss see 333 EVERYWHERE. i am a little freaked out by it b/c i dont exactly know its meaning. but i do believe that its a sign by God that he's protecting us and watching over us. or maybe if we're going in the right direction in our lives that he wants us to go in. thanks! :) 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: i just now flipped page # 333by Anonymous - 9/06/08 3:42 AM Re Anonymous 6th Sept 'God is watching over us'. You have made me really angry. It's people like you that are vessels of evil. By preaching fear and questioning peoples faith in 'God' you are doing the devils work whilst on earth. Most people who have discovered this site have ultimately had some religious ephinany where they have encountered a spiritual awakening that's not specific to one particular religious denomination. It has renewed peoples FAITH, BELIEF and HOPE that God can make a difference to our lives and the lives of others at this crucial time on earth. God speaks to us all in mysterious ways and it's YOU.....the scribes and pharises who are truly dammed. God is good....and loves us all. God is watching over us!!!!!!by Greig - 8/07/08 1:07 AM Hi my name is Greig and i have been seeing the number 333 constantly, I will randomly look at my watch and the time will be 3:33, i will open my mobile phone and it wil say 3:33, but lately I have been seeing what i hope are signs, lol don't laugh at this but I have been tlaking to a girl that I really like lately and we feel the same way, I prayed a few nights after I spoke to her and all of the sudden i had weird urges and feelings, one urge was to lookat at the lengths of times my songs went for on i-tunes, i scrolled down to 3:33 and it was a song by the cure called......just like HEAVEN i couldn't believe it, then i looked at a photo of the girl and in the background there was a plaque with writing on it but one word stood out and it was GOD. I really respect all of you people posting these comments, try to look at it as something good, I feel blessed and safe. So should you. Aight peace everyone thank you for reading. 3 Replies: Post a Reply RE: God is watching over us!!!!!!by THE MESSENGER - 8/17/08 9:26 AM 333 is the mark of God. It's a representation of God and his people. You are supposed to pray during God's holy hour which is 3:33 am. I am not sure about 3:33 pm, God has not confirmed that to me as of yet. 3:33 is the hour of God and at that time your prayers are immediately directed to the Lord. With no demonic interference you can have what you need. God is revealing this to you because we are in Revelation and you are going to need all the help you can get! Armor up! We are at spiritual warfare. Pray for one minute during that time and your prayers will be answered with the gates of heaven wide open to you. God bless...The Messenger RE: God is watching over us!!!!!!by Anonymous - 9/04/08 4:11 AM I strongly believe this is true, because before I came to this site.. i experience a presence in my room when I see 3:33 am. The presence was never fearful or scary I just never knew what it was.. so the human instinct is to be like "what is going on?" and I always pray jeremiah 3:33.. which is a relevation scripture.. At this hour.. when God shows you this.. pour out everything to him.. He is with you.. and i also believe at this hour.. prayers are answers without demonic interference.. Since i initially did not know what this presence was.. I figured out prayer never hurt nobody.. so when i initially became scared..I casted out the spirit of fear.. that same nite when i fell asleep.. I saw my self in the spirit casting out the spirit of fear, and that spirit fleeing from me and my sister in the dream I had.. 333.. is definitely the mark of God. RE: God is watching over us!!!!!!by Anonymous - 9/06/08 1:19 AM Im sorry, you believe in the lies you concieve in your mind, the devil can descuise himself in alot of forms, even an angel, in fact he was one, if you cause others to stumble upon false teachings or distort the words of GOD given to us through the bible bad things might happen to you in this life or when your next one begins 333... Thank God I didn't think I was crazyby Winnie A - 9/04/08 4:06 AM SPIRITUAL WARFARE is real.. Christians better stop playing with this..- Now, Saints.. I ask that we petition the father to give me divine revelation of the number 333.. Everytime I have a dream with a victory in it against a demon..I have believing God to provide me with some stuff in school like books, etc. I would receive a vision with the things i request God for, and 2 seconds later a dream of an attack.I always win though.. thank God .then when I get up and look at the time it is 3:33 AM.. I am praying that God reveals to me what he is trying to tell me. Meanwhile, I mean experiencing a whole bunch of spiritual attack against my mind when im trying 2 go after the things of God. I have finally practiced kingdom giving and God's principles to attain wealth.. cuz I don't care what anybody says.. Poverty is not from God..thats why we pray the lord prayer.. THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.. There is no poverty, and sickness in the kingdom. Anyways, I have rededicated myself to God, and are doing things his way. I am a college student, and sowed a seed according to Malachi 3:10, to believe God to explode my business so I can help support ministries financially.. I am trusting God for his manifestation, but I am experiencing a intense attack on my mind to doubt God's word.. i am honestly relieved to have come to this site, and realize it is a revelatory number, and it is a time to ask God for whatever you want him to do in your life.. I always pray jeremiah 33;3 which says to call on him and he will answer us, and show us mightest things we do not know..and I recognize.. I felt a presence in my room when it is 3:33 am.. It is never a scary, or fearful uncomfortable presence.. I just always sensed someone is watching over me and as i said a prayer at that hour. I had a vision of what i prayed for that very nite. FOLKS it is definitely a number of revelation.. anything you want God to do.. when you see this number.. Give it to him. OO the devil is in trouble.. I am soo happy!!.. Praise God No Replies Post a Reply 333by toni - 8/26/08 9:10 AM the number 333 has been a daily part of my life for some time now-there have been many times that i have seen 333 at least 5-6 times daily-i truly think it's a positive for all whom see it and experience it daily-i now have a tatoo of 333 in deep purple on the back of my neck-see you all on the other side................333 tbrn 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333by Anonymous - 8/27/08 8:50 AM I have also seen the number 333. My house number and even this guy who I was dated had the house number 333. I saw it everywhere, address, license plates, reports etc. The strange thing is, see it almost instantly everytime I am thinking of filing for divorce with my husband.Never knew if it was a sign or if it means anything. 