Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

venerdì 5 dicembre 2008


Dear Mrs Krak: I think you have a wonderful soul. You are nice, smart, funny, intelligent and passionate woman . And, I am not ignoring you Mrs Krak............... I was worried and preoccupied by a serious personal problem concerning a personal friend of mine. Love Anna

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

"Hello Anna.I have just read your reply to my letter to you. THANK YOU...GRAZIE Anna K. she of the wonderful loving grandmother.Our Italian Poetessa...Listen, it was so weird for me to be here and not be acknowledged by you ..CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THAT ANNA ?Just a hello would have done....i did not think it was normal..and MRS K...THRIVES ON NORMAL...I CAN'T HELP IT.I hope Anna your personal problems with your friend become unproblematic...i do...a problem shared is a problem halved...OR SO THEY SAY...THOSE BLOODY PEOPLE WHO KEEP SAYING THINGS.Anyhow for what it's worth ..and any austere consolation here....i TOO...have problems and have had great real life losses in the last few weeks.We all will eventually Anna go through shit times...but..if we can be there for each other ..o/k ..o/k.. in a virtual way...WE HAVE NEVER MET.ETC ETC ETC..AS SAID THE KING OF SIAM..TO MRS ANNA....(so what..perhaps that is actually BETTER)then..surely it will help ease the pain a little...I AM AN EXPERT IN PAIN.x

Anonimo ha detto...

OH.!!.PS...Anna one more thing..when i have time I make an effort and go to your lovely journal and read all your articles slowly and surely...I don't comment because i, well,because .i have enough to do being a European journalist here....just try out of the blue going on a polish journal on aol ..and see how easy it is....take care Anna.GOOD JOB I AM NOT SHY;!!!

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