Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

mercoledì 30 settembre 2009


(DAY AWAKENS THE NIGHT)* * by (Italian Artist) (GAETANO PREVIATI) (1905)
"Ciao past Day .
Ciao new Night.
I would like to say,
if i may,that tonight,
I give up without a fight,
I've decided to fly a kite,
gliding across the sky,
Weeeeee! weeeeeee!
whirling around in glee!
I'm free! ,I'm free!
Oh what fun -without the sun.
Come stars, ! join me.
I have found my wings!
I will show thee things
of the human nature.
Oh what wonder, the New night brings.
As night times lullaby ;the Owl sings.


ww w.Napoli.com
Dear Author & Readers & Honourable Wizards -Witches-Goblins-Elves,and Old Terracotta Garden Gnomes....Hello there.
I was on the train earlier tonight and I was reading the news on my mobile...and spotted this piece of news that I thought might amuse you all......(well i hope it does)..ahhahhahhaaahaa oh dear...ahhahhhaahahha...AHAHAHHAHAHAHA ..THE reason i am laughing is because ,APART FROM IT BEING SO .....Bloody MAD!!! It reminded me of a satirical /comedy farce/ i wrote last year on the journal( an interview between (MRS KRAP (as a WITCH).....V ...SARAH PALIN...& her glasses) anyhow here is the snippet of news...(you may well already know this anyway.)
JK ROWLING (Harry Potter author) (pictured above)who has sold more than 400 million copies of her books world wide,missed out on a top honour, because some politicians ..WAIT FOR IT !!believed she 'encouraged' ..'WITCHCRAFT' ,...OH DEAR! AHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAA...( i was wetting myself on the train !! )every one was staring at ME !!
Matt Latimer ,former speech writer for G W BUSH said some members of his administration believed her books promoted ...'SORCERY' ahahahahahahaa WELL IT WAS A SCHOOL FOR WITCHCRAFT & WIZARDRY ...????WHAT DID THEY EXPECT ??? AAHHAHAHAHHAA....(I'M GLAD I DON'T LIVE IN AMERICA..(they'd BURN ME AT THE STAKE ....straight away !!).I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU LOT WHO DO ..AHAHAAHAAHAHAA mind you ...THAT DISMAL LOT HAVE LEFT THE WHITE HOUSE NOW...so YOU can rest easy on your BROOMSTICKS AND GET YOUR WANDS OUT !
AS a result of Jk Rowling promoting 'SORCERY'...AHAAHAHAHA,,,it's hard to write seriously, because ...it's just so unbelievable ...(IT'S LIKE I AM READING something from the 17 th C or even earlier...anyhow...as a result she was never presented wth the Presidential Medal of Freedom.This was claimed in the book by Latimer in his new book called 'SPEECHLESS ;a white house survivor'.
He writes some NARROW thinking white house officials objected to giving Rowling the civilian honour.
The award acknowledges contribution to US national interest ,world peace,or cultural endeavers.
Past Literary recipients of the award include ,John Steinbeck and Harper Lee.
Others 'denied' the priviledge under the Bush admin, (according to Latimers book)were the late 'Senator Edward Kennedy', Veteran Politician and Health Care Activist ,as his views were considered TOO Liberal.
So there we have it.....looks like Mr & Mrs Bush won't be going on their Hols to>>>>>>> 'HOGWARTS'...

Per chi non capisce il napoletano ecco una resa della poesia di Di Giacomo in italiano, ci provo

Titolo: Pianefforte 'e notte Nu pianefforte 'e notte sona luntanamente, e 'a museca se sente pe ll'aria suspirà. È ll'una: dorme 'o vico ncopp'a nonna nonna 'e nu mutivo antico 'e tanto tiempo fa. Dio, quanta stelle 'n cielo! Che luna! E c'aria doce! Quanto na bella voce vurria sentì cantà! Ma sulitario e lento more 'o mutivo antico; se fa cchiù cupo 'o vico dint'a ll'oscurità... Ll'anema mia surtanto rummane a sta fenesta. Aspetta ancora. E resta, ncantannese, a pensà. E' notte, un pianoforte suona lontano e la musica si sente nell'aria come un sospiro E' l'una il vicolo dorme su questa ninna nanna con un motivo antico di tanto tempo fa'.Dio quante stelle in cielo e che luna e quanto e' dolce l'aria, quanto vorrei sentire una bella voce... ma solitario e lento muore quel motivo antico, il vicolo si fa piu buio nell'oscurita' ...solo la mia anima rimane alla finestra. Aspetta ancora. E resta incantata a pensare...

There is more carbon dyoxide in the atmosphere now that there has been in the last 45 million years!

GLOBAL WARMING: The Rise of CO2 & Warming The time series shows the combined global land and marine surface temperature record from 1856 to 2001. Data from Jones et al., 1998; and from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (www.cru.uea.ac.uk; compilation by Phil Jones).The Earth has been warming since 1910, with a temperature maximum reached in the 1990’s. (The year 2001 is now the second warmest year on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization.) The scientific conclusion reached is that warming is real. But is this warming man-made? Carbon dioxide has been rising since the time of James Watt (1736 – 1819), inventor of the auto-controlled steam engine that helped jump-start the industrial revolution. Since then, coal, oil and natural gas have powered our economies. Hydro-power and nuclear power are comparatively minor contributors to energy needs (excepting certain countries such as Norway and France). Today the amount of carbon dumped globally into the atmosphere corresponds, on average, to one ton per person on the planet, each year. In the United States, carbon-based energy is especially important. The average American per capita emission is 5 tons of carbon annually. In Sweden (with a similar standard of living as the US) the carbon output is less than two tons of carbon per person per year. James Tyndall (Courtesy: NASA)Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas – it traps heat radiation that is attempting to escape from Earth. The physics of this process was established by the Irish physicist John Tyndall (1820 – 1891) and the effect was calculated by Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius (1859 – 1927). The basic argument (that is, that greenhouse gases keep the Earth comfortably warm) has never been challenged, and it follows that an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere undoubtedly produces a rise in temperature at ground level. More information on the greenhouse effect. Given this background, we next need to ask: How much of the observed warming in this last century can be ascribed to the observed loading of the atmosphere with greenhouse gases by human activities? Svante Arrhenius (Courtesy: www.nobel.se)First, we turn to the reconstruction of the rise of carbon dioxide since the time of James Watt. The early part of the series is derived from extracting air in polar ice, and measuring its carbon dioxide content. The later part is based on the measurements of Charles D. Keeling, since 1957, on Mauna Loa. The overall rise is from just below 280 ppm (the “pre-industrial” value) to the present values above 360 ppm, an increase of a factor of 1.3. The logarithm of 1.3 is 0.11, that of 2 is 0.30. Thus, we are a little more than one third of the way to a doubling of carbon dioxide, on a log scale. If doubling of carbon dioxide produces a temperature rise of between 1.5 and 5 degrees Celsius (as found in numerical experiments using climate models), we should see a warming of between 0.5 and 1.7 degrees Celsius. We do see the lower number of this range, but this does not prove that the rise upon doubling of carbon dioxide is in fact 1.5 degrees. The reason is that we are in a “transient”, that is, the change is too fast to allow equilibrium to establish itself. Graph showing rise of CO2, from measurements in ice cores (Siple, Antarctica) and measurements from Mauna Loa, Hawaii (Keeling curve) since James Watt, inventor of the steam engine. (Pre-1990 data in: B. Moore & D. Schimel, 1992. Trace Gases and the Biosphere. UCAR, Boulder CO)In fact, the answer is not known with a high degree of certainty, not only because of the lack-of-equlibrium problem (which involves uptake of heat by the ocean), but also because of additional complexities arising from air pollution, trace gases other than carbon dioxide, possible changes in the brightness of the Sun, and effects from volcanic activity. Thus, in answer to the above question: Estimates vary from “little” to “much” to “most”, with the latter answer being the more credible one. One way to obtain a quick estimate answer is by doing some simple calculations, based on the work of Svante Arrhenius, assuming a 2 degree Celsius rise in temperature per doubling of carbon dioxide (Arrhenius proposed a somewhat greater effect, neglecting compensating factors). The result is the graph below, showing that CO2 forcing can explain the temperature rise. That said, there may also be a role for the Sun in modifying the temperature rise driven by greenhouse gases. The minor drops in temperature right after 1900 and after 1960 coincide with reduced solar activity. To be sure, while this simple calculation may be enough to explain the observations, it is not a mathematical proof that the warming that has occurred since the days of James Watt is entirely due to human activity. It merely represents the simplest possible explanation. Another way of stating the situation is this: There is no compelling evidence that the observed overall warming in the 20th Century is anything but man-made. The burden of proof is on those who would have us think that natural causes are solely or mainly responsible for this trend. Graph showing that the observed temperature rise can easily result from the observed rise of CO2 , based on simple numerical experiment. (Smoothed temperature data in Jones et al., 1998; CO2 forcing data from CO2 history, and calculated expected rise in temperature assuming 2 degree Celsius rise for CO2 doubling; sunspot abundance from J.Lean, NASA)

