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venerdì 18 dicembre 2009

is the notion of proving different for religion and science?

New Book: The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church

This book is a must-read for all interested in the true teaching of the Bible or the spread of the Catholic faith. This book contains all the information necessary to prove, from the Bible itself, that the Catholic Church is the one true Christian Church. This book contains very detailed proofs, arguments, and responses to objections on the most important topics. At the same time, however, it is deliberately as brief as possible so as to avoid unnecessarily long discussions. The combination of essential details and brevity make this book on the Bible especially conducive for mass-distribution and interest to the general reader. This book on the Bible also contains sub-headings throughout so that the casual readers (or those with less interest) can the find topics and sections that might interest them, no matter where they happen to flip in the book. We feel very strongly about this book, and we encourage all readers of our website to obtain it. The book is 125 pages.

With your order of this book, you will automatically receive free 2 DVD programs and the book UFOs Demonic Activity and Elaborate Hoaxes Meant to Deceive Mankind. You will also automatically receive the book Padre Pio: a Catholic Priest who worked miracles and bore the wounds of Jesus Christ on his body. This is an amazing deal! Below you can see the two DVDs you will receive: Creation and Miracles and Death and the Journey Into Hell.

[Prices in U.S.- 1 copy is $5.00, 25 copies for $12.00, 40 copies for $15.00, 75 copies for $20.00, 135 copies for $25.00, 270 copies for $30.00. Prices include shipping. Foreign prices: 1 for $10.00. For bulk prices to foreign countries, please e-mail us or call us and we can arrange a price.]

You can order the book here.

You can read a sample section of the book here:

The Bible teaches Mary's Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Bodily Assumption and more [PDF]

See the stunning biblical proof and basis for the Catholic Church’s dogmas on the Mary and the importance of praying to her. This is from our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.

The Bible teaches Purgatory [PDF]

Irrefutable evidence that the Bible teaches Purgatory

Link to section proving Catholic teaching from the Bible

Some Facts about Martin Luther, the Originator of Protestant "Christianity"

This sample section is the very last section in the book. It’s also the shortest. It’s an essay on Martin Luther and non-Catholic denominations. When did Martin Luther (the first Protestant) actually first come up with, and make the stand for, the Protestant “faith”? The answer might surprise you. This section also contains: How Old is Your Church?


IN THIS BOOK, one will see that:

-the Bible without any doubt teaches that the body and blood of Jesus are present in the true Eucharist, as the Catholic Church has always taught

-the Bible teaches Catholic doctrines on Mary, including her immaculate conception (conception without sin), perpetual virginity and bodily assumption; and that she is the Ark of the New Covenant

-the Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope, the prime minister or governor of His Church

- the Bible repeatedly teaches that man is not justified by faith alone, but that human deeds (sins), in addition to faith, determine whether a man has justification and salvation

-the Bible repeatedly teaches that a true believer can fall away from the faith or lose his justification through sin; and that many passages refute the popular idea of “eternal security” or “once saved always saved”

-countless people have completely misunderstood a handful of Bible verses, and have used those misunderstood verses to construct a false view of justification/salvation which contradicts the entire teaching of Jesus and the Bible

-the Bible teaches that Jesus instituted confession to priests, and gave the Apostles the power to forgive sins

-the Bible teaches that saintly men intercede with God (both on Earth and after death), and that their intercession can impact how God will deal with other men

-the Bible teaches that angels and saints play an important role in the salvation of men, and that both angels and saints intercede and can be invoked (prayed to) in order to obtain graces from God

-the Bible teaches that the statues/images of heavenly figures are not forbidden, but were actually commanded for God’s temple; and that the relics of saintly men were venerated and even miraculous

-the Bible teaches that water baptism takes away sins, justifies, and is necessary for salvation

-the Bible teaches Purgatory

-the Bible teaches that, in addition to Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Church must also be believed; and that Sacred Tradition is also “the word of God” – refuting sola scriptura

-the fathers of the Church (i.e., those earliest Christian writers who received the tradition of the Apostles) believed in Catholic teaching

-a deeper understanding of the Bible corrects many misconceptions that people have on a variety of issues relating to the Catholic faith and the Bible

-Martin Luther (1483-1546), the first recognizable Protestant and the progenitor of all non-Catholic denominations, came upon his beliefs later than one might think; and that Luther was still professing to be a Catholic on the very date which now marks, for most people, the beginning of the Protestant “reformation”

-Martin Luther “discovered” and invented his doctrines by the day; and much more…

1 commento:

Contumelia ha detto...

Ok I do not believe that science and religion are based on the same kind evidence, but I do believe there are other ways to reach the truth

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