Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

venerdì 10 aprile 2009

The Mind of Obscure

People like you have certain underlying beliefs that are the reasons why your mentality is closer than you think to that of a religeous person. You believe that knowledge (science) is a one directional vector: it can only improve and this is an act of faith, there is no evidence to this idea, on the contrary there is evidence that it can regress. In the area of Greece, between 500 b.c and and 100 a.d. scinece had progressed dramatically to make a u turn for 1500 years after that; two examples. Hippocrates, the phisician, had clearly stated that certain behaviors and synthoms are caused by physical anomalies residing in the brain.Epilepsy, schizophrenia, depression were well known diseases attrributed to the brain. 1)With the advent of Christianity and the birth of the catholic church these diseases became devilish possessions. Depression and desperation were condemned as sins and an enormous number of people were killed just because they were sick! We have to wait the 18th century and its illuministic rationalism to see the birth of psychiatry and an inversion of the direction! 2) The Greeks not only discovered the principle of modern computers (mechanical procedures) but they invented the steam engine and many other things. On the side of theoretical knowledge a group of thinkers guided by Democritus and Leucippus advanced the idea that matter is constituted by blocks called atoms, not further divisible (atom in Greek means exactly non divisible) But Aristotle rejected this idea and supported the idea that matter is continuous, i.e. can be infinitely divided. We must wait until the 19th century to see the atomic view prevail on Aristotle's idea. You may want to hold Catholic church responsible for this regression, but Catholic Church is part of history. If there were a history law that demands that science is a vector, nothing, not even the catholic church could have stopped it.

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

This is most interesting Professor .I didn't know that the Greeks invented steam engines .I know they invented slaves....

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