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mercoledì 11 novembre 2009

Word of the Day
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
forfend\for-FEND\ , transitive verb; also forefend 1.a. (Archaic) To prohibit; to forbid. b. To ward off; to prevent; to avert.2.To defend; to protect; to preserve. Read the full entry|See synonyms|Comment on today's word Quotes: The Tory leader sort of wanted to say that the government should deploy the army more rapidly, but -- heaven forfend -- he didn't want to imply that it was anybody's fault that the soldiers hadn't been deployed! -- Simon Hoggart, "A greasy whiff dispels the stench of worthiness", Guardian, March 22, 2001 If one of us is missing, heaven forfend, then the king's forces are diminished. -- Leon Wieseltier, Kaddish The river of discovery will continue to flow without cessation, deepening our understanding of the world and enhancing our capacity to forfend calamity and live congenial lives. -- John Maddox, What Remains To Be Discovered

1 commento:

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

I Love your word today author..'forfend'

It's a 'good' word.

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