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martedì 8 dicembre 2009

Claudia's opinion on Knox, it deserves to be posted because as a comment it may escape the attention of many

Claudia ha detto...

Yes, a very tragic story. I have followed it since the first day, because Perugia is a part-time home for me and I am a graduate of the University for Foreigners, where both of these girls were enrolled. It's hard for me to understand how anyone could think Amanda Knox was innocent in this. In the beginning, she falsely accused a man who was not involved at all. I happen to know this man, which of course caused me to have a greater interest in following the case. This girl's groundless lie caused him to be arrested and spend 2 weeks in jail. (He was then released without charges due to the lack of any evidence at all). I don't think there was ever any question about her guilt, and I'm glad the trial is finally over. I hope the media stops making a celebrity of her. Yes, she will appeal for years...but will sit in jail throughout the appeals. At least there is SOME justice for the victim.

4 commenti:

deleted ha detto...

I couldnt agree with u more Claudia. It was a no brainer from the beginning. I listened to the tape made during her statement, and lost count of how many times she had to stop and rephrase. A person who is completely innocent does not have to do that. If my friend had been murdered (with 47 wounds,) obviously a horrific death, i would not be kissing and caressing and whispering sweet nothings in my boyfriends ear the following day. She struck me as cold, unaffected, and evil. To say nothing of her ex boyfriend, whose knife( which had DNA evidence of meredith and amanda's prints on it.) the thorough cleaning of her apartment with bleach following the murder, smells of total cover up.
Maybe in the US we might have found her innocent, ( beyond a reasonable doubt?? ) the same way we found OJ to be innnocent...please!!
Great job to the italian judicial system.

lisa ha detto...

ciao claudia, anche io ho seguito la drammatica vicenda di Perugia e condivido in pieno la tua opinione ch'e' anche la mia; il racconto detto dal ragazzo nero che scioccato quando ha visto la ragazza morta e' scappato in Germania mi ha fatto ridere anche se si dovrebbe piangere , sono colpevoli tutte e tre e meritano l'ergastolo.

Claudia ha detto...

Brava, Maggie. There was such overwhelming evidence of Amanda's guilt that I just cannot fathom how people (in the US) want to ignore it. There was even SECURITY camera footage of her going into the house during the arc of time in which the murder occured...a time when she claimed specifically to have been at her boyfriend's apartment having wild sex. The house is located across the street from a large parking garage which has security cameras, and unfortunately for Amanda, the front door of the house is within the camera's range. OOPS! She didn't think of that.

Apparently, some people in the US believe she is innocent because she's a cute, smart, middle-class white girl, and therefore "could not" have done this. Or, they think she couldn't have done it because she's from THEIR city, or their school, or is related to them, etc. Sorry, but I'm much more interested in justice for the victim.

Claudia ha detto...

Brava, Maggie. There was such overwhelming evidence of Amanda's guilt that I just cannot fathom how people (in the US) want to ignore it. There was even SECURITY camera footage of her going into the house during the arc of time in which the murder occured...a time when she claimed specifically to have been at her boyfriend's apartment having wild sex. The house is located across the street from a large parking garage which has security cameras, and unfortunately for Amanda, the front door of the house is within the camera's range. OOPS! She didn't think of that.

Apparently, some people in the US believe she is innocent because she's a cute, smart, middle-class white girl, and therefore "could not" have done this. Or, they think she couldn't have done it because she's from THEIR city, or their school, or is related to them, etc. Sorry, but I'm much more interested in justice for the victim.

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