For Janina....Sad Lisa

www.Napoli.com YouTube - Cat Stevens - Sad Lisa (live) I prefer the version with the violin accompanying him....but this is live.

I fumetti italiani dopo Tex Willer

"100 Anni di Fumetto Italiano"Con la Gazzetta c'è Dylan Dog Da oggi in edicola (9,99 euro più il prezzo del quotidiano) una nuova collana di libri: nel primo volume quattro storie dell'investigatore dell'incubo, personaggio nato nel 1986 dalla penna di Tiziano Sclavi MILANO, 30 settembre 2009 - Nel 1986 da incubo era più che altro la situazione del fumetto italiano: edicole depresse, lettori in fuga, testate che chiudevano. Poi arrivò Dylan Dog. Si capì subito che era qualcosa di diverso, di mai visto prima: fin dal numero 1, "La notte dei morti viventi", datato ottobre 1986. Dylan Dog - dallo scrittore gallese Dylan Thomas - era la proiezione su carta del suo autore, il geniale, irriverente e anticonformista Tiziano Sclavi, sceneggiatore e romanziere. Ventitrè anni dopo il suo personaggio è ancora il più venduto e popolare in Italia, secondo soltanto allo storico Tex. Dylan Dog, personaggio nato nel 1986. grandi artisti — Ritmo cinematografico, citazioni nascoste, dialoghi e situazioni surreali, finali aperti, un personaggio ispirato all'attore Rupert Everett, una spalla divertentissima (Groucho) e uno straordinario gruppo di artisti: dal primo copertinista Claudio Villa ad Angelo Stano (autore del n.1, oggi sue le cover), da Giampiero Casertano a Bruno Brindisi. Una piccola rivoluzione culturale che ha anche aperto la strada all'intreccio di rapporti tra il fumetto e gli altri medium (cinema e letteratura su tutti). horror italiano — Con Dylan Dog e il genere horror si inaugura la collana "100 Anni di Fumetto Italiano". Il numero 1 esce oggi con La Gazzetta dello Sport e il Corriere della Sera. Il volume contiene quattro storie di Dylan a colori: Totentanz (Sclavi-Marcheselli / Casertano), Finchè morte non vi separi (Sclavi-Marcheselli / Brindisi), La bambina e La piccola biblioteca di Babele (entrambe di Sclavi / Stano). Inoltre due storie d'epoca dell'horror italiano: Billy King il vampiro (Carcupino) e Ditelo con i fiori (Castelli-Monego / Zaniboni). E infine due lunghi approfondimenti sul personaggio più importante e sulla storia dell'horror italiano

Saluti da Palummella : ve lo ricordate O' pianofforte e' Di Giacomo? Che poesia!

www.Napoli.com Tipo: Poesie d'Autore Autore: Salvatore Di Giacomo (scheda) Titolo: Pianefforte 'e notte Nu pianefforte 'e notte sona luntanamente, e 'a museca se sente pe ll'aria suspirà. È ll'una: dorme 'o vico ncopp'a nonna nonna 'e nu mutivo antico 'e tanto tiempo fa. Dio, quanta stelle 'n cielo! Che luna! E c'aria doce! Quanto na bella voce vurria sentì cantà! Ma sulitario e lento more 'o mutivo antico; se fa cchiù cupo 'o vico dint'a ll'oscurità... Ll'anema mia surtanto rummane a sta fenesta. Aspetta ancora. E resta, ncantannese, a pensà.

