Hello Dearest Author ,readers & the Universe, Please DON'T forget to 'FEED THE BIRDS', the little gifts given to us,from above ;NEED our help at this time of year especially.....When YOU are having your breakfast,(if you eat in the morning that is) ....give the little birds something as well.....& they NEED lunch,as you may well do.. & A NICE DINNER before bedtime.......do try....VERY HARD to remember to FEED THE BIRDS...IT WILL COST YOU NO MORE THAN...TUPPENCE A BAG-(Ummmmm ERMMMMMM ;IN American currency I'm guessing .........oh......oooooh......BY JOVE ! IV'E GOT IT !! (A DIME)!
In Euros...oh bloody hell...1/2 A Euro...??? In Canadian ...i haven't got a bloody clue !
In Polskie Zloty oooooooooooooo ermmmm...ummm....
Mrs Krap is still in 'Edwardian times'....so it's...TUPPENCE -TUPPENCE -tuppence a bag-FEED THE BIRDS-............All around the cathedral the saints and apostles look down as she sells her wares....Even though you can't SEE it...you know they are smiling.....though your words are simple and few...(the BIRDS don't care...about language)....listen listen..THEY ARE CALLING TO YOU!......that 'dawn chorus'....that 'beautiful symphony' in your Gardens or your streets...is LOVELY isn't IT??? YOU Know you are still ALIVE when you open your eyes to a NEW DAY...those little familiar sounds in the still dark morning,....THEN....If you love it,THAT AWAKENING TO A NEW DAY.... and want it to continue in your life....THEN FEED THE BIRDS.,...keep an eye on them/their little nests..THROUGHOUT ,AUTUMN AND WINTER,.....AND REAP THE REWARDS......only if you WANT to of course,..........JUST IGNORE THEM IF YOU WANT TO..........IT'S A FREE WORLD...........to be sure it is.....BUT PLEASE DO COVER YOUR EARS..!......I think it's MEAN, to, day in day out GET a free concert........I MEAN ,YOU CAN'T JUST GO AND SEE TINA TURNER.....FREE...can you..........you have to buy tickets....and queue........
THE DAY WILL COME .......Soon enough.....when WE can't hear those little birds anymore.........& we will be confused...we will MISS them......and their warblings......"BIRDS why do you no longer sing for me in the MORNING".....my existance has become so DULL........I don't know whether it is morning -afternoon-or evening time anymore...." The birds REPLY......."Then get a Fucking WATCH/CLOCK) ........"!................
'BLACKBIRDS SINGING IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT'.......oh well ,that's another story isn't it readers.SHALL WE PUT THE KETTLE ON NOW,...............yes.......lets........
2 commenti:
my bird needs feeding ...
oH DEAR ! Anonimo,...do you only have one BIRD in your garden ?
oh it must be very lonely...give it a BIG KISS from Mrs Krap.
DON'T forget to FEED it.
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