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lunedì 21 settembre 2009

Lucky you guys when you have no brains

Special Health Update By Christopher Ruddy Newsmax CEO Dear Friend, Common sense tells us that one of our goals in life should be to develop good habits. Why? Well, for a lot of reasons. But mainly because good basic and wholesome habits make for a happier, healthier, and sometimes even longer life. You know what I mean, habits such as: Brushing your teeth regularly to keep your teeth healthy and strong. Good overall hygiene to help keep you from getting sick (and it'll make your friends happy, too). And looking both ways before crossing the street should keep you from being hit by a car. I think you get my drift: These are all important to keep your physical body happy and running strong. But what about some of those other habits you've developed over the years? You know the ones I'm talking about — the "not-so-good" habits. Habits such as: Smoking Drinking too much Overeating Not getting enough sleep Not making time for exercise Dr. Daniel G. Amen, our resident brain expert at Newsmax, says you should pay particular attention to these — and a slew more like them — if you want your brain to run at its very best. Meet Daniel G. Amen, M.D. Daniel G. Amen, M.D. is a clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and brain imaging expert who heads the world-renowned Amen Clinics. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and has won several writing and research awards. Dr. Amen has published 19 books, numerous professional articles, and a number of audio and video programs. His books include Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Preventing Alzheimer’s, Healing Anxiety and Depression, Healing the Hardware of the Soul, Making a Good Brain Great, The Brain in Love, and the New York Times bestseller Magnificent Mind at Any Age. He is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and the star of the very popular PBS television special Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. Just as it's vital for your well-being to build smart habits for staying out of harm's way and to be attractive to others — it's just as important to develop good brain habits, too. Because let's face it, without your brain, it won't matter how nice your teeth are or how good you smell — you simply can't live. So take heed now. How you treat your brain today directly affects the kind of life you'll have tomorrow — and for the rest of your days. But don't take my word for it, read on to find out just what happens . . . When Your Good Brain Goes Bad In the most recent edition of Dr. Amen's Brain Health Report, Bad Brain Habits That Hold You Back, he sets you straight on just how brain damaging some of your so-called "fun" habits and lifestyle choices really are. Your brain is the true center of your world. And when you continually abuse it with what Dr. Amen describes as "bad brain habits," you're looking at a lifetime of ill health, poor relationships, personality problems, bad job performance, and generally a less than optimal quality of life. But you don't have to become a slave to a life as long as you make some relatively simple lifestyle changes. And don't worry: Life doesn't have to be boring or lacking in fun just because you choose to take a healthier road. In fact, Dr. Amen will tell you that people with good brain habits traditionally are happier, more content, and more productive than those with bad brain habits. He'll go into great detail about eliminating those unhealthy habits and the strategies you can use to keep your brain healthy, strong, and happy in this month's issue of Dr. Amen's Brain Health Report, Bad Brain Habits That Hold You Back.

3 commenti:

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...



YUO SEE HOW CLEVER DR AMEN ahaha (sorry )is...He has realeased lots of endorphins,,

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...

my spelling has gone to POT....it's DR AMENS FAULT...he has interfered with my brain!!

Mrs krakpotowska ha detto...



PS...we don't use 'GEE'...in the u/k...it's an American thing....oh but sometimes..I SAY....GEE WHIZ...when i am being sarcastic...

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