Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.
YouTube - Antony and the Johnsons - Hope There's Someonehttp://www.napoli.com/Hello dear friends ,I HAVE PUT THIS....one of my favourite songs by Antony on THE journal before.only a few weeks ago infact......BUT ONLY HIM SITTING AT HIS PIANO SINGING IT.*********************************************************************************************THIS IS A VIDEO I WOULD ...URGE EVERY WRITER AND READER HERE..TO PLEASE WATCH.....WHEN THEY HAVE TIME......please MAKE time for this one ,IF YOU CAN.I say this, as we have touched today on the subject of people being AFRAID to GET 'INVOLVED'...etc....NOW .I AM SURE THAT YOU ALL, LIKE ME ,..WILL BE ..VERY, VERY...SHOCKED AND PERPLEXED.....PERTURBED..,,.many emotions I FEEL WILL RUN THROUGH YOU ,AS THEY DID ME...,.AS to what you actually SEE ON THIS VIDEO HERE.......THE words of the song just make it all the more poignant.........i couldn't ACTUALLY BELIEVE MY OWN EYES........and i cried.....i ALSO FELT AFRAID....FOR HUMANITY...AND THE STATE OF THE WORLD....EVEN MY JESSIE....(AS A DOG)....would have gone over to see what was wrong...and give THAT ...IGNORED... person....... a COMFORTING COMPASSIONATE lick.....
I don't know what you mean author...'GET the radio out of the window???? to make more space...WHAT RADIO??? ahahahhahhhaahahaha...i didn't know there was a radio here....I could have listened to the shipping forecast.
Hi maggs, Thanks for watching it.It's just UNBELIEVABLE isn't it..only 2 people ,turned round to have a look at him.I put it on to make a point ..you know of what we were saying earlier on.When i watch the clip,i feel myself getting angrier and angrier and i want to TRIP UP ALL THE PEOPLE SCURRYING PAST.IT WAS LIKE HE WAS COMEPLETELY INVISIBLE.!!!.IT COULD BE US ..ONE DAY.IT'S LIKE A HORROR FILM. I wonder what happened to him in the end......
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4 commenti:
if u keep putting more music I will get radio out of the window and MAKE SPACE, THANKS
Mrs K very tough to watch. It's as if he werent human. He's somebody's son, brother, father ...
yet we treat him worse than an animal.
I don't know what you mean author...'GET the radio out of the window???? to make more space...WHAT RADIO??? ahahahhahhhaahahaha...i didn't know there was a radio here....I could have listened to the shipping forecast.
Hi maggs,
Thanks for watching it.It's just UNBELIEVABLE isn't it..only 2 people ,turned round to have a look at him.I put it on to make a point ..you know of what we were saying earlier on.When i watch the clip,i feel myself getting angrier and angrier and i want to TRIP UP ALL THE PEOPLE SCURRYING PAST.IT WAS LIKE HE WAS COMEPLETELY INVISIBLE.!!!.IT COULD BE US ..ONE DAY.IT'S LIKE A HORROR FILM.
I wonder what happened to him in the end......
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