Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

sabato 12 dicembre 2009

YouTube - Annie Lennox- Why

My friend wrote this song. ,..{YEARS & YEARS AGO} I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED IT......one OF MY ALL Time favourites....I always just presumed Annie wrote IT ,BUT She didn't.,....I didn't know that, till i came to live here,in England after moving from Scotland ....... and out of the blue..HOW COULD ANYONE IMAGINE....a few months ago..only........I was at an antiques fair in Newark ,(nottingham) & ...I MET THE MAN WHO REALLY WROTE THIS SONG........he lost his wife to Cancer.....he was lovely,a musician /antiques dealer./ and lots of other things.../......he has moved on with his life;...and has now a gained a lovely partner.....Rachel...{.a SENIOR NURSE..}..and they came for tea one day ....a few months ago....and i FOUND him fascinating.....what STORIES he had to tell...my goodness ....what a life...he has led....and lots of Italian stuff /stories/as well.......si......he goes to Italy a lot........just a co-incidence.....but...lovely,it's all to do with Music.........and....INVENTIONS...si....And i found Rachel...the most 'charming' woman....so delicate and sweet....and all knowing....we had 'EMPATHY'....that's the word...YAPPING about Nursing....etc etc....something i left a long long time ago....BUT it will never leave my blood.

6 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

bella bocca

Anonimo ha detto...

Le Coincidenze della Vita Cara Caprettina, bella la tua avventura

Anonimo ha detto...

interesting story thanks for sharing it

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Grazie Anonimo...ahahhahaaha

I Was trying to do a Bridget Bardot POUT ..BUT....FAILED .....

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

You are welcome Anonimo ,thank you very much for your comment.

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Cara Donna ....(frau) (00) Grazie per il tuo commento.
Mrs krak krak krak...sends you a kiss kiss kiss....

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