Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

venerdì 10 luglio 2009

The author wants me to say something about my life, in particular he wants me to inform you about a child adoption that took place 11 years ago. The Russian government sent to the Us a group of girls from an orphanage, consisting practically in a brothel and we knew that these girls were destined to a life of prostitution if they were not adopted. To make a long story short I chose a 10 year old girl who had a sister and i was told that either her sister would be adopted as well or they would have not separated them, so most of the girls including the one I had chosen and her sister went back to Russia. At the time I had no money but just a nice house and my stipend to provide for one girl. I also learned that the Russians charged $25,000 for an adoption; so I had to turn to my local church for the money. When finally I had the money I managed to separate the sisters that kept calling each other and cry over the phone about their separation. I did find a family willing to adopt the other sister and she came to Us as well, in Pennsylvania. So they grew up as sisters after a short period of separation and now they are loved like our biological children, both attend colleges with excellent grades, speak perfect English and are happy here.

4 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

oH SENZA ...THAT'S A TRULY LOVELY...REAL LIFE STORY.I'm not sure why the author wanted you to tell us, and you didn't just wish to LET GO OF IT YOURSELF....BUT....YOU SOUND LIKE A WONDERFUL WOMAN AND I RESPECT AND ADMIRE YOU....SO YOU ARE 'MUM' to two russian girls...HOW FANTASTIC....AND LOVELY THAT THEY WERE NOT SEPARATED....that would have been horrendous...wouldn't it.
GRAZIE...FOR YOUR TRULY...HONEST AND OH..!!....FUCK .!!..what can i say but..enlightening posting..IT'S WONDERFUL..!! TO BE SURE......thank you...i'll bet you are a wonderful mother.YOU SHOULD BE VERY VERY PROUD OF YOURSELF..SENZA. ! X...
PS...you have made mrs krakpot cry..

SenzaTette ha detto...

thanks mrs Krak; I like to keep these things to myself because we are not supposed to brag around about good deeds but the author told me that it is also a message to spread good will

lisa ha detto...

wowowo senza , che bella storia il mondo ha bisogno di persone come te, grazie per averci fatto partecipi di un gesto cosi umano.

Contumelia ha detto...

Congratulations Senza Tette you are a very noble human being, should you ever come to Florida the author has the permission to give you my phone and address if you like to meet or even stay

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