333 for the past week - one more to add to the record..by Anonymous - 8/24/08 5:46 AM 3:33 came up again today. about an hour ago, i noticed that i had missed "3:33 PM" - but didn't think much of it. a few minutes ago, i was checking email, and there it was.. as a time reference in a message from a friend. No Replies Post a Reply My son died at 3:33 am on July 11, 2008by Julie - 8/24/08 4:05 AM My son Benjamin (Bo)Gabriel Rossie was born on July 4, 1984. Gabriel was killed by a drunk driver at 3:33 am on July 11, 2008. Gabriel is a very special person not just to me, but many others. So many "unexplained" things continue to happen since Gabriel's physical death, I know he is with us without any doubt. I see 333 quite often now and want to know the meaning............ No Replies Post a Reply 333 for the past weekby Anonymous - 8/24/08 3:46 AM i just looked at the clock and it read 3:33 AM [night owl, here ;)]. this normally wouldn't stand out to me too much, but over the past week, i have been receiving random text messages at 3:33 in the morning. three of them, three nights in a row. i NEVER get texts at that hour, and it was not from anyone i knew (it was my cell phone provider, actually - offering me some great new plan.. blah blah blah) - still, very odd.i am sure i will begin noticing 333 more and more.. partly because i am now aware of it beyond the subconscience.this site is neat - i will be checking back! No Replies Post a Reply 333by amy - 8/20/08 7:05 AM once i woke up at 3:33am. i thought it was a little strange but thought nothing more of it, until it happened again. i've since seen it on receipts and things, and after uploading lots of music onto my computer, i noticed that there were 333 songs in my music libary.i've been wondering what this means, because it seems like someone is trying to tell me something. afetr reading that it represents god, it's made me wonder if god is trying to tell me something, or just telling me he is there. 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333by Anonymous - 8/21/08 8:03 AM Oh my God, I am so glad I found this website. I have been waking up at 3:33 for the past couple of weeks. I knew there was some significance to this number. I've been going through a stressful time in my life and have prayed over and over for God to be with me. He's given me the sign...he is with me! What a relief. So many of us...by Kat - 8/08/08 1:02 AM I am so surprised to know t hat there are so many of us who have been experiencing seeing the number 333 over and over. I have as well, for years. At first it seemed random and I just thought it was a funny coincidence. But the more it happened the more I paid attention. Soon I started to realize I would notice it when something was going on in my life and I was stressing. I would be up late at night, for example, thinking about a problem. I would be trying to work out a solution and that's when I would look at the clock and see that it was 3:33. This happens often. Or I would be listening to a song and happen to look at my mp3 player right as the song was at 3 minutes and 33 seconds. Or the number would appear on a tv show I was watching. One day at my job a guy actually walked in wearing a truckers hate with the number 333 on the front. I asked him about it (after finding out he designed the graphics on the hat himself) and he told me the number was a message from God that I shouldn't stress and the path I was on was the right one. No matter what was going on. It blew my mind. 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: So many of us...by alex - 8/15/08 12:53 PM 3:33 has been bump into my life for the last 6 months when i was in my stressful carrer, besides that i also sees 5:55, 11:11, even my own birthday...i feel that there must be something someone out there trying to convey a message for me as i'm having problems on my career and health...till now still not seen any good sign yet. Maybe god really want us not to stress ourself? RE: So many of us...by Donna - 8/18/08 4:20 AM I have been seeing the number 333 for the past 17 years...I truly believe that God is trying to tell me something, and he is with me, at all times....The numbers 333 is a spiritual guidance from the Lord....If you constantly see these numbers, feel blessed...He is by your side and will guide you through good and bad times...........I believe, people who see 333 are extremely spiritual.......... 333by wondering why 333 is showing in my life - 8/17/08 12:31 PM I have been seeing 3.33 in my life in the last 6 months... I do wake up on occasion at 3.33 am some mornings and look at the clock in the afternoon and its 3.33pm.. What does this mean? Is there any real reason. I do not feel scared at all.. its like I wake up look at the clock and its 3.33am and I go for goodness sake still 2 hours of sleep left!! No Replies Post a Reply 333by Anonymous - 7/18/08 11:49 AM I was afraid to even google 333, but now I feel so relieved! I've been seeing this number ever since my daughter was born. I wake up often at night to see 3:33 on the clock. Freaked me out at how often it was...thought our new house was haunted or something. Last night my daughter was sleeping with me and in the middle of the night she sat straight up in bed and cried from a bad dream. Wouldn't you know the clock said 3:33 again. I believe it is the God and the angels & I feel very blessed. I can't believe how many people see the same thing! 