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venerdì 18 dicembre 2009

VIRGO Intacta

If you are a christian you must believe, not only that Mary was a virgin, and no man ever had a sexual intercourse with her but also that she remained a virgin after birth. There are cases of virgin women impregnated by accident coming in contact with male sperm wihout having sexual intercourse, so the real miracle must be that she remained a virgin after birth...Have a nice believe...

The virgin birth of Jesus is a tenet of Christianity and Islam which holds that Mary miraculously conceived Jesus while remaining a virgin. A universally held belief in the Christian church by the second century this doctrine was included in the two most widely used Christian creeds, which state that Jesus "was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary" (the Nicene Creed as revised by the First Council of Constantinople) and was "born of the Virgin Mary" (Apostles' Creed), and was not seriously challenged, except by some minor sects, before the Enlightenment theology of the eighteenth century

The gospels of Matthew and Luke say that Mary was a virgin and that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. These gospels, later tradition and current doctrine present Jesus' conception as a miracle involving no natural father, no sexual intercourse, and no male seed in any form, but instead brought about by the Holy SpiritThe Gospel of Matthewadditionally presents the virgin birth of Jesus as fulfilling a prophecy from the

Reference to the virgin birth of Jesus usually directs thought to his virginal conception, rather than to his actual birth . But in Roman Catholic and Orthodox usage, the term "Virgin Birth" means not only that Mary was a virgin when she conceived, but also that she gave birth as a virgin (remaining a virgo intacta), a belief attested since the second century. (See Perpetual virginity of Mary.) The doctrine of the virgin birth of Jesus (i.e., Mary's virginal conception of Jesus) is not to be confused with that of the Immaculate Conception. The latter holds that Mary herself was conceived in the normal way, but immaculately (i.e., without original sin).

Mary's virginity at the conception of Jesus is also a tenet of Islam Muslims refer to Jesus with the matronymic Jesus son of Mary (Isa bin Maryam ), a term repeatedly used in the Qur'an.

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