Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

sabato 16 maggio 2009

Maschilismo : c'e ne di gente strana al mondo questa era nato uomo ora e' donna e parla contro il maschilismo pero' si fa gli uomini!Che confusione!!!

MY BOOKS TRA(n)SCRITTI POLITICI 2000 - 2007 My Political Testament (saggistica) NEW!! TRANSLESBISMO: ISTRUZIONI PER L'USO (saggistica) PERPETUE RIFRAZIONI (poesia) MANIFESTO AZIONETRANS - settima edizione (saggistica) visita la mia vetrina virtuale per guardarli, leggere anteprima, vedere cover, acquistarli o scaricarli a:http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vc3RvcmVzLmx1bHUuY29tL21pcmVsbGFpenpv (si apre su nuova finestra) for men writing me for love.. How can I say to you that "I AM LESBIAN, LESBIAN, LESBIAN, LESBIAN????" My name is Mirella Izzo, honorary president of Crisalide Azionetrans onlus, living in Genoa, Italy.... That is something about the "what I am"... But WHO am I?It' so simple: born as a male I transitioned to woman. So I'm a Transgendered.I've always loved femininity... Not the conventional one, not the stereotypical one. Femininity is not a definition to me. It's something I can smell, hear, touch, feel. So.. it's so simple: I am transgendered and lesbian. Better: TranslesbianThen I've lived a part of my life like a "spy agent" as a man among men. So I've known very well what maschilism is since my first days of life. I've been educated as a boy and I grew as a man. My skin has been literaly penetrated by forcing to be masculine, aggressive, dominating. Disgusting poison flowed in my veins: a poison named testosteron. A poison capable to fight hardly against my spirit, forcing me to ejaculate, to be submitted to my "dick". How me and my feminine brain could survive for years under testosteron influence? Yeah, I could. I did it like a tiger without teeths, like a flower in a desert, like Twin Towers with two airplanes in their womb, like a woman with a beard.But I know very well what men are when they are in a masculine community. I breathed maschilism in any kind of form. A toxic breathe.So... it's so simple: I am transgendered, lesbian and feminist. Better: Translesbian & Transfeminist.Better again: TranslesbianfeministWhy translesbian and transfeminist and not a simply lesbian and feminist? Becouse there is a specificity in being a transgendered woman: we are women with the memory of a "past life" of man. I cannot delete it, I don't want to delete this memory. It is my strenght, my specificity to donate to the world. It is my key to help genetic women to understand their original gender when is polluted by a maschilist society that force any woman to be competitive in a maschilist culture. My key to help genetic lesbian to understand that the answer to the the men's feminine model it is not imitating men in habits and dresses. And that any woman can be lesbian or/and feminist in any kind of dress.. even in a high heels.Becouse to me a woman is something you can only breath, not understand. And to be lesbian is a doubled breath... not a life in apnea.So friends, I am Mirella Izzo, transgender, translesbian, transfeminist. In two words: I am a "Transgender Warrior"Love

5 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

All i can say here at the moment(well, it is 01:59 am bst) is....OH DEAR..............

Anonimo ha detto...

ti sei sbagliato, questoa e nata uomo e diventatoa donna ma come donnoa le-gli piacciono gli le donne e liesbico ahahahaah che pasticcio
Mr krap this is too difficult to understand for u she is a male who changed into a female just ot enjoy them as a lesbian lol go to sleep at 01. 59 am ahahahahaha

Fiorella ha detto...

qeusto individuo non ha nulla a che fare con il femminismo

Anonimo ha detto...

questa e' solo una sporcacciona lol

Anonimo ha detto...

chist e' solo nu ri cchione depravato lol

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