Hello dearest Readers, This is another version of Mrs Kraps..(one of.)..I will have proper hymns as well)..FUNERAL SONG......
THIS one is in colour....wheras the other one.,(which i posted in this, and the other journals )...(WAS) IN BLACK AND WHITE.........I LOVE THEM BOTH..!..same song.,..same sentiments...,...just a few years apart.;...so a bit of a different sound.
FANTASTIC VIDEOS.!....(as always with the supreme MASTER.....Cohen.....)
I hope you enjoy it..if you get around to watch and listen to the song....i KNOW my Polish ,estonian,lithuanian,and Russian readers very much ADORE .........LEONARD COHEN....hope you get well soon Leonard ....
6 commenti:
I wasnt going to say it....but i have that CD. And i love that song. LOLOLOL
No ..i just checked the cd i have is " Leonard Cohen live in concert."
Maggie you seem to have a lot of music, wouldn't it be easier to list what you DO NOT have, lol
you are cute Maggie, is this pic you?
yes it would be easier lol but ive lost a lot of it over the years. Music has always been a big part of my life. There is very little i dont like...most country and rap. Yes, that's a pic of me. Thank u:-)
It's a fantastic song.....I knew you would love it maggs.....I JUST ADORE COHEN....
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