Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

martedì 3 novembre 2009


Dear Maggie,
I am writing this letter as I have been so worried about you suddenly vanishing from the journal.I am worried now that perhaps I have said something 'out of turn' that may have somehow offended you....I don't think i have.I would never consciously do that,but now i find myself racking my brains trying to think back on past writings.
Could you please put me out of my misery.I'm feeling very sad & confused.If you ARE indeed reading this, then ,please let me know that you are ok,and if you have indeed left the journal????.I hope it's alright me writing this letter.I don't know what else to do really.I suppose your computer could be broken...I miss you very much.I miss our laughter.I miss seeing you here on the journal.I was so happy when you came back and hit me on the head with that giant apple.
I'm watching your cat video on and off tonight..to try and make myself laugh...but find myself just NOT able too.Infact I am NOT ashmamed to tell you that,I have had a bloody jolly good cry or 5 ! & my mascara is stinging my eyes and I LOOK LIKE A PANDA...I have had a horrible day and it just got worse and worse !
In my life it NEVER rains BUT it POURS..Anyhow, you look after yourself and angel.I hope life is treating you well.I keep you in my thoughts & am now trying 'telepathy' as i have ran out of tea-leaves.I NEED you to help me get 6 numbers for the lottery.I'm so crap at numbers.Infact i'm pretty much crap at everything at the moment .
Yours sincerely Mrs kRAP .........
Ps :if you don't want to be a penguin...you don't have to be...do you like Giraffes?

3 commenti:

deleted ha detto...

Hi Mrs K....im sorry that you feel so bad, and i miss you as well. You absolutely did NOT do anything to offend me, so please never think that!! I looked forward to your fun, creative, and educational posts. Along with your kind and selfless gestures, you were/are what makes this journal come to life. There were a few incidents which left me a bit confused, scratching my head. Needed some clearing up, but was overlooked. Maybe it was just as well.
Always in my thoughts...and stay strong...( never EVER change!)

deleted ha detto...

Mrs K feel free to write to me at my email if you wish: pensierieparole7@aol.com

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...


Dearest Maggie,
Grazie so much for getting in touch & for your extremely kind comments which i would like to reverse >>>meaning that you are actually describing yourself..I am so HAPPY & RELIEVED to hear from you.Listen,I DON'T know what has happened to make you need to scratch your head.!I know it all started with that anonymous comment re;journal..)..BUT..i am SURE ..somehow all will and CAN be cleared up HONESTLY.
I admit I was tempted to emailing you( i saw your email address on your profile -BUT-I did not wish to intrude.
I will be delighted to write to you..thanks)
BUT ...please COME BACK ON THE JOURNAL...! Dr freud will be available soon for all kinds of therapy ....ALSO I HAVE NO TRANSLATOR FOR PIRI-COCOA- COLAS & ALL THINGS ITALIAN IN THE BEDROOM!!


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