Dear Matt j, this is for you...I thought YOU MIGHT FIND IT INTERESTING FOR YOUR MUSIC THERAPY AND FIELD WORK...studes etc...) right ....DAME VERA LYNN...IS NOW 92 YRS old...SHE IS A NATIONAL TREASURE.(..WE ALL LOVE HER..(NOT JUST THE REMAINING ELDERLY EX-SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN,,,the whole OF BRITAIN ADORES HER....SHE IS JUST FANTASTIC..)..BUT, WHAT MAKES ALL THIS SO AMAZING (RE: MUSIC and what people listen to these days on the radio...(YOUR QUESTION TO US HERE)....IS THAT SHE IS NUMBER 2 IN THE HIT PARADE....(TOP 40)....AT the present time.....SHE TOPPED THE BEATLES.....AHAHHAHAHHAHHAAAAAHAHAHA,....SO HERE, WE HAVE TO LOOK AT NOSTALGIA....THE PRESENT WARS ...WHERE BRITISH SOLDIERS ARE COMING HOME IN COFFINS EVERY DAY, ALMOST NOW...from Afghanistan /Iraq..etc...(of course all the other nationalities as well....but, for this POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE....lets just stick to British, as I don't know what is happening in the 'music scene' in OTHER countries and this POST for you....is all ABOUT POPULAR MUSIC LISTENED TO AT THE PRESENT TIME)..Now because you are so YOUNG...you will PROBABLY NOT understand much about all this...(NOSTALGIA..FROM THE PAST ..i mean...).BUT I THINK (And i hope you agree) IT IS VALUABLE....to at least STUDY...for your WIDE RANGE OF MUSIC...at uni......VERA LYNN.....IS 'MUSIC THERAPY'....FOR MILLIONS OF BRITISH EARS...(and allied forces - from world war 2) ...NO...MATTER WHAT AGE...THEY HAPPEN TO BE .!! 70 YRS ON..she is still the Nations Sweetheart.!...I LOVE HER & Her SONGS......because my Parents sung her songs here in England as Polish post-war refugees...I have memories from the past.I was born in 1958..
(We'll meet again...don't know where ,don't know when,...but,i know we'll meet again some SUNNY DAY....keep smiling through just like you always doooooooooooo la la la la....THAT'S A LITTLE OF THE SONG.)>..SUNG .as soldiers went off to war.....IT ALWAYS ALWAYS ......MAKES ME CRY....i'm singing it now....AND LOOKING FOR MY HANKIE!!! .IT'S ALL ABOUT -OPTIMISM-AND HOPE-....AND COMFORT AND ........HOME...& FAMILIARITY....OH AND SO MUCH MORE....In times of darkness,people look for a light,they also..stick together, IT brings out STRONG EMOTIONS..,IN MUSIC-ART-PHILOSOPHY(sorry AUTHOR ..IF I'M WRONG HERE) Ummmmm...LITERATURE...ETC...,....I HOPE MATT that you find it a little helpful and interesting....looking at a different part of the 'music world'...away from the NORM....i mean ,IT'S NOT EVERYDAY.....A 92 YR OLD....IS FIRMLY..TOP THE POPS!!!!
2 commenti:
What a great gift music is...it allows us to feel our spirit...and the spirit of others.
Nostalgia is so much more comforting, with just the right song to accompany you.
It wakes up things inside us, we didnt know existed. Matt, what an intersting field of study!
Maggie,what a lovely comment you have left for young matt j....you really ARE such a thoughtful woman....YES...MUSIC IS A WAY TO OPEN SO MANY CLOSED DOORS....
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