Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

martedì 3 novembre 2009

ALL Crucifixes to be removed from Italian schools.by the law issued via the EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS.

http://www.napoli.com/ I read this, what I thought VERY strange news, a few hours ago & thought you CONTUMELIA may be particularly interested in this (due to you once being a teacher in Italy etc)(you could well of course have seen it yourself by now. The European Court of Human Rights that sits in Strasbourg ;has ruled in favour of SOLIE LAUTSI...;a Finnish immigrant who lives nr Padua & who is an Italian citizen;that all crucifixes must be removed from classrooms,as they violate the 'religious rights of children and parents' Apparently she has already taken her case before the Italian Courts ..but lost. The Italian Government is also ordered to pay her 5000 euros for Moral Damages. As yet as far as I know there has been NO official statement from the Vatican on this ruling....only that they are waiting to issue a proper one soon..( I suppose). when they have had a chance to digest it all.. The conservatives have objected to the courts decision & education minister Mariastella Gelmini has said that The crucifix in the classroom, is more 'an Italian tradition rather than a Christian one(which i found THAT STATEMENT very strange as well?????) Under current Italian law the local government decides where to put Crosses in public places. I'm VERY interested to hear what the POPE says about all this... I thought it was a 'joke' at first...honestly i did...then i realised it was not april 1st...and it is true.
The world as we once knew it......is CHANGING FAST....soon it will be politically incorrect to SNEEZE.......! I wonder if I could get 5000 euros for something in Finland...via the court in STRASBOURG........i suppose i could get my feelings hurt..somehow ...Father christmas 's beard is NOT long enough...or...OH ....yes...THEY HAVE EATEN RUDOLPH !!! I FIND THAT VERY OFFENSIVE...AND MORALLY WRONG !!!
I am going to write a letter about this case to the European Courts of Human Rights....I'll start it tomorrow. I feel I really need to vent my feelings. on this matter.I want the world to JUST STOP STILL FOR A MINUTE........till I GET MY HEAD AROUND IT ALL........I'M NOT VERY GOOD WITH CHANGE...IT'S HARD ENOUGH GETTING USED TO THIS HOUR..that has been stolen..away...with the clock changing....it goes dark now at 4;30 pm....
I went to strasbourg once....on my way to Milan....for 20 mins...,...I was on a train....and it stopped there.....and some very strange people got on....i got off ....for a few minutes and AHAAHHAHAHHAHAahahahaa i nearly missed it..!!.i got talking to this weird man who thought I was someone HE KNEW....AHAAHAHAHahahaa??? he was going on in French ...i just kept nodding,..I didn't want to appear rude..etc...ahahaaahaha i 'll never forget that day...the train with all my stuff on it....started GOING !!!! I WAS RUNNING....like mad after it!! the doors were locked !!AND I SAW ....THIS FACE..IN RAGE!!!AT THE OPEN WINDOW,,, .GOING MAD AT ME! WAVING HIS ARMS AROUND !! THROW MY PASSPORT OUT !!! I SHOUTED AND MY HANDBAG !!! ANYWAY i did manage to grab the door & SAFELY GET ON IT...! thanks to a nice official..& THE SAME THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY BACK ....in Milan train station... i had 30 mins wait for the train to set off to Brussels....I put all my stuff on the train,with my partner who was with me , then decided to go to the SHOP !!!(FATAL for me)!!! anyhow this poor Elderly lady fainted.JUST out of the blue....Honestly right infront of me.!..just collapsed .!..so ..i had all kinds of things to do to help..i couldn't just ignore her lying there,.(and i have to say without being rude...the italians surrounding the poor lady..were NO help at all...they were screaming and waving their arms around..it WAS CHAOS!! ...she was having an epileptic fit...she was ok after..)and before i knew IT the 30 mins were up and it was a long run to the train..!!IT WAS JUST SETTING OFF..!.....with my passports /tickets /cases..everything.!! AND A VERY VERY PANIC STRICKEN FUMING RED-FACED VIKING !!...and yes it stopped in strasbourg again...THIS TIME I STAYED ON!!! however what was really weird was when i got to brussels 13 hours later....i was in a hotel -going to put some lipstick on...NO MAKE-UP BAG.... i had somehow left it on that train...I NEVER GOT IT BACK....it was full of goodies....so i had no makeup for 2 days...it was awful walking round BRUGES...with no lippy on.....till i got back to Scotland....and then i had to start a whole collection up again...i only like certain things..
oh well.....bedtime...night night everyone take care ,tomorrow ....THERE WILL BE SOMETHING ELSE......TO MOAN ABOUT...!......A New change....to cope with...I'M STARTING TO FEEL REALLY OLD.......IT'S JUST SETTING IN NOW....From now on I am going to be a grumpy old woman....everything gets on my nerves !Even red lipstick doesn't cheer me up anymore.That train journey was a journey of a life-time....i shall write more about it one day...as i nearly got arrested...on the train by ahahahahahaha ITALIAN CUSTOMS POLICE...ON THE ITALIAN/SWISS BORDER....they thought i was a drug smuggler.....honestly ........this IS TRUE !!!! & in the middle of it all.........4 illegal immigrants (men)were escorted off the train.....& then it was MY turn ........all due to some doggie chews in my case that i was taking as a present for Rudy( my friend Gianni's doggie in Como.).....poor Gianni died last year....how HE LAUGHED When i regaled that story to him...I loved Gianni....how Rudy must miss him.I still can't believe he is gone...his Mum is 100 ,I ADORED her...at least he made it to her big party....that was a blessing.

2 commenti:

Fiorella ha detto...

Just decision, no religeous icons in schools

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Cara Fiorella,
Io RESPETTO la tua opinione,ma io non sono d'accordo con la decisione;NON riesco a scrivere in Italiano corretto a spiegare perche' ...ummmm...oh bloody hell!!! ummmm perche' MI sento in questo modo...ohhhhhhh !!! AHAHAHAAHAAahhaha ummmm....ohhhhhhhhoooooooooo la la....E' TROPPO COMPLICATO E IL RILASCIO....si....grazie fiorella...per il tuo commento..

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