This is what Maggie is talking about

Telepathy The psychic phenomena by which communication occurs between minds, or mind-to-mind communication. Such communication includes thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations and mental images. Telepathic descriptions are universally found in writings and oral lore. In tribal societies such as the Aborigines of Australia telepathy is accepted as a human faculty, while in more advanced societies it is thought a special ability belonging to mystics and psychics. Although not scientifically proven, telepathy is being increasingly studied in psychical research.History:"Telepathy" is derived from the Greek terms tele ("distant") and pathe ("occurrence" or "feeling"). The term was coined in 1882 by the French psychical researcher Fredric W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). Myers thought his term descrbed the phenomenon better than previous used terms such as the French "communication de pensees," "thought-transference," and "thought-reading."Research interest in telepathy had its beginning in Mesmerism. The magnetists discovered that telepathy was among the so-called "higher-phenomena" observed in magnetized subjects, who read the thoughts of the magnetists and carried out the unspoken instructions.Soon other psychologists and psychiatrists were observing the same phenomena in their patients. Sigmund Freud noticed it so often that he son had to address it. He termed it a regressive, primitive faculty that was lost in the course of evolution, but which still had the ability to manifest itself under certain conditions. Psychiatrist Carl G. Jung thought it more important. He considered it a function of synchronicity (1). Psychologist and philosopher William James was very enthusiastic toward telepathy and encouraged more research be put into it.When the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) was founded in 1885, after the SPR in 1884, telepathy became the first psychic phenomenon to be studied scientifically. The first testing was simple. A sender in one room would try to transmit a two-digit number, a taste, or a visual image to a receiver in another room. The French physiologist Charles Richet introduced mathematical chance to the tests, and also discovered that telepathy occurred independent of hypnotism.Interest in telepathy increased following World War I as thousands of bereaved turned toward Spiritualism attempting to communicate with their dead loved ones. The telepathic parlor game called "willing" became popular. Mass telepathic experiments were undertaken in the United States and Britain. Experimental findings:Most often telepathy occurs spontaneously in incidents of crisis where a relative or friend has been injured or killed in an accident. An individual is aware of the danger to the other person from a distance. Such information seems to come in different forms as in thought fragments, like something is wrong; in dreams, visions, hallucinations, mental images, in clairaudience, or in words that pop into the mind. Often such information causes the person, the receiver, to change is course of action, such as changing his travel plans or daily schedule, or to just call or contact the other person. Some incidents involve apparent telepathy between humans and animals.Telepathy seems to be related to the individual's emotional state. This is true of both the sender and receiver. Most women were receivers, as case findings showed, and one possible explanation is that women are more in touch with their emotions and rely on intuition more than men. Geriatric telepathy is fairly common, this may be due, it is speculated, to the impairment of the senses with age. Telepathy can be induced in the dream state. It appears to be related to some biological factors: blood volume changes during telepathic sending, and electroencephalogram monitoring show that the brain waves of the recipient change to match those of the sender. Dissociative drugs adversely affect telepathy, but caffeine has a positive effect on it.During his 1930 ESP experiments J. B. Rhine also made some discoveries concerning telepathy: It was often difficult to determine whether information was communicated through telepathy, clairvoyance, or precognitive clairvoyance. He concluded that telepathy and clairvoyance were the same psychic function manifested in different ways. Also, telepathy is not affected by distance or obstacles between the sender and receiver.A telepathic experiment conducted during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971 proved distance is not a barrier. The experiment was not authorized by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), nor was it announced until the mission was completed. Astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell conducted the experiment with four recipients on Earth, 150,000 miles below. Mitchell concentrated on sequences of twenty-five random numbers. He completed 200 sequences. Guessing 40 correctly was the mean chance. Two of the recipients guessed 51 correctly. This far exceeded Mitchell's expectations, but still was only moderately significant.Theories:Although over the centuries various theories have been advanced to describe the functioning of telepathy, none seem to be adequate. Telepathy, like othe psychic phenomena, transcends time and space. The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus put forth the wave and corpuscle theories to explain telepathy. In the 19th century, the British chemist and physicist William Crookes, thought telepathy rode on radio- like brain waves. Later in the 20th century the Soviet scientist L. L. Vasilies proposed the electromagnetic theory. The American psychologist Lawrence LeShan proposed that each person has his or her personal reality, and the psychics and mystics share separate ones from other people which allow them to access information not available to others.In conclusion telepathy, like the other forms of psychic phenomena is elusive and difficult to test systematically. Enough evidence is available to reasonably substantiate the phenomenon does exist. But, quantifying it seems to be another matter. The phenomenon is closely connect to the emotional states on both the sender and receiver which creates difficulty in replicating experimental results. Attitudinal factors also influence the phenomenon. The best that researchers can hope for is to have supportive and receptive subjects in experiments that produce similar results. A.G.H.

telepathy is also a software

Telepathy (software) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Telepathy (disambiguation). Telepathy is a software framework which can be used to make software for interpersonal communications such as instant messaging, Voice over IP or videoconferencing. Telepathy enables the creation of communications applications using components via the D-Bus inter-process communication mechanism. Through this it aims to simplify development of communications applications and promote code reuse within the free software and open source communities by defining a logical boundary between the applications and underlying network protocols. There are free software implementations of various protocols that export Telepathy interfaces: Gabble: for XMPP, including support for Jingle Butterfly: for MSN Messenger Idle: for Internet Relay Chat Salut: for the link-local XMPP protocol Haze: for accessing protocols supported by libpurple, the library used by the Pidgin messaging client. This was done as a Google Summer of Code project in 2007.[1] Spyke: for the Skype protocol Telepathy-SofiaSIP: for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), using Nokia's open source Sofia-SIP library Mission Control is the name of the component that provides a way for end-user applications to abstract some details of low level telepathy components such as connection managers.[2] Tubes are Telepathy's mechanism for supporting arbitrary data transfer and remote IPC. Telepathy forms the basis of the instant messaging and voice/video calling software on the Nokia 770, N800, and N810 as part of the Internet Tablet OS. Contents[hide] 1 How Telepathy works 2 Applications 3 See also 4 References 5 External links // [edit] How Telepathy works Protocol implementations provide a D-Bus service called a connection manager. Telepathy clients use these to create connections to services. Once a connection is established, further communication happens using objects called channels which are requested from the connection. A channel might be used to send and receive text messages, or represent the contact list, or to establish a VoIP call.

