Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

venerdì 13 novembre 2009


Dear Ciripiripin,(Carla)
Hello, I just wanted to say that I read your extremely kind & lovely comment, under (my Dad's article) that you so kindly left for me(somehow) I overlooked it,I'm sorry about that. Anyhow ,I really appreciated it and it was so very thoughtful of you,GRAZIE.
I'm glad you had a wonderful & safe childhood, it's something to treasure.I too am grateful for mine.You see it was the 2nd world war ciri...and life was a different story then for many children (like my mum and dad).and as you wrote ...EVEN now...so many children are suffering all over the world..innocents..that should be protected and loved......
ON a much lighter note-I am flattered that you enjoy my letters and stories and ACTUALLY READ Mrs KRAKPOTS-KRAP.I know you have commented a few times in the past...HOW MUCH I MAKE YOU LAUGH sometimes....!! AHAHAHAHAHAAahaa
That makes me SO HAPPY that somehow..I can reach someone 'out there'.. & make them catch my humour..& perhaps even sometimes brighten a dull day up...(IT'S like a miracle .....It's wonderful...!
I hope you are well.You told me... oh..it must be last year now...that you have 2 German Shepherd Doggies) and they are Very Naughty ,as they chase squirrels....I hope THEY ARE BEHAVING THEMSELVES...!!! Tell them that Mrs Krap is ....keeping a FIRM eye on them ...WOOOOOF wooof woooof!!.WooooooooooF .YES.,....they said they would TRY , TO BE GOOD DOGGIES ...!!!
take care and kindest regards
from Mrs Krakpotowska. x

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

It is in the very nature of a dog to chase something or someone, let them chase squirrels,better than chasing women, lotteries, criminals, or blog members

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

I see.......well anonimo,of COURSE I know 'dogs' chase anything that moves....BUT...i have taught my Dog to chase things that DON'T move.

ps....I DIDN'T KNOW DOGS CHASED ''LOTTERIE'.. i don't understand ...I don't think you are CIRIPIRIPIN..are you.

well whatever...thank you for your comment......IT'S OBVIOUS YOU ARE NOT A SQUIRREL..

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