Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

martedì 3 novembre 2009

YouTube - song sung blue - neil diamond

YouTube - song sung blue - Neil Diamond http://www.napoli.com/ SONG SUNG BLUE... EVERYBODY KNOWS ONE ... Song sung blue. .. Every garden grows one ..,,..............ME AND YOU, ARE SUBJECT TO, THE 'BLUES' NOW & THEN .......... .. FUNNY THING, BUT YOU CAN SING IT WITH A 'CRY' IN YOUR VOICE ...... .......! .. da da DA DA DAAAAAAAAA .. SONG SUNG BLUE .... weepin LIKE A WILLOW ..... SONG SUNG BLUE .. weepin ON MY PILLOW ...
THIS IS NOT MY 'PROPER' MUSING .... TOO LATE FOR DAY TIME ... TOO EARLY FOR NIGHT TIME ... ONES, & too Twilight has passed ...THE BLUE HOUR (my very favourite betwixt day down and night up.........SO ...., .. This is a little 'sojourn' in .'.
..THE blue-rendezvous .!..... ....... oh bloody hell ... a rhyming poem .........! THEY JUST COME FROM NO-WHERE! Don't they just !
CUCKOO CUCKOO-.............. oh, how i love cuckoo clocks .....& the proper birds as well ......... Even though they are so naughty .. laying their eggs in other nests ..... i looked after a few Fledgling Cuckoos in my time over the years Enormous GIANT ONES .......... .... in a tiny sparrows nest, and the mother (Sparrow) Trying to Feed her own young...& the GIANT ALIEN ....!!! .......... it's just amazing ... really .... BUT, THAT SOUND IN A QUIET FOREST ,early in the morning ,when the mist has not cleared yet ... . just out of the BLUE !! CUCKOO -CUCKOOOOOOOOOOOO -..KUKU (in polish)... IT'S ENCHANTING .... to my ears anyway ...... It probably says something else in Italian .........

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