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by Krista - 8/04/08 12:35 PM Hi, I have had similar things happen to me. This waking at 333 for the past 4 years since my son was born. He once woke up vomiting at 333. I have nightmares and he has vomit on his face and I wake up and it's 333. I have been so frightened to look at the clock I lay there for minutes but it's still 333. I am so scared and I hope someone can tell me how to make this stop. I do believe in God and I try to live a good, honest life. There is an evil presence when I wake up, my cats are freaking out and staring at the ceiling. I haven't told anyone really about these instances but my Mom but something made me google it to find the meaning I just can't seem to find it. Unlike alot of others it doesn't leave me feeling very safe and secure. RE: 333by Ali - 8/16/08 5:45 AM Good and Evil both exist. If there is evil around you please feel comfort. 333 is a blessed number (The holy trinity). God must sense your discomfort or evil around you. He is trying to reasure you that he is by your side and watching you. Have faith and believe. 333 coincidencesby James - 8/16/08 3:22 AM It is great to read so many people get this 333 thing. I have had this number sequence show up in my life for about 20 years.It seems to come in blocks and then disperses. It is when I don?t go looking for it that it just shows up. For example, 3 days ago I was speaking about an astrology chart I decided to get done for my birthday, just for fun. I was born with 3 fire, 3 earth and 3 air planets. As I was explaining this to my wife in a restaurant, I received a bill for 33.30! We laugh now when this happens. However, on a more serious note, I reckon it is a communication from a higher realm to say all is well and I am guided. I sometimes think it is some kind of energetic key I am yet to discover. I will just trust and let things unfold. No Replies Post a Reply 333by kai - 8/13/08 3:41 AM i too, have been seeing this number many times. all this times i am wondering what this number really means... and why iam not the only one seeing this number. i guess somehow there is a connection. No Replies Post a Reply My Birthdate And Timeby Nathan Schuyler - 8/12/08 5:33 AM I was born on 10-6-89.The time on my birth certificate is 3:33 pm.10-6-89if you add the individual digits togetheryou get 240+1+6=7+8+9=242+4=6now you guys think you see 3:33 a lot.I was born then. I see it all the time. No Replies Post a Reply 333by joker - 8/11/08 8:39 AM 333 deals with the pyramids No Replies Post a Reply 333by dan clarke - 6/07/08 4:44 AM I am also blessed with everyday 333. Reading the comments of many I would say the following:-to those searching meaning..Stop thinking, seeking and asking. Just Listen and Be.-to those fearing bad news..Abandon your fear, doubt and worry. Trust is a must. Your physical world is not your life. You own nothing. You are entitiled to nothing.You can best connect with 333 when you are a grateful guest (respectful observer), rather than a bad host (distracted owner).All the best,Dan 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333by Janelle - 8/01/08 4:05 AM Thank you so much for this posting. I have been seeing 3:33 for the past 14 years - since I was 14 years old, actually. I awoke, upright, and immediately looked at the clock which read 3:33am. My instant thought was "Does that mean I'm halfway to Hell?" It terrified me. I began seeing it all over the place, which only scared me more and after a couple years I broke down one day and prayed and cried that it was not an evil influence.The sightings disappeared for a while but have worked their way back into my conciousness. I'm at the point where I feel like it's just a part of me and not something to fear, but with the frequency of it still, I felt as though it wouldn't hurt to see if there are others out there and what the significance was. I'm glad that it's more a sign of nuturing guidance than a frightening warning and embrace it as a blessing. It's nice to see i'm not alone :) 333by Dave - 7/27/08 1:13 AM Thank goodness I'm not crazy. But why are there so many of us posting just this year? It all started with me while I was going through a divorce. I'm only 24, but my wife had been cheating on me. I come from a strict Catholic background, and honestly I knew that I was seeing the number (It wasn't just the clock, receipt after receipt was $3.33 from fast food restaurants to Wal-Mart purchases) for a reason, and that it was strangely comforting. One night, after a couple glasses of wine, I was asked to drive to a convenience store and pick up cigarettes for a friend who had had a little too much to drink. Once on the road, I thought to myself that I was fine, but should probably go home, as it was getting late. As I thought that, I looked at the gas price of $3.33, and thought to myself, "Yeah, I had better get home". I figured I'd get the cigarettes anyway and drop them off for my friend. Sure enough, as I left the store a cop followed me out of the parking lot, and immediately pulled me over for having an out of date inspection sticker he saw on his way in the 7-11. He could tell I was okay to drive, but I got a ticket for the sticker none-the-less, and you can bet I drove STRAIGHT home. I opened a fortune cookie not long ago and my first two lucky numbers were 3, 33. I mean, its everywhere. I, like many of you, and relieved. But, I am a little creeped out that so many people are posting at the same time. What is going on?Dave No Replies Post a Reply 333amby Anonymous - 7/25/08 10:37 AM I wake up at 333am not afraid,333am weather I look at the clock right away or not when i do its 333am. I thought i was losing it then this past week i looked it up its all on differant sites to alot of people.We are waking up at 333am for some reason ? its not just here its in other countrys as well . WOW what is God doing ?? I dont want to miss it by sounding weird or being goffey.I know some people think we have lost it ? maybe we havent but have somthing others dont ? I am not special ,but something is cleary going on ??? just go on the web you will see people are seeing 333 ,waking up at 333 now No Replies Post a Reply Soldier of Godby Stephen M. Wanser - 7/21/08 7:08 AM Hey y'all Im an American Soldier stationed in Korea right now and i too have been experiencing this 333 sign. I checked my balance the other day and had exactly 333.33 in my account and i see it on the clocks often, and also 11:11 and 12:12, 4:44, and 5:55 this is not different from the rest of posts here, but what is different is last year i had a near death experience where i almost choked to death and we accidentally had it recorded on video camera. but the strange part is i start talking about it right before it happened, i zone out, turn