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giovedì 24 settembre 2009
Are we to Trust this Controinfo Newsmax letter? I receive tens of them a day !
Unvaccinated Children —'Enemies of the State'?
Dear Friend, Frightened moms, worried dads, concerned grandparents. When it comes to the health of a child, fear tactics work wonders. That's why parents in every city across the country hear from their pediatricians, from ads, and even from the government that their children need vaccines. Children who are not vaccinated not only are at risk themselves but also endanger other people, the parents are told. That makes unvaccinated children essentially "enemies of the state." Newsmax medical expert Dr. Russell Blaylock says you should be concerned and frightened. But not for the reason you've been told . . . Children Receive 36 to 40 Vaccines —Before Even Attending School Yet vaccinations are not safe. According to vaccine promoters, vaccines are the greatest advance in disease control the world has ever known. But powerful evidence demonstrates that vaccination — especially multiple vaccines given closely together — can produce chronic brain inflammation and brain damage in children. This brain assault occurs during the brain's most critical period of growth and development. And it can show up in your child or grandchild as a problem with learning, behavior, or language. Even impulse control. That's not all. Children are not the only ones at risk. 150 Vaccines During Your Lifetime? We have reached the point at which each of us is slated to receive more than 150 vaccinations during our lifespans, Dr. Blaylock says. And he'll tell you flat out — that's not only idiocy but also criminal. Especially when the elderly also are at such great risk from vaccinations. Flu vaccines contain not only dangerous mercury but also powerful immune stimulators that can trigger chronic inflammation of the brain. Along with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. But you won't hear about that on TV. Instead, you'll read or hear that, if elderly folks don't get their yearly flu shots and pneumococcal vaccines, they face a high risk of dying. Sure, it's a lie. But the pharmaceutical industry virtually controls medical education and the private practice of medicine. Fortunately, you don't have to remain in the dark. When you read this issue of The Blaylock Wellness Report, you'll get . . . The Inside Track on Vaccination In Vaccinations and Brain Injuries — Are You at Risk? you'll gain a better understanding of the phrase "follow the money." Because nowhere is this phrase more meaningful than in the medical field. And in particular, the pharmaceutical industry. You'll see that, when "authorities" quote scary statistics on mass death from diseases such as measles or whooping cough, they're actually using numbers from Third World countries. Or data from the turn of the previous century. You'll discover not only that but also other important health tips and strategies, such as: The little-known link between vaccination, asthma, and juvenile diabetes . . . How we are coming ever closer to socialized medicine (and bureaucrats controlling the medication you receive) . . . Vaccination reality — how deaths from major childhood diseases fell dramatically before mass inoculation programs began . . . Why Amish and home-schooled children are still alive (even without vaccination protection) . . . The best way for you to prevent epidemic disease . . . Why the Department of Defense hid complications of the anthrax vaccine in top-secret files . . . Swine flu — deadly potential pandemic or drug company smokescreen? Plus so much more . . . Want to Know the Truth About Vaccinations? CLICK HERE! This is just a sampling of some of the practical and life-saving information you'll receive in Dr. Blaylock's monthly health newsletter. And you can bet your bottom dollar every single word — in every single issue — is the honest-to-goodness truth. In fact . . . You Now Have Exclusive Access to CrucialHealth Information You Won't Find Anywhere Else That's right. In each issue, Dr. Blaylock takes on much more than just one topic. He addresses plenty of other crucial and timely issues that could affect your family's health and well-being. In this issue alone, Dr. Blaylock discusses much more than vaccinations. He also shares with you his vast knowledge on a wide variety of topics like these: The hidden benefits of vitamin D3 . . . Why heart disease also increases your risk of dementia . . . Peanut butter — should you eat it? How to reduce your risk of getting an infection (or if you become infected, how to reduce your risk of dying) . . . Forced medication — will they be adding drugs to our water supply soon? Why some elderly people should NOT even consider lowering their blood pressure . . . Can vitamins and supplements help the nerve pain of sciatica? Is benign essential tremor truly benign? (Plus natural ways to improve this common condition) . . . And so much more . . . I'm Convinced — Send My Own BlaylockWellness Report Today — CLICK HERE! The Mainstream Media WantsYou Kept in the Dark All those expensive, trendy ads you're continuously battered with on TV or in magazines . . . the ones promoting the latest cure-all medication on the market. Well, they don't come cheap. The mega-giant drug companies spend billions of dollars every year to entice you to buy their dangerous and often side effect-laden drugs. Next time you watch your favorite show on TV, count the number of commercials. Ads claiming to treat everything from high cholesterol to erectile dysfunction. I think the number will amaze you. And mainstream medical journals aren't immune to that kind of relentless advertising, either. Those huge drug companies will stop at nothing to infiltrate the minds of even our finest doctors. All that advertising translates into billions of dollars. Money the mainstream media doesn't want to miss out on by printing a little thing like the truth! But I know — because you're already a Newsmax subscriber — you refuse to accept anything but the truth. You want to be able to make up your own mind, based on honest facts instead of media hype. Well, Dr. Blaylock feels just the way you do. He says "thanks but no thanks" to the traditional medical machine. And he doesn't cater to mainstream media, either. As a matter of fact, Dr. Blaylock is so firm in his convictions that we here at Newsmax like to think of him as a real medical rebel when it comes to bringing you the unbiased truth, because he: Accepts NO commissions or payment for any of the products he recommends. Takes NO money from the multibillion-dollar drug companies. Does NO medical "research" funded by Big Pharma, either. This