Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

lunedì 14 dicembre 2009


http://www.napoli.com/ Dear Author, I noticed a few days ago with MUCH pleasure that Anna had left a couple of articles on our journal.I was just on my way out ..so thought i would read them later.When i came back TO the journal they had Vanished !Like Donnas one did.........NOW, this does sometimes happen to me.Now and again i will write an article and it goes on the journal And then....an hour later POOOOOOOOOF!!! IT'S GONE..!.......NOW IT COULD BE A GHOST ! We may have a haunted journal i'm afraid............ I myself am having HORRENDOUS PROBLEMS TODAY..!!!..TRYING TO LOG INTO A CERTAIN SITE.,...AND IT WON'T LET ME..i JUST CAN'T LOG IN....full stop . ps...Anna may well have deleted her own articles I DON'T KNOW? ONE WAS FOR A RECIPE FOR PANETTONE...yum yum ..as i said...I ONLY GLANCED AT IT...and there was a Video /song as well ...I was just on my way out...so..........? Author.........THIS COULD BE A JOLLY GOOD CASE FOR .............MISS MARPLE .....(The case of the missing articles)

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

hahahhahaahahah lambrettina, forse era davvero un Jolly
egal lassen wir das so stehn ja?, si?, yes?
bacietto *************

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...


Hello. ...ello ...HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO Donna (frau).PRONTO !!! si PRONTO.. ....bRRRRRRR Brrrrrr Brrrrrrrr telefono ...bella ---donna...????..(bella-Donna ahahahhahahaah) si...MRS LAMBRETTINA....AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Verstehst du mich?

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DONNA ....(EMICRANIA ) ....Si....Ja ..tak...bloody qui qui...Ermmmm......ahahahhahaha MIGRENA!!!!!!!!!!!!IO (MRS KRAPETTINA....NON 'PARLE' TEDESCO O ITALIANO...!!!! ahahaahahhahaha
Si Parla Ermmmmmmmm ohhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh ARGHHHHHHHHHHH ...!!!POLACCO O RUSSO ?SLOVACCIA ?LITUANO? aahahahaahhaa...VI e' UN BARRIERA LINGUISTICA ....si...tak .Ja ....da...yes....qui ....x

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