to my friend, and calmly explain to him that i am about to die, about to choke to death. i have no recollection of that, but do remember beating the piece of candy which had come back up from my stomache and become lodged in my throat. i also remember clearly having an epiphany in which not just my life, but life itself, flashed before my eyes and i became conscious of all of time and every atom in the history of time from the begenning until Jesus' reappearing, but it blew my mind so i remember none of the specifics other than that of course God wins. since that incident, i began seeing these numerical signs. My unit thought i went crazy because i became what they said is "hyperreligiousity" just because i wouldnt stop talking about Jesus and studying the bible and trying to pass the Good News. well anyways they accepted that i am not crazy and it was not a phase related to my time i spent in Iraq in 2006 as a convoy machine gunner so that bit is good now. But for all those non believers out there that are receiving the signal, it is defiantly a sign from God Almighty that you have been put here to serve His will, and you will weather you like it or not, because He outranks all of us anyways. Might as well accept that humans in general and ourselves in particular are flawed and we are all sinners, accept the fact that Jesus Christ really was the Son of God and really did die on the cross for our sins, to be the perfect lamb and the ultimate sacrifice so that we may be cleansed of our sins and accept him as your personal Saviour. You have a hell of alot to loose. On a lighter note, Russia and Iran will attack Israel in the years to come signifying that the end of days is nigh. I hope to see some of you true believers on my 29th birthday, which will be 12-21-2012. Keep the faith, and remember, even Jesus made a whip once. 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: Soldier of Godby Rick - 7/25/08 9:40 AM Hi first i want to thank you for your service both in the armed service and Gods Army, for both are very real even if people dont belive ,it dose not change the truth.I have been waking up at 333 am for a long time i have only told my wife until now and i am not sure why now.I have woke up and did not look at the clock for along time then rolled over and yes it was 333 i have done that at least 10 time since.I wake up at 333 , well know its out i dont think anything will change, will see.I have been looking for an answer the past 2 days ,still have not found it.I know this has happened to believers and none believers a like , so what does it mean. (for the first time in my life i dont have an answer )To all that reads this, have PEACE ,JESUS IS REAL not a religion .If your in a religion please run to JESUS, life is to short, GOD will lead you to a place where you should be.333am i dont know ???? Keep The Faith,Rick 333by radel - 5/10/08 7:41 AM I am 333. I'm the 3rd child, born on 3-30-78 at 3:17p.m. all orgainizatons and religions believe in 3 things. 3 world wars. 333=9, the divine number. remember, this is satan's world, ALL NUMBERS BELONG TO HIM. Pray, the big one is about to hit. 333 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333by Anonymous - 7/19/08 9:22 AM To Radel:This is not Satans world. It is a creation of God. Satan nothing belongs to Satan he may merely borrow. God owns, Satan is in debt to his eyeballs and God is the collector. Have faith. 333 wow 333 answersby me - 7/17/08 7:16 AM 333. just looking at it makes my heart jump. as all of you on here, i had been searching for answers to the question as well. it all started after my good friend who confessed his love to me told me that 333 was his favorite number. after that day, i see it constantly. i did not return my good friend's attraction so i turned him down. do you think maybe this is a higher power telling me he is the one for me? just as i type this my current boyfriend is calling me and it made me jump....hmmm..... No Replies Post a Reply 3:33 amby Sam - 7/15/08 10:19 AM I woke up at 3:33 am this morning and heard this voice in my head urging me to activate my ADT and make sure all the doors were locked. I laid for a little bit then finally got up to do it. I hope 333 means I'm on the right path in my soul searching and not just some spirit getting me up to do something. Don't be afraid if you see 3s all the time. Acknowledge it as perhaps a message or a checkpoint you left for yourself in this life to reflect on your current stance in life? Who knows... No Replies Post a Reply 333 At It's Finestby Lucie in the Sky with Diamonds - 7/14/08 12:09 PM I'm 31yrs old & have been seeing the number 333 ever since I was a kid. I can remember waking up in the middle of the night & just happening to look at the clock to see it was 3:33am. Then in the afternoons it would happen as well. After seeing the number on clocks, it turned into seeing the number 333 on billboards, license plates, phone numbers etc. I never knew why. The really spectacular thing about this number is that I met my husband 9yrs ago. After dating for a couple of months he told me about an odd experience that he's had since he was little. He told me about him waking up at exactly 3:33am for almost a week straight. And from there he saw the number frequently. I was floored with amazement! I revealed to him that the same thing has been happening to me as well. And even though I'm kind of freaked out about the whole thing with the numbers, I believe that we share something VERY special, besides a beautiful daughter. Now every time we see the number 333, we just kiss. No Replies Post a Reply my niggas by Weezy F.BAby - 7/10/08 3:39 AM I see 333 all the time I get goodluck alot when i see it No Replies Post a Reply 333by Venus - 6/29/08 6:15 AM I was born March 3 1968, lets just say life so far has been far from easy. Like alot of people i began to question my life and what my lifes purpose is. Why am I here? am I supposed to be doing something that so far I havent done.....I really began to ask these questions when the number 333 became a regular occurance in my life also....in the middle of the night waking up, to guess what? 333 or seeing it on my computer at 333 in the afternoon or has anyone had this one....on reciepts from restraunts.....how random is that. its happened to me twice. So here I am getting older and wondering what is going on. I know its spiritual but from who or what...why...I know theres a message. And I'm so glad to find out I'm not the only one..i actually thought i was losing it. No Replies Post a Reply 333by Sara - 6/26/08 4:03 AM I see 3:33 on the clock almost everyday. My favorite and luckiest number is 3. My numerological is 9 which is 3 time 3. Oh yeah my apartment number I live in is also 3! 