way, he has NO conflict of interest. How's that for a refreshing approach? Ready for Some Honest-to-Goodness Health Facts? CLICK HERE! Straight Talk From a Once-Traditional Doctor Dr. Blaylock knows the inner workings of the traditional medical model.DR. RUSSELL BLAYLOCKDoctor, Neurosurgeon, Author, Health AdvocateRussell Blaylock, M.D., not only compiles and edits Newsmax.com's Blaylock Wellness Report. He's also a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, and lecturer. He attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. For over a quarter of a century, he practiced in the demanding field of neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from his neurosurgical duties to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. Dr. Blaylock has authored three books on nutrition and wellness: Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients An in-demand guest for radio and TV programs, he lectures extensively to both lay audiences and other physicians on a variety of nutrition-related subjects. Dr. Blaylock is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation. He serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He previously served as clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS, and is currently a visiting professor of biology at the Belhaven College, also in Jackson.
That's because Dr. Blaylock was a highly esteemed neurosurgeon with a flourishing medical practice, one he maintained for more than 20 years, before his retirement. So he knows how doctors are bombarded with drug propaganda from Big Pharma. In fact, he freely admits he once defended the drug reps. He believed the party line that drugs were the very essence of practicing medicine. But now, he's made it his personal mission to get at the real truth behind the false claims of the pharmaceutical fat cats. And to make sure you have access to that truth, he writes about natural, healthy options you won't find anyplace else. In each and every issue of The Blaylock Wellness Report, you'll be privy to the latest cutting-edge health research (especially those findings that never make it into the nightly news or your local paper). And you'll get his straightforward recommendations for simple dietary solutions that will keep you in control of your own health, along with easy lifestyle changes and effective nutritional supplements. No baloney — no media hype — no pretense . . . Just good old-fashioned truth and integrity you can believe in. And best of all, with The Blaylock Wellness Report, you get good old-fashioned value for your dollar, too. It may seem hard to believe, but you'll get . . . Your Own High-Quality HealthReport for Just $4 a Month! And that's no joke . . . For only 13 cents a day — $4 a month — you'll have instant, 24-hour-a-day access to our popular Blaylock Wellness Report. You've watched the price of everything from cereal to gas climb right off the charts. But are you really getting any more quality or service for your money? Well, here at Newsmax we want to make sure you get both for your hard-earned dollars. I think you'd be hard pressed to find the kind of quality and service we offer — for a mere 13 cents a day — anywhere else on the planet. Can you think of any other publication that can help you save thousands of dollars on worthless — and potentially dangerous — drugs, bogus supplements, or unproven treatments? Every month, Dr. Blaylock takes on major health issues that might affect you, your family, or others you care about. Issues like diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, heart attacks, nutritional supplements, high cholesterol, alternative treatments, and dozens more timely topics. And with his special "Ask Dr. Blaylock" section, you'll have the opportunity to present your own questions for him to answer in the newsletter. Best of all, 12 issues are yours for only $4 a month — $48 for the entire year! I think that's fair, don't you? Really, $4 won't even buy you a small snack on an airplane these days . . . And, if you subscribe for two years, you can slash the price even more — to just $3.29 per month. I Want Health Facts, Not Hype — Send MeDr. Blaylock's Latest Health Report Today! No matter which subscription you take, you have access to The Blaylock Wellness Report easily over the Web — anytime you'd like. You'll also receive it via e-mail monthly, as a convenient pdf attachment you can save to your hard drive for easy reference anytime you want it. Or if having something to hold in your hands is more to your liking, you can have the print version of this Newsmax publication mailed to you for only 50 cents more per issue (or even less with your two-year subscription). And if you think that sounds good, check out our Newsmax guarantee . . . Your 'No-Questions-Asked' Guarantee There's no need for you to miss even one wink of sleep worrying about this newest investment in your health . . . At any point, if you don't feel you're getting much more in value than your smart investment from this unbiased, cutting-edge health and wellness newsletter, you may cancel your subscription — with no obligation . . . and keep ALL the past newsletter issues you've received. We'll even send you a pro-rated refund on the unused portion of the subscription price you paid. With no questions, hassles, or hard feelings, either. Even with our Newsmax incredible value-based newsletter and sensible guarantee, I want to add even more great value to your investment . . . How about . . . Your 'Free Pass' to All Dr. Blaylock'sPast Wellness Reports Because you're now such a valuable member of the Newsmax community . . . You have a "Free Pass" to all the previous newsletters Dr. Blaylock has written to date. And he's covered literally hundreds of different health topics over the years, so you're sure to find the information you need — anytime you need it. Here's just a small sampling of the high-quality information you'll get (these reports sell individually for $15.00 — but you get them all free!):Issue #3: Cholesterol Drugs Are Dangerous
Do you have a cholesterol problem? Then you must read Dr. Blaylock's report and learn about the all-natural supplement that reduces cholesterol without using dangerous statin drugs. VALUE $15 You'll find:The right — and the wrong — reasons to treat high cholesterol with statin medications (Hint: The right reason isn't to pay for some drug company bigwig's box seats at the pro games!). How having low cholesterol is not only bad for you. . . but can be just as dangerous, if not more so, than having elevated cholesterol levels. Why the "supposed" dangers of dietary cholesterol have been vastly exaggerated (Hint: There's big money involved!). And much. much more . . .
