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sabato 19 settembre 2009

Mosquito-borne African virus a new threat to West

WASHINGTON — The United States and Europe face a new health threat from a mosquito-borne disease far more unpleasant than the West Nile virus that swept into North America a decade ago, a U.S. expert said on Friday.

Chikungunya virus has spread beyond Africa since 2005, causing outbreaks and scores of fatalities in India and the French island of Reunion. It also has been detected in Italy, where it has begun to spread locally, as well as France.

"We're very worried," Dr. James Diaz of the Louisiana University Health Sciences Center told a meeting on airlines, airports and disease transmission sponsored by the independent U.S. National Research Council.

"Unlike West Nile virus, where nine out of 10 people are going to be totally asymptomatic, or may have a mild headache or a stiff neck, if you get Chikungunya you're going to be sick," he said.

"The disease can be fatal. It's a serious disease," Diaz added. "There is no vaccine."

Chikungunya infection causes fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, rash and joint pain. Symptoms can last a few weeks, though some suffers have reported incapacitating joint pain or arthritis lasting months.

The disease was first discovered in Tanzania in 1952. Its name means "that which bends up" in the Makonde language spoken in northern Mozambique and southeastern Tanzania.

The virus could spread globally now because it can be carried by the Asian tiger mosquito, which is found in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, Australia and New Zealand.

In the United States, the mosquito species tends to live in southern regions east of the Mississippi but has been found as far afield as western Texas, Minnesota and New Jersey.

Health officials are greatly concerned about the appearance of Chikungunya in the islands of the Indian Ocean -- Mauritius, Seychelles and Reunion -- which have beach resorts frequented by European tourists.

"It is hyper-endemic in the islands of the Indian Ocean," Diaz told the meeting.

"Travel by air will import the infected mosquitoes and humans," he added. "Chikungunya is coming."

Diaz warned of possible double-infections involving Chikungunya and dengue fever or malaria, which are also carried by the Asian tiger mosquito.

The spread of the disease could be greatest in so-called mega-cities such as Mumbai and Mexico City, which have large and impoverished populations, poor health controls and water systems that provide ready breeding grounds for mosquitoes, Diaz said.

West Nile, spread by a different mosquito species, first appeared in New York in 1999 and now can be found in most of North America.

1 commento:

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

Thank you for your intersting & very WORRYING article.I AM HAVING A TERRIBLE TIME WITH PROPER MOSSIE BITES...!!!IT'S BEEN HORRENDOUS ...since i came to live in Yorkshire..honestly.I AM VERY ALLERGIC TO THEM..AND AM COVERED IN FOUL BLISTERS AND MY WHOLE BODY IS ON FIRE...THE SWELLING/PAIN/AND ITCHINESS/ FROM THESE BITES IS UNBEARABLE!!! I have counted 20 odd BITES in the last 2 weeks...it is hard to oope with..and i have to be covered up all the time.I CAN'T WEAR SHORTS..BECAUSE OF THE UGLY HORRIBLE SCARS..they MARK YOUR SKIN ..for months..!!! I HAVE BOUGHT EVERY ANTI-HISTAMINE INVENTED...!!! AND HAVE A LITTLE MACHINE BY THE BED TO SUPPOSEDLY KEEP MOSSIES AWAY!! IT DOES NOT WORK!I AM COVERED IN CORTISONE CREAM AND DOSED UP WTTH PIRITON AND ANTI-BIOTICS.These are NOT THE FAMILIAR NORMAL midges that used to bite and leave a tiny red mark..& I WOULD think nothing of it; BUT BLOODY MINATURE DADDY LONG LEGS WITH A MASSIVE SUCKING DEVICE,that within an hour leave me BURNING IN HELL!!!I HAVE BEEN SO ILL WITH IT ALL!I DREAD GOING TO BED.ONE LANDED ON MY ARM,a week ago IN THE GARDEN AND I FELT IT BITE ME.I COULD ACTUALLY SEE THE BUGGER !!AND I COULD NOT SHAKE IT OFF..IT JUST EMBEDDED INTO ME...IT REFUSED TO LET GO!!!! honestly!I WAS WAS WAVING MY ARM AROUND AND IT WOULD NOT STOP SUCKING MY BLOOD...eventually it flew off..and left me IN A MESS.!!I COULD NOT LIFT MY LEFT ARM UP.and all this is making my hay-fever 100% worse...I HAVE NEVER EVER HAD ANYTHING LIKE THIS...it's a NEW PHENOMENON OF GLOBAL WARMING!!!...the pond next door is attracting them.These are the type of mossies you ONLY EVER GOT ABROAD..NOT IN THE UK....and as i reported ages ago....malaria and other tropical diseases will one day be rife in europe.THE INSECT WORLD IS CHANGING....the doctor thought (2 yrs ago that i had brought one back here in my suitcase from NAPOLI! AS i was so ill when i came back.AT THE END OF JUNE,,,BY JULY.I was bitten to near death..(in england).BUT...THERE WAS A MASSIVE INFLUX OF A NEW TYPE OF MOSSIE ..not normally found on our shores due to the warm weather and they were breeding like mad...normally they would NOT survive here.IT'S AWFUL!!!I'M SICK OF IT!......it spoils my whole summer,AND IT SEEMS TO BE OUT OF MY CONTROL.I GOT BITTEN ON THE FACE,ON MY RIGHT CHEEKBONE..2 months ago...and within AN hour the whole side of my face swelled up and i could not even eat.it's a very serious problem.AND IT'S GOING TO GET WORSE.!

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