This a painting called (DESIRE AND FULFILLMENT). by 'Jan Toorop' ... (one of Mrs. Kraps favourite artists) .. .. Dutch (1893); Typically in the style of the 'Art-Nouveau' movement of that period.

I thought that this was a REALLY 'fitting' PAINTING ...TO GREET ALL THE WRITERS HERE... who live in 'AMERICA' ........ .FOR your Tomorrows SPECIAL DAY....Si ...,
"I would like to wish our DEAREST * AUTHOR* without Whom 'We' Would Have No journal ,Whom I ,Mrs Krap have the HIGHEST REGARD for.)..... & ALL the writers here ..." A SPLENDIDLY-SUPER-SOCK-IT-TO-EM-VERY - VERY-HAPPY THANKSGIVING ... MRS Krap HOPES that all your Desires are Fulfilled ... & that ALL OF YOU ...HAVE A LOVELY DAY ,FILLED WITH JOY & COMFORT & WARMTH & LOTS OF FUN...& LAUGHTER.....
ps .... Please try to remember the 'lonely' person up the street / road / from you, who may not have anyone to even say 'hello' to .... try & share what you have, Whether it's One Potato , or half an onion .or A Banquet.... or a spare kiss & hug,,.... with someone who may really, really, need a little care & comfort and attention & love at this special time.
I send you ......... ALL A GIANT BIG KISS! (X)
and I Have just opened a bottle of Champers ... yes.! I GOT IT HALF PRICE AT THE VILLAGE SHOP .....( there was an offer on !!)...(so I GOT TWO !!.........Yes.........for the Price of one....I LOVE BUBBLES........shooting up my nose...!!)....Mrs Krap likes a BARGAIN !,,,,CHEERS...! NA ZDROWIE..! SALUTE..! PROST...."GOOD *HEALTH* TO YOU ALL...!".(well, us Europeans Can NOT be left out !!!!!.... if you Can'T beat em ....... JOIN EM ......!.... that's what krakpot says. ........ I know it's not till tomorrow ...... BUT, ....... i started the celebrations EARLY for you, ........ as i know you will all be shopping and getting the hair done and nails painted and THE NEW CARPETS DOWN........ETC...etc...ALL The Crap !! Worrying about ... A MILLION THINGS ......!!!! (WELL, THE WOMEN will, .... NOT THE MEN !!!),,,,,,,,
TONIGHT, I AM A 'MAN'......... I CAN JUST LIE BACK AND ENJOY MYSELF ... ......!........oh god.........what a RELIEF ! To have a Penis for once....................!
9 commenti:
Good for u....one can never have enough champers around! Thanx for the greetings Mrs k:-))
A HAPPY TURKEY day a tutti.. enjoy...
HAPPY THANKSGIVING a tutti Io dico sempre HAPPY TURKEY DAY! lolol
You are MOST welcome Maggs....HAVE A GREAT DAY ! AND OPEN THAT BLOODY BOTTLE SITTING 'FORLORNLY' IN THE FRIDGE .......WILL YOU.......Si ...Jolly good ooooooooooo.x
Dear Carla,
PS......Have a nice day....Bon appetit.WHY DON'T YOU WRITE HERE ABOUT YOUR DAY.? ?
Salute MRS.Krak Krak *(0)*
GRAZIE DONNA (frau)...ahhahahahhahahaaa
'SALUTE' AND 'PROST' !.....FROM MRS KRAK KRAK KRAK KRAK.....(00) si...occhiolino...WINK WINK.....
Mrs Krap you do not have turkeys in England? Find a reason to celebrate with turkeys,call it thanksChurchillday
Dear 'The Best'
I shall have a word with HRH-THE QUEEN........she likes Turkeys..
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