Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

lunedì 21 settembre 2009


OSSERVI ! l'attenzione ....questo e' prego il mio NUOVO Bikini del pavone! I colori delle Piume SONO MOLTO BEI! Sg:ra)KRAP E' NELL AMORE CON I PAVONI , Si !
PS....Lieber Frau (Donna) Ich freve mich SEhr ,ihnen meine neue Pfau bikini.Frau krap liebt Pfaven.Di,farben der Federn Pfau sind sehr SCHO^N !! JA ! Scho'n !!
UWAGA Kochani koledzy i kolezanki.. ! To jest PANI KRAKPOTOWSKA'S NOWY Bikini..jA ...bardzo uwielbiam PAWY...KOLORY piorka Sa, przypie,kne! TAK ...pie,kne!
THE peacock design on the bottoms is on the back....the front bit is plain.....I'd like a bit more material for covering the front as it's a little ....risque for Mrs kraps liking...OK IF YOU ARE LYING DOWN AND NOT MOVING !!..BUT IT DOES hide everything.As you can see, the back of the knickers are QUITE WHOLESOME.......... mrs krap does NOT like thongs...NOT when you are riding a bike..you need proper coverage.... especially when there are ADDERS about.....i THINK Miss Marple would approve of this one.....

4 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

MRS.Krap, me pleases both the Bikini, and color-super+beautifully

andiamo daccordo anche con questo-Bacietto-little kiss for You :-)))))

Anonimo ha detto...

ahaahah mrs krap what language are you speaking? All of them at once? Lol cute!

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

CARISSIMO DONNA !....GRAZIE...ahahahhahahaaaaaaa .Ich habe versucht einen lacher nuf Haben das Journal.Vir sind alle Menschen hier in der virtuellen welt ...keine Roboten.

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHA......I AM trying very hard to be QUAD-LINGUAL....ENGLISH -GERMAN-ITALIAN=POLISH.....ahahahahhahahahaaaaaa........IN OTHER WORDS I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL I AM TALKING ABOUT.....BUT.....I DO TRY.TO COMMUNICATE...ACTUALLY ...i am LEARNING SO MUCH HERE....'Bacietto'....a little kiss....i didn't know that...it's lovely.The only reason i joined the journal was to get..Bacietto's ...I NEVER GOT ONE ....SMALL /LARGE.. NOTHING !!!

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