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domenica 20 settembre 2009

Music From Matt- Needs Your Help!

Howdy! I'm am in need of your assistance. For my field work in music therapy I will need to be up on the newest hits of the radio. I haven't listened to radio, or popular, or even modern music for quite some time. Can you guys tell me what the hip people are listening to these days? Thank you! Keep on groovin ~

3 commenti:

deleted ha detto...

radio hmm....Top Forties channels are probably a mix of rock, rap, or a catchy new ballad. Some oldies channels with rock. Some with Funk. And i hate to say it, Country. I don't do Country or rap....but to each his own.(don't know if this helps)

deleted ha detto...

the hip ppl are probably listening to ................. Beyonce', Lady Gaga, Kelly Clarkson, Pink, Keith Urban, Amy Winehouse,and many others.

Grandine ha detto...

I am listening " Binari, dolci parallele della vita' by Claudio Villa

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