Altre Tragedie

Tsunami in South Pacific islands kills nearly 100 AP – Debris is strewn around a church in Leone, American Samoa Tuesday Sept. 29, 2009 after a powerful Pacific … By KENI LESA and FILI SAGAPOLUTELE, Associated Press Writers Keni Lesa And Fili Sagapolutele, Associated Press Writers – 51 mins ago APIA, Samoa – A massive tsunami hurled by a powerful earthquake flattened Samoan villages and swept cars and people out to sea, killing at least 99 and leaving dozens missing Wednesday. The toll was expected to rise. Survivors fled the fast-churning water for higher ground on the South Pacific islands and remained huddled there hours after the quake, with a magnitude between 8.0 and 8.3, struck around dawn Tuesday. The quake was centered about 125 miles (200 kilometers) from Samoa, an island nation of 180,000 people located about halfway between New Zealand and Hawaii. It was about 120 miles (190 kilometers) from neighboring American Samoa, a U.S. territory that is home to 65,000 people. Four tsunami waves 15 to 20 feet (4 to 6 meters) high roared ashore on American Samoa, reaching up to a mile (1.5 kilometers) inland, Mike Reynolds, superintendent of the National Park of American Samoa, was quoted as saying by a parks service spokeswoman. The same day, western Indonesia was rocked by a strong underwater quake, briefly triggering a tsunami alert for countries along the Indian Ocean and sending panicked residents out of their houses. The alert was later canceled. The Samoan capital, Apia, was virtually deserted by afternoon, with schools and businesses closed. Hours after the waves struck, fresh sirens rang out with another tsunami alert and panicked residents headed for higher ground again, although there was no indication of a new quake. In American Samoa's capital of Pago Pago, the streets and fields were filled with ocean debris, mud, overturned cars and several boats as a massive cleanup effort continued into the night. Several buildings in the city — just a few feet above sea level — were flattened. Several areas were expected to be without electricity for up to a month. In Washington, President Obama has declared a major disaster for American Samoa. In a statement issued early Wednesday, Obama said he and his wife, Michelle, "will keep those who have lost so much in our thoughts and prayers." Hampered by power and communications outages, officials in the South Pacific islands struggled to determine damage and casualties. Samoan police commissioner Lilo Maiava told The Associated Press that police there had confirmed 63 deaths but that officials were still searching the devastated areas, so the number of deaths might rise soon. At least 30 people were killed on American Samoa, Gov. Togiola Tulafono said, adding that the toll was expected to rise as emergency crews were recovering bodies overnight. "I don't think anybody is going to be spared in this disaster," said Tulafono, who was in Hawaii for a conference. He added that a member of his extended family was among the dead in the disaster. Authorities in Tonga confirmed at least six additional people dead in the island nation west of the Samoas, New Zealand's acting Prime Minister Bill English said. He said Tongan officials told him that four people were missing after the tsunami swept ashore on the northern island of Niua. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told Seven Network in Australia that two Australians had died, including a 6-year-old girl. The British Foreign Office said one Briton was missing and presumed dead. Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi looked shaken Wednesday on board a flight from Auckland, New Zealand, to the Samoan capital of Apia. "So much has gone. So many people are gone," he told reporters on board. "I'm so shocked, so saddened by all the loss." Malielegaoi said his own village of Lepa was destroyed. "Thankfully, the alarm sounded on the radio and gave people time to climb to higher ground," he said. "But not everyone escaped." Gov. Tulafono said that because the closeness of the community, "each and every family is going to be affected by someone who's lost their life." He spoke to reporters before boarding a Coast Guard C-130 plane in Hawaii to return home. The plane, which also carried officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and aid, was scheduled to arrive at about 7 a.m. local time (2 p.m. EDT; 1800 GMT). The U.S. disaster agency said it was also preparing supplies stored in Hawaii for transport to the island chain. A New Zealand P3 Orion maritime surveillance airplane had reached the region Wednesday afternoon and had searched for survivors off the coast, he said. It was expected to resume searching at first light. The Samoa Red Cross estimated that about 15,000 people were affected by the tsunami. New Zealander Graeme Ansell said the Samoan beach village of Sau Sau Beach Fale was leveled. "It was very quick. The whole village has been wiped out," Ansell told New Zealand's National Radio from a hill near Samoa's capital, Apia. "There's not a building standing. We've all clambered up hills, and one of our party has a broken leg. There will be people in a great lot of need 'round here." Residents in both Samoa and American Samoa reported being shaken awake by the quake early Tuesday, which lasted two to three minutes and was centered about 20 miles (30 kilometers) below the ocean floor. It was followed by at least three large aftershocks of at least 5.6 magnitude. The quake came Tuesday morning for the Samoas, which lie just east of the international dateline. For Asia-Pacific countries on the other side of the line, it was already Wednesday. The dominant industry in American Samoa — tuna canneries — was also affected. Chicken of the Sea's tuna packing plant in American Samoa was forced to close although the facility wasn't damaged, the San Diego-based company said. The effects of the tsunami could be felt nearly 5,000 miles away (7,500 kilometers) on a Japanese island, though there were no reports of damage or injuries there. U.S. officials said strong currents and dangerous waves were forecast from California to Washington state. No major flooding was expected, however. In Los Angeles, lifeguards said they would clear beaches at about 8 p.m. While the earthquake and tsunami were big, they were not on the same scale of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, said Brian Atwater of the U.S. Geological Survey in Seattle. That tsunami killed more than 230,000 in a dozen countries across Asia.

Gli errori tipici dei frequentatori del chat

l'errore piu' frequente e vergognoso e la confusione che alcuni fanno fra 'ho' del verbo avere e 'o'disgiunzione, come si possano ignorare certe fondamentali differenze e' un mistero per chi conosce la lingua anche ad un livello basso. E' vero che nella lingua parlata la differenza non e' udibile, ma cosa sia un verbo ausiliario e cosa sia una particella disgiuntiva dovrebbe essere un intuizione istintiva e se si conoscono le due forme, bisognerebbe andare a documentarsi una volta per tutte su come usarle. Quando alcuni anni fa scrissi su questi del chat su napoli.com avanzai la tesi che queste smagliature sono alla base di altre smagliature connesse alla morale che e' quella mafiosa, spesso questi aderiscono a unioni che non sono determinate dalla ragione o dal torto, dal bene o male, ma dal bisogno di sostegno da chiunque venga non importa di chi si tratta: mentalita' mafiosa. Un altro gravissimo errore viene da un imbecille che si da le arie di laureato e scrive " trattalo bene a..." ignorando la differenza fra verbi transitivi e intransitivi. questo e' lo stesso cretino che se non conosce una parola ride e dice che non esiste; il personaggio patetico che sto descrivendo risponde al nome di 'Donna solitaria'. Infine c'e Srizzo che non conosce l'italiano e lo crea sulla presupposizione che gli altri non hanno la competenza per correggerlo.

NEW DAY -TIME- MUSINGS (2) from Mrs Krap ..

(THE SONGS OF THE MORNING) by British Artist.(Henrietta Rae)(1904) "OOH LA LA ."..............................

martedì 29 settembre 2009

Dr Weiss' link

www.Napoli.com Brian L. Weiss, MD

Psychic stuff

www.Napoli.com I had gone to see an author of a book i had read and really loved. (It was about messages from the other side.) The event was also going to have a local psychic as guest by the name of John Holland. But i was more interested in the lecture from Brian L. Weiss, MD , so off i went. Gigantic lobby filled w/ about 500 ppl or so. I didnt know anyone....sat down in the front row and enjoyed listening to Dr Weiss. Then he introduced the pshychic, John Holland, who talked about our ability to "see" things, if we just develop them . So, to prove his point, he asked that we conduct an excercise. We were to turn to the person next to us, provided we didnt know each other, and exchange an object of affection. i.e a ring, watch etc.. So the lady next to me gave me a piece of jewelry, and i gave her one of my rings. We were to take the following 15 min and concentrate on that object and the person it belonged to. John, quieted the room down and put us in a hypnosis state. Very calm...our eyes were closed. I felt a little awkward, because i didnt think i was going to have anything to tell her when the time came. A few minutes went by and i starting thinking " im not feeling or seeing anything." Thoughts with pictures were going thru my mind, but ....that was familar to me. Nothing out of the ordinary. 15 minutes were up. John asked that we return the objects to each other, and tell each other what we saw. I went first. I told her that i had seen she was a teacher. A music teacher. She didnt say a word and remained pretty stoic, so as to not give away any info. I then told her that i was feeling a piercing feeling thru my right kidney...sort of like a laser pointing to it. Then i continued to tell her that i kept seeing a name that i couldnt make out, but the first letter was a J. Told her she didnt have children....that i had seen a backyard cookout, with clothes hanging off the line, and a rooster nearby. I said " there is a lady with long, curly black hair who wants to give u a rosary made with flowers. And that was pretty much it. Now it was her turn to tell me if i was correct. She began to tell me that she was in fact a teacher, and that she used music in her teaching. That her Mom had died in 1972 from lung cancer, which had started in her right kidney. Her Mom's name was Giovannina, but her friends called her Jenny. (Giovannina by the way was my Mom's name also.) Then she continued to say that as a child, she used to go to granpa's house for family gatherings, and that he had a chicken coop with roosters running around.....and that they would hang their clothes in the yeard as well. She was crying the whole time. Me? i was even more freaked out, because that stuff had come from me!! She ended the conversation by telling me that she had no children, but that her and her husband had a dog. They both adored the dog.... dog's name: maggie No kidding.


