Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

lunedì 28 settembre 2009


TWO Miss marple'S and Inspector clouseau.........ARE THEY ONE AND THE SAME PERSON?
http://www.napoli.com/ Dear Author & Readers & the universe. I occasionally still have FITS OF LAUGHTER (even though I PROMISED myself that today I WOULD NOT LAUGH ..AT ALL...due to the HILARITY of the weekend on our journal; (where I hardly STOPPED laughing.)....at the VERY thought of anyone thinking that I ,(MRS KRAP) and our AUTHOR....are still *ONE AND THE SAME PERSON.*. Even now this very second I am crossing my legs(honestly) as it beggars belief that anyone in their RIGHT mind..could possibly think that THE AUTHOR ..IS/WAS/ ......PRETENDING TO BE ME.....O O ..HERE we GO ..ribs starting to hurt...as i'm typing and can't hold them..and i am spluttering ..trying to hold my breath and laughter in...OH!! NO....HERE IT COMES........AHHAHAHAAHHAAHAHHAAHHAHHA AHAAAAHAHAAHHAHAAAA....AHAAHAAHAAHAHAahahahha oh dearie meeee ahahaaahaahaaahhahhahahahhhahhaaahahha HOW COULD ANYONE BE SO STUPID..!!.AND SO BLOODY ...BLIND...HOW? I mean, just look at the way i am writing now.....CAN ANYONE IMAGINE 'THE AUTHOR'..writing this ,like me...AHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHHA about FAIRIES at the bottom of the garden and Worms and things...AHAAAHHAAAHAHA. I mean,..Mrs Migliarino ..the 'Tuscan Tart'....her sidekick....il NONNO...ahahahhahahahahaaaaaahah THE Pizza POET...Ummmmmm Were DETERMINED TO BELIEVE THAT ''the author 'was mrs krakpot WITH A BEARD!!! YES...!! AAHAHAHHAHA and also that he was THE BARONESS BIG BUM....WITH a BEARD........ AHHAAAHAAHHAHAHHAHAAHHAAAAHHAAHAA AHAHAHHAAHAAHHAAA ....OH GOD....IT HURTS...AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAHAAA WHY, I WONDER.,...WOULD THEY THINK THAT..???..AND THEY WERE NOT THE ONLY ONES....FROM , ...'DARK PLACES 'ITALY'...TO HAVE THOUGHT SO....THE ENDLESS ENDLESS...letters stating as much between them all...WAS ..WELL..100000000000000000000% MAD ! ahahahahaaa......and they thought they were so CLEVER...!!! IN THINKING THEY HAD WORKED IT ALL OUT......THIS PLOT...AHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA... OF 'THE AUTHOR'S IN BEING .....both HIMSELF AND 2 MADE UP WOMEN....me being one of them.........AHAHAHAHHAAAAHAHHAHAHA OH DEAR,,,,WHAT PISS ARTISTS THEY ARE.....this is the kind of INTELLIGENTSIA OF THE CHAT...AHAHAHAAHAHAAHAA I had TO GO FOR A wee wee ,,,, i couldn't hold it any longer...Ummm ,I'M TRYING TO IMAGINE THEM WITH MAGNIFYING GLASSES WATCHING EVERY MOVE ON THE OTHER 2 OLD JOURNALS..;....WAITING FOR THE AUTHOR TO 'SLIP UP'.......!! ahahaahahaaAhhahaaAHAAA IN ONE OF THE LETTERS THAT I GOT.,from COUNT VON HESS....AHAHAAHAA ( IL NONNO) ..IT SAid that my english WAS so BAD.....AAHHAHHAHHAHAHAAA..IT COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE WRITTEN BY A BRIT ! AHHAHAHAHAHHAHA.....WELL I NEVER ONCE STATED I WAS A PROFESSOR OF THE ENGLISH LIT or ENGLISH language.......ahaahahahahahaaa.....I still have THAT LETTER....somewhere....NOT UNDER MY PILLOW...to be sure..aahahahahhahaha i used to get a lot of love letters from 'dark places italy'..i EVEN HAD A type of veiled death threat once.....i even got porno pics on my mobile phone & porn video...I DIDN'T OPEN THEM...!!
OH weLL,...i'm just OFF NOW, TO TRIM MY BEARD......I HAVE HAD IT FOR 40 YRS NOW......I WILL NEVER SHAVE IT OFF......I WOULD FEEL SO NAKED WITHOUT IT, just a little wee trim here and there,
....& then i will WRITE a 50 PAGE ESSAY ON ............THE PHILOSOPHY OF OF...OF OF....OH...ummm.......Ummmmmmmmmmmm oh!! i know !!!! THAT WORM I SAW IN THE GARDEN THIS MORNING GIVING that BUTTERFLY A RIDE ON IT'S BACK.....I kissed it...honestly it was so gorgeous one of THOSE REALLY FAT PLUMP WRIGGLY ONES.....I ADORE MY LITTLE COMPOST MAKERS.......DARWIN LOVED THEM ,,,he got his wife and children to play the piano for worms ..to see how they responded to music....ISN'T THAT AMAZING ,BUT WHAT IS EVEN MORE AMAZING IS.;....MRS DARWIN ....had piano lessons by CHOPIN !on the SAME piano..where MR DARWIN ....put the worms...for their music lesson..... IMAGINE HOW LUCKY THOSE WORMS WERE,,,i can just see them now...dancing the polonaise....,,,Aye, it's a strange bloody life...to be sure it is....
That worm that i kissed this morning....it responded to me...he is called ALBERT.....i tickled his tummy and he grew fatter and curled up....he loved it..........i worry that the hedgehogs will get him...i have put him in a safer place for now....

6 commenti:

deleted ha detto...

yes, the similarities are astonishing.OK just one laugh ahahahhahahahaha

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Maggs,hi there....CAN U IMAGINE...me being the author and other way around...ahhahahaahahahaa

i mean...it JUST CRACKS ME UP EVERYTIME....AND THEY WENT on AND ON...CALLING HIM A LIAR...AND THINGS. ahaahaaaahahaahaha....they are such prats!! ahhaahaa

Contumelia ha detto...

Mrs Krap I know about this past allegations written in emails by the pizza connection members and they now don't say anything anymore, they must have learned their lesson I have come to know the italian chat for a few days and I can assure you is like hell

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Hello Contumelia,

Yes,I haven't had any bad emails from those lot for quite a while now.ALTHOUGH,..i did get 2 invites for a date!!! ahahahahhahaa...from Mediterranean somebody or other... I just ignored it..I THINK they must have learnt their lesson in that ,...in the end they HAD to concede defeat...ahahahahhaa I MEAN contumelia..EVEN THOSE BRAINLESS nutters...had to admit that MRS krakpot IS NOT THE AUTHOR...ahaaahahahha or the baroness AFTER ALL....!

ps....BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU GO IN the CHAT. Don't let them hurt you.

Anonimo ha detto...

among the idiots I remember Mediterraneo an other free thinker, i.e, they invent italian they don't know it!

Controinfo ha detto...

lol I remember those days when they would use a Sicilian idiot, mediteraneo, to send you porno sites and insults, the pizzaiolo sent you threats of death and i reported him to the police lol, Migghiarino, who used to insult people for their age, she was older than everybody else and in those days the top of 'le figure di merda' of her life: each of her nasty claims about us have been proved false and she had to disappear from italian chat, now she goes there,I am toldo, but masked!

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