Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

venerdì 10 luglio 2009


Hello there, contumelia,
I have read your letter and I thank you for it.Please don't thank me for being kind..I was just being my Normal self, as I'm sure anyone would be.It is just in my nature to be ahahahahhahaaaaaaaaa..well shall we say 'curious' about strange Italian customs THAT i know nothing about...I didn't know that Italian men introduced women to other women...as....ahahahhahahahaaa Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo.......OH !NEVERMIND....i'm NOT starting that up again.LETS JUST CALL IT ............'ZUM Zum'.....! I love Zum zum....the end of the song.....I adore it...it is just so 'eloquent...it fits so many endings...ahahhahahahahahahaa .
As long as everyone is happy that' s super..you all understand each other...which is great...we have different customs here in the U/K.....I'M LEARNING ALL THE TIME ....all the little 'nuances'...in the nooks and crannies of the journal.Different countries have different styles..of greeting friends.I also did not of course realise you knew fiorella...HOW COULD I ! I just thought you were a new writer...and was worried you may feel intimidated...I GOT THAT WRONG.I am sorry to have offended fiorella.IT WAS THE LAST THING I WANTED TO DO...it was NOT my intention...at all.
THE 'STORM'...that i wrote about ..the last one (you mentioned in your letter)was 'severe'..to say the least..people here are still talking about it in the streets and shops..lots of lightning strikes etc...IT WAS a TERRIFYING CHAOTIC STORM..! It seemed to go on for hours...we had hail !torrential rain! sunshine! massive flash floods! (thankfully that didn't affect me as i live on a hill)-rainbows-and then ....silence...and then it all started again !!!!!!!!!!!!
For the last 2 weeks half of Britain ( my half) was in the grip of a 'HEATWAVE' the met office issued a severe 'HEAT WARNING.'.(first ever )AT LEVEL 2...the next day they raised it to level 3 (LAST WEDS)...you could fry eggs on the pavement..(honestly).The other half of u/k was chilly and it rained non-stop !!! Causing havoc with floods and transport...ie...roads closed and trains not running due to tracks waterlogged etc ..oh! all kinds of things.Anyhow in between the heatwave..there have been Thunder-STORMS....almost every other day...I am not used to them ..it was so weird.I can always tell there is something going to happen ..as the swallows alert me...I watch them all the time as i love them...they are a super barometer,and all the other birds around ..( as we all know ,i suppose..they act strange and just disappear...within seconds..FROM SINGING THEIR LITTLE HEADS OFF & EATING..digging around in the garden etc...AND FEEDING THEIR YOUNG....THEY JUST .POOOOOOF !! ..VANISH..!!.minutes...before the first BOLT...STRIKES DOWN......before ever THE CLOUDS START TO ENTERTAIN us..WITH THE MOST INCREDIBLE FORMATIONS.....( I have to say..the best part of the storms..are .....THE CLOUDS THAT GATHER....I HAVE SEEN SOME AMAZING ONES....( i am a cloud watcher...and lover...ahahahaha) i belong to the 'cloud appreciation society'...yes....i know...IT'S SAD...!!! .
I do however, have some real true-life SAD stories to tell though of THE very tragic consequences of the latest storms here.I think it was last week....around 6 LADS..were playing cricket on a lovely summers day..NOT FAR FROM WHERE I LIVE....and suddenly got caught up in a vicious thunderstorm...they (UNFORTUNATELY) went to shelter under a tree..and all of them were struck by lightning...and anyhow..3 were very badly burnt and are recovering in a burns unit in hospital...but ..One poor lad..died a few days ago..he was 15 yrs old..and there are a few other horrible stories..of what havoc..an act of nature can wreak.I DO LOVE NATURE....but i respect it AND AM quite frightened of what it can throw at us...IT IS CRUEL...AT TIMES...TO BE SURE..!
Anyhow,enough of storms.,.. on a lighter note.....mrs krap...has been very busy over the last few days with all kinds of exciting things..and wishes you well. I look forward to more of your writing on this journal.I am really happy that you are a PART OF 'OUR....BIG HAPPY FAMILY'..... !! AHaHAHAHAAAA,!!
take care... I hope both you and your family are well.
kindest regards from Mrs Krakpot.
ps...I always do a ps................. how long have you been living in America ? And do you like it? Or would you rather go home....(if you could i mean) ?.Don't answer that question if you don't want to...i respect your need if you need it for privacy....I KNOW ITALIANS...can be VERY secretive and SUSPICIOUS........
PPS....i LOVE your name,....'Alessandra.'...it's beautiful. !!! ..I have to say ...it reminds me of a Greek Goddess.Even though i know it's VERY Italian...I LOVE NAMES........real names,they are so interesting.

2 commenti:

Contumelia ha detto...

Dear Mrs Krap
we came to Florida 12 years ago. I was a teacher in Benevento and my boyfriend was an antique dealer friends with Bruno whom I met in Italy. My boyfriend became my husband and he received an inheritance from his uncle in Miami, so we moved here to take care of my husband's estate and we remained as Lorenzo, inherited a businsses from his relatives. No plans to go back, my children are American and I am becoming American as much as I can. We go back there occasionally to visit our families but I do not like to fly, just like Bruno

Contumelia ha detto...

sorry I meant 'antique dealer' not just an antique
By the way I am everything but a 'zccola', My husband has been the only man who ever got closer than 3 inches from my body and not only it is enough but it is too much for me, scioooo ahahahaa
Bruno on the other hand is a 'zoccolo' ( I just made up the word which is used only in the feminine gender lol). Maybe he has calmed down in the old age as he says, but I see many women on the blog who seem to be here only because he is the author.Shell we believe him?

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