Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

domenica 15 novembre 2009


I MIGHT have known YOU would be off Dancing somewhere ! You SICILIAN SEDUCTRESS ! STOP GYRATING THOSE HIPS IN THAT WHOLLY SUGGESTIVE MANNER ! that IS NOT WHAT PROPER PRINCESSES DO, .!...Did they NOT teach you anything at that finishing school ? HOW TO BE A 'PROPER ' LADY ...like ME the Countess Krap....I see I'll have to give you some lessons in how to behave with 'DECORUM' and finesse at all times...WHERE ARE YOUR WHITE GLOVES GIRL ? A lady always wears white gloves on a Sunday.....tut tut..tut.;.well, at least you have NOT left your handbag on the dancefloor.THAT IS SO COMMON !Thank heaves for small mercies..! One must always pass ones handbag to ones Lady-in-waiting....i'm SO glad you rembered that.

2 commenti:

deleted ha detto...

i dont carry a purse dear...not since u taught me the ol' urine dabbing trick. They just fall over each other trying to do things for me

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...


You SEE how clever Mrs Krap is.....

'eau de toilet'......NEVER FAILS...to impress !

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