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mercoledì 27 maggio 2009

Music From Matt- Scarnella

I came across this interesting, strange recording from a group called Scarnella. The group consists of Nels Cline (my favorite guitarist) and Carla Bozulich (vocals and bass). The feel of the album is almost sort of gothy, but very cool. They utilize the melodic minor scales I discussed before. Nels Cline plays some vamps and/or sounds using tons of effects, while Carla Bozulich sings over it in a punk/goth way. This album is pretty dark and intense. Sadly, this was the one of the only videos I could find on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3_anw4B4_Y They are doing a cover of the Marianna Faithful Classic (I think that's the name of it, not sure). -Keep on groovin~

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Hi Matt J,I'm going to listen in a minute to Scarnella....THEN i will post my review...(for what it's worth)...thanks anyway love.....I HAVE TO SAY THOUGH....M..FAITHFULL...caught my eye...I DON'T KNOW WHICH CLASSIC THEY MEAN....i'll sort it out in a minute..when i log onto mytube....

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