* * THE CLOUD * * by (British Artist) -(Arthur Hacker) (1902)
So, the New day has passed.
and the New night begun.
I waved Farwell to the dipping sun,
Dressed in Amber and crimson,
Twas a warming sight to behold.
It did indeed wrap and enfold
me in a cloak of Gold.
So, now i have this new dark night ...
Ah ..! BUT! Not quite .... yet.
Yes, the sun might well have set,
But, I still have my incandescant -
sky blue & silver, CLOUD,
in my keeping-not yet sleeping,
just teasing the moon, to a pillow fight.
Such, soft-soft, sensuous .. Italicpure delight.
Soporific-seductive-sweet slumber ;
draws me into it's grasp -against my might.
I'll lay myself down -in thy sight.
Floating...floating, floating...floating....floating .......featherless;
weightless & light.
I bid the universe a ..fond Goodnight.*


Marutequi: MIGLIA TU ZITTAMarutequi: CHE HAY 72 ANNI , PARTOTITO UN FINOCCHIO, NON POTRAI MAI ESSERE NONNAMarutequi: NON E PER TEMarutequi: PUNTOMarutequi: ORA LEVATI DALLE PALLEMigliarino: nella scala degli idioti, da 1 a 10, tu hai 10!!Migliarino: anzi 68 Migliarino: se ricordo bene questo asino ha dato di pedofilo a tanti qui dentroMarutequi: migliarino adesso a chi lecchi il culoMigliarino: se ricordo bene dasti di pedofilo a Menz ancheMarutequi: ricorda che sei stata tu a mettere in giro la voce che Gabriele si scopava la ciriMarutequi: non dimenticarloMarutequi: che tu sei una donna malignaMarutequi: potroppo tra poco dovrai allontanarti anche dal pcMarutequi: la vecchiaia e na cosa bruttaMarutequi: il tuo tempo purtroppo e scadutoMarutequi: conta, contaMigliarino: Maruttino, ma tu quando avrai il prossimo incidente, vai a sdraiarti sulla I 75 cosi' ti arroyano e prendi di nuovo compensationXninja18: che si vuole provare dicendo la propria eta'Marutequi: questa e stata la prima che si fece inculare del chat Marutequi: migliarino se vuoi te lo posos ricordarePetallo230: NON AVEVO CAPITO SCUSA NINJAMigliarino: tu vivi di compensi assicurativi, sei un incidente viaggianteMarutequi: dai non ti piace quando scrivo che sei tu che sputanavi la ciri alle spalleMigliarino: sei fraudolento caro mioMarutequi: lo sanno tutti che sei malignaMarutequi: lo sanno tutti che sei malignaMarutequi: che sei una donna sfigataMarutequi: ricordiamo il primo marito le botte che ti davaMigliarino: di cosa vivi? Che la mezza negretta pulisce camere..Marutequi: perche facevi la stronza Marutequi: zitta miglia che tu sei come gabriele piena di nickMarutequi: sei sempre quiMarutequi: a cercare il tuo alcolizzatoMigliarino: tu sei sul ciglio dell'esportazione...Migliarino: sei illegale e vivi di fradolenti claimsMarutequi: ora andate affanculo, ho da fa'Migliarino: e food stamps e welfare illegalmenteMigliarino: per questi ti fai prestare soldi a gente qui dentro che non ti conosce veramente tipo NavescuolaMigliarino: report this SOB!Migliarino: ok gente adiosOnlineHost: Migliarino has left the room.

YouTube - Antony and the Johnsons - Hope There's Someone

YouTube - Antony and the Johnsons - Hope There's Someone http://www.napoli.com/ Hello dear friends , I HAVE PUT THIS....one of my favourite songs by Antony on THE journal before.only a few weeks ago infact......BUT ONLY HIM SITTING AT HIS PIANO SINGING IT. ********************************************************************************************* THIS IS A VIDEO I WOULD ...URGE EVERY WRITER AND READER HERE..TO PLEASE WATCH.....WHEN THEY HAVE TIME......please MAKE time for this one ,IF YOU CAN. I say this, as we have touched today on the subject of people being AFRAID to GET 'INVOLVED'...etc.... NOW .I AM SURE THAT YOU ALL, LIKE ME ,..WILL BE ..VERY, VERY...SHOCKED AND PERPLEXED.....PERTURBED..,,.many emotions I FEEL WILL RUN THROUGH YOU ,AS THEY DID ME...,.AS to what you actually SEE ON THIS VIDEO HERE.......THE words of the song just make it all the more poignant.........i couldn't ACTUALLY BELIEVE MY OWN EYES........and i cried.....i ALSO FELT AFRAID....FOR HUMANITY...AND THE STATE OF THE WORLD....EVEN MY JESSIE....(AS A DOG)....would have gone over to see what was wrong...and give THAT ...IGNORED... person....... a COMFORTING COMPASSIONATE lick.....

This is so funny, very American ...

