Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

giovedì 23 aprile 2009

message to obscuredbywind

Dear Obscure, you may want to give a look at this phenomenon called 'synesthesia', which shows a strong connection among our five senses. Of course it is no evidence for an inner connection between fields of knowledge and creativity, but it is a sign that perception is holistic in nature rather than analytic and since perception is a mental business it may well mean that there is less separation than you think between Creativity in Art and Science. you may also want to give a look at 'Godel Escher and Bach' a best seller in philosophy, in the US and Italy and many other countries. In Douglas Hofstadter's view you are completely wrong! I am the translator of the dialogues of that essay in Italian, you can borrow it if you like my cpies, either in Italian or English Bibliography: Synesthesia in Art and ScienceCompiled by Crétien van Campen (Editor) (E-mail: editor2@synesthesie.nl), Greta Berman (E-mail: GwBerm@aol.com) andBulat Galeyev (1940-2009) Psychologists have identified synesthesia as a specific condition that occurs when an individual who receives a stimulus in one sense modality simultaneously experiences a sensation in another. In the last two centuries, the subject has aroused the interest of many artists and scientists. The existence of synesthesia seems at odds with the common-sense worldview of five separate senses that channel impressions to our minds. Intrigued by this apparent anomaly of the senses, artists, psychologists and other scientists have explored and experimented with synesthesia in order to reveal how the senses are interrelated. This bibliography contains a list of references to literature (some online) on these explorations and experiments by visual artists, musicians, writers, psychologists, neurologists (and other scientists) into the strange phenomenon of synesthesia. The bibliography also includes a number of links to Web sites on the topic.

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Ummmmmmmmmmm i am NOT 'OBSCURE'...but, i have had a look......thank you..author....

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