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Dear Author & Readers & Honourable Wizards -Witches-Goblins-Elves,and Old Terracotta Garden Gnomes....Hello there.
I was on the train earlier tonight and I was reading the news on my mobile...and spotted this piece of news that I thought might amuse you all......(well i hope it does)..ahhahhahhaaahaa oh dear...ahhahhhaahahha...AHAHAHHAHAHAHA ..THE reason i am laughing is because ,APART FROM IT BEING SO .....Bloody MAD!!! It reminded me of a satirical /comedy farce/ i wrote last year on the journal( an interview between (MRS KRAP (as a WITCH).....V ...SARAH PALIN...& her glasses) anyhow here is the snippet of news...(you may well already know this anyway.)
JK ROWLING (Harry Potter author) (pictured above)who has sold more than 400 million copies of her books world wide,missed out on a top honour, because some politicians ..WAIT FOR IT !!believed she 'encouraged' ..'WITCHCRAFT' ,...OH DEAR! AHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAA...( i was wetting myself on the train !! )every one was staring at ME !!
Matt Latimer ,former speech writer for G W BUSH said some members of his administration believed her books promoted ...'SORCERY' ahahahahahahaa WELL IT WAS A SCHOOL FOR WITCHCRAFT & WIZARDRY ...????WHAT DID THEY EXPECT ??? AAHHAHAHAHHAA....(I'M GLAD I DON'T LIVE IN AMERICA..(they'd BURN ME AT THE STAKE ....straight away !!).I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU LOT WHO DO ..AHAHAAHAAHAHAA mind you ...THAT DISMAL LOT HAVE LEFT THE WHITE HOUSE NOW...so YOU can rest easy on your BROOMSTICKS AND GET YOUR WANDS OUT !
AS a result of Jk Rowling promoting 'SORCERY'...AHAAHAHAHA,,,it's hard to write seriously, because ...it's just so unbelievable ...(IT'S LIKE I AM READING something from the 17 th C or even earlier...anyhow...as a result she was never presented wth the Presidential Medal of Freedom.This was claimed in the book by Latimer in his new book called 'SPEECHLESS ;a white house survivor'.
He writes some NARROW thinking white house officials objected to giving Rowling the civilian honour.
The award acknowledges contribution to US national interest ,world peace,or cultural endeavers.
Past Literary recipients of the award include ,John Steinbeck and Harper Lee.
Others 'denied' the priviledge under the Bush admin, (according to Latimers book)were the late 'Senator Edward Kennedy', Veteran Politician and Health Care Activist ,as his views were considered TOO Liberal.
So there we have it.....looks like Mr & Mrs Bush won't be going on their Hols to>>>>>>> 'HOGWARTS'...
5 commenti:
Bush was never known for his brains. Actually i still dont know exactly what made us vote him into office for two consecutive terms.
Mrs krap did you know that Sarah Palin comes from a religion that exorcizes new babyborn againts the possibility they will become wtiches? In other words she can never become a witch, but an idiot yes, she was not exorcised against this danger... and what she is today is under everybody's eyes
I know Maggie..I can't understand either...IT'S WEIRD...! WHY BUSH WAS IN OFFICE FOR TWO TERMS..! I Found it VERY odd! AND WHEN I FOUND OUT HE DID NOT LIKE ..WITCHES...that was that !!!!
AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHA....YOU HAVE SET MRS KRAP off laughing again.....ahaahhahahhhaha...thanks for your comment...ahahahhahahahaa
listen...AAHAHAHHAHAHAAAA...wasn't mrs Bush a librarian or something..OR .a teacher in an ifants school...BURN THE BOOKS !!!!...comes to mind...ahahahhahahahhaa
'Infants school I meant...sorry,,,,it's cos i was laughing....
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