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domenica 31 maggio 2009

Music from Matt- John Mclaughlin

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h2uL8lk2lM This is a video of John Mclaughlin with an Indian group called Shakti. John Mclaughlin is basically a Jazz master who moved on to conquer Indian classical music. Both are very different styles. Jazz tends to be about "playing the changes" and focusing on the notes and the changing of the key. Indian classical music focuses on rhythmic patterns and is usually more modal (Stays in the same key). If I recall correctly, there are two main chords in this entire song. Keep on groovin~

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Oh Matt J...thanks love...I am familiar with Johm Mclaughlins music. IT's SUPER...DUPER!!!! AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAA i love it..!!!!!!.

Matt J. ha detto...

Hehehe he's the man! He Controinfo thouse pictures are way cool! Thanks!

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