Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

venerdì 13 novembre 2009

A comment on senza tette black friday issue

I am Neapolitan but I am also a very rational person, so they say... this combination of conflicting sides have made me skeptical about things like black friday but prudent... To give you an example, many years ago I was driving at about midnight on the via Cassia in Rome when a black cat crossed my road, I instinctevely pulled on the right side of the road and waited for other people to pass by, but none of the cars following mine were willing to risk, they all stopped... so we all had to wait for a couple of minutes for some driver, unaware of the danger! What happend to that driver we will never know..he must have wondered - in the next few seconds- why so many cars were parked on the right end side of the road, engin on... were they the last few seconds of his life? Ask the cat!

5 commenti:

deleted ha detto...

im having a hard time visualizing you pulled over on a busy street because of a black cat....lol maybe u didnt believe it 100%, but werent about to take any chances!

PS im staying in today...not superstitious, but u never know!

Anonimo ha detto...

aahaha Maggie you got his point perfectly. He is rational but prudent, lol keep save at home

Contumelia ha detto...

Bruno your great sense of humor makes you unique

Fiorella ha detto...

Due cose ricordo dei tuoi racconti che mi fanno ancora oggi scompisciare dal ridere: il gatto sulla Cassia e il terremoto di Caserta

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...


Listen, THAT driver who whizzed past YOU ALL was probably English...and THOUGHT YOU WERE ALL MAD ! He drove further up the road and then stopped and picked his LUCKY GATTO NERO UP...and thanked for giving him a nice clean run..through the mad Roman roads....and they BOTH got home before you lot !
meow...! DID YOU NOT SEE THE FLASHING GREEN LIGHTS INSIDE THAT CAR? Those was the cat's eyes laughing at you all.

ch chhhh chhh chhhhh

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