Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

sabato 12 dicembre 2009

YouTube - marianne faithfull - this little bird

For my Dearest Friend.,& fellow writer here...Our Archangel Gabriele......number 4,,,,,,,,,00000000000000000000000 & 1 ................I LOVE THIS SONG.!.......i have always ADORED Marianne Faithfull...& for some reason Archangel.G,..i always seem to think of you...when i listen to her songs?????????????????and I HAVE NO IDEA WHY??????
ZUM Zum...............
full stop
no Periods.....I am not American .

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

at our age we do not have a period so often, whether we are american or english

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...


WELL, Anonimo,...THAT'S TRUE....I CAN HONESTLY SAY......THAT I...HAVE NO ..PERIODS NOW AT ALL...they JUST VANISHED when i was ohhhhhhhh around 37 ish.I started the DREADED 'Menopause' VERY EARLY IN LIFE.

I just make DO now with DOTS...that's all I have left....I have such an affection for them,they make me feel like a 'real'woman still,......with something to offer ...........thank you for your comment ...it made me laugh...dot dot dot.
period . (oh if only).....I USED TO WISH THEM AWAY EVERY MONTH..THE 'CURSE'....snd then my wish CAME TRUE..!!!!...and i wanted to reverse it all..BUT ,it was TOO LATE.....I WAS CURSED AGAIN.!!!.....The Story of my Life...

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