Religious life won't be the same after downturn AP – Members of the Rock Harbor Church worship in Costa Mesa, Calif., on Sunday, September 27, 2009. The church … Play Video Video:White House: Recession not over without jobs AP Play Video Video:Job seekers hope recession's end is near WRAL Raleigh NEW YORK – Organized religion was already in trouble before the fall of 2008. Denominations were stagnating or shrinking, and congregations across faith groups were fretting about their finances. The Great Recession made things worse. It's further drained the financial resources of many congregations, seminaries and religious day schools. Some congregations have disappeared and schools have been closed. In areas hit hardest by the recession, worshippers have moved away to find jobs, leaving those who remain to minister to communities struggling with rising home foreclosures, unemployment and uncertainty. Religion has a long history of drawing hope out of suffering, but there's little good news emerging from the recession. Long after the economy improves, the changes made today will have a profound effect on how people practice their faith, where they turn for help in times of stress and how they pass their beliefs to their children. "In 2010, I think we're going to see 10 or 15 percent of congregations saying they're in serious financial trouble," says David Roozen, a lead researcher for the Faith Communities Today multi-faith survey, which measures congregational health annually. "With around 320,000 or 350,000 congregations, that's a hell of a lot of them." The sense of community that holds together religious groups is broken when large numbers of people move to find work or if a ministry is forced to close. "I'm really still in the mourning process," says Eve Fein, former head of the now-shuttered Morasha Jewish Day School in Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif. The school, a center of religious life for students and their parents, had been relying on a sale of some of its property to stay afloat but land values dropped, forcing Morasha to shut down in June. "I don't think any of us who were in it have really recovered," Fein says. "The school was 23 years old. I raised my kids there." The news isn't uniformly bad. Communities in some areas are still moving ahead with plans for new congregations, schools and ministries, religious leaders say. And many congregations say they found a renewed sense of purpose helping their suffering neighbors. Houses of worship became centers of support for the unemployed. Some congregants increased donations. At RockHarbor church in Costa Mesa, Calif., members responded so generously to word of a budget deficit that the church ended the fiscal year with a surplus. "We're all a little dumbfounded," says Bryan Wilkins, the church business director. "We were hearing lots of stories about people being laid off, struggling financially and losing homes. It's truly amazing." In the Great Depression, one of the bigger impacts was the loss of Jewish religious schools, which are key to continuing the faith from one generation to the next. Jonathan Sarna, a Brandeis University historian and author of "American Judaism," says enrollment in Jewish schools plummeted in some cities and many young Jews of that period didn't have a chance to study their religion. Today, some parents, regardless of faith, can no longer afford the thousands of dollars in tuition it costs to send a child to a religious day school. Church officials fear these parents won't re-endroll their kids if family finances improve because it might be disruptive once they've settled into a new school. Enrollment in one group of 120 Jewish community day schools is down by about 7 percent this academic year, according to Marc Kramer, executive director of RAVSAK, a network of the schools. A few schools lost as many as 30 percent of their students. Many of the hundreds of other Jewish day schools, which are affiliated with Reform, Conservative and Orthodox movements, are also in a financial crunch. Kramer says 2009-10 will be a "make or break" year for Jewish education, partly because of the additional damage to endowments and donors from Bernard Madoff's colossal fraud. Overall, U.S. Jewish groups are estimated to have lost about one-quarter of their wealth. "It's going to be painful," Kramer says. "There will be some losses." The Association for Christian Schools International, which represents about 3,800 private schools, says enrollment is down nationally by nearly 5 percent. About 200 Christian schools closed or merged in the last academic year, 50 more than the year before. At least 80 members of the Association of Theological Schools, which represents graduate schools in North America, have seen their endowments drop by 20 percent or more. The National Catholic Education Association is still measuring the toll on its schools, but expects grim news from the hardest hit states, after years of declining enrollment. "Some schools that were on the brink — this whole recession has just intensified that," says Karen Ristau, president of the association. Clergy in different communities say worship attendance has increased with people seeking comfort through difficult times, although no one is predicting a nationwide religious revival. Americans for years have been moving away from belonging to a denomination and toward a general spirituality that may or may not involve regular churchgoing. The 2008 American Religious Identification Survey found more people who call themselves "nondenominational Christians" and rising numbers who say they have no religion at all. Before the stock market tanked last fall, only 19 percent of U.S. congregations described their finances as excellent, down from 31 percent in 2000, according to the 2008 Faith Communities Today poll. Because of these trends, mainline Protestants were among the most vulnerable to the downturn. Their denominations had been losing members for decades and had been dividing over how they should interpret what the Bible says on gay relationships and other issues. National churches had been relying on endowments to help with operating costs, along with the generosity of an aging membership that had been giving in amounts large enough to mostly make up for departed brethren. The meltdown destroyed that financial buffer. The Episcopal Church, the United Methodist Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church and other mainline denominations were forced to cut jobs and their national budgets. The damage was felt across Methodist life. As of the summer, more than half of the church's 62 U.S. regional districts, or annual conferences, reported they had budget deficits. Some sold property and buildings to continue their ministries. Two national Methodist boards cut more than 90 jobs. Fifty bishops took a voluntary pay cut. Annual conferences in hard-hit regions, such as Florida and Ohio, lost thousands of members as people moved to find work elsewhere. "Many of these groups have such large endowments that they're not going away," Roozen says. "But I think there's no question that they're going to be smaller both as organizations and in membership." Roman Catholic dioceses for years had been struggling with maintaining their aging churches, paying salaries and health insurance and funding settlements over clergy sex abuse. With the hit to investment income and a drop in donations, they are now freezing salaries, cutting ministries and staff. The Archdiocese of Detroit, at the heart of the meltdown, had a $14 million shortfall in a $42 million budget in the fiscal year that ended in June 2008. Conservative Protestant groups, known for their entrepreneurial spirit and evangelizing, were not immune. The 16.2 million-member Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant group in the country, has had budget cuts in its North American Mission Board, at least three of its six seminaries and in its publishing and research arm. Religious leaders say the next year or so will be key in determining which organizations survive the downturn intact. Even if the recession ends soon, religious fundraisers say the angst donors feel will not lift immediately, prolonging the difficulties for congregations, schools and ministries.


il cinema italiano Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Origine: www.csc-cinematografia.it La Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia presieduta da Francesco Alberoni, è articolata in due distinti settori: la Cineteca Nazionale, uno dei più importanti archivi cinematografici del mondo, e la Scuola Nazionale di Cinema, impegnata da... oltre settanta anni nella formazione d'eccellenza...
il cinema italiano cinema / festival: Festa internazionale del cinema di Roma: Una vera festa a Roma per la divina Soph Origine: cinemaclaramaffei.blogspot.com ROMA, 19 – Ecco la grande Sophia, la donna, l'attrice, la star, la diva, l'unica. Dopo la proiezione del documentario a lei dedicato, con spezzoni dei suoi film più celebri, interviste a personaggi ...


HOME FESTIVAL SCHEDULE THE FILMS GALA SPONSORS FRIENDS CONTACT US San Diego Italian Film Festival Sharing Italian Culture through Cinema October, 15 - November, 7 2009Museum of Photographic Arts Balboa Park and other locations. Join our mailing list Festival ProgramCheck out the Festival program Festival Mini SeriesIn addition to the Festival program, we present movies all through the year. Festival Gala DinnerThe San Diego Italian Film Festival climaxes on Saturday, November 7th with a Gala Italian dinner with music and a special Italian film. and the Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego-->SDIFF Partners Istituto Italiano di Culturahttp://www.iiclosangeles.esteri.it/ Museum of Photographic Artshttp://www.mopa.org/ Italian Cultural Center San Diegohttp://www.icc-sd.org/ Italian Film Festival Contest Filmmakers are encouraged to submit films on Italian subjects. $3500 in cash prizes and a screening at the 2008 Italian Film Festival for the winning entries.


www.Napoli.com I didn't understand who won the poll on the end of the world in 2012. Do you guys believe it will end or not? Please answer here, I am interested in your opinion.

NEW DAY- TIME -MUSINGS..(1) from Mrs krap.

by British artist (HERBERT DRAPER)(1900)
So here you are -new day.
Will you be good-or lead me astray?
Pray:tell me New Day ,what's in store for me?
Ah...I see the white clouds are roaming free,
My mind is one of those clouds,
as I sit under the apple tree.;gazing up at thee.
For i think i'll wait for you,new day,
to throw me the key,and unlock the day away.

