Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

mercoledì 23 settembre 2009


http://www.napoli.com/ Hello Walter...how are you love ?...My ! THAT'S A FINE TAIL you have there. I must say..you are a SPLENDID SPECIMEN OF MALE ..Oooops..I MEAN WHALEHOOD....now...What do YOU think Walter of the new colour of our little house in the country...by the sea...?WHAT! you only speak ZEE GERMAN! i'll translate..for you ..don't worry. Walter speaking) ;"JA ,EST IST SCHO'N !!! ICH GLAUBER DIE FARBE,KONTRASTE Sehr GUT MIT MEINEM SCHWANZ!....(yes readers ,i'm very pleased to report that Walter loves the new colour...he said 'it contrasts' nicely with his TAIL.... WAS? I mean WHAT?.....YOU WANT ME TO ASK JESSIE THE DOGGIE IF SHE LIKES THE NEW COLOUR...,,,OK..I WILL......UND....i mean and..You want me to tell the author...YOU WOULD LIKE A COUPLE OF ANTIQUE BAROQUE..CHANDELIERS....HUNG UP AROUND THE PLACE. OK....i will ask him....

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