Vogliamo che la legge arrivi in luoghi tenebrosi come Piazza-Italy,la chat italiana di Aol, dove si commettono violazioni vergognose dei dirtti civili.

domenica 18 ottobre 2009

YouTube - The Beautiful South - Rotterdam

YouTube - The Beautiful South - Rotterdam http://www.napoli.com/ ONE OF MRS KRAPS ...very favourite songs...from one of her favourite bands,,,,,'THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTH.'......I hope you enjoy it.....take a little peak.......>>>>>>>>>> GO ON....this could be RotteRdam or anywhere LIverpool or Rome....cos rotterdam is anywhere,ANYWHERE alone...... ..........RATHER (from what i can gather over the yrs.........LIKE '.......DARK PLACES ITALY '..ALIAS ITALIAN CHAT.......AND THE WOMEN TUG..THEIR HAIR ,LIKE THEY'RE TRYIN TO PROVE IT WON'T FALL OUT....AND ALL THE MEN ARE GARGOYLES DIPPED LONG IN IRISH,STOUT..,the WHOLE PLACE IS PICKLED ...the people are pickled for sure........LA la la.......aahaahhahhhahhaa
ARE WE PICKLES HERE ? I LOVE PICKLES..PICKLED ONIONS-PICKLED CORNICHONS-GHERKINS-PICCALILLI - OH...........just the bloody lot........IT MUST BE MY SOUR/SLAVIC/ SIDE......i like sweet pickles as well....infact one of my very favourite ENGLISH words is 'CHUTNEY'.....derived from the indian i think.....FROM THE days of the RAJ......ohhhh..it just makes my mouth water and i think of cheese and crusty bread in one second flat...Mmmmmmmm YUM YUM.....
everyone is blonde and everyone is beautiful.....

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