Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

mercoledì 23 settembre 2009


Vorrei ringraziare la persona responsabile per avere scelto il nuovo sfondo . Il colore e' rilassante..unico ed importante .Chiunque sia l'autore di questa felicissima scelta merita un applauso. Di nuovo...Grazie emilio

6 commenti:

The Best ha detto...

Emilio l'unico che puo' cambiare il setting e' lautore del blog, se leggi lo ha fatto su esplicita richiesta della signora inglese

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

oH...ARCHANGEL number 1 and 3/4's...i KNEW i was psychic..listen...the whale wanted me to ask you as an ARTIST what you thought of the NEW COLOUR...honestly....BUT...you flew down here before..we could ask...I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT....IT IS.. WARM AND COMFORTABLE..SORT OF SNUG & inviting ..IS'NT IT.The author picked it OUT OF A FEW BROWN hues..and ..he came up with this one...I THINK IT LOOKS lovely with turquoise...

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

oH...ARCHANGEL number 1 and 3/4's...i KNEW i was psychic..listen...the whale wanted me to ask you as an ARTIST what you thought of the NEW COLOUR...honestly....BUT...you flew down here before..we could ask...I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT....IT IS.. WARM AND COMFORTABLE..SORT OF SNUG & inviting ..IS'NT IT.The author picked it OUT OF A FEW BROWN hues..and ..he came up with this one...I THINK IT LOOKS lovely with turquoise...

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...


Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

I DO SO HOPE you like the new colour 'THE BEST'....if NOT then we'll ASK our author to change it soon to PALE APRICOT....I LOVE THAT COLOUR...though...maggie likes periwinkle...blue...IT'S LIKE CHOOSING NEW CURTAINS..ISN'T IT.....I have always wanted to be an interior designer....i don't know how I ended up being a foreign correspondent....called Mrs Krap.....

deleted ha detto...

I like this color a lot....but the pics u put up would look great in any color.
I was joking about the periwinkle lol

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