Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.
giovedì 30 aprile 2009
mi sa che alcuni qui dentro so piu' scemi di quelli del chat lol
mi e' arrivata la notizia che alcuni qui dentro credono che "rosarossa" sono io lol mi fate solo ridere , che motivo avrei a cambiare nick per scrivere qui dentro?quello che voglio dire lo scrivo come e quando voglio,percio' per chi pensa che rosa sono io si sbaglia di grosso ,adesso che l'avete vista mezza nuda vi siete eccitati fatevi una docia fredda e vi sentirete rinati lol lol lol se no fatevi una sega sulla sua foto ma non pensate a me perche' non sono io ahhahahahahahaha
alla cara Rosa
In tempo di epidemie causate da suini ripropongo questo pezzo su Marut scritto su Napoli.com
Goldano e la mafia del chat
Lo chiamerò Goldano che era il suo nick name prima che Aol gli terminasse il contratto in seguito a una serie di violazioni del loro codice di comportamento.Episodio rarissimo dato che American Online ha deciso che legalmente non è responsabile di ciò che accade nelle sue chatrooms, essendo essa solo un tramite.Ma in seguito a numerose denunce Aol intervenne e gli chiuse l'accesso.Ovviamente basta l'aiuto di qualcuno per rientrare in aol con un altro nome Goldano fu cacciato per i suoi comportamenti in chat sulla base di numerosissime denunce ricevute da gente insultata, diffamata e importunata al telefono oltre che online.Ed è tornato trionfalmente in chat con il nome 'Marutlepal'. Goldano è anche colui che telefonò alla mamma del Sarracin, ricordate? Impersonando un avvocato che avrebbe dovuto tirare fuori di galera il figlio in cambio di $5000.Di lui si conosce l'intera vita, per averla egli stesso raccontata a persone con le quali si è incontrato nel corso degli anni.Quest'uomo di oltre 55 anni, esteticamente ripugnante, grasso flaccido manda la sua foto in giro convinto che vi sia qualcosa nella sua imponente pinguedine, aggravata da ginecomastia, il tutto adornato da una testa semicalva su cui svolazzano radi capelli color acino di pepe, che debba attrarre le donne!La fronte è devastata da lesioni visibilmente purulente e coperte di croste, maturate al sole degli Everglades in Florida dove è accampato in una modestissima abitazione in cui vive con figlia minorenne e compagna colombiana (o moglie che sia, il suo status è oggetto di controversie ma non ci riguarda).Si fotografa a torso nudo e manda la foto alle donne su cui ha posato gli "occhi". La sua storia è patetica e inquietante. Emigrò adolescente con la famiglia, dalla provincia piemontese prima in Libia sembra e poi in Colombia. Vissuto tanti anni in Sud America, abbandonato da una moglie siciliana (pare sia questa la ragione del suo odio particolare per i siciliani e in generale per il Sud, ma sopratutto per le donne) si trasferì in Florida tirandosi dietro l'attuale compagna con figlia.I suoi interventi sono diretti particolarmente alle donne: esaurite le solite nefandezze che possono turbare un animo femminile, riferite alla reputazione, e che ormai in questa bolgia dantesca chiamata Italian chat, non turbano piu nessuno, ha costruito con i mezzi di una grave nevrosi paranoica, extrasensoriali percezioni visive che gli permettono di fare commenti sul disordine di una casa abitata da una donna in Inghilterra, o in Canada o in un altro stato americano lontano migliaia di chilometri, sui figli di lei, sul marito con una baldanza che neanche la sibilla cumana avrebbe ostentato.Attenzione! Sto descrivendo di una patologia specifica di Goldano, ma è una patologia comune a molti vecchi frequentatori ammalatisi di chat: occhio, bieco e oltraggioso, che poco ha a che fare con il terzo occhio descritto da quel simpatico Dalai Lama che allegrò la nostra giovinezza e ci fece venire voglia di percorrere la via della Seta fino al Tibet.L'occhio di cui parlo è malefico, delirante, è l'occhio accigliato di un moderno Polifemo ubriaco e delirante.Il chattante insultatore doc che ha fatto dell'insulto gratuito il suo ubi consistam, dilata la pupilla avida di brutture, spalanca la sua bocca sibillina e rovescia in simboli che ormai vengono trasformati in suoni dai frequentatori consumati, la sua visione. I soliti insulti logori però negli ultimi tempi lo hanno sospinto verso il fondo della cavernosa ossatura della sua anima in cerca di qualcosa di più orrendamente nuovo; li Goldano vi ha pescato insulti inusitati in chat, magari da frammenti di memorie rimosse: accusa donne di incesto. Non soddisfatto di questa intuizione ha coniugato l'incesto con forme di necrofilia su cui indulge sotto gli occhi compiacenti della piccola mafia italiota.Negli ultimi tempi infatti urla ad una donna di avere avuto un rapporto sessuale con il padre pochi istanti prima che costui morisse.Fra le sue specialità Goldano annovera le telefonate come ho gia detto.Un'altra impresa di cui va fiero sono due telefonate a casa di un chattante la cui moglie stava morendo. Con la prima telefonata parlarono ad una infermiera, e allora richiamarono una seconda volta.E furono più fortunati: al marito si presentarono come impresari di pompe funebri e si dilettarono a rendergli quegli attimi di sgomento che ognuno di noi prova dinanzi alla morte di una persona cara, con la richiesta delle misure della bara e altri sberleffi.Intanto il suo complice nella telefonata è morto e la vittima delle telefonate è convinto che vi sia una giustizia divina.Molti non sono daccordo: Goldano nonostante entri ed esca da un ospedale è ancora vivo e imperversa in chat.Odia Tomma con gli occhiali perché avendo tentato di incontrarla come spesso ha fatto con le chattanti su cui aveva posato gli occhi, lei si sottrasse con un rifuto e da allora la insulta con una dedizione di cui solo lui è capace.Ma Goldano non è solo questo, egli pensa di essere un intellettuale ! Ogni tanto inforca gli occhiali da letterato, e esibisce il suo sapere. Estrinseca questa convinzione con commenti a un libro di Garzia Marquez che dice di stare per leggere, o manifesta la sua ammirazione per Carlo Denina storico piemontese ma anche per Serse Coppi il fratello di Fausto, che accomuna ai primi nella sua concezione del sapere.Ma il miglior Goldano lo troverete nella sua produzione poetica. I suoi versi, scritti intimistici, ad personam, occupano uno spazio particolare nella analisi di questo soggetto.Nell'analisi linguistica della produzione goldanesca, la prima cosa che emerge è l'uso della H in italiano. Questa lettera, la H, gli danza ossessivamente davanti gli occhi, egli la sopprime o l'aggiunge secondo impulsi che prevaricano qualunque regola e tentativo di spiegargli che il verbo avere alla prima persona vuole la H :'Io ho' diciamo noi in italiano e nella disgiunzinone non ci vuole perché si scrive senza H, così .'o'. Sospettoso dei consigli che gli arrivano da diverse fonti contrastanti, egli si lascia guidare dall'istinto.Ecco dove, nonostante tutto, il personaggio comincia a porsi sotto una luce quasi umana: se per molti di noi la vita è un mistero, per Goldano i problemi cominciano molto prima: per lui la H è già un mistero.!La piccola mafia italiota non ha tempo per queste quisquilie: avendo trovato in Goldano un picciotto (nonostante il suo odio per il sud) con qualità eccellenti, lo usa per i lavori sporchi. Tradito da una furba chattante in vena di vendette a cui lui chiese il favore di entrare nel suo computer per scrivere una lettera ad AOL che lo avevo sospeso indefinitivamente, costei pensò utile trasferire al suo computer alcune comunicazioni fra Goldano e la piccola mafia che Goldano aveva orgogliosamente conservato. Fa spicco fra queste conversazioni, quella fra un certo Trash trendy chat e Goldano, in cui il primo istruisce il Goldano su come insultare una chattante invisa alla piccola mafia. I dettagli di questo training farebbero invidia alla Gestapo, per la incisività e la freddezza con cui il buon Trash Trendy chat invita Goldano a colpire la vittima, raccomandandogli di mettere in ignore (opzione generosamente offerta da aol per non leggere qualcuno) le eventuali risposte della vittima che potrebbero alterare la sua determinazione.Goldano è colui che ha scritto il suo disprezzo per Tomma con gli occhiali come commento a 'Virtuale senza virtu' e Gianpiero che è colui che quando Goldano si abbandona alle sue elucubrazioni necrofile, grida "goldano sei un mitooooo! Vediamo ora dietro quale travestimento oseranno smentire. E con questo cala il sipario su questa vergognosa vicenda.
2006-03-24 17:58:33 - The truemanshow
Important remark by Gould on Evolutionism
Volume 44, Number 10 · June 12, 1997
Darwinian Fundamentalism
By Stephen Jay Gould
With copious evidence ranging from Plato's haughtiness to Beethoven's tirades, we may conclude that the most brilliant people of history tend to be a prickly lot. But Charles Darwin must have been the most genial of geniuses. He was kind to a fault, even to the undeserving, and he never uttered a harsh word—or hardly ever, as his countryman Captain Corcoran once said. Darwin's disciple, George Romanes, expressed surprise at the only sharply critical Darwinian statement he had ever encountered: "In the whole range of Darwin's writings there cannot be found a passage so strongly worded as this: it presents the only note of bitterness in all the thousands of pages which he has published." Darwin directed this passage that Romanes found so striking against people who would simplify and caricature his theory as claiming that natural selection, and only natural selection, caused all evolutionary changes. He wrote in the last (1872) edition of The Origin of Species:
As my conclusions have lately been much misrepresented, and it has been stated that I attribute the modification of species exclusively to natural selection, I may be permitted to remark that in the first edition of this work, and subsequently, I placed in a most conspicuous position—namely at the close of the Introduction—the following words: "I am convinced that natural selection has been the main but not the exclusive means of modification." This has been of no avail. Great is the power of steady misrepresentation.
Darwin clearly loved his distinctive theory of natural selection—the powerful idea that he often identified in letters as his dear "child." But, like any good parent, he understood limits and imposed discipline. He knew that the complex and comprehensive phenomena of evolution could not be fully rendered by any single cause, even one so ubiquitous and powerful as his own brainchild.

Mexico plans shutdown as WHO raises flu alert
MEXICO CITY — Mexico took even more drastic action to squelch a swine flu epidemic, ordering a suspension of private business activity and nonessential federal government activities, as the World Health Organization ratcheted up an alert, warning that "all of humanity" is threatened.
The dire warning showed that world health officials are very worried about the potential for massive numbers of deaths worldwide from the mutated virus, even though the epidemic so far has claimed only a confirmed eight lives in Mexico and one in the United States. Roughly 170 deaths are suspected of having been caused by the virus in Mexico.
Switzerland on Thursday became the latest country to report a swine flu infection — a 19-year-old student who health officials said was mistakenly released from a hospital and then hastily readmitted. European Union health ministers planned emergency talks in Luxembourg to coordinate national efforts in preventing the spread of swine flu in Europe.
The Phase 5 alert, indicating a pandemic could be imminent as the virus spread further in Europe, prompted Mexico to announce the partial May 1-5 shutdown, Mexican Health Secretary Jose Cordova said late Wednesday.
In Washington, President Barack Obama promised "great vigilance" in confronting the outbreak which has sickened nearly 100 people in 11 states and forced schools to close. A Mexican toddler who visited Texas with his family died Monday night in Houston, becoming the first fatality in the U.S., and 39 Marines were confined to their base in California after one came down with the disease.
The virus, a mix of pig, bird and human genes to which people have limited natural immunity, has also spread to Canada, New Zealand, Britain, Germany, Spain, Israel and Austria.
"It really is all of humanity that is under threat during a pandemic," WHO Director General Margaret Chan said in Geneva. "We do not have all the answers right now, but we will get them."
In a televised address, Mexican President Felipe Calderon praised "the heroic work" of doctors and nurses and asked his countrymen to literally stay in their homes between May 1 and May 5, saying "there is no safer place to protect yourself against catching swine flu, than in your house."
"In recent days, Mexico has faced one of the most serious problems in recent years," Calderon said Wednesday night. He brushed aside criticisms that his government's response was slow, stressing several times that authorities had reacted "immediately."
School in Mexico has already been canceled until May 6. During the shutdown, essential services like transport, supermarkets, trash collection and hospitals will remain open.
Calderon said authorities would use the partial shutdown to weigh whether to extend the emergency measures, or "if it is possible to phase out some" restrictions.
The outbreak appeared to already be stabilizing in Mexico, the epicenter. Confirmed swine flu cases doubled Wednesday to 99, but new deaths finally seemed to be leveling off after an aggressive public health campaign was launched when the epidemic was declared April 23. Although 17 new suspected deaths were reported, only one additional confirmed death was announced Wednesday night, for a total of eight countrywide. The virus is believed to have sickened as many as 2,955 people across the country, though hospital records suggest the outbreak may have peaked here last week.
The WHO said the global threat is nevertheless serious enough to ramp up efforts to produce a vaccine against the virus. It declared a Phase 5 outbreak — the second-highest on its threat scale — for the first time ever, indicating a pandemic could be imminent.
In the U.S., eight states closed schools Wednesday, affecting 130,000 students in Texas alone.
Obama said his administration has made sure that needed medical supplies are on hand and he praised the Bush administration for stockpiling 50 million doses of antiviral medications.
"The key now is to just make sure we are maintaining great vigilance, that everybody responds appropriately when cases do come up. And individual families start taking very sensible precautions that can make a huge difference," he said.
Ecuador joined Cuba and Argentina in banning travel to or from Mexico and Peru banned flights from Mexico. The Panama Canal Authority ordered pilots and other employees who board ships passing through the waterway to use surgical masks and gloves. An average of 36 ships per day use the canal, most from the United States, China, Chile and Japan.
In France, President Nicolas Sarkozy met with Cabinet ministers to discuss swine flu, and the health minister said France would ask the European Union to suspend flights to Mexico.
The U.S., the European Union and other countries have discouraged nonessential travel to Mexico. Some countries have urged their citizens to avoid the United States and Canada as well. Health officials said such bans would do little to stop the virus.
Medical detectives have not pinpointed where the outbreak began. Scientists believe that somewhere in the world, months or even a year ago, a pig virus jumped to a human and mutated, and has been spreading between humans ever since.
China has gone on a rhetorical offensive to squash any suggestion it's the source of the swine flu after some Mexican officials were quoted in media reports in the past week saying the virus came from Asia and the governor of Mexico's Veracruz state was quoted as saying the virus specifically came from China.
One of the deaths in Mexico directly attributed to swine flu was that of a Bangladeshi immigrant, said Mexico's chief epidemiologist Miguel Angel Lezana.
Lezana said the unnamed Bangladeshi had lived in Mexico for six months and was recently visited by a brother who arrived from Bangladesh or Pakistan and was reportedly ill. The brother has left Mexico and his whereabouts are unknown, Lezana said. He suggested the brother could have brought the virus from Pakistan or Bangladesh.
By March 9, the first symptoms were showing up in the Mexican state of Veracruz, where pig farming is a key industry in mountain hamlets and where small clinics provide the only health care.
The earliest confirmed case was there: a 5-year-old boy who was one of hundreds of people in the town of La Gloria whose flu symptoms left them struggling to breathe.
Days later, a door-to-door tax inspector was hospitalized with acute respiratory problems in the neighboring state of Oaxaca, infecting 16 hospital workers before she became Mexico's first confirmed death.
Neighbors of the inspector, Maria Adela Gutierrez, said Wednesday that she fell ill after pairing up with a temporary worker from Veracruz who seemed to have a very bad cold. Other people from La Gloria kept going to jobs in Mexico City despite their illnesses, and could have infected people in the capital.
Cordova, the Mexican health secretary, said getting proper treatment within 48 hours of falling ill "is fundamental for getting the best results" and suggested the virus can be beaten if caught quickly and treated properly. But it was neither caught quickly nor treated properly in the early days in Mexico, which lacked the capacity to identify the virus, and whose health care system has become the target of widespread anger and distrust.
In case after case, patients have complained of being misdiagnosed, turned away by doctors and denied access to drugs. Monica Gonzalez said her husband, Alejandro, already had a bad cough when he returned to Mexico City from Veracruz two weeks ago and soon developed a fever and swollen tonsils.
As the 32-year-old truck driver's symptoms worsened, she took him to a series of doctors and finally a large hospital. By then, he had a temperature of 102 and could barely stand.
"They sent him away because they said it was just tonsillitis," she said. "That hospital is garbage."
Gonzalez finally took her husband to Mexico City's main respiratory hospital, "dying in the taxi." Doctors diagnosed pneumonia, but it may be too late: He has suffered a collapsed lung and is unconscious. Doctors doubt he will survive.
Swine flu has symptoms nearly identical to regular flu — fever, cough and sore throat — and spreads like regular flu, through tiny particles in the air, when people cough or sneeze. People with flu symptoms are advised to stay at home, wash their hands and cover their sneezes.
mercoledì 29 aprile 2009
to our friends
it is important to acknowledge that this virus is not food consumption related as it is wrongly suggested by its vulgar name : swine flu. Food has nothing to do with it, including pork meat which is save, so they say. As I understand the problem this flu is already known and has occurred in the past, so they know how to deal with it, having the antivirus. They are also working on a vaccine that will be ready in a few months. If you can correct this view please feel free or better, compelled to do so!
I miss PensierieParole, does anybody who goes to the Italian chat room has seen her lately ?
What is reality?
- Is reality what we experience in three dimensions? But we learn from physics that the dimensions are four, one being time that we do not see. On the other hand we move money online, write symbols that affect other people's behavior, some even fall in love on Internet. Where is the real thing? We learn from books on bidimensional pages that the Mississipi is XXX,xx miles long. No middle school class ever went to measure it. 99% of whatever we know about the world in which we live comes to us in a form that is not what it is in its physical configuration, where do we really live? Of course we need food and air that are not available in the form of information.Are these two things the only aspects of physical reality we really need?
- The problem is a difficult one I have already hinted at it in my dispute with Obscuredbywind. Here just some ideas to reflect upon.
A malicious software program known as conficker many feared would wreck havoc April I is slowly being activated, weeks after being dismissed as a false alarm, security expert said.
The swine virus is doing its dirty work ... the real world and the virtual world are both becoming increasingly dangerous, do you philosophers and thinkers have any suggestion on a third reality we can find and relax?
Thank you
martedì 28 aprile 2009
a volte capita di leggere poesie e queste restano impresse nella nostra mente
Carissimi amici virtuali ho qui davanti a me alcune poesie ritrovate durante i miei piccoli e frequenti viaggi nel tempo. Certo è con le parole che i poeti da sempre ci trasmettono emozioni, fremiti e turbamenti, ma qui ed ora sono proprio le ricercate espressioni artistiche, scelte ad una ad una per ogni poesia presentata, che preziosamente le mettono in risalto per Voi.
Il BACIO.....la reltà di un' EMOZIONE
Il BACIO.....un sintomo di PASSIONE
Il BACIO.....3 parole........TOCCAMI IL CUORE
Amare una persona è…Averla senza possederla.Dare il meglio di sé senza pensare di ricevere.Voler stare spesso con lei,ma senza essere mossi dal bisogno di alleviare la propria solitudine.Temere di perderla,ma senza essere gelosi.Aver bisogno di lei,ma senza dipendere.Aiutarla, ma senza aspettarsi gratitudine.Essere legati a lei,pur essendo liberi.Essere un tutt’uno con lei,pur essendo se stessi.Ma per riuscire in tutto ciò,la cosa più importante da fare è…accettarla così com’è,senza pretendere che sia come si vorrebbe.
Chiudi gli occhi E sogna con me Vedrai quella linea impossibile dell’orizzonte che si stende tra i nostri cuori E il Mare di notte non sembrerà così neroma una grande distesa blù sotto un cielo azzurro Un docile vento ti porterà le carezze più dolci che ho sognato per te Si poseranno sul tuo viso come rugiada sui petali della rosa
La tenacia di voler ardentemente qualcosa... la tenacia dell'arrivare alla meta ... la tenacia di credere ancora nei tuoi sogni... la tenacia di voler vedere realizzare i tuoi desideri... la tenacia di credere ancora che esistono dentro di te certe emozioni... la tenacia di vedere un uccellino color cielo... la tenacia di sentire la tua voce che canta le note di "Blue eys"... la tenacia di credere ancora che quella "cosa" chiamata felicità, possa nuovamente bussare alla tua porta abbracciandoti e scaldandoti, come solo poche cose sono in grado di fare.. la tenacia di aspettare che il sole ti scaldi nuovamente le guance ed il cuore... la tenacia di sapere semplicemente aspettare e pazientare la tenacia di credere ancora che questa vita che ti resta da vivere non è ancora finita e non è poi cosi malvagia... che non è ancora giunta la fine..perche' ogni emozione è capace di ridarti anche il solo respiro di vita. ..
la tenacia di vedere sorgere il sole e di vederlo tramontare... guardando i tuoi occhi neri...Tutto il resto non conta.. solo io e tu e la nostra tenacia di vivere!!
L’Amore fa miracoli, l’Amore è la cosa più bella che esiste nell’Universo.
L’Amore è riesce a trascendere tutto. E’ la forza che vi permette di capire, che vi permette di non dubitare più.
L’Amore è la forza che vi permette di vedere, di percepire.
Dimenticate troppo spesso l’Amore. Ne parlate, ma così male ! Lo vivete, ma così male ! Vivete l’amore possessivo, l’amore egoista.
Dimenticate troppo spesso l’Amore libero, l’Amore che eleva, l’Amore che cresce, l’Amore, questa forza di Vita, che illumina, irradia, guarisce.
Concentratevi il più spesso possibile su questo modo di concepire l’Amore. Dimenticate il lato ‘oscuro’ dell’Amore, cioè quello della possessività e dell’egoismo.
Amate con tutte le vostre forze, con tutto il vostro corpo, amate ...
L’Amore è talmente importante !
Marito e moglie
Marito e moglie vanno dal sessuologo "Senta io e mia moglie abbiamo dei grossi problemi quando siamo a letto insieme ... sa io riesco a raggiungere il piacere ma mia moglie è come se avesse un blocco.". Il sessuologo incuriosito si rivolge alla moglie: "Senta ma non è che lei per caso ha qualche fantasia particolare?" e la moglie arrossendo: "bhè in effetti dottore qualche fantasia ce l'ho ma mio marito non è molto d'accordo" "che tipo di fantasia?" e il marito spazientito interviene: "Bhè dottore sa ... lei vorrebbe fare l'amore con me mentre un moro alto e muscoloso tutto nudo ci fa vento con un ventaglione gigante". Il sessuologo sorridendo: "Ma signore ... sua moglie non è che le chiede mica la luna è solo una piccola e innocente fantasia ... ma insomma siamo nel 2000 che le costa realizzare il sogno di sua moglie.". Il marito, oramai convinto, la sera organizza tutto, prepara la stanza con uno stile hawaiano e porta un nero alto 2 metri pieno di muscoli dappertutto. Con la moglie cominciano a fare l'amore mentre il nero li sventolava con il ventaglione gigante, passano i minuti ma la moglie come al solito non prova niente. "Cara cosa senti?" "Niente caro ... non sento proprio niente" ... il marito arrabbiatissimo si alza e urla al moro "Dammi sto coso e mettiti al posto mio". Il moro sale sulla moglie e l'uomo comincia a sventolarli energicamente, subito la moglie comincia a urlare di piacere e il marito soddisfatto: "Cosa provi cara?" al che la moglie tra le braccia del moro pieno di muscoli "Bellissimo è ..." e il marito soddisfatto rivolto al moro: "Visto come si sventola?"
Author we are doing nothing that can hurt her we are just making her known to our audience, she is a public author
Dr. Sandra Cottingham
Gender: Female
Industry: Consulting
Occupation: Special Education Consultant
Location: North Delta : British Columbia : Canada
About Me
Sandra Cottingham, Ph.D. has twenty years of classroom experience with regular students and with students with special needs. As a consultant in a large British Columbia school district, Dr. Cottingham works with teachers and administrators supporting children with significant cognitive, behavioural, and mental health challenges. Dr. Cottingham has been an instructor in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education at the University of British Columbia and has been a guest presenter for Simon Fraser University. Her doctoral dissertation entitled, Implementing the Mandate of Inclusion, A Model for Moving from Concept to Action was recently published by Tilburg University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, in the Netherlands where she received her PhD in 2007.
She is a published author : LEAD BABIESBreaking the cycle of learning disabilities, declining IQ, ADHD, behavior problems, and autismAuthors: Joanna Cerazy M.Ed. and Sandra Cottingham Ph.Dwww.nomoreleadbabies.comPublisher: Kunati Inc (USA & Canada) 1-866-356-2442 www.kunati.comDistribution: Independent Publishers Group (IPG)ISBN: 978-1-60164-192-2
Author, is this you? I was looking for bloggers with controinfo and found this blog, the last comment is signed bruno so I figured it's you
Controinfo said...
Doctor Cottingham: Could you tell us ( we are ignorant about your field) if autism reveals some symptoms that can be detected by modern technology like PET ? Thank you
April 23, 2009 6:59 AM
Controinfo said...
and if yes, is there any similarity between autism symptoms and other mental diseases like schozofrenia for instance?
April 23, 2009 7:02 AM
Dr. Sandra Cottingham said...
PET scanning analysis has been used to study the brains of with autism. Studies have uncovered brain abnormalities, specifically in the region of the brain known as the temporal lobes. Ongoing investigation is needed, however, to clarify the relationships between these physical differences in the brain and the perceptive, cognitive, and emotional developmental deficits that we see as features of a person with autism. One of the challenges in using the PET technology with individuals with autism is that the procedure itself is stressful. In schools, we often encounter challenges administering psychoeducational assessment and often question the accuracy of the results. You can appreciate the challenge of a PET scan which involves administering an IV, confined space, and sensory demands.In otherwords, children with autism are not straightforward PET scancandidates.Autism is a spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders that present in early childhood. It is marked by deficits in language, communication, and social interactions. The ability to integrate sensory information often results in self-stimulatory activity, or avoidance of sensory stimuli. Children with autism may perseverate on a single activity or theme, e,g., a fascination with trains, with little interest in other themes that are age typical. Autism spans the entire range of intellectual ability from gifted to severe mental retardation. Autism is significantly more prevalent in boys.
April 23, 2009 5:28 PM
Dr. Sandra Cottingham said...
Following up on your second question about the relationship between schizophrenia and autism, if any...Over the course of my 23 years in schools, I have witnessed an increase not only in autism, but also in schizophrenia and other mental health disorders. No doubt by now it is clear that I do no subscribe to the theory of genetic cause for autism. While I have not read the research on schizophrenia to the same exhaustive extent that I have for autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, etc. what I have read and considered fits with the theory of in-utero exposure to neurotoxins. While I do not have statistics on how many autistics also have schizophrenia, I can tell you the overlap between mental illness in general and autism is very high. It would take a lot to convince me that these two issue are anything but the result of brain damage, in-utero by a common neurotoxin. Likewise, Alzeimers. The research is rolling in.Hope that answers your questions.
April 23, 2009 5:41 PM
Controinfo said...
Doctor Cottingham, thank you so much for sharing with us such precious information. But I am going to move to other questions as I feel I have found an important source of data and opinions and I am trying to exploit it on pain of looking petulant.My two questions were pertinent to neuroscience and they could be labeled ‘scientific psychology questions“. My next questions are rather to be labeled ‘folk psychology questions’ at least from my point of view. 1) Does the autistic subject have any notion of his identity? ( I use the masculine pronoun because male gender is preponderant in autism as we have learned from you, - by the way isn’t this an indication - apparently excluded by you when you express the opinion autism is not genetic, that it may be indeed genetic? ) 2)If yes is this notion of identity, a primitive one, completely different from any stage of the normal child intellectual development, or similar to same stage of normality stopping at an early point? 2a) Does the autistic subject have a clear separation of himself from the external world or does his notion of identity tend to attribute any and every perception to himself, identifying himself with the whole range of perceptions? 2b) If he has a clear notion of where he ends in this world ,and where the external world begins, has he any notion of an object as we understand it? Or his fragmentation of reality is peculiar to say the least, his notion of the object is alien to our conception of them? I am fully aware that my questions cannot have a stright scientific answer, but they may just be a matter of opinion. I am appealing to the opinion you have formed after so many years of work with the subject.( If you find my English not fluid is because I am a foreigner and struggle with English, sorry ).
April 24, 2009 12:20 PM
sandracottingham said...
I am not on the autism spectrum myself, and so my response to what it is truly like to be autistic is only an opinion derived from research and a lot of experience working with individuals - mostly teens - with autism.I mention teens because it is developmentally "normal" for teens to be rather self-absorbed and ego-centric. Teens on the autism spectrum, in my experience, have ranged from being acutely aware of others and how they appear to those around them, to a complete lack of awareness including an absence of "theory of mind". But lack of "theory of mind" tends to present with the population of people with moderate to severe intellectual disability, and may be more related to that than autism.The predominate driver, again - my experience, in autism and autistic-like behaviors is an pre-occupation with / or over-riding need to create sensory homeostatis. In otherwords, they are driven significantly by their sensory needs - both avoidance and seeking, since the sensory data in their environment is coming in, but being processed erroneously.Does someone with autism have any sense of their own identity? I believe the answer is,for some- yes. Is this sense accurate? ( Is our own?)There are many bright, articulate, self-reflecting people with autism orautism spectrum disorders. There are also individuals who are severely cognitively delayed. I think your answer lies within that piece, more than in the autistic identity.I will add, though, that there is so much mental illness occuring with children at the high intelligence end of the spectrum - much of it paranoia and anxiety -related. I am not sure that their "sense" of those around them is accurate. I will finish by saying that the range of autistic manifestations is as broad and varied as people who have been diagnosed with autism.There are very stereotyped portrayals in the media, the likes of which have never appeared in my own experience. And I have worked with or consulted re literally hundreds of kids with autism. There are some things we can generalize about and some things we can't.I hope something in what I responded is at least food for thought.All the best.
April 25, 2009 1:23 PM
Controinfo said...
Thank you so much for your prompt answer which covers more than my ill conceived questions deserve. Obviously I made the naïve mistake of considering autism an ideal standard, equal for every subject ,when it is evident that the term covers a large spectrum of levels and a variety of problems.My interest in autism is not an interest per se. I am interested in a form of naturalized epistemology from a logico-philosophical perspective. In particular I believe that there are reasons to attribute to the preverbal child a conception of her own identity that includes every perceptions, in other words she identifies herself with the entire world (known to her). Only with the advent of language finally she begins to separate herself ( her body, and later her mind) from the surrounding environment.The fragmentation of the world in objects and their relations is inextricably connected with language ( reality in my view is mental).Now for some reasons that I spare you, I fancied autism as a form of mental development that does not progress to higher, successive developmental stages, and, were I right, it would have been a vast source of information about a preverbal stage in general.So I was after evidence that an autistic subject or any subject seriously affected by mental problems, does not separate herself from the external world which in turn is not separated in objects and their relations. I suppose that tests can be fancied, at least, to have a rough idea of how a child perceives her own self and the multiplicity in which she lives. Much to the point I am interested in, and discouraging at the same time, is your bringing up the fact that sense data are anomalously processed in some cases of serious form of autism, which makes these persons a category apart that does not share much with normal children at any stage of their mental growth.I like to conclude that my interest is not enthusiastically philosophical only. I have a great sense of pity for these tragic lives and consequentially a great respect for people like you who have the courage to devote their life to such a noble cause. Thank you so much for your kindness .
Hello Reductionists!
Now explain to me how these particles and the four known forces of the universe can account for meaning, intentionality, free will, perception, memory, syntactic rules, our notions of causation, identity, supervenience, do I need to go on?
How by moving my mouth and emitting special sounds, called 'language' can I act on other living organisms, modify the environment and so on? What abstract structures, not covered by physics, are involved in these processes?
Salve come state tutti ? Lisa, Senza tette, Rosa siete bellissime a presto.
Pavese sott'acqua

Pavese sott'acqua, si cerca disperso
Forse travolto da onda fango, interventi per frane e smottamenti
(ANSA) - BRONI (PAVIA) - Pioggia e smottamenti continui ostacolano le ricerche di Giuseppe Pessina,disperso da ieri dopo il crollo di una palazzina a Broni. Le forze dell'ordine ritengono che l'uomo, 70 anni, sia stato travolto dall'onda di acqua e fango. In tutto il Pavese infatti la situazione e' critica,e il Po e' costantemente monitorato. Frane e allagamenti anche nell'Astigiano con un centinaio di interventi dei vigili del fuoco. Disagi anche a Roma le cui strade allagate hanno mandato il traffico in tilt.
lunedì 27 aprile 2009
Artificial Intelligence: an abstract important approach to the mind
Convegno Intelligenza Artificiale e scienze della vita
Scritto da checco
Martedì 23 Settembre 2008 15:49
“Intelligenza artificiale e scienza della vita” questo è il nome dell’ultimo convegno organizzato dall’AIIA (associazione italiana per l’Intelligenza Artificiale) svoltosi nei giorni 11-13 settembre alla Cittadella dei Musei di Cagliari sotto l’attenta coordinazione dei professori Armano (dipartimento di ingegneria elettronica dell’università di Cagliari), Schaerf (dipartimento di scienze dell’informazione dell’università La Sapienza di Roma) e Semeraro (dipartimento di scienze dell’informazione dell’università di Bari). Anche quest’anno il congresso ha riscosso grande successo nel numero dei partecipanti e nell’interesse suscitato dai temi trattati, infatti questo è il decimo anno consecutivo che l’AIIA organizza questo evento.
Questo workshop è nato dall’esigenza di proporre e di confrontare soluzioni che l’Intelligenza Artificiale e altre tecnologie innovative hanno prodotto per la tutela, fruizione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale. L’obiettivo principale è stato quello di catalizzare possibili interazioni e collaborazioni tra i vari soggetti e di costituire una comunità di istituzioni che, insieme, possano offrire nuove proposte tecnologiche per il settore dei Beni Culturali e delle scienze della vita. L’evento si è svolto proponendo differenti seminari e approfondimenti nello stesso momento, questo per permettere ai numerosi partecipanti, di formazione eterogenea, di poter gestire autonomamente il proprio tempo scegliendo le relazioni e gli argomenti che più interessavano il proprio settore. I temi principalmente trattati sono stati: “Intelligenza Artificiale nei Beni Culturali”, “Data Mining e Bioinformatica”, “Verso la Robotica Intenzionale” e “Sistemi Multiagente e Bioinformatica”. La LEA Nanotech è stata invitata a partecipare all’evento e in particolare alla sessione "data mining e bioinformatica". Era presente a tale evento il presidente della LEA Nanotech, la Dott.ssa Stefania Mura, che è stata invitata a presentare le attività che si stanno svolgendo nella sua azienda in relazione al campo della biosensoristica applicata alle scienze della vita mentre il Dott.Corrias ha presenziato tutti i giorni del convegno. Per l’azienda questa è stata un’occasione per poter esporre il proprio lavoro ed è stato possibile anche aumentare la propria visibilità a livello locale, universitario e imprenditoriale, al fine di poter instaurare delle nuove e variegate collaborazioni.
obscured and his followers you should have a look at biology before deciding for reductionism
Human Genome Project Information Genomics:GTL DOE Microbial Genomics home
The U.S. Department of Energy Biological and Environmental Research program funds this site.
Scientists, enabled by the Human Genome Project, are churning out an unprecedented volume of data on human chromosomes and the tens of thousands of genes residing on them, many associated with genetic disorders. These data, and many Web sites on human genetic disorders, are freely accessible on the Internet.
Gene Gateway, originally designed as a Web companion to the popular Human Genome Landmarks poster, is a collection of guides and tutorials designed to help students and other novice users get started with some of the resources that make these data available to the public.
This Web site introduces various Internet tools that anyone can use to investigate genetic disorders, chromosomes, genome maps, genes, sequence data, genetic variants, and molecular structures.
Download The Gene Gateway Workbook (PDF suitable for printing; PDF for faster download)A collection of five activities with screenshots and step-by-step instructions designed to introduce new users to genetic disorder and bioinformatics resources on the Web. The workbook was last updated June 2008.
NOTE: Genetic disorder information furnished by resources described in this guide should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a physician. Questions or concerns regarding any medical condition should be discussed with a professional, such as a physician, genetic counselor, or medical geneticist. For more information on genetic health professionals, see the Human Genome Project Information page on Genetic Counseling and the Genetic Health Professionals section of the Genetic Disorder Guide.
Human Genome Landmarks: Selected Genes, Traits, and Disorders - Order your free copy of this wall poster. Each of the 24 different human chromosomes featured on this poster can be viewed online.
Gene and Protein Database GuideProvides overviews of databases containing technical information on genes, proteins, and genetic disorders and search tips for using them.
Bioinformatics ToolsTips and tutorials for successfully using the databases and other resources described in the Gene and Protein Database Guide.
Genetic Disorder GuideNontechnical resources on disorder descriptions and treatments, availability of gene tests or clinical trials, support groups, and other general material.
Sample Profiles of Genes and Genetic DisordersCompilations of information generated for three genetic disorders using the web resources described above.
Chromosome ViewerLearn about the physical makeup of human chromosomes and see some of the genes that have been found on each one.
Evaluating Medical Information on the WebGeneral tips and resources for judging the quality of health-related web sites.
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FO negare, rifiutare AU contrastare CO opporsi, ricusare.Cerca 'accondiscendere' sul dizionario De Mauro italiano fuori catalogoCerca 'accondiscendere' su Wikipedia
Chatterie domenicali
Il contributo degli Italiani allo sviluppo intellettuale e scientifico degli Stati Uniti d'America
OnlineHost: *** You are in "Places - Italy". ***OnlineHost: See what's hot on Bebo! MORRIS ICEMAN: ciao hurtThehurtingshow: :-)Thehurtingshow: come stai?MORRIS ICEMAN: ma sei donna oppure uomo hurtThehurtingshow: femminucciaMORRIS ICEMAN: oktanikaqaatt: hurry guys il turn it off soooon hereismycam.xoxgo.com MORRIS ICEMAN: sto bene e tu?Thehurtingshow: bene grazieThehurtingshow: ancora e presto non entra nessuno?OnlineHost: Belsignore has entered the room.MORRIS ICEMAN: entrano ed esconoOnlineHost: Belsignore has left the room.OnlineHost: Marutequi has entered the room.Thehurtingshow: si?Marutequi: nino il cretinoOnlineHost: TEO1960 has entered the room.MORRIS ICEMAN: ecco il panzone in arrivo lolMarutequi: brutto stupido pecoraroMORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhMarutequi: hahahahhaMORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhMarutequi: nino quanto sei altoMORRIS ICEMAN: ahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaOnlineHost: areacelsi has entered the room.Marutequi: auento pesiOnlineHost: TEO1960 has left the room.Thehurtingshow: va beMarutequi: pezzo di merdaMarutequi: sei solo un povero pecoraroMORRIS ICEMAN: te lo ha rotto il culo stella stamattina scemo ahahahahahahahahareacelsi: buon giorno MORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhMarutequi: quella puttana di neelie ti sopporta ancoraMarutequi: cessoMORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhMarutequi: ti sei trovato nelli come l'ultima salvazioneOnlineHost: Thehurtingshow has left the room.MORRIS ICEMAN: scappa panzone pieno di merda scappa ahahahahahahahhahMORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhareacelsi: ciao marut come vedo stai bastonando i pecorai del sudMarutequi: 10 anni piu' di te sesan'enneMarutequi: e tu un povero imbecilleMORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhMarutequi: si areaMORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhareacelsi: bravo continua sempre cosi don marutMarutequi: sto coglione di morris in arte nino 131 il cretinoMORRIS ICEMAN: ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhMarutequi: nino dai ammettilo che sei un coglioneareacelsi: si il cretino del chat leccaculoMarutequi: pecoraroareacelsi: di saraceno ahhahahaMORRIS ICEMAN: don marut ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaMarutequi: nino il cretinoMarutequi: hahahahhahahaMORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhareacelsi: dille cosi a sto imbecille beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeMarutequi: questo perde la testa quando lo bastonoareacelsi: nino beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeMORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhareacelsi: si si nota balbetta Marutequi: e un nanetto 5' sei nano ninoareacelsi: come un cacaglioMarutequi: sei cretino Marutequi: nino fuck youareacelsi: hahahahMORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhOnlineHost: Mrosanero06 has entered the room.areacelsi: bastonalo sto pecoraio hahahaMORRIS ICEMAN: :-DMarutequi: ok vi alscio, ciao AreaOnlineHost: Mrosanero06 has left the room.OnlineHost: Marutequi has left the room.MORRIS ICEMAN: valentina la bocchina a una infezzione nella vaggina ahahahahahahahhhareacelsi: ride con dentiera aperta hahaha MORRIS ICEMAN: franciscellu tu sei il leccaculo di marut vero? ahahahahahahahahaareacelsi: coglione vedi marut ti bastona e te ragli come un asino hahahahMORRIS ICEMAN: ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa areacelsi: continua a leccare il culo a saraceno teMORRIS ICEMAN: il leccaculo di marut areacelsi ahahahahahahahahahhMORRIS ICEMAN: l leccaculo di marut areacelsi ahahahahahahahahahhareacelsi: se non stai attento te lo ficco in culo a marut MORRIS ICEMAN: l leccaculo di marut areacelsi ahahahahahahahahahh areacelsi: dopo puoi strillare come un gallo cedrone hahahahMORRIS ICEMAN: lecca lecca ahahahahahahahhahMORRIS ICEMAN: l leccaculo di marut areacelsi ahahahahahahahahahhareacelsi: nelie come staMORRIS ICEMAN: l leccaculo di marut areacelsi ahahahahahahahahahhMORRIS ICEMAN: bau bau:-Dareacelsi: ciao nino ritorno dopo a ribastonarti le corna hahahaMORRIS ICEMAN: l leccaculo di marut areacelsi ahahahahahahahahahhOnlineHost: areacelsi has left the room.OnlineHost: Thehurtingshow has entered the room.MORRIS ICEMAN: sono scappati tutti lol MORRIS ICEMAN: bau bau:-Dareacelsi: ciao nino ritorno dopo a ribastonarti le corna hahahaMORRIS ICEMAN: l leccaculo di marut areacelsi ahahahahahahahahahhOnlineHost: areacelsi has left the room.OnlineHost: Thehurtingshow has entered the room.MORRIS ICEMAN: sono scappati tutti lol
fatti e misfatti del calcio italiano, il Napoli torna alla vittoria dopo 4 mesi, contro nientepopodimeno che l'Inter, prima in classifica
ROMA, 27 aprile - Quattro mesi senza vincere, poi al San Paolo arriva l'Inter e il Napoli torna bello di notte. La classica luce alla fine del tunnel, o almeno così la legge Pierpaolo Marino. Il dg azzurro è orgoglioso di poter tornare a parlare di futuro: «Con partite del genere le notti magiche possono accadere - dice a "Radio anch'io sport" - la favola si è realizzata, come già accadde l'anno scorso. Anche il Milan ha patito il Napoli. Donadoni ha portato tanto lavoro e professionalità, e ha impresso quella svolta che la squadra necessitava, era in crisi depressiva. E credo che queste partite nel 2008 caratterizzavano sempre il Napoli. Battemmo l'Inter, la Juve, il Milan. Noi l'abbiamo preso per programmare il futuro, non per tamponare il finale di campionato». «SUPERATA LA CRISI DI PANICO» - Come spiega Marino la crisi? «La squadra è entrata in una crisi di panico: tutto è cominciato con la Roma dopo una lunga imbattibilità casalinga, con un gol regolare annullato a Zalayeta e un gol irregolare dato a Mexes... Lì sono cominciati fischi e contestazioni, e lì i ragazzi hanno cominciato a temere il San Paolo. È un Napoli giovane, e questa è una crisi simile a quella che ad un certo punto ha passato l'Udinese. Il Napoli è entrato in crisi quando il pubblico ha cominciato a volere di più. Ma non è che le partite le vince da solo il pubblico, ieri i giocatori hanno risposto umilmente, anche gli operai che venivano dal baratro della serie C». «STIAMO CRESCENDO» - Marino non vuole alimentare facili illusioni: «Il programma è di crescita graduale ma continua. Peccato aver avuto questa crisi, dopo un gran girone d'andata, con 33 punti in 18 partite. La crisi è stata lunga. Ma vogliamo ritrovare quel Napoli, potenziandolo. Il Napoli non ha ancora le ambizioni e un programma che viene da anni come le grandi, al di là della volontà e della forza d'investimento che ha il presidente. Ma bisogna fare i conti con le ambizioni dei grandi giocatori, non è facile portarli a Napoli. Non siamo ancora in grado di poter lanciare la sfida alle grandi. Può solo crescere di anno in anno cercando valorizzare i giocatori che ha». «LAVEZZI E HAMSIK? VOGLIAMO TENERLI» - Come Lavezzi e Hamsik, sempre al centro di voci di mercato: «Noi vorremmo tenerli, ma nel calcio bisogna anche che i giocatori vogliano rimanere. E mi sembra che vogliano restare. Certamente non sarà mai il club a mandarli via. Il presidente sarebbe anche disponibile ad investire somme alte per gli ingaggi, ma esistono degli equilibri: metterne uno con un ingaggio stratosferico darebbe una misura diversa anche per gli altri. È un discorso di equilibri interni». CANNAVARO - L'ipotesi Fabio Cannavaro è dimenticata? «È un simbolo, ma mi sembra impegnato in altre trattative. Non posso che condividere la linea del presidente». «BALOTELLI VA IN CAMPO COME SE STESSE IN GUERRA» - Intanto anche ieri Balotelli è stato al centro di qualche screzio in campo... «Si predispone molto a litigare con l'avversario, e tutto sommato si propone per la prima volta su certe platee, ha un grosso potenziale ma difficile da gestire. Napoli non ha mai avuto a che fare con il razzismo, per fortuna. Lo stadio l'ha dimostrato, ma l'atteggiamento del giocatore non aiuta. Molto spesso non si sa se la provocazione arriva dall'avversario o dallo stesso giocatore. Ha un complesso legato anche alla sua struttura fisica che è eccezionale, va in campo come se andasse ad una sua guerra personale».LAVEZZI, SOSPETTO STIRAMENTO - Risentimento muscolare per Ezequiel Lavezzi. L'attaccante argentino ha accusato una fitta alla coscia destra durante uno scatto. Potrebbe trattarsi di un strappo. SERIE A: CRONACHE, TABELLINI, CLASSIFICA - TUTTE LE FOTO LA GIORNATA - Marino: «Al Napoli altri 5 anni» - FOTO GIOIA NAPOLI Donadoni: «Facile trovare motivazioni contro l'Inter» De Laurentiis: «Ora comincia l'era Donadoni» SCOMMESSE: L'1-0 del Napoli era dato a 9.50 SONDAGGIO: Il Milan può ancora raggiungere l'Inter
Buongiorno schifosoni
domenica 26 aprile 2009
un vecchio sul treno

Un vecchietto sta viaggiando in treno. In una stazione sale una biondona che si va a sedere proprio nel suo scompartimento. I due sono soli e il vecchio ha molte voglie. Dopo un po' comincia a toccare le cosce della pollastrella. La donna non fa una grinza, anzi... Non sembrandogli vero, il vecchio comincia a farsi sempre piu' audace, toccandole le tette. Ad un certo punto la ragazza esclama: "Lo sai che la mia figa canta!?". "Davvero!?". "Certo, acccosta l'orecchio e sentirai...". Il vecchio non se lo fa dire due volte e si accosta. Da non credere! La figa cantava!!! E cambiava anche canzone, ogni tanto!!! Finita l'esibizione il vecchio continua il suo "maneggiamento". La ragazza e' sempre piu' fuori di se': "Ahhh, ahhh, si', si', ooohh, mettimi due dita dentro!!". E il vecchio: "Perche'? Fischia pure!?".
sabato 25 aprile 2009
ops ho dimenticato di mettere la foto lol
A truman
quanto e' bella questa questa giiornalista se ritorna viva me la sposo l'ho gia detto a mia moglie

TEHRAN — A U.S.-Iranian reporter jailed by Tehran for espionage has gone on hunger strike and says she will not stop until she is released, her father said on Saturday.
Reza Saberi said his daughter Roxana, 31, had called from prison to say she was on her fifth day of refusing food.
"She's not eating anything. I'm very worried," he told Reuters. Judging by her voice over the telephone, she seems to be weak."
The freelance journalist was sentenced to eight years in jail on April 18 on charges of spying for the United States, in a verdict that could complicate Washington's efforts toward reconciliation with Iran after three decades of mutual mistrust.
The United States has called the charges against Saberi baseless and demanded her immediate release.
Her defense lawyer said he had appealed the sentence and expressed hope she would be acquitted, but he also voiced concern about her health following news of the hunger strike.
"I'm opposed to such an act since her health does not allow for that, as she is physically very weak," Abdolsamad Khorramshahi told Reuters.
Last Tuesday, Reza Saberi said he believed she would starve herself to death if the verdict was upheld by an appeal court.
He said she shared a cell in Tehran's Evin jail with two other female prisoners and was "not in a bad condition." But she was physically frail and seemed "desperate to get out of there."
A citizen of both the United States and Iran, Saberi was arrested in late January for working in the Islamic Republic after her press credentials had expired. She was later charged with espionage.
U.S. President Barack Obama has expressed deep concern for her safety and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said releasing Saberi, who has worked for the BBC and U.S. National Public Radio, would serve as a goodwill gesture.
Tehran, which does not recognize dual nationality, says Washington should respect the independence of Iran's judiciary.
But in a statement welcomed by her lawyer, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last Sunday called on Tehran's prosecutor to ensure that Saberi enjoys full legal rights to defend herself.
The judiciary chief has said her appeal must be dealt with "in a careful, quick and fair way."
Lawyer Khorramshahi said the case would go to an appeal court in the next few days.
"I prepared a detailed bill last week and raised all legal issues in support of my client and the appeal bill was submitted today," Khorramshahi said. "I am hoping the circumstances for Roxana's release will be brought about."
Reporters Without Borders, the Paris-based media rights group, has called Saberi's conviction "unjust under the Iranian criminal code," saying it was a warning to foreign reporters working in Iran before its presidential election in June.
Amnesty International said she was a "pawn to the ongoing political developments" between Iran and the United States.
venerdì 24 aprile 2009
Oldano smettila di portare problemi al mondo, moh pure il virus pandemico?

WHO worries Mexico flu deaths could mark pandemic
MEXICO CITY — Mexico closed its schools across its capital Friday after at least 16 otherwise healthy people died and more than 900 others fell ill from what could be a new strain of swine flu. The World Health Organization worried that it could mark the start of a flu pandemic.
Scientists in the U.S. and Mexico were trying to determine if the deaths were due to the same new strain of swine flu that sickened seven people in Texas and California.
The World Health Organization counted at least 57 deaths in Mexico, although it wasn't yet clear if this larger number was due to swine flu.
"We are very, very concerned," WHO spokesman Thomas Abraham said. "We have what appears to be a novel virus and it has spread from human to human." If international spread is confirmed, that meets WHO's criteria for raising the pandemic alert level, he added.
WHO also raised its internal alert system Friday, enabling the agency to divert more money and personnel to dealing with the outbreak. "It's all hands on deck at the moment." Abraham said.
Mexico's Health Secretary, Jose Cordova, said only 16 of the deaths have been confirmed to have been caused by the new strain, through testing at government laboratories. Samples from 44 other people who died were still being tested. The health department put the total number of people sickened at around 943 nationwide.
Cordova said samples also were sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to determine whether it's the same virus infecting seven people in Texas and California. As of now, tests show the flu is a "new, different strain ... that originally came from pigs," he said.
"We certainly have 60 deaths that we can't be sure are from the same virus, but it is probable," Cordova told MVS radio in Mexico City.
Cordova described a chilling new strain that had killed only people among the normally less-vulnerable young and mid-adult age range. One possibility is that the most vulnerable segments of the population — infants and the aged — had been vaccinated against other strains, and that those vaccines may be providing some protection.
But Dr. Anne Schuchat of the CDC said "at this point, we do not have any confirmations of swine influenza in Mexico" of the kind that sickened seven California and Texas residents.
All seven U.S. victims recovered from a strain of the flu that combines pig, bird and human viruses in a way that researchers have not seen before. The swine flu's symptoms are like those of the regular flu, mostly involving fever, cough and sore throat, though some of the seven also experienced vomiting and diarrhea.
Closing the schools across the metropolis of 20 million kept 6.1 million students home from day care centers through high schools, and thousands more were affected as colleges and universities closed down. Parents scrambled to juggle work and family concerns due to what local media said was the first citywide schools closure since Mexico City's devastating 1985 earthquake.
Lillian Molina and other teachers at the Montessori's World preschool scrubbed down their empty classrooms with Clorox, soap and Lysol on Friday between fielding calls from worried parents. While the school has had no known cases among its students, Molina supported the government's decision to shutter classes, especially in preschools.
"It's great they are taking precautions," she said. "I think it's a really good idea."
Authorities advised capital residents not to go to work if they felt ill, and to wear surgical masks if they had to move through crowds. A wider shutdown — perhaps including shutting down government offices — was being considered.
"It is very likely that classes will be suspended for several days," Cordova said. "We will have to evaluate, and let's hope this doesn't happen, the need to restrict activity at workplaces."
Still, U.S. health officials said it's not yet a reason for alarm in the United States. The five in California and two in Texas have all recovered, and testing indicates some common antiviral medications seem to work against the virus.
Schuchat of the CDC said officials believe the new strain can spread human-to-human, which is unusual for a swine flu virus. The CDC is checking people who have been in contact with the seven confirmed U.S. cases, who all became ill between late March and mid-April.
The U.S. cases are a growing medical mystery because it's unclear how they caught the virus. The CDC said none of the seven people were in contact with pigs, which is how people usually catch swine flu. And only a few were in contact with each other.
CDC officials described the virus as having a unique combination of gene segments not seen in people or pigs before. The bug contains human virus, avian virus from North America and pig viruses from North America, Europe and Asia.
Health officials have seen mixes of bird, pig and human virus before, but never such an intercontinental combination with more than one pig virus in the mix.
Scientists keep a close eye on flu viruses that emerge from pigs. The animals are considered particularly susceptible to both avian and human viruses and a likely place where the kind of genetic reassortment can take place that might lead to a new form of pandemic flu, said Dr. John Treanor, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Rochester Medical Center.
The virus may be something completely new, or it may have been around for a while but was only detected now because of improved lab testing and disease surveillance, CDC officials said.
The virus was first detected in two children in southern California — a 10-year-old boy in San Diego County and a 9-year-old girl in neighboring Imperial County.
It's not known if anyone is getting sick from the virus right now, CDC officials said.
It's also not known if the seasonal flu vaccine that Americans got last fall and early this year protects against this type of virus. People should wash their hands and take other customary precautions, CDC officials said.
A proposito della lezione di sesso
Police: Couple who abandoned kids found in Italy

ROME — A German couple who abandoned three young children in a pizzeria in northwestern Italy four days ago were found by police Thursday on the outskirts of the town, authorities said.
"They immediately asked about the children, but were sure that they were in a safe place," the Italian news agency ANSA quoted Aosta police chief Salvatore Aprile as telling a news conference a few hours after the children's mother and her companion were spotted by police patrol.
The pair told officers they had run out of cash and "even had sold a cell phone in these days to be able to buy something to eat," Aprile was quoted as saying.
The German couple and the children had dinner at a pizzeria late Sunday in Aosta. The two then went outside to smoke and never came back, abandoning the three siblings: a boy of 6, a girl of 4, and an 8-month-old boy.
Police have identified the woman as Ina Caterina Remhof, 26, and the man as Sascha Schmidt, 24. The children were Remhof's from a previous relationship.
It was not immediately clear what charges they might face.
Earlier, prosecutors in Aosta had said they had opened an investigation for abandoning minors. The state prosecutor's office in Germany said it was considering whether to open a probe against the mother.
The couple also left behind their car and the woman's diary, which detailed the family's financial difficulties.
Before the pair were found, officials from youth services in the German town of Olpe had traveled to Italy to retrieve the children, according to the office's spokesman, Hans-Werner Voss. It was not immediately clear if the couple's reappearance would change the plans.
Although the couple at first tried to get away when the police patrol found them, the pair "seemed almost relieved that their flight was over," the police chief, Aprile, told the news conference.
German authorities have said that the children's biological father is in jail for fatally mistreating a fourth child he had with Remhof, and that Schmidt did not return to prison in Germany earlier this month after a leave. He was serving a sentence for predatory extortion.
Reputed Hitler watercolors sell at English auction

What a British auction house claims are a set of paintings and sketches by a young Adolf Hitler sold at auction Thursday for 97,672 pounds ($143,358).
Among the 15 pictures is a portrait of solitary figure dressed in brown peering into wine-colored waters. The date is 1910, the signature reads "A. Hitler" and scribbled just over the mysterious figure are the letters: "A.H."
So is this a portrait of the Fuehrer as a young man?
"I don't think they're fakes," said Richard Westwood-Brookes, historical documents expert at auction house Mullocks that carried out the sale. He said he did not believe anyone would have the nerve to fake the pictures, given the global publicity they have received.
The portrait itself sold for about 10,000 pounds ($14,600). The buyer John Ratledge, 46, said he planned to hang it at home or in his office.
Westwood-Brookes said the paintings were sold to the current vendor, who is not identified, by a soldier serving with Britain's Royal Manchester Regiment in 1945, when it was stationed in the German city of Essen.
Best known as the genocidal dictator who butchered millions in his quest to unite Europe under German rule, Hitler also had a largely unsuccessful career as an artist in his early years. He is believed to have painted hundreds of pieces, although most art critics have been unmoved.
Westwood-Brookes acknowledged that the pieces were "hardly Picasso," but — concerns over authenticity aside — Hitler's works had a track record of attracting high bids. In 2006 watercolors and sketches attributed to the Nazi leader raised more than 100,000 pounds at an auction in the small town of Lostwithiel in southwestern England. Another batch of purported Hitler paintings is due to come up for auction in the German city of Nuremberg later this month.
Even if it were proven genuine beyond a doubt, the Hitler watercolor would not be the first self-portrait of the Nazi dictator discovered.
In 1987 the late historian Werner Maser said he had unearthed an oil portrait of Hitler executed in 1925. Maser, who wrote several Hitler biographies, told the AP at the time that the painting showed Hitler in traditional Bavarian dress with short trousers and long white socks.
unpo di chat : allegria allegria un altro giorno simile a ieri
MORRIS ICEMAN: xsarracinox: CALABRESE DI MERDAxsarracinox: LEGGETE SOPRAMORRIS ICEMAN: LEGGETELOMarbione90: SARRACINO SCORDATI LA CALABRIA DonnaSolitaria: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, QUESTO MERDA E' OSSESSIONATO.xsarracinox: E NON ROMPETE IL CAZZOUragano 7597: c'e' una canzone sarah smile e qui c'e un nome sarah svegliati lolxsarracinox: E NO FATE GL I INDIANIDonnaSolitaria: SCOMMETTO CHE ANCHE LA NOTTE MI SOGNA.Ochetta1152: gabriele perche mi hai bloccato ?xsarracinox: MARB HAI 2 PAESANI LECCACULI IN CHATSARAsvegliati77: Uragano :-DUragano 7597: lol saraGABRIELE4: OCHETTA NON CREDO...xsarracinox: CHE CAZZO ME NE FREGA A ME DELLA TUA CALABRIAGABRIELE4: FAMMI VEDEREGABRIELE4: MA sei apertaxsarracinox: STO SOLO DICENDO CHE AVETE 2 PAESANI LECCAXCULIUragano 7597: brb.......... mio figlio vuole parlamiOnlineHost: Mididda has entered the room.xsarracinox: PUNTO E BASTAMORRIS ICEMAN: PARLATE DI QUELLA FETENZIA CHE PUZZA DI NAPOLI VEDETE COME GLI BRUCIA IL CULO ALLO SCEMOITALIANBANBOLA: hb uraganoOchetta1152: forse e' stato quello che ha avvelenato i 21 cavalliDonnaSolitaria: POVERO PIERINO, GLI RESTA COME AMICA SOLO LA SUA MISERIA.SARAsvegliati77: YouTube - Pasquale Parmiggiano - U Birday (Keyword to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXzJcWH3-9k&feature=related) SARAsvegliati77: viva la calabriaxsarracinox: E SE ERANO NAPOLETANI L O DICEVO LO STESSOOnlineHost: bernasq has left the room.OnlineHost: FURBAR53 has entered the room.Rambleman154: brb la cucina mi vuole parlare anche a meITALIANBANBOLA: sara sei calabra tu?OnlineHost: FURBAR53 has left the room.SORRISOXTE: LA CUCINA?SORRISOXTE: LOLPxglassey: LOLSARAsvegliati77: no, io sono puglieseMORRIS ICEMAN: SARA CIAOOOOchetta1152: io si sempre aperta non chiudo le coscie mai lololLUPO770: gabri sono d accordo ma anche che questo e solo un gioco l offendere non e giusto ITALIANBANBOLA: sei un ammiratriceSARAsvegliati77: ciao morrisPxglassey: OCHE LOLSARAsvegliati77: they are nice, yea..lolITALIANBANBOLA: il calabrese a solo un difettoRambleman154: ci vuole aria fresca?Napolitone: LE PUTTANE SONO DI MODA STASERA VEDO LOLOLxsarracinox: MORRIS SENTI PENSA LA TUA CALABRIASARAsvegliati77: cosa?xsarracinox: NAPOLI LASCIALA STARENapolitone: CI STA UNA RIUNIONE ? LOLxsarracinox: NON E COSA TUAITALIANBANBOLA: che parte di testa subito anche se poi si rende conto che nn cera bisognoSARAsvegliati77: lolBercola: wow ochetta, non prendi il raffredore?ITALIANBANBOLA: lo so perche sono anchio cosiITALIANBANBOLA: lolPxglassey: NAPOLITONE NO L ARIUNIONE E' IN CASA TUAITALIANBANBOLA: ciao bercolaPxglassey: HAHAHAHARambleman154: back in a few LUPO770: ciao ochettaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaITALIANBANBOLA: hb rambleNapolitone: PX NEGHI DI ESSERE UNA PUTTANA ?Rambleman154: i leave my chair herexsarracinox: SRIZZO E UN LECCACULO DI MARUT E ED CALABRESE DONNOLO E U NALTRO LECACULO DI MARUT ED E CALABRESEMORRIS ICEMAN: VEDI SARRACIN PARLARE DI NAPOLI NON E' UNA COSA GIUSTA MA TU COME NAPOLETANO FAI SCHIFO SE UN UOMO DI MERDA UN FALLITO PUNTO E BASTA ADESWSO VAFFANCULO CHE CON TE NON VOGLIO AVERE A CHE FARE GOOD BYExsarracinox: FATEVI VOI I CONTIBercola: ciao bambolaLUPO770: ochetta non ci sta Pxglassey: IO SONO LA PUTTANA CHE OGNI UOMO VORREBBE MA NON PUO'Pxglassey: CAPITO?Pxglassey: HHAHAHAxsarracinox: MORRIS TU SEI UN GELOSO DI MERDAITALIANBANBOLA: ahhahah brava patrixsarracinox: TUTTO QUIDonnaSolitaria: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA POVERO PIERINO, SON TUTTI LECCACULO EH?Pxglassey: ADESSO SPOSTATI ITALIANBANBOLA: bella rispostaIlnews2007: IO SO SOLO CHE MORRIS E MARBIONE SONO 2 PECORAI BEEEEE BEEEEE BEEEEE :-DOchetta1152: lupoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooPxglassey: HAHAHAHAMORRIS ICEMAN: GELOSO DI TE SARRACIN AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Napolitone: DIFENDETEVI FRA PUTTANE E NATURALE LOLxsarracinox: ALLORA SCENDI DALLE MIE PALLEPxglassey: BAMBOLA LOLxsarracinox: SE NON SIE GELOSODonnaSolitaria: AHAHAHAHAH NEWS.MORRIS ICEMAN: DIMMI DI COSA POTREI ESSERE GELOSO DI TE SARRACIN DAI FAMMI LEGGERE AHAHAHAHAHAHIlnews2007: IO SO SOLO CHE MORRIS E MARBIONE SONO 2 PECORAI BEEEEE BEEEEE BEEEEE :-DDonnaSolitaria: COME STAI NEWS. xsarracinox: NON MI LEGGERE NEMMENOITALIANBANBOLA: patri si dice che quando il cane non puo` arrivare all'osso abbaiaPxglassey: NAPOLITANO TU SEI UNA PUTTANA GELOSAITALIANBANBOLA: lolPxglassey: HAHAHAxsarracinox: COSI DIMOSTRI CHE NNO SEI GELOSOOnlineHost: Mididda has left the room.OnlineHost: NunoNancy has entered the room.Ilnews2007: DONNA BENE GRAZIE E TU ???MORRIS ICEMAN: SEI RICCO SARRACIN? SEI BELLO SARRACIN? MORRIS ICEMAN: HAI DONNE BELLE SARRACIN? xsarracinox: AZZ QUESTO FA L INDIANOMORRIS ICEMAN: HAI CASA SARRACIN? DonnaSolitaria: BENE ANCH'IO NEWS GRAZIE.MORRIS ICEMAN: HAI FAMIGLIA SARRACIN?MORRIS ICEMAN: HAI LAVORO SARRACIN?Pxglassey: SI BAMBOLAxsarracinox: MORRIS SE NON SEI GELOSO NON MI LEGGERE NEMMENOBelVedere03: I don't understand the name calling... does it represent power?xsarracinox: GRAZIESARAsvegliati77: its more like ignorance MORRIS ICEMAN: FAI SCHIFO SDARRACIN CAMPI APPENA SFATIGATO DI MERDA SARAsvegliati77: it never endsSARAsvegliati77: :-\OnlineHost: Mididda has entered the room.xsarracinox: MORRIS FAI SCHIFO TU STRONZOMORRIS ICEMAN: QUINDI DI COSA DOVREI ESSERE GELOSO DI TE SARRACIN? LOLOLOLITALIANBANBOLA: eppure certi uomini nn si rendono conto che sono nati da un buco di una donnaxsarracinox: E RIPETO SEI GELOSOBelVedere03: :'( pero it's sad xsarracinox: SEI U N GELOSO DI MERDA MORISSNapolitone: IL CANE NON ARRIVA ALL OSSO = NON VI FOTTEREI NEMMENO CON IL CAZZO DI UN ALTROPxglassey: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BAMBOLAMORRIS ICEMAN: AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAxsarracinox: INFATTI SEI RICICLATOSARAsvegliati77: lolol banbolaITALIANBANBOLA: che a sua volta a fatto la puttana pure col maritoxsarracinox: CARO NINO 131xsarracinox: VA CACAxsarracinox: VA BelVedere03: Ban, not unless it was a c-section lolLUPO770: ma guarda un po pensavo che non ce marut e non si litiga e voi litigate lo stesso ?MORRIS ICEMAN: MI FAI PENA CIRO SE VUOI TI MANDO L'E\LEMOSINA SCEMOPxglassey: PENSI CHE NAPOLITONE E GELOSO?xsarracinox: E OS CHE SEI BRUTTO COME UN CESSOPxglassey: SIITALIANBANBOLA: se si faceva i cavoli suoi certi non nascevanoLUPO770: ma smettetela per piacere Pxglassey: MA DIMMI NAPOLITONE PERCHE' SEI QUISARAsvegliati77: belvedere's got a point there..lolxsarracinox: ECCO PERCHE SEI GELOSO xsarracinox: PUNTO E BASTAxsarracinox: E ORA SMAMMAxsarracinox: E SO 3MORRIS ICEMAN: ESSERE GELOSI DI TE SARRACIN E COME DIRE SPARARSI AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHxsarracinox: SE NON SEI GELOSOxsarracinox: NON SCRIVERE CON MEITALIANBANBOLA: napo ma vedi la diferenza sei tu che vuoi l'attenzione nn siamo stati noi a cercartelaxsarracinox: E SO 4OnlineHost: Pugliesen1 has entered the room. TALIANBANBOLA: tu dirai e voi stupide che mi rispondete ma purtroppo e la naturaMORRIS ICEMAN: MI FAI PIETA' SARRACIN DIMMI DOVE TI POSSO MANDARE QUALCHE SOLDO PER ELEMOSINA LOLOLxsarracinox: ANCORAxsarracinox: LOLITALIANBANBOLA: non sentirti tanto napoleoneOnlineHost: Mididda has left the room.OnlineHost: RagazzoDiPlatiRC has entered the room.xsarracinox: QUESTO E DAVVERO SCEMO Pxglassey: HAHAH BAMBOLANapolitone: PER VEDERE QUANTE PUTTANE VENGONO LOLxsarracinox: CIA PXPxglassey: SARRACI CIAOPxglassey: MA IO DICOOnlineHost: RagazzoDiPlatiRC has left the room.MORRIS ICEMAN: GLI DEVO FARE LA RACCOLTA MAGARI PER COMPRARSI LE SIGARETTE A QUESTO MORTO DI FAME LOLPxglassey: QUESTO E UN RECICLATO UPO770: bambola io che metto ignore marut sono stupido ?xsarracinox: MORRIS TU SEI GELOSOPxglassey: UN MEZZO SCEMOITALIANBANBOLA: napo vedi essere puttana ripeto in tutte le donne SEXY TINA 801: QUESTO POLE NON TROVA nemmeno una prostitutaITALIANBANBOLA: ci staxsarracinox: NINO 131Ochetta1152: lupo , entrano qui per litigare perche non lo possono fare in casa cercano di mantenere la quietexsarracinox: SCIMUNITO Pxglassey: SEXY LOLxsarracinox: MORRIS IO TI POSSO MANDARE UN PACCO COSI MAGNIITALIANBANBOLA: mica e un 'offesaxsarracinox: ACCATTONELUPO770: ciao ochettaaaaaaaaLUPO770: come stai ?SEXY TINA 801: PX E COSI BRUTTOLUPO770: che mi racconti di bello ?MORRIS ICEMAN: CON QUALI SOLDI SARRACIN SE NON LAVORI SFATIGATO LOLOL Pxglassey: MA BAMBOLA STAI CERCANDO DI FAR RAGIONARE UNO SCEMO?SORRISOXTE: SE AVREI UN DOLLARO PER TUTTE LE CAVOLATE CHE SI DICONO QUI SAREI RICCAxsarracinox: VA VA LAVACESSISORRISOXTE: LOLITALIANBANBOLA: anzi se tua moglie farebbew la puttana a letto con te nn venivi a rompere in cavolo quiSEXY TINA 801: OCHETTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CIAOITALIANBANBOLA: hahahhahhahahahaITALIANBANBOLA: hahahhaOnlineHost: SARAsvegliati77 has left the room.OnlineHost: SCESCIU has entered the room.Napolitone: SEXY QUANDO TI SEI GUARDATA ALLO SPECCHIO L ULTIMA VOLTA > LOLOLOLxsarracinox: CHE STAI PARLANDO CON UN CARROZZIERE DI PROFESSIONEITALIANBANBOLA: ora vatte a fa na sega che ci godi di piuPxglassey: HAHAHA BAMBOLAAAAAAAAA Pxglassey: MA BAMBOLA STAI CERCANDO DI FAR RAGIONARE UNO SCEMO?SORRISOXTE: SE AVREI UN DOLLARO PER TUTTE LE CAVOLATE CHE SI DICONO QUI SAREI RICCAxsarracinox: VA VA LAVACESSISORRISOXTE: LOLITALIANBANBOLA: anzi se tua moglie farebbew la puttana a letto con te nn venivi a rompere in cavolo quiSEXY TINA 801: OCHETTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CIAOITALIANBANBOLA: hahahhahhahahahaITALIANBANBOLA: hahahhaOnlineHost: SARAsvegliati77 has left the room.OnlineHost: SCESCIU has entered the room.Napolitone: SEXY QUANDO TI SEI GUARDATA ALLO SPECCHIO L ULTIMA VOLTA > LOLOLOLxsarracinox: CHE STAI PARLANDO CON UN CARROZZIERE DI PROFESSIONEITALIANBANBOLA: ora vatte a fa na sega che ci godi di piuPxglassey: HAHAHA BAMBOLAAAAAAAAA
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