3's are magical and divine. and surround us everywhere. Its awesome No Replies Post a Reply 333 - The Angels are With Youby e - 5/20/08 12:51 PM I've noticed 333 for years and have never been haunted or scared for anything.A very spiritual friend of mine told me years ago that 333 represents that the Angels are with You and not to worry about what you're dealing with.I've taken their advice and when I see 333, I'm happy about it. e 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333 - The Angels are With Youby YULANDA - 6/24/08 10:57 AM AWW THAT'S THE SWEETEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD ABOUT 333 AND ALL IT'S MEANINGS. AT FIRST I WAS SCARED AND WONDER WHY, BUT NOW IT'S MY FAVORITE NUMBER. I ALSO READ THAT 333 MEANS CHANGE. MY HUSBAND AND I WANTED TO MAKE A BIG CHANGE BY MOVING FROM NY TO FL. SO WE ARE SITTING ON THE BEACH IN DAYTONA BEACH SHORES AND THE NUMBERS ON THE HOTELS STARTED 3333 ON DOWN 3332 AND 3331 AND SO ON... WELL, WE JUST LOOK AT EACHOTHER AND LAUGHED IT OFF...LOL 333by KRIS - 6/19/08 10:06 AM I HAVE ALSO SEEN 333. AT FIRST I WAS CONFUSED. I SAW IT ON THE CLOCKS,MY FATHERS LICENCE PLATE, HE HAS SENSE PASSED. DAILY I SAW IT SO MUCH THAT I BEGAN TO TELL EVERYONE, IT WAS NOT NORMAL ANYMORE. I DID HAVE A VERY VIVID DREAM AND I WROTE IT IN A POEM, IT WAS ABOUT HEAVEN AND WHAT I SAW. I WAS VERY COMFORTED BY THIS. THE NUMBER 333 HAS NOT BEEN SO FREQUENT ANYMORE. I ALSO HELPED MY FATHERINLAW WHEN HE WAS DYING OF CANCER, AND COMFORTED HIM, I PLACED THE BIBLE UNDER HIS HAND AND ASKED GOD TO TAKE HIM FROM HIS SUFFERING. THE DREAM CAME TO ME AFTER HE PASSED. I FEEL THAT THE NUMBER 333 WAS RELATED TO GOD AND THE DREAM I HAD. 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333by YULANDA - 6/24/08 10:40 AM OMG! YOUR STORY SOUNDS LIKE MINE. IT'S BEEN HAPPENING FOR YEARS, AND WHEN I TELL SOMEONE THEY NOTICE IT TOO. 333 IS EVERYWHERE EVEN IN THE MOVIES NOW, THE 3RD FLOOR OR SOMEONE IS WEARING A T-SHIRT WITH THE NUMBER 3 ON IT. IT'S NONE STOP AND I FEEL LIKE IT'S A MESSAGE I CANT FIGURE OUT..... WEIRD BUT TRUE.. AMAZING TO READ THAT IT HAPPENS TO MORE THEN JUST ME, IM GETTING THE FEELING THAT WE ARE CHOSEN PEOPLE. 333by shane - 6/16/08 6:49 AM how fantastic to have the number 333 in our lives its been with me for years and i to freaked abit as i was in the army and 20 years later i was going thru my old gear and there it was my old parachute number 333 i was eighteen and didnt even notice it. i see it every where every day i went to get my car license renewed as i had to wait in que i pressed the machine and the ticket came out 333 it nearly made me cry i like you all should feel honoured that the gods above watch over us and i guess they have big plans for us? No Replies Post a Reply FELLOW 333'S ' A REVELATION!!!!'by by anonymous - 5/16/08 6:22 AM After blogging on this site previously, something amazing has happened, as I'm sure it will happen to all of you in due course. All is okay!!! We ARE the seekers of TRUTH....as many of you have suggested....keep your eyes and ears peeled for the subliminal. Something happened with me tonight... After a very stressful week at work, like so many of you guys....I was cooking dinner for my partner on a Friday night and chilling out to some coooool music (Michael FRENTI to be exact).....I know this is going to sound like I'm some 'drugged out hippie'...but I'm not...I'm a STRAIGHT nanna and I'm definately spiritual but not religious...I'm telling you...I had what I would call an epiphany (not sure if that's the correct spelling)....but 'MY GOD' spoke to me.....he said to me loud and clear in my mind...DO NOT BE AFRAID....I WILL ASK YOU 'ONE' QUESTION COME JUDGEMENT DAY....HOW DID YOU TREAT YOUR BROTHER....? NO LIFE IS WORTH MORE THAN ANY OTHER....NO SISTER WORTH LESS THAN ANY BROTHER. EVERY SOUL IS A POEM...IT'S WRITTEN ON THE BACK OF GOD'S HAND. This is the TRUTH....We must seek PEACE on earth and GOODWILL amongst all men (he said this to me...this is true...it's pretty basic). He want us to make a start, we are the ones that will make a difference. But how (I hear you ask). I don't know....HELP ME JESUS...HELP US GOD...OUR TIME HAS COME...OUR CALLING IS NOW....YOU ARE THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT AND YOU WILL GUIDE US NOW THROUGH OUR DARKEST HOURS...YOU WILL BE OUR STRENGTH IN THE HARROWING AND TRYING TIMES AHEAD....I HAVE FAITH IN YOU...I HAVE FAITH YOU....PLEASE HEAR OUR PRAYER... 4 Replies: Post a Reply RE: FELLOW 333'S ' A REVELATION!!!!'by ONE GOD....FOR ALL!! - 5/16/08 7:17 AM NOW IS THE TIME OF ALL....THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD....be you Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Krishna or Buddist...there is ONE GOD to ALL. So treat ALL MY CHILDREN with R...E...S...P...E...C...T and honour...for you are mine for all eternity. I LOVE YOU ALL....sinners and saints. YOU ARE MINE.....I OWN YOUR SOUL.............................................. RE: FELLOW 333'S ' A REVELATION!!!!'by Anonymous - 5/16/08 7:42 AM Do not forsake me my children...I have tested your humanity...the great 'Tsunami', Burma, the Chinese earthquake...where are you...? Do not forsake me....please do not make my 'passing' in vain. I Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna and Buddha showed you how you should live....it's not too hard. Be kind....simple. RE: FELLOW 333'S ' A REVELATION!!!!'by Anonymous - 5/16/08 9:42 AM True, there is only one God. But there are not many paths. Like one God, there is also one path. He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through the Son. RE: FELLOW 333'S ' A REVELATION!!!!'by Anonymous - 6/09/08 7:26 AM Yes, only one way. No man comes to the Father but through the Son, Jesus Christ. 