YouTube - Feeling Good by Nina Simone

YouTube - Feeling Good by Nina Simone www.Napoli.com

Does the solution lie with parents?

www.Napoli.com If it does lie with parents, should they be held liable for their children's criminal acts? Another thing that bothers me about this article, is that we are now taking the time to pull out our video cams to tape the beating death of a child. INSTEAD OF INTERVENING!!!!! CHICAGO (Sept. 28) – Three teenagers were charged Monday in the beating death of a 16-year-old Chicago honor roll student on his way home from school, a melee captured on a cell phone video that shows a group striking him with boards and kicking him as he lay on a sidewalk. The death of Derrion Albert, a sophomore at Christian Fenger Academy High School, on Thursday has reignited community outrage over chronic violence involving city students and is putting pressure on school and police officials to address gang problems that often are at the root of such violence. More than 30 students were killed in 2008, according to district figures, and the city could exceed that toll in 2009. Skip over this content But some community members said the solution lies with parents. "It is our problem. We have to take control of our children," said Dawn Allen, who attended a vigil at the school Monday, where a group of residents tried to force their way into the school before being turned back by police. Albert was attacked around 3 p.m. Thursday in front of Agape Community Center in the south Chicago neighborhood of Roseland, where he was walking to a bus stop, authorities said. The violence stemmed from a shooting early Thursday morning involving two groups of students, said Tandra Simonton, a spokeswoman for the Cook County prosecutor's office. When school ended, members of the two groups began fighting. The attack, captured in part on a bystander's cell phone video, shows Albert being struck on the head by one of several young men wielding wooden planks. After he falls to the ground an appears to try to get up, he is struck again and then kicked. Prosecutors charged Silvonus Shannon, 19, Eugene Riley, 18, and Eric Carson, 16, with first-degree murder, and they were ordered held without bond on Monday, said Andy Conklin, a spokesman for the Cook County prosecutor's office. Simonton said Albert was a bystander and not part of either group. She said Albert was knocked unconscious when Carson struck him in the head with a board and the second person punched him in the face. Albert regained consciousness and was trying to get up when he was attacked a second time by five people and was struck in the head with a board by Riley and stomped in the head by Shannon, Simonton said. Desiyan Bacon, Riley's aunt, attended Monday's vigil at the school and said her nephew didn't have anything to do with the beating and was a friend of the victim. "They need to stop the crime, but when they do it, they need to get the right person," Bacon said. Albert's grandfather, Joseph Walker, told the Chicago Tribune that he could not bear to watch the recording. "The graphics are too strong for me," he said. "God bless whoever took that video. It did and said it all." "It hurt to watch," said LaTonia Williams, the boy's aunt, told the paper. "It's one thing to hear about it and come up with your own theory of what happened. To see it is another thing." But the family said they didn't mind people watching the video as long as it helps identify the culprits. Cook County state's attorney's office spokesman Andy Conklin says the teens were charged Monday as adults. Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. Active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL. 2009-09-28 09:31:37

lunedì 28 settembre 2009

NOCTURNAL MUSINGS . (1) from Mrs Krap.

by- Polish Artist- WITOLD PRUSZKOWSKI (1870)
Paintings for the night,
to subdue and delight,
to calm the mind; and give up the days fight.
A light is still on, even though the Star
has fallen..twill not mar my sight,
and cause darkness ;as it fell MY way,
and covered me with bright radiance,
such was it's cadent -upon my weary being,
I thought it was a celestial dream I was seeing.
"Sleep gently" said the star ;in soothing tones
"see how far I rode the heavens down to you.
I will lighten your weary bones,with silvery- blue.
slumber, slumber, close thine eyes ;of a similar hue,
Tomorrow is a coming soon enough....you will see
a day that is New,never -lived- before -that is true.
but for now,give yourself up to the star and the night."


OH....... Maggie !
'NON CAPISCO ITALIANO'....ANTELOPIO....(YOU CAN CALL ME TONY...maggs ..if you want to)........is wondering something...
WHAT DOES ........
* FICA * mean.....? Have YOU got one...Maggie?
and whilst you are at it...IS PEPSI COLA THE SAME AS COCA COLA....?

E' nato goldano orientale!

Giant baby draws spectators to Indonesian hospital AP – A three-day-old baby boy, weighing 8.7-kilograms (19.2-pounds) left, lays next to a standard size newborn … By DENNY SITOHAN, Associated Press Writer Denny Sitohan, Associated Press Writer – Fri Sep 25, 10:09 am ET KISARAN, Indonesia – Indonesia's heaviest-ever newborn drew curious crowds Friday to a hospital where the boy named Akbar — or the Great in Arabic — came into the world at a record 19.2 pounds (8.7 kilograms). Akbar Risuddin was born to a diabetic mother in a 40-minute cesarean delivery that was complicated because of his unusual weight and size, Dr. Binsar Sitanggang said. "I'm very happy that my baby and his mother are in good health," father Muhammad Hasanuddin said Friday. "I hope I can afford to feed the baby enough, because he needs more milk than other babies." Crowds pushed to get a peek of the extraordinary boy, who measured nearly 24 inches (62 centimeters) when he was born Monday, at the Abdul Manan hospital in the northern town of Kisaran on the island of Sumatra. "This is fantastic," Dewi Miranti, a mother from a nearby village, said as she peered through a window with about a hundred other people. "He looks very well and is cute." The baby's extreme weight was the result of excessive glucose from his mother during pregnancy, Dr. Sitanggang said. "He is greedy and has a strong appetite, nursing almost nonstop," the doctor said. The boy was the third child of Hasanuddin, 50, and mother Ani, 41, who like many Indonesians goes by a single name. His two "little" brothers weighed 11.6 pounds (5.3 kilograms) and 9.9 pounds (4.5 kilograms) at birth. The former Indonesian record holder was a 14.7-pound (6.7-kilogram) baby boy born on the outskirts of the capital, Jakarta, in 2007. Guinness World Records cites the heaviest baby as being born in the U.S. in 1879, weighing 23.75 pounds (10.4 kilograms). However, it died 11 hours after birth. The book also cites 22.5-pound (10.2-kilogram) babies born in Italy in 1955 and in South Africa in 1982.
www.Napoli.com MI DISPIACE MA IO NON FACCIO SOGNI EROTICI, TUTTA LA MIA VITA SESSUALE, IL 5% della mia vita globale si svolge con mio marito che non ho bisogno di sognare perche sta qui con me. Ma non mi scandalizzo facilmente, i sogni erotici sono un po' come le barzellette sporche per ridere, le raccontano anche i preti,

tartarughe e borse calde

da un bigliettino dato a me da un tartarugo che mi corteggiava ( carino pero' eh? ) .... siamo finiti con la borsa calda in mezzo alle coscie!! www.Napoli.com

a karina e lisa

www.Napoli.com karina quando scrivi il tuo sogno ? stiamo aspettando tutte bagnate ahahaahahahahh e Lisa in Canada fa freddo se ti bagni si congela la piriciricoccola ahahaahahahhahahahahahaahhhah mettiti la borsa calda nelle mutande cosi la tieni tiepida ahahahah muaaaaa


