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mercoledì 4 marzo 2009


CONTENTS Euthanasia Facts (Over 50 Articles) Medical (60 Articles) Statements By Medical Profession (Over 20 Articles) Legal (Over 20 Articles) People Stories (Over 45 Articles) USA(Over 150 Articles) Oregon (Over 35 Articles) World (Over 175 Articles) Netherlands (Over 35 Articles) Organizations AgainstEuthanasia (Over 20 Articles) Religious Statements/Articles(55 Articles) Statements by Individuals/Groups (Over 50 Articles) Other OrganizationsHelping People(Over 20 Articles) Living Wills Other Contacts INFORMATION FOR RESEARCH ON EUTHANASIA, PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE,LIVING WILLS, MERCY KILLING We are committed to the fundamental belief that the intentionalkilling of another person is wrong. We have deep sympathy for those people who are suffering. Start Here for Introductory Information on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Euthanasia Facts, including graphs of data on people who attempted suicide, facts sheets, FAQs, debate points, books, videos etc. Statements By Medical Profession, including American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, C. Everett Koop, etc. Medical Articles, including charts of poll data, pain control, physician issues, etc. Legal Articles, including 1997 Supreme Court ruling, assisted-suicide laws by state, congressional legislation, etc. People Articles, including people who are disabled and their stories. Also articles on Terri Schiavo. USA Articles, including assisted suicide legislation in the United States. Oregon Articles, stories related to Oregon's physician-assisted suicide law. World Articles, including euthanasia issues in Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain, Israel, Germany, Columbia, etc. Religious Statements/Articles, including Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish, Islamic, Interfaith Groups. Organizations Against Euthanasia, including International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia, etc. Other Organizations That Help People, including Hospice Foundation, pain clinics, pain study associations, suicide awareness groups. Living Wills, two samples. Statements by Individuals, Nat Hentoff, Alan Keyes, Ralph Nader, and others. Other Contacts, links to your congressional representatives, newspaper letters to the editor, pro-life groups, citing Internet items, etc. International Contacts: Africa Belgium East Asia East EuropeFrance Germany Holland India Latin America Poland Spain Click here for pages in Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese and Ukrainian. Click on this line to send a message to Euthanasia.com Site last updated 2009 Site Index "The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government."... Thomas Jefferson "There is no quality of life when the patient is dead."... a nurse "the terminally ill are a class of persons who need protection from family, social, and economic pressures, and who are often particularly vulnerable to such pressures because of chronic pain, depression, and the effects of medication."... from the State of Alaska's arguments that assisted suicide is dangerous. Subsequently (Sampson et al. v State of Alaska, 09/21/2001), the Alaska Supreme Court ruled unanimously that state laws punishing assisted suicide as manslaughter are to be upheld. EMAIL EUTHANASIA.COM DEFINITIONS ARGUMENTS AGAINST EUTHANASIA REASONS FOR EUTHANASIA RIGHT TO HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS RIGHT TOBE STARVED RIGHT TO NOTHAVE RIGHTS EUTHANASIA FAQS

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