333by Anonymous - 6/09/08 6:28 AM I also have been seeing the 333 for about 2 years now on the clock, street numbers , license plates etc. Just like every one else i am intruiged by this. It started with a dream I saw my sisters ex who's name was Jeremiah and he kept showing me the #'s 333 so i went to the bible , the book of Jeremiah 33:3 and apparently many of you have as well.I am searching for the message i have called to God many times and am Patiently and at times impatienlty awaiting a reply. My Husband recently told me that maybe he wants to get our attention for us to be aware, or deliver some kind of message....Whatever the case I trully believe it is God and we are lucky to have been chosen with this. Hopefully we will soon learn it's meaning. No Replies Post a Reply 333by Jimmy - 6/03/08 8:37 AM I asked God What 333 Was and how come I kept seeing it for the past year and this came to me (It is time). And I questioned God what is it time for and he did not awnswer me. No Replies Post a Reply 333 - Is Me? Is Everything?by Brittan - 6/02/08 5:00 AM Have you ever heard of a 'recurring number phenomena' ? Most of my adult life... maybe starting when I was 18-19... I began noticing something following me for lack of a better word. It was a number, and i saw it in the most random of places at the most random of times. On mailboxes, on clocks, on prices, groceries, license plates...everywhere. 333. Most of the time I put it in the back of my mind. Or gave a slight though of 'huh?' and continued throughout my day...Some say its all psychological... If you want to see a number, you will.But it started happening so frequently, I couldn't see how I was just making it all up.Then I began to think, maybe there was some meaning behind it, 'was it trying to tell me something'?Then I remembered a... a symbol (I went through a phase of studying symbols, symbolism, had books of all kinds on this subject) I had , somehow felt connected to it. First off, I'm skipping details about how the number 3 was also 'apart' of me I guess. It's my numerology number. I was also born on the third of the twelfth month (divisible by 3) on a year 1986 (also divisible by 3). So I guess thats 3,3,3 in some way as well. My astrological house is the ninth (house of philosophy), 3+3+3. Oh and I guess I'm 21 in this year..so 3 again. I could probably go on ...But back to the symbol. It was a triangle of dots. Three dots. In one of my books it said that this meant ..if the triangle is pointing up- because... and if pointing down... therefore... they are mathematical symbols.3 is a very powerful abstract existence - I think if you go about it right, there are ways to mathematically relate it to almost anything...I have also heard 33- means truth and 3- could stand for the 'core' or system- maybe 'self'?Anyways, I don't think it's a time to be afraid, fear leads us into a world of control, instead perhaps, be aware... pure and simple..and maybe that will lead to the answers you seek No Replies Post a Reply 333by Anonymous - 12/08/07 8:10 AM My daughter see`s this number quite often and she wonder`s why, it is scareing her. She has had two miscarriges since seeing this number,333 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by Anonymous - 12/08/07 10:15 AM I would encourage your daughter to not seek guidance in numbers but to keep faith in God. We tend to notice the numbers we want to... they don't necessarily carry any meaning in our lives. RE: 333by Anonymous - 5/27/08 12:55 PM Everything has meaning in our lives. 333by kd - 5/25/08 8:02 AM 333 I see it all of the time I wake up at 3:33 am often. My boyfriend and his dad remodeled an old home, guess what the address was,of course 333. So told my boyfriend about this and how strange I thought it was, then once again I wake up at 3:33 am ,but this time I had a bad feeling, I wanted to call my family and make sure they were all ok but didnt, 3 hours later we got a call, my boyfriends dad had passed he was 55 .Now I worry when I wake up 3:33! No Replies Post a Reply 333 is viewby Anonymous - 5/14/08 4:00 AM I too, have seen the #333 for about 3 years now. I have explored many options on what the numbers could mean. Since i started seeing the numbers my life has changed. These numbers have opened my eyes beyond what they can see. They have opened doors in my mind that are unexplainable. All I know is that there has to be something out there. A creator. 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333 is viewby Eric - 5/14/08 4:11 AM My wife has woke up the last 3 nights at exactly 3:33 so I came looking for what 333 could stand for. This has me worried and excited at the same time. 333by bugguss33 - 5/12/08 11:57 AM i have seen 33 & 333 all my life.i think it means the end of the world is in my lifetime. my birthdate is 12/30/66.im glad that i cannot conceive if its going to be so bad. definately 333 is a sign of something of great import varying upon the day & what is at hand. its usually been good for me but neither good nor bad just something important. something is saying to be aware right now. No Replies Post a Reply names and numbers continue to appearby Danita - 3/31/08 11:13 AM Hi, If anyone can please help me. I have the stranged phenomenon happening to me for most of my life. The same names and numbers keep appearing in my life can anyone tell what this means. For example my address is my brothers birthday exactly, and my childs father had a child by another girl with the same name as my which is strange because the name Danita is not usual to begin with also the Danita he was married to looks like me. The child he had with her was born on nov. 11th that was my due date with the son he and i had but the son he and i had was born on 11-14th the same date as my only grandson. My husbands parents name is John and Willie, my god parents name were John and Willie, actually they were my sisters god parents, but Mrs. Willie which is how we refered to her, my sisters godmother saved my life at one point, she gave my mother the money to take me to the hospital when I was a baby the doctor said if my mother had waited 24 hours more I would have died, I was also saved from a fire as a young baby. These are only a few examples I could go on, like my daughers birthday is the same as my sister in law, and her mom is the same also as my grandsons, and my daughters boyfriends moms birhtday is also the same as my grandson and my brothers mother in law. Am I crazy? Or is life ordered in a certain pattern for a reason and how do you know what it all means? 