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lunedì 30 novembre 2009

YouTube - The Mamas & Papas - Monday Monday (Hollywood Palace, 1966)

{THE DWELLER OF THE INNERMOST } by George Frederic Watts..oh..C around..1885-6} one of Watts most Overtly SYMBOLIST paintings........i think you will agree......It inspired a Sonnet ...of Mrs Kraps- deep liking -of truth-by Walter Crane.........I truly think.....that i was Born...in the wrong Period of Time.....so,how old were you all in 1966? Some of you here were not even born then.....BETTER STILL,!....Where i wonder, were you all in 1885-6?????? Hmmmmmm ANYONE alive then..????? Anyone ALIVE NOW???? ..MONDAY MONDAY......I WISH YOU ALL A VERY 'INTERESTING' MONDAY........ The beginning of a brand New Week.........number 7.......or number one.....????????????or number 8 !!!! Poor old Mrs Krap is so Crap at numbers.We could all sing a song if you like..........YOU ALL CHOOSE ONE........& we all join in ..holding hands...si.....in a CIRCLE....NOT...*the inner circle*...oh NO..!......{IN A CIRCLE} YouTube - The Mamas & Papas - Monday Monday (Hollywood Palace, 1966) www.Napoli.com

3 commenti:

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Well, Monday will soon be over for you.Did you learn anything new...yes i did as a matter of fact...i spoke to a flock of geese..that entertain me so many times a day....FREE OF CHARGE...flying oh so low ,almost touching my head..in the shape of the letter V....AND they landed by the river, in the marshes tonight ,in the dark,but -with the light of the frosty moon..and I shared loaves of bread with my friends..GRANARY & ALL VARIOUS SEEDS...and they sang to me,and my jessie...and they Gladdened my heart..we said 'thank very much to each other'....a nice exchange..seeded bread for a song,...and off we went ,my faithful jess and I, into the silvery darkness....TO live the ...rest of monday....

Contumelia ha detto...

2009-1885 =124, if any 124 year old bodyis alive please write on the blog, we love longevity

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

aahahhahahaaha......LISTEN Contumelia..IN Georgia..it is QUITE COMMON & NORMAL TO LIVE TILL....130..odd yrs....I think it is because they GORGE on BEE PROPOLIS....si.....the First DEFENCE OF THE BEE HIVE..from the outside world.! isn't THAT just AMAZING ?

BUT.....& a BIG 'BUT'..only people WHO ARE (NOT) ALLERGIC TO BEE'S etc CAN EAT IT..!...!! so DO NOT EAT IT, UNLESS YOU ARE SURE YOU ARE NOT ALLERGIC...to anything that bees produce.....

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