Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

martedì 10 novembre 2009

DC Sniper John Allen Muhammad Set to Be Executed

This monster took innocent lives, put an entire country in fear, and it took 7 years before he got what he was due.....while our tax dollars paid for his jail stay and processing. Why does it take so long to put someone to death once he has been charged with such a crime? DC Sniper John Allen Muhammad Set to Be Executed www.Napoli.com

7 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

maggie I am against death penalty no matter what the gravity of the crime is. Of course you are right about the financial burden on society. The solution: put these ominous cvriminals in an island zoo like and abandon there while blocking any attempt to escape.
This would not create financial problems. Let's say that to be ' a person, a human being" does not depend exclusively on DNA but also your repect for other human beings.

deleted ha detto...

With due respect to your beliefs....
On an island...there are trees. Trees can be cut down, and carved into boats etc etc...

So they would be left to DIE ??? Arent we essentially, indirectly putting them to death? The degenerate had no compassion for innocent victims. I dont have any for him either.

Anonimo ha detto...

Maggie, if the State provides a patrolling of the island nobody can escape, plus there are islands with no trees; the moral behind my suggestion is that killing is wrong always, and placing an individual on that island is a way of rejecting that individual from the civilized society. If he/she dies there,killed by others like him it or by starvation or any illness is not our concern. They have chosen to live a primordial style of life and we accommodate them!It is not a punishment but a banning. You may see hypocrisy in this suggestion but I do not; once you know in advance what can happen to you if you violate a our civilized code you have made a choice. Not to count that many people are not afraid of giving and receiving death, while they may be more afraid of such an isolation. It may work as a deterrent and the cost of it does not arise by the number of people that may be there.

SenzaTette ha detto...

Maggie there are problems with the Law but I believe you are fundamentally right

deleted ha detto...

then of course we have the protesters, and civil rights activists to deal with, which makes it all more difficult. Who fights for the victims' rights? Or their families who have to live with the horrible memories for the rest of their lives? All the while, this animal, gets his three meals a day, TV, an hour of outside time, college, ughhhh!!!!

Controinfo ha detto...

Maggie I saw on TV Muslims who were chanting in the streets this guy is a hero!!!!!In Europe they couldn't do it at least in 2 countries as far as I know,England and Italy. in Italy it is a crime, in technical terms is called 'apologia di reato'

deleted ha detto...

its amazing what brainwashing can do. Our freedom of speech doesnt allow for exceptions such as those you mentioned. At this day and age, with the war on terrorism, you would think that we could and would amend the laws. SO if i go in public in a drunken stupor, i will be arrested. But i can openly preach and condone terrorist activity against our citizens in OUR own country. And i suppose we dont want to touch it, for fear of being politically incorrect!!!!

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