ANNA K.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUR DARLING FLUFFY MARSHALLOW.......OUR ROMANTIC POETESSA.,our BUSY BEE MUM !..OUR FOOT FETISHER.,....MY LAPDANCE TEACHER.(who never got round to teach me the 'exotic' moves ,.... WhoLOST HER VIRGINITY AT.....MCDONALDS....(WITH FREE FRIES THROWN IN .,......& CHERRY PIE To MAKE UP FOR THE LOSS..........OUR FRIEND..!!! ........ARE YOU COMING BACK AT LAST ? Are you STILL IN SANTA BARBARA with those sharks lurking ?........
soon I HAVE reason to believe that our lovely 'ARETUSA' with the 3 rd eye...) will come back to us.........si...Mrs krap is working on it.......THEN WE CAN BE ONE HAPPY FAMILY AGAIN.........!!!
WELCOME BACK ANNA K.......!! I do so hope all is well on your side . I hope you have a LOVELY SUNDAY...(DOMENICA).... AS WELL.......AND I HOPE THAT ALL YOUR PETS AT HOME .......are full of the joys of SPRING.....yes , I KNOW IT'S AUTUMN.......but I am back to front.....! I can't get used Anna ,to the clock change yet.
PS.........however ,Mr Petersons Philadelphian FEET ARE STILL MINE........!!!!!!!!!
i mean...Anna K ........you DID abandon him for more sultry climes........and HIS VERRUCAS.....needed sorting out,......and his bunionS and his corns......I DID IT ALL!!!
SO HANDS OFF.!.........HE'S MINE !!! even Mrs Peterson has washed her hands of him....(she should really be washing his ' feet '..not her hands....she is his wife...IT WAS HER DUTY...!!! TO lavish care on these most Neglected of peripherals....BUT,SHE WAS TOO BUSY....IN THE BETTING SHOP.........yes.....GAMBLING ON HORSES.......!!
I always wanted to be a ' CHIROPODIST'..........because I failed in my SPY exam..for mi5 ,......so that was the next best thing,.....feet are so very EROTIC,......why even now,....mine are talking to me...THROBBING,...ACHING, ANGUISHED, HOT, SO many nerve endings.My BIG TOE.........can have an ORGASM....all on it's own........it's JUST amazing..(the left one is better than the right one for some reason......)
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