Issue #7: Health Exams That Can Save Your Life
The next time you see your doctor, you need to ask for these tests — the ones your own doctor may not know about! VALUE $15 You'll also discover:The 4 "EXTRA" cardiovascular tests you must have to minimize your risk of heart attack and stroke (unfortunately, your doctor probably won't do them unless you specially request them by name) . . . SPECIAL WARNING FOR MEN: Why the PSA test for your prostate may be misleading (and 10 supplements to tell that prostate inflammation goodbye) . . . Better than mammograms! Four near-secret tests that are better and safer — and no more "smashed breast," either . . . Why having a yearly physical exam could lead to unnecessary testing resulting in complications . . . even death . . . And much, much more . . .
Issues #8 and 9:
Prevent Cancer Before It's Too Late
Cancer is NOT inevitable. You can avoid this deadly disease if you have the right information. Read Dr. Blaylock's special double report now! VALUE $30 You'll see:6 oils you should ban from your kitchen if you want to avoid cancer (and the 2 oils should you never be without) . . . The single thing you can do to slash your cancer risk by 50% . . . What much-loved meal accompaniment increases your risk of developing cancer by a whopping 190%? A common spice that contains a powerful substance scientists have determined to be one of the most powerful cancer inhibitors found yet . . . Which one factor correlates to the early development of aggressive prostate cancer (This could actually cut your lifespan in half) . . . Plus much more . . .
Issue #10: Omega-3: Nature's Miracle Panacea
Are you worried about having a heart attack or stroke? Do you or a loved one suffer from depression? This one disease-preventing supplement can put a skidding stop to these problems (and many others) — and maybe even change your whole life. VALUE $15 Dr. Blaylock will share things with you in this issue like:3 easy steps you can take to balance your good fat/bad fat ratio (it's really simple, once you get it) . . . The healthy supplemental oil your kids will actually take without a fight . . . How certain dietary fats can affect your brain chemistry (once you understand why, you can take your health to the next level!) . . . How bipolar disorder has been linked to low levels of specific dietary fats . . . and can be treated by simple nutritional correction . . . And much more . . .
Issue #13: Eliminate Hypertension Forever! The Natural Approach to Curing High Blood Pressure
50% of Americans are at risk for this killer. Do you know which natural supplement will lower your blood pressure inexpensively — and with no dangerous side effects? VALUE $15 In this issue, you'll discover: The natural and vital supplement that has demonstrated such dramatic improvement in cardiac function that some people have used it to avoid heart transplants . . . 11 ways to control hypertension naturally and safely, with methods confirmed by carefully conducted clinical tests . . . How the statistics medical experts use to measure blood pressure can be shockingly deceptive . . . Plus, dozens of other useful gems to improve and maintain your health . . .
I Can't Wait — I Want to Start My Trial Subscription Right Now! Your special "Free Bonus Pass" to these dozens of previous issues is worth well over $600 — many times your small yearly investment in The Blaylock Wellness Report. I know you'll find Dr. Blaylock's newsletter invaluable to your own life. So much so, I wouldn't be surprised if you even recommend it to your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers . . . And as a smart and savvy individual, I also know you won't give up this unique opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones, with: The latest unbiased information on crucial health topics The most recent medical research studies (Dr. Blaylock will tell you which ones are sheer nonsense — and why) Simple strategies to rejuvenate and take charge of your life If you think you can wait to hear this kind of in-depth health news from your own doctor, who's too busy to read even a fraction of the studies Dr. Blaylock monitors, think again. Right now, you can increase your family's safety by claiming your own copy of this valuable report: "Vaccinations and Brain Injuries — Are You at Risk?" Plus, you'll also receive your Free Bonus Pass to all of Dr. Blaylock's past newsletters along with your no-risk subscription to The Blaylock Wellness Report. Yes! Please Start My Risk-FreeTrial Subscription Today
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