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: names and numbers continue to appearby ray fiddler - 5/11/08 10:40 AM if you are born on march 12 in a 3 year,i.e. 1974,you are a 333. only those born on this day alone can claim 333. believe me.the reason being,12 is cardinal number and 3 is not so march 3 makes you a aries and march 12 makes a picean,12th zodiac sign,get it? also, know this;my life as a true illuminated 333 has been a living nightmare so be careful in ridiculing me.wait until 12 21 2012.i will see you all then. This May Helpby Anonymous - 5/11/08 7:19 AM This may be a Blessing to those who are seeking truth regarding the numbers.Search Tom Donnan - He is a wonderful and gifted teacher and has much wisdom regarding numbers. Go to a site called Open Heaven and in the space bar type in 'Does God use numbers to get our attention?" There is a wonderful article and a list number meanings posted there.Be Encouraged and we pray you are truly Blessed! God Bless you all :D No Replies Post a Reply 333by Anonymous - 5/10/08 10:18 AM Yeh i get it every day to 333pm I have to say since life has beocme difficult, so its eithera) god telling me everything is ok b)a curselol No Replies Post a Reply RE: 333 and 11:11by Anonymous - 5/09/08 6:49 AM God is definitely speaking! Reading your post really blessed me!Yesterday, my daughter and I were looking up information about the christian drama 'Final Exit' -we found one video and before we were going to type in more info to see if we could fiind moreabout the minstry, we just happened to glance at the number of viwes - we were the 3,303rdviewer! God Bless You! 1 Reply: Post a Reply 333 and 11:11by Sarah in Tennessee - 5/09/08 11:11 AM I can't believe I found this page. I have been seeing 333 and 11:11 for several years now. I started noticing 3:33 on the clock every day. I would be going about my day and happen to glance at the clock and it'd be 3:33. Once I had been over chatting with my neighbor until the wee hours. We had talked about the coincedence of me seeing 3:33 everywhere all the time. Well, when I got home, I noticed that there was a shirt laying across my digital alarm clock. I thought to myself, "if I raise that shirt, it will say 3:33." Sure enough, it did. I got chills all over. I know this is a message from God calling for me to seek Him. So, I've started praying whenver I notice it. Once I went to a cabin retreat with a friend and when we walked in, there was a digital clock flashing 3:33 the moment I glanced at it. We both were freaked out (in a good way) because we took it to mean that God was going to bless the trip. (He did.) On the same token, I've also noticed 11:11 a lot, too. I notice even more then 3:33 these days. I was browsing and came across a thread titled "Hebrews 11:11" and I opened it. It says, "By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised." Since my name is Sarah, I paid attention. 333by by anonymous - 5/07/08 10:12 AM I too have experienced waking at 3.33am, first at random and now it's becoming more frequent. This strange phenonomen must have some meaning....this is happening to too many people. I believe in God but do not align myself to any religious denomination. Initially these occurrances were scaring me but now I'm becoming obsessed in seeking the TRUTH and MEANING behind this number. I truly believe it's a message but from whom and what and why? No Replies Post a Reply i see 333 everyday!by anonymous( - 5/05/08 5:38 AM ive been seing the number 333 since i was 15 im now 21 n i see it every single day! i used to see it few days a week now its constant i had no idea what it meant till tonight i read about Holy Trinity, n i also found a scription Jeremiah 33:3,"Call to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" even tho i am christian i dont believe in god i believe in sience, but im not sure if this is coincidence or it is god calling? i see it to frequently to be a an accident, also someone else thought of the 3rd of march 2003 something terrible was gunna happen but it was normal day aslo...all im think now is why aren't msgs from god clear? n why give a msg of 333 for everyone to see? all anyone can do at this stage is wait n see... No Replies Post a Reply haunted by the number 333by alejandra - 3/30/08 1:05 AM i am a non believer. and i have been haunted by this number for the past year and a half.every night i wake up 3:33.every place i go, the number is there.i feel like i am on the brink of insanity.not to mention i see things most people dont. 4 Replies: Post a Reply RE: haunted by the number 333by Anonymous - 4/01/08 1:53 AM dearest 'haunted',Have you ever tried calling out to God? Seems to me He is trying to get your attention. He knows you better than you do and desires for you to know Him. Give it a try - what have you got to lose? RE: haunted by the number 333by Anonymous - 4/01/08 1:56 AM me again. As far as seeing things most people don't - I see things too. I have all my life. They don't scare me because I know who I belong to and He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. RE: haunted by the number 333by Radu - 4/08/08 5:43 AM The number 333 (in different forms, 3.33 or 33.3) is also haunting me.It is so strange... RE: haunted by the number 333by sheila - 4/27/08 10:21 AM I have been seeing this number for 11 yrs now. It is not a Christian thing or any other religion for that matter, but it is of a higher plan, energy, rhythm, God, or whatever you want to call it. The amount of times that this number has captured me is astounding, It is not probable that this number would come up this frequently. The less distracted you are in your mind and in life the more of the signs you are able see. Follow these, and whatever other symbols are significant to you, and it will lead you to be in balance with the power that is communicating with you. I am so glad to see that all of the rest of you are seeing this with me. I never knew until today that anyone else is seeing 333 until today. True Love, Sheila 333by Helen - 4/26/08 2:16 AM I keep waking up at 3.33, which was scary at first. Horror films spring to mind! But after reading about it happening to so many people I feel quite relieved.I used to attend church regularly, but since moving house have lapsed. maybe it's a way to draw me back! No Replies Post a Reply 333: Don't be afraidby Anonymous - 4/21/08 10:03 AM I have been seeing the numbers 333 everywhere in my life for about a year now. The numbers represent the Holy Trinity and are from God and his angels. Don't be afraid. Listen to what He is trying to tell you. (: Happiness always....Brandi 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333: Don't be afraidby Anonymous - 4/22/08 12:08 PM Amen!Just finished watching the 700 Club and guess what the scripture was! ...Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things,which you do not know." Our Lord God is with us, Be Blessed! me and my brother dealing with 333by curious - 4/12/08 11:41 AM For the past...4years this number has been following me. I recognize it but I don't dwell on it untill my brother who I haven't seen in years told my that he draws in 3's. Meaning that all his pictures are being drawn using 3. He broke down and started crying saying that he thought he was going crazy.I'm so curious what it means. Just last night I woke up, out of dead sleep and looked at the clock, 3:33. No Replies Post a Reply 333by Vickie - 4/11/08 6:18 AM The love of my life gave me the number 333 twenty years ago as a sign of love. He paged me on my pager during the day 333 to remind me of how much he loved me. He sighned cards and love letters 333. He gave me the car of my dreams with a personilized tag 333V. When we made love some times the clock would say 3:33 and he would say it is a sighn. We are not together now and I am still heart broken. I continue to be surrounded by 333 everyday. My faith tells me that God and my Angels are at work in my life. They are telling me to keep my FAITH, LOVE and HOPE and trust the guidance he is giving me as it is trustworthy. Everthing I have prayed for , all my dreams are unfolding before my eyes. This includes my soul mate of 333. To all of you... BELIEVE in GOD and your ANGELS. Do not be afraid to follow your heart as this is GOD talking to you. The numbers are the Angels talking to you so listen. I have found much comfort in Doreen Virtues book Healing with the Angels. You can look your numbers and their meanings up. But always ask God and your Angels what special meaning your numbers hold for you. Mook, I hope your Angels will lead you to this note. In FAITH, 333.Love Forever and AlwaysVickie Marie 333 No Replies Post a Reply 333by Anonymous - 11/08/07 6:04 AM I was just wondering why I'm have the #333 in my life. Ihave 3 brothers. 3 sisters and 3 daughters. I've been curius. If there was something behind it. I hope you can help me out. Thankyou 2 Replies: Post a Reply RE: 333by Anonymous - 11/08/07 7:47 AM Seems to me that you have the number 3 in your life, not 333. RE: 333by booda - 4/04/08 4:39 AM This has also been happening to me for a number of years...it started when I started waking up at 3:33am every morning....I looked for the obvious signs...something waking me up etc....but it happened it different locations...it went on for a few months..then I woke up again and knew what time it was going to be....so I didnt look at the clock...I stayed in bed for at least 10 mins....then looked at the clock and ...yes...it was 3:33...that freaked me out....then it appeared more often...number plates.....speedometer...anywhere that has numbers on it...Ive told a few people but they think Im just looking at noticeable numbers...I dont think so....something is going on...until it happens no matter how much you try to explain it someone..they can never understand unless it happens to them....there is a divin meaning to this but I dont know what it is....the only thing I can say for sure, is that it has opened my mind and made me a slightly better person....I think more clearly now and understand better....maybe we are being conditioned for something spectacular...who knows...just thought Id share this so people dont feel alone..... 333by Sugar - 3/20/08 1:53 AM I have been seeing the number 333 every day for the last few weeks it is really starting scare me. May Jesus protect me if this is bad but if not I'm looking to God for answers. 1 Reply: Post a Reply RE: 333by roxanne - 3/22/08 6:29 AM I believe you are having a calling from God to lead a life of higher purpose, go to the church that draws you in and pray and God will provide the answer, I have seen 3's and the 333 is very prominent right now, I am on church council which has 9 3 x 3 , I was lead 333by Alan Lee - 3/05/08 2:47 AM 3 or 333 seems to has profound linkage and meaning to my life.1. I was born 31/12/1973 0415hrs. (A) Addition of 3+1+1+2+1+9+7+3=27, 2+7=9, squareroot 9=3. (B) By taking out the '19' and add on the hours, addition of 3+1+1+2+7+3+4+1+5=27 again and the answer would still be 3.2. On 03/03/2007 3pm, I checked into a hotel room with no.333. At that point of time, I was 33 years, 3months, 3 days old exactly.3. On 13 years old, it was the first time I detained by police. On 23 years old, I almost died in hospital from drug overdosed. On 33 years old, I went for surgery operation to remove a neck tumor which was suspected cancer initially.After all these, 333 keep reappearing to me from car plate number to clock and anything. I know that this is a sign from somewhere but do not know whether is evil or good?Today, I saw 333 appeared to me when I happen to look at the clock in my car wen I was driving. Anyone can figure out?? 1 Reply: Post a Reply 333by Alan Lee - 3/05/08 2:56 AM Continued from my comment above.I missed out another important point. 9th SEP of my 33 years old, it was the first time that I walked into a church by myself wholeheartly in surrending to god.9th SEP = 99 = 33 x 3 Strange isn't it? I see 333 on the clock almost every day. by Anonymous in PA - 3/01/08 6:53 AM I understand what you are seeing. Almost DAILY, and I mean DAILY I see 3:33 on the clock. There are several meaning from what I gather. The first is 333 pointing to the trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The other I have discovered has pointed to Biblical Scripture. From the book of Jeremias Chapter 33 verse 3 or 333. "Cry to me and I will hear thee: and I will show thee great things, and sure things which thou knowest not. Pray to Him and HE, God will show you great things. Good luck and I hope this helps all of you. No Replies Post a Reply Comment on Number 333 Symbolism and Properties Subject (required) Name (optional) Comments (required) All comments are scanned for spam, no links allowed. initComments(); Do you think hell is a real place? Yes, hell is a place of eternal torment for those who reject Christ. Yes, hell is on earth. Kinda, hell is a state of mind. I hope not. No, hell doesn't exist at all. Results

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