Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

venerdì 17 ottobre 2008

Bruno -- Thirty-six hours ago, John McCain said to everyone watching the debate, "I don't care about some washed-up terrorist" and "every time there's been an out-of-bounds remark made by a Republican, no matter where they are, I have repudiated them." A few hours later he was saying something very different to voters in key battleground states. A new "robocall" paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 tells voters who answer their phones that Barack "has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers" whose organization "killed Americans." In the past, these "robocalls" -- phone calls where a machine delivers the message over and over -- have flown under the radar. The McCain campaign expects them to go largely unnoticed by the mainstream press, but thanks to the Internet, reports and records of these underhanded tactics are popping up all over the country.

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