TWO Miss marple'S and Inspector clouseau.........ARE THEY ONE AND THE SAME PERSON?
http://www.napoli.com/ Dear Author & Readers & the universe. I occasionally still have FITS OF LAUGHTER (even though I PROMISED myself that today I WOULD NOT LAUGH ..AT ALL...due to the HILARITY of the weekend on our journal; (where I hardly STOPPED laughing.)....at the VERY thought of anyone thinking that I ,(MRS KRAP) and our AUTHOR....are still *ONE AND THE SAME PERSON.*. Even now this very second I am crossing my legs(honestly) as it beggars belief that anyone in their RIGHT mind..could possibly think that THE AUTHOR ..IS/WAS/ ......PRETENDING TO BE ME.....O O ..HERE we GO ..ribs starting to hurt...as i'm typing and can't hold them..and i am spluttering ..trying to hold my breath and laughter in...OH!! NO....HERE IT COMES........AHHAHAHAAHHAAHAHHAAHHAHHA AHAAAAHAHAAHHAHAAAA....AHAAHAAHAAHAHAahahahha oh dearie meeee ahahaaahaahaaahhahhahahahhhahhaaahahha HOW COULD ANYONE BE SO STUPID..!!.AND SO BLOODY ...BLIND...HOW? I mean, just look at the way i am writing now.....CAN ANYONE IMAGINE 'THE AUTHOR'..writing this ,like me...AHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHHA about FAIRIES at the bottom of the garden and Worms and things...AHAAAHHAAAHAHA. I mean,..Mrs Migliarino ..the 'Tuscan Tart'....her sidekick....il NONNO...ahahahhahahahahaaaaaahah THE Pizza POET...Ummmmmm Were DETERMINED TO BELIEVE THAT ''the author 'was mrs krakpot WITH A BEARD!!! YES...!! AAHAHAHHAHA and also that he was THE BARONESS BIG BUM....WITH a BEARD........ AHHAAAHAAHHAHAHHAHAAHHAAAAHHAAHAA AHAHAHHAAHAAHHAAA ....OH GOD....IT HURTS...AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAHAAA WHY, I WONDER.,...WOULD THEY THINK THAT..???..AND THEY WERE NOT THE ONLY ONES....FROM , ...'DARK PLACES 'ITALY'...TO HAVE THOUGHT SO....THE ENDLESS ENDLESS...letters stating as much between them all...WAS ..WELL..100000000000000000000% MAD ! ahahahahaaa......and they thought they were so CLEVER...!!! IN THINKING THEY HAD WORKED IT ALL OUT......THIS PLOT...AHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA... OF 'THE AUTHOR'S IN BEING .....both HIMSELF AND 2 MADE UP WOMEN....me being one of them.........AHAHAHAHHAAAAHAHHAHAHA OH DEAR,,,,WHAT PISS ARTISTS THEY ARE.....this is the kind of INTELLIGENTSIA OF THE CHAT...AHAHAHAAHAHAAHAA I had TO GO FOR A wee wee ,,,, i couldn't hold it any longer...Ummm ,I'M TRYING TO IMAGINE THEM WITH MAGNIFYING GLASSES WATCHING EVERY MOVE ON THE OTHER 2 OLD JOURNALS..;....WAITING FOR THE AUTHOR TO 'SLIP UP'.......!! ahahaahahaaAhhahaaAHAAA IN ONE OF THE LETTERS THAT I GOT.,from COUNT VON HESS....AHAHAAHAA ( IL NONNO) ..IT SAid that my english WAS so BAD.....AAHHAHHAHHAHAHAAA..IT COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE WRITTEN BY A BRIT ! AHHAHAHAHAHHAHA.....WELL I NEVER ONCE STATED I WAS A PROFESSOR OF THE ENGLISH LIT or ENGLISH language.......ahaahahahahahaaa.....I still have THAT LETTER....somewhere....NOT UNDER MY PILLOW...to be sure..aahahahahhahaha i used to get a lot of love letters from 'dark places italy'..i EVEN HAD A type of veiled death threat once.....i even got porno pics on my mobile phone & porn video...I DIDN'T OPEN THEM...!!
OH weLL,...i'm just OFF NOW, TO TRIM MY BEARD......I HAVE HAD IT FOR 40 YRS NOW......I WILL NEVER SHAVE IT OFF......I WOULD FEEL SO NAKED WITHOUT IT, just a little wee trim here and there,
....& then i will WRITE a 50 PAGE ESSAY ON ............THE PHILOSOPHY OF OF...OF OF....OH...ummm.......Ummmmmmmmmmmm oh!! i know !!!! THAT WORM I SAW IN THE GARDEN THIS MORNING GIVING that BUTTERFLY A RIDE ON IT'S BACK.....I kissed it...honestly it was so gorgeous one of THOSE REALLY FAT PLUMP WRIGGLY ONES.....I ADORE MY LITTLE COMPOST MAKERS.......DARWIN LOVED THEM ,,,he got his wife and children to play the piano for worms ..to see how they responded to music....ISN'T THAT AMAZING ,BUT WHAT IS EVEN MORE AMAZING IS.;....MRS DARWIN ....had piano lessons by CHOPIN !on the SAME piano..where MR DARWIN ....put the worms...for their music lesson..... IMAGINE HOW LUCKY THOSE WORMS WERE,,,i can just see them now...dancing the polonaise....,,,Aye, it's a strange bloody life...to be sure it is....
That worm that i kissed this morning....it responded to me...he is called ALBERT.....i tickled his tummy and he grew fatter and curled up....he loved it..........i worry that the hedgehogs will get him...i have put him in a safer place for now....



Word of the DayMonday, September 28, 2009sinuous - in Italian = sinuoso but we would not use it in the sense of devious

Word of the Day Monday, September 28, 2009sinuous\SIN-yoo-uhs\ , adjective: 1.Characterized by many curves or turns; winding.2.Characterized by graceful curving movements.3.Not direct; devious.


( THE SEA MAIDEN) by Herbert Draper(1894)

domenica 27 settembre 2009

YouTube - moon river-breakfast at tiffany´s

YouTube - moon river-breakfast at tiffany´s http://www.napoli.com/ Dear Anna ,K, Don't think that Mrs krap hasn't noticed you NOT being here for a while..I CAN'T HELP THINKING ABOUT YOU SWIMMING IN SANTA BARBARA AMONGST ALL THOSE SHARKS... COME BACK SOON ....WE ALL MISS YOU & YOUR BEAUTIFUL PASSION.I HOPE YOU ARE WELL....i have been wondering about your knee...for a long time now.

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