YouTube - "Walking In The Air." (The original version from "The Snowman" with Peter Auty)
Mrs Krakpot loves this song ,....and the book too, by Raymond Briggs ....who inspired the whole film ;full of Magic and Beautiful Visions of such Wonder.,that I, IN my 51 year of life STILL get so much pleasure from,I LOVE SNOWMEN...!!! & SNOW-WOMEN..& Little SNOW-CHILDREN.....(a whole family together)..THEY MAKE ME FEEL very HAPPY ,WHEN I LOOK AT THEM,THEY MAKE ME LAUGH....,though....sometimes they make me cry ..they are SO beautiful...& As I have said in the past, they remind me of being a little girl...WHO REALLY REALLY THOUGHT THEY WERE REAL PEOPLE WHO NEEDED TAKING CARE OF.....& Thats where I got my fIRST Nursing Instincts /feelings from./NURTURING snow people with HOT SOUP to keep them warm......I used to look at them in the middle of the night ,through the bedroom window and WORRY TO DEATH.....about them being outside in the DARK....I really remember that feeling OF URGENTLY NEEDING THEM TO BE INSIDE WITH ME.,where it was warm and safe.......THAT WAS SO OVERWHELMING! My Dad built the most incredible snow people...THEY LOOKED SO REAL....SO WONDERFUL.....especially when we dresed them in clothes.......and when my brother started his apprenticeship as a builder...& his artistic talents with his hands grew....my goodness!!! He sculpted the most beautiful snowpeople.....MY whole Family is artistic......'good with their hands' ...as it's called,so very...'CREATIVE.'..VERY creative......whether it is painting,or arranging flowers,building houses,hairdressing,interior design.. or like me......'writing stories'.....and creating an ambience....I AM GOOD WITH FLOWERS ...OUTSIDE AND INSIDE......I Love being creative........I don't use my hands like i used to..........I NEED to get back to that.
LETS....all be innocent children again.,.for a while anyway,.......LETS GO BACK TO THAT MAGICAL AND MYSTERIOUS WORLD ,..THAT WE ONCE INHABITED. LET THE LOVELY ,SMILING,SAFE ,ADORABLE, PLUMP SNOWMAN ,with his lovely hat...TAKE US OFF .,.>>>>......for an Adventure, that only little Children can really see,.......as ADULTS ARE TOO THICK ..& STUCK IN THEIR OWN WORLD.
2 commenti:
your hands must be magic em... I would love to be a snowman shaped by u
oh gosh....What a LOVELY THING TO SAY TO ME.....THANK YOU. X
PS...I AM REALLY 'KRAP' I mean 'CRAP'...AT BUILDING & SHAPING SNOWMEN...honestly. As i said I LOVE THEM...BUT...well number one;there never seems to be enough snow here to Practice the fine art of 'snow person' building. (i am being politically correct here.)..as we Have feminists in our midst}..INFACT I AM ONE...honestly..so..well nuber 2) I csn honestly tell you ...I AM BETTER AT DRESSING THEM.....OH.!!..THEN THE SNOW PEOPLE..LOOK LIKE GUCCI /PRADA/ etc etc ...SUPER SNOW MODELS..
3) YES...there is no question ,that MY HANDS ...ARE MAGIC....
4)Would you like a carrot for your nose or ...a piece of coal? I quite like using potatoes for noses..once i was making a casserole, and i had no carrots...so i stole the snow persons one...and stuck it IN THE PAN...and then i felt REALLY guilty...so i stuck a spare potato in, FOR HIS NOSE...and it was so lovely..he seemed to LOOK MORE SLAVIC..as it (the nose) had little warts on it...'A PROPER POLISH NOSE'.....like mine....
5)Would YOU LIKE an Aquiline nose? I can do that with a courgette..(zucchini) which i normally save for the snowmans penis...BUT...i can use a gherkin for that...ONE CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY GHERKINS...I LOVE SWEET PICKLED GHERKINS......do you?
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