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giovedì 26 novembre 2009

Thanksgiving miracle

On Wednesday, Gemma Vasquez joined members of a trauma team at Lincoln Hospital for a briefing on her 15-year-old daughter’s condition.After her daughter first awoke from medical coma, Vasquez said, "I could look into her eyes, and I could see the pain and the tears, and then she said, 'Mom.' " She also said, "I love you," her mother said.Vada was shot Nov. 16 by a hooded gunman while she walked home from school. A 16-year-old boy and four other young men who police say are members of a gang have been arrested on attempted murder charges.
Authorities said the bullet was intended for someone else, in retaliation for a jailhouse fight at Rikers Island. The injury lefjavascript:void(0)t Vada with subtle speech defects, but she has "the potential to fully recover," said Dr. Narayan Sundaresan, chief of neurosurgery.
"The miracle is [that] she survived," Sundaresan told the New York Daily News.
"I think there is some unknown force that happened in this. I don't think our actions explain everything."
Vada is among more than a half-dozen New Yorkers struck this year by stray bullets. Three of them were teenagers who died.
2009 AOL LLC.

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