Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

giovedì 23 ottobre 2008

dal vecchio blog

Subject: AHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAAAHAHHAAAHA! Time: 2:02:29 PM EDT Author: mrskrakpotowska Mood: Excited Music: ahahhahahahahhahahahahahahaaahahahahaha ! Edit Entry Delete Entry I have just logged on the p/c for a second and seen some really really funny things ahahhahahahahahahaaaa I have many offers now..ahahhahahahahahaha! to the POLISH PHILOSOPHERS WHO HAVE REQUESTED A CLOSER TIE..AHAHAHHHAHAAA HERE IS MY ADDRESS polishphilosopher@poczta.fm there are so many eyes everywhere...! I have to go out now. bye..ahahhahahahaahaa! ps, Dear Author...ahahhahahaaa there ARE people from far and wide reading the journal..ahahahhahaha I AM just leaving the house now..AM I BEING WATCHED...? I am taking my mobile with me..ahhhahahhahaahaa! NO SEX TALK PLEASE !!!! I meant I am going to sleep (as in sleep snore snore with a polish philosopher's MIND/BRAIN/ on my mind..in my mind,that's what i meant to write..i have no time now to explain..ahahhahaahaahahhaa!

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