OH....... Maggie !
'NON CAPISCO ITALIANO'....ANTELOPIO....(YOU CAN CALL ME TONY...maggs ..if you want to)........is wondering something...
WHAT DOES ........
* FICA * mean.....? Have YOU got one...Maggie?
and whilst you are at it...IS PEPSI COLA THE SAME AS COCA COLA....?
11 commenti:
Antelopio it's very nice to meet u, but im a one-whale woman, and my Wally is very insecure about our relationship....he doesnt think he has enough tortellinity. U see, Timothy is still trying to tempt me with his fancy dance moves..and well u know, how once uve had a torten, u could never go back.
FICA is...well it's a ......who nominated me for this job?? lol My mom taught me to call it
"flower." I have always had one. ( and so do u) ahahahahah
i forgot the last part. Pepsi and coke are not the same drink.
Fica in the way Rosa meant it....means ( hot, pretty,sexy)
Antelopio..aahahhhahahahaa thought it was a FIG...ahahhhahahhahahhahahahahhaa
ps..maggs...in Poland they call them..(Pa,czki)=DOUGHNUTS!)...AHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA....you can either have one with...a hole in the middle or one filled with jam...OFTEN paired up with a GHERKIN....aahahhahahhhahahahaahaa
symbolism..is my favourite thing..
GRAZIE....maggs, for being my translator....
MMMMmmmm nothing like a dill pickle with my jelly donut.
mine is bavarian cream! I didnt just say that...Yes i did ahahhahah
WELL...mine is definitely A 'VANILLA SLICE'....!!!
ps...I LOVE GHERKINS....I AM ADDICTED TO THEM !....it's a polish thing.....
this conversation is going nowhere FAST...
Mrs K wanted me to translate something: She was wondering what type of donuts some of our gentlemen readers prefer.
so YOU can read minds maggs....ahahahaahhahaahaaa...
Did i ever tell u about a psychic convention i went to a few yrs ago while living in Boston? No joke....i freaked myself out !! We were doing one of those readings where u hold something which belongs to another person
(someone u dont know) and ...well it was pretty astonishing to say the least.
NO , maggs you didn't mention the .'PSYCHIC CONVENTION IN BOSTON'! Please when you have time....write a story about it on the journal.It's sounds A BIT HAIR RAISING...! I'm simply dying to hear ALL about it....thanks..
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