Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

martedì 24 marzo 2009

lo riemtto lol qualcuno potrebbe averlo non visto e il fegato...

http://iws.wcupa.edu/phi-club/faculty.html West ChesterUniversityPhilosophicalSocietyWest Chester University Philosophical SocietyThe Philosophy Forum is a venue for faculty to present research to the members of the club and the general WCU audience. Faculty from any department may present, as long as the research is appropriately related to philosophy. Students are encouraged to approach faculty about this opportunity. Ask your favorite 'prof' to present. Interested faculty presenters should contactThe mind, the body and the messenger,Bruno GarofaloTuesday, March 24th, 3:15-4:45pm, Sykes Student Union, Room 209DESCRIPTION: I will argue that reduction of mental to physical is, in spite of its apparent analogy with reduction of a natural science like for instance molecular biology to quantum mechanics, a completely different problem. Not even the most trivial physical event is immune to some form of conceptualization, so we must seek for a different explanation of what we mean by the mental-physical dichotomy. The dichotomy becomes internal to individual perspectives. If this is correct, any knowledge (folk and/or scientific knowledge) is susceptible to psychological explanation in a way explained as the final part of the paper.

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Dear author/professor G of philosophy..this conference at uni..sounds so exciting! BUT the subject SO VERY COMPLICATED.{for my brain)I hope your arguments went down well...i'LL BET It WAS FANTASTIC.!..I wish I was there..in the front row..I WOULD HAVE ASKED A